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Longing for perfection in late antiquity : studies on journeys between ideal and reality in pagan and christian literature
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789004681125 9004681124 9004681132 9789004681132 Year: 2024 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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How on Earth can Humans be perfect? The striving for perfection has always occupied a central place in ancient Greek culture. This dynamics urged the Greeks on to surpass themselves in different fields, from sculpture and architecture over athletics to philosophy. In this volume, an international group of scholars examines how the ideal of perfection was conceived and pursued in Late Antiquity, both within philosophical circles and Christianity. Their studies yield a fascinating panorama of various attempts to bridge the unbridgeable and assimilate our frail, imperfect human nature as far as possible to divine perfection.

The Cambridge history of ancient Christianity
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781108446143 1108427391 1108446140 9781108427395 9781108620420 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom ;New York, NY, USA Cambridge University Press

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"This volume engages constructive scholarly developments that have gained momentum within the study of pre-Constantinian Christianity in recent years. Each chapter represents cutting edge research. The most pressing questions of recent decades have been reviewed, and each contributor offers constructive ways forward for future research"--

Early Christianity in Macedonia : From Paul to the Late Sixth Century
ISBN: 9789004681200 Year: 2024 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill NV,

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In this volume Julien M. Ogereau investigates the origins and development of Christianity in the Roman province of Macedonia in the first six centuries CE. Drawing from the oldest literary sources, Ogereau reconstructs the earliest history of the first Christian communities in the region and explores the legacy of the apostle Paul in the cities of Philippi, Thessalonica, and Beroea. Turning to the epigraphic and archaeological evidence, Ogereau then examines Christianity’s dissemination throughout the province and its impact on Macedonian society in late antiquity, especially on its epigraphic habits and material culture.

"The teaching of these words" : intertextuality, social identity, and early Christianity : essays in honor of Clayton N. Jefford
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789004690097 9789004690080 9004690085 Year: 2024 Publisher: Leiden: Brill,

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What does it mean for a group to speak of its identity and, in contrast, to speak about the "other"? As with all groups, early Christian communities underwent a process of identity formation, and in this process, intertextuality played a role. The choice of biblical texts and imageries, their reception and adaptation, affected how early Christian communities perceived themselves. Conversely, how they perceived themselves affected which texts they were drawn to and how they read and received them. The contributors to this volume examine how early Christian authors used Scripture and related texts and, in turn, how those texts shaped the identity of their communities.

Food and you : a guide to healthy habits for teens
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0313007128 9780313007125 0313311080 128070831X 9786610708314 9798400652301 9781280708312 Year: 2024 Publisher: London : Bloomsbury Publishing,

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Sermons sur l'Écriture
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 2204063339 9782204063333 9782204157520 220415752X Year: 2024 Volume: 447 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

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Dans la Provence du début du VIe siècle, livrée à la violence guerrière, Césaire, évêque d'Arles, s'efforce de faire découvrir les richesses de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament à des populations encore imprégnées de paganisme : tel est l'objet des Sermons sur l'Ecriture, qui représentent près de la moitié de son oeuvre oratoire. Césaire emprunte souvent à d'autres Pères la matière de ses homélies, mais il adapte son modèle à son auditoire; ses sermons, plus courts et plus simples, en sont d'autant plus percutants. C'est vraisemblablement autour du carême, sur plusieurs années, qu'ont été prononcés ces sermons. Ils mettent en évidence, dans l'Ancien Testament, l'annonce symbolique de la venue du Christ, du développement de l'Eglise et du mystère chrétien. Les Sermons 81-105 (SC 447) portaient sur la Genèse, l'Exode et le Lévitique. Les Sermons 106 à 143, rassemblés ici, couvrent le reste de l'Ancien Testament de manière sélective : l'entrée en Terre promise, les juges Gédéon et Samson, les rois David et Salomon, les prophètes Elie, Elisée et Jonas, Job; après avoir commenté différents versets psalmiques, ils s'achèvent avec le 4e chant du Serviteur d'Isaïe.

On Aristotle Physics 1-! : general introduction to the 12 volumes of translations
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781350286627 9781350286665 1350286621 135028663X 1350286648 1350286664 1350286656 9781350286658 9781350286634 9781350286641 Year: 2024 Publisher: London Bloomsbury Academic

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Supporting the twelve volumes of translation of Simplicius' great commentary on Aristotle's Physics, all published by Bloomsbury in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series, between 1992 and 2021, this volume presents a general introduction to the commentary. It covers the philosophical aims of Simplicius' commentaries on the Physics and the related text On the Heaven ; Simplicius' methods and his use of earlier sources; and key themes and comparison with Philoponus' commentary on the same text. Simplicius treats the Physics as a universal study of the principles of all natural things underlying the account of the cosmos in On the Heaven. In both treatises, he responds at every stage to the now lost Peripatetic commentaries of Alexander of Aphrodisias, which set Aristotle in opposition to Plato and to earlier thinkers such as Parmenides, Empedocles and Anaxagoras. On each passage, Simplicius after going through Alexander's commentary raises difficulties for the text of Aristotle as interpreted by Alexander. Then, after making observations about details of the text, and often going back to a direct reading of the older philosophers (for whom he is now often our main source, as he is for Alexander's commentary), he proposes his own solution to the difficulties, introduced with a modest 'perhaps', which reads Aristotle as in harmony with Plato and earlier thinkers.

Christian beginnings : a study in ancient Mediterranean religion
ISBN: 9781399510066 1399510061 Year: 2024 Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh university press,

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« Instead of treating Christianity as continuing a utterly unique Judaism alien to Mediterranean religion, the book argues for a pervasive religious dynamic based on three modes; the religion of everyday social exchange, civic religion and the religion of freelance literate experts. These modes that cut across ethnically defined cultures such as Judean, Greek and Roman open a window onto a new way of reading the earliest Christian literature and of explaining its religiosity. The chapters lay out the theory and then illustrate it in various ways with essays on the letters of Paul, the Gospel of Matthew and issues surrounding the study of Christian beginnings. This approach provides a different way to understand Judaism and Christianity within Mediterranean religion and its intellectual cultures by drawing on powerful new tools for theorizing religion more broadly. »--Page 4 de la couverture.

Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni opera.. Versio syriaca
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 250340491X 2503404928 2503404715 2503405312 9782503526454 9782503535999 9782503405315 9782503404912 2503526454 9782503404714 2503535992 9782503610412 2503610412 Year: 2024 Volume: 49, 47, 53, 65, 77, 103 14-15, Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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Ce sixième volume des versions syriaques des œuvres de Grégoire de Nazianze est consacré à l'édition du Discours 43 ("Oraison funèbre pour le grand Basile"). Il s'agit d'une des œuvres les plus importantes de Grégoire, par son ampleur (c'est le plus long Discours), par la richesse de son inspiration et par le caractère vital du sujet traité (Grégoire y fait de nombreuses références à l'amitié qui l'a uni à Basile). L'œuvre est transmise en syriaque en deux versions différentes du même texte grec. Les deux versions sont éditées en regard l'une de l'autre. Les textes sont accompagnés de notes qui relèvent les variations par rapport au grec et qui éclairent la manière dont les deux traducteurs syriaques ont interprété le modèle grec.

Science Education Towards Social and Ecological Justice : Provocations and Conversations
ISBN: 3031393309 3031393295 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer, Springer Nature Switzerland AG,

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This book consists of stories of struggles in science education presented by a network of science educators working in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Britain, and the United States. The common goal of these educators is to produce more socially/ecologically just models and practices of science education. The book considers and reworks the key-terms of current social justice: agency, realism, justice, and power. Its first section explores re-inhabiting science in the quest for more just worlds including reterritorializing science within emergent theories of critical realism, engaging citizens activists with corporate science, and challenging neoliberalism and the forces that organize (structure) knowledge. The second section redefines praxis of science education itself through nuanced explorations of agency, decolonialism, and justice in ways that emphasize complexity, hybridity, ambivalence, and contradiction. The stories of this international group capture individual and collective efforts, motivated by a persistent sense that science and science education matter for questions of justice.

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