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« Mit ihrem "Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln", dem Roman "Der Hals der Giraffe" und dem "Verzeichnis einiger Verluste" gelangte Judith Schalansky ins Zentrum der literarischen Öffentlichkeit. Materialität, Naturerfahrung und Geschichtlichkeit sind wesentliche Ankerpunkte ihres Schaffens, das sich nicht auf das Schreiben von Texten beschränkt, sondern das Buch als visuelles und haptisches Medium begreift. Die Gestaltungsverfahren der Buchgestalterin interagieren auf das Engste mit Erzählweisen, die kontinuierlich zwischen Gegenwart und Vergangenheit oszillieren und dabei eigene Erfahrungen integrieren, ohne sich auf das rein Biografische zu beschränken.Das Heft deutet Schalanskys Werk als vielschichtige Vergegenwärtigung von Temporalität, der Mensch und Natur gleicherma�en unterworfen sind. Davon ausgehend entfaltet es sowohl übergreifende auch exemplarische Perspektiven auf ihre wichtigsten künstlerischen Handlungsfelder, dem Schreiben, Gestalten und Herausgeben von Büchern. »--
Schalansky, Judith --- Littérature allemande. --- Schalansky, Judith, --- Critique et interprétation.
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Considering Butler's "tragic trilogy"-a set of interventions on Sophocles' Antigone, Euripides' Bacchae, and Aeschylus's Eumenides-this book seeks to understand not just how Butler uses and interprets Greek tragedy, but also how tragedy shapes Butler's thinking, even when their gaze is directed elsewhere. Through close readings of these tragedies, this book brings to light the tragic quality of Butler's writing. It shows how Butler's mode of reading tragedy-and, crucially, reading tragically-offers a distinctive ethico-political response to the harrowing dilemmas of our current moment. Deeply committed both to critical theory and political activism, Judith Butler is one of the most influential intellectuals today. Their ideas have touched the lives of many people, both readers and those who have never heard Butler's name. In encompassing gender performativity and sexual difference, vulnerability and precarity, disidentification and bodily interdependency, as well as the politics of protest, Butler's work is often predicated on a strong engagement with or proximity to Greek tragedy.
Greek drama (Tragedy) --- Literature --- Philosophy --- Butler, Judith, --- History and criticism. --- Philosophy.
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Judith of West Francia is one of the most enigmatic of Charlemagne’s early descendants. The daughter of the king of West Francia and future emperor Charles the Bald and his wife Ermentrude, she was one of only a handful of Carolingian princesses who were destined for marriage. Over the course of her teenage years she married two successive kings of Wessex, became the first consecrated queen of England, was widowed twice, returned to Francia with an immense dowry, and sparked a major diplomatic incident when she eloped with a nobleman from Flanders called Baldwin. Eventually she married Baldwin in early 864, and together they established the dynasty of the counts of Flanders. In doing so the couple laid the groundwork for what would become one of the mightiest and most prestigious territorial principalities in north-western Europe in the tenth and eleventh centuries. But even in the tenth century, exceedingly few written memories of Judith’s life survived. This explains why she was never the subject of a biography in the medieval or early modern eras, and why scholarship’s understanding of her life and legacy remains highly fragmented. This volume sets the record straight, offering an accessible and interdisciplinary discussion of all relevant and documented aspects of Judith’s life and legacy. --
Judith [Queen of England] --- Femmes et politique --- Judith de France --- Carolingiens. --- Flandre --- Archeology --- History of Europe --- manuscripts [documents] --- archaeology --- history [discipline] --- research [function] --- biographies [literary works] --- kunst en politiek --- Carolingians [Dynasty] --- Counts of Flanders --- Flanders --- Carolingians. --- Judith de France, --- Carolingiens (dynastie) --- Judith, --- History
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De Amerikaanse filosoof Judith Butler verwierf wereldfaam met de boeken Gender Trouble (1990) en Bodies that Matter (1996). Beide boeken hebben nog altijd grote invloed op het academisch denken over feminisme, gender en queer. Een van de belangrijkste noties die Butler introduceerde is dat genderongelijkheid, homofobie en seksisme grotendeels socio-cultureel worden verankerd in imitatie van idolen en herhaling in taal. Hiermee kreeg een nieuwe generatie feministen en de LHbTQI-beweging vleugels. Cultuurwetenschapper Margriet van Heesch laat zien dat Butlers werk puntig en geestig is en bovenal erudiet. Butler werpt vragen op die niet zozeer oplossende antwoorden oproepen, als wel nog meer interessante vragen die ons uitdagen vastgeroeste ideeën over mannen en vrouwen onder de loep te leggen. De kleine Butler is een toegankelijke inleiding en duwtje in de rug om Butlers gedachtegoed zelf te gaan lezen.
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"This book explores how Judith Butler's work on gender and the shaping of the human subject and Michel Foucault's notion of parrhesia, 'speaking the truth', can be made fruitful for a theology of freedom. The volume illustrates the importance of three concepts - freedom, gender (body) and power (critique) - and how this triad provides the foundational categories and structural elements of a theology of freedom. By starting from an analysis of power and the performative potential of gendered embodiment, freedom can be thought of as the basis of creative and critical human action and thereby implemented in theology. The chapters feature several theological-historical case studies that are representative of topics that continue to shape contemporary Catholic norms and thought. In particular, the author reflects on the thirteenth century with the idea of personal sin and confession, and the nineteenth century with a gender ideology that has led to the marginalization of difference and dissent. The book shows how Butler and Foucault can provide essential insights for Catholic theology and is valuable reading for scholars of religion, philosophy, and gender and sexuality studies"--
Liberty --- Philosophy and religion --- Gender identity --- Power (Philosophy) --- Religious aspects --- Catholic Church --- Philosophy --- Butler, Judith, --- Foucault, Michel, --- Influence.
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A radical pioneer of Bauhaus textile design, Otti Berger created fabrics that fundamentally changed the understanding of what textiles could be and do. A core member of the textile faculty at the Bauhaus alongside Anni Albers and Gunta Stölzl, Berger also was an entrepreneur in the frenzied culture of early 1930s Berlin. Working closely with architects of the New Objectivity movement such as Lilly Reich, Ludwig Hilberseimer and Hans Scharoun, she designed upholstery, wall fabrics, curtains and floor coverings that explored novel production methods, and thereby redefined the relationship between aesthetics and function.This book is the first comprehensive study of Berger’s textile work. It makes available for the first time her previously unpublished treatise on fabrics and examines her methodologies of textile production. By arranging her fabrics according to their application, author Judith Raum’s research offers an entirely new perspective on Berger’s oeuvre, emphasizing its craftsmanship and the entrepreneurial side of her work.
Berger, Otti, --- Raum, Judith, --- Manufacturing technologies --- Applied arts. Arts and crafts --- textile materials --- Bauhaus --- textiel --- Berger, Otti --- Textile --- Mouvement moderne --- Textile fabrics in interior decoration --- History
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La Bible du XIIIe siècle est la plus ancienne traduction française complète et littérale de la Vulgate. Produite à Paris vers le milieu du XIIIe siècle, elle se répand rapidement dans des milieux féminins : sa mention la plus ancienne (1274) évoque en effet la crainte d'interprétations inconvenantes, voire hérétiques, de la part des Béguines. Malgré son importance, cette translation demeure largement inédite.La présente publication tente de relancer le projet d'une édition complète, qui s'était arrêté à la Genèse. Claudio Lagomarsini a repris ici ce travail en éditant Ruth, Judith et Esther, soit les trois livres de l'Ancien Testament ayant pour protagonistes des femmes exemplaires. Il s'agit de courts livres narratifs dont l'étude est également intéressante pour examiner le développement de la prose française au cours du XIIIe siècle, qui vit aussi l'élaboration des grands cycles arthuriens et des premiers ouvrages historiographiques en prose.
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Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Colonisation. Decolonisation --- Art --- Neoclassical --- rococo --- dekolonisatie --- feminisme --- realisme --- modernisme --- Garzoni, Giovanna --- Gentileschi, Artemisia --- Rossi, de, Properzia --- Merian, Maria Sibylla --- Anguissola, Sofonisba --- Carriera, Rosalba Giovanna --- Kauffmann, Angelica --- Sirani, Elisabetta --- Hemessen, van, Catharina --- Leyster, Judith --- anno 1800-1899 --- vrouwelijke kunstenaars
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Critical Questions in Contemporary Theology is a collection of intradisciplinary essays, written in honour of the Irish theologian, Dermot A. Lane. Each essay focuses on the state of a particular question in theology, including the bible, liturgy, philosophy, the Divine Life, anthropology, politics, dialogue, and hope.
Alan --- biblical reception --- Contemporary --- contemporary theology --- Critical --- critical questions --- Declan --- Dermot --- Dermot Lane --- ecumenical theology --- Essays --- Ethna --- Gesa --- Gruber --- Hebrew Bible --- Hintersteiner --- Honour --- interreligious dialogue --- Judith --- Kearns --- Lane --- Marmion --- Mason --- Norbert --- pneumatology --- Questions --- Regan --- the God question --- Theology --- theology of the body --- Thiessen --- Tony
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