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The meaning of shared value : new perspective on creating shared value
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1003398944 1000940187 1003398944 1032505427 9781003398943 9781000940183 Year: 2024 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge,

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"The concept of Creating Shared Value - creating "economic" value in a way that also creates value for the whole of society - has risen in prominence as a corporate policy and a strategy for third sector or development organisations in recent years. However, while it has received considerable interest among business leaders and practitioners, it has also sparked a bitter debate among academics, among proponents and sceptics of the idea. Starting from this argument, the book develops a meta-critical examination of the hidden presuppositions of both supporters and critics of Creating Shared Value, particular in relation to the concept of value. It is argued that there are not two separate types of value, an economic value and a social value, only a unique concept of value: which essentially means the creation of well-being. If anything, the distinction that is drawn relates to the distinction between value creation (additions to potential well-being) and value capture (how the value created is distributed among different stakeholders); but the notion of value itself is univocal. Behind the debate are two implicit opposed viewpoints on the philosophy of history: an antagonistic (pessimistic) and a cooperative (optimistic) view. The authors are thus led to a discussion of which of the two visions appears to be the most rational in today's world. The book is addressed to readers with an interest in the core concept of value, primarily in economics, strategic management and philosophy"--

'VAT Gap' in Poland : Policy Problem and Policy Response
Authors: ---
ISBN: 363191640X 3631916418 Year: 2024 Publisher: Peter Lang

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Book explores severe VAT compliance crisis using example of Poland. Although it have not experienced recession after 2008 Crises, its 'VAT gap' reached the levels of Greece. Book examining policy formulation and implementation. It analysis tax administration response and the legislative actions taken in tax law as well as criminal law area.


Value-added tax.

Estimating Value-Added Tax Using a Supply and Use Framework : The ADB National Accounts Statistics Value-Added Tax Model.
ISBN: 9292705792 9789292705794 Year: 2024 Publisher: Manila : Asian Development Bank,

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This publication by the Asian Development Bank explores the Value-Added Tax (VAT) using a Supply and Use Framework. It introduces the ADB National Accounts Statistics VAT Model, which aims to provide a consistent measure of VAT and its impact on production sectors. The book discusses VAT's role in fiscal and economic analysis, its application in validating GDP estimates, and ensuring consistency in national accounts through the supply and use framework. It also examines VAT matrices for Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, assessing tax reform measures in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund. The book is intended for macroeconomic accounts compilers, government officials, researchers, and development practitioners.

Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046612385 Year: 2024 Publisher: Antwerpen Apeldoorn Maklu

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Value-added tax

A Guide to the European VAT Directives 2024.
ISBN: 9087228740 9789087228743 Year: 2024 Publisher: Amsterdam : IBFD Publications USA, Incorporated,

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This authoritative work provides a systematic survey of how the EU legal principles impact indirect tax matters and the EU VAT rules that are in force, complemented by a discussion of related ECJ case law and references to the integrated text of the VAT Directive 2006/112.

Digital content marketing : creating value in practice
ISBN: 1000987531 9781003346500 9781000987539 9781000987553 1000987558 1003346502 Year: 2024 Publisher: New York, NY : Routledge,

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"Digital Content Marketing: Creating Value in Practice introduces the principles of the content marketing discipline and serves as a guide to any professional or student who wants to learn how to successfully plan and implement digital content marketing strategies and tactics. Filled with contemporary examples of the most successful creative content marketing practices, case studies and professional advice from subject experts, this text offers an in-depth view of the world of content marketing from a value-based perspective. The textbook also includes practical advice on content marketing ideation, content management and content curation, as well as offering recommendations for the best content marketing software. The textbook offers a good balance of both theory and practice and is suitable for advanced undergraduate students and postgraduate students studying content marketing, digital marketing or social media marketing. Support material includes an instructor manual, chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint slides and a test bank of exam questions"--

Overdracht van een algemeenheid van goederen of bedrijfsafdeling – fusies, overnames en splitsingen: btw-gevolgen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046612392 Year: 2024 Publisher: Antwerpen Apeldoorn Maklu

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Dit boek analyseert de btw-gevolgen bij een overdracht van een algemeenheid van goederen of bedrijfsafdeling.Wat is de reikwijdte van een “algemeenheid” of “bedrijfsafdeling”? Wie moet er herzieningen verrichten? Welke formaliteiten moeten vervuld worden?Ook de btw-gevolgen van fusies, overnames en splitsingen komen aan bod.Stefan Ruysschaert is adviseur bij de FOD Financiën. Hij is auteur van talrijke bijdragen op fiscaal vlak in toonaangevende tijdschriften en boeken. Hij is o.a. redactielid van Taxwin en het Tijdschrift Huur. Hij doceert btw aan de UGent en is gastdocent aan de Fiscale Hogeschool.Véronique De Vulder is master in de handels- en financiële wetenschappen, optie accountancy en zaakvoerder van Interaccounts bv. Haar activiteiten situeren zich in de totale begeleiding van kmo-vennootschappen, zowel op boekhoudkundig en fiscaal vlak als op het vlak van de interne organisatie, overdracht en waardering.

Advanced Questions on SA Tax.
ISBN: 9781998963508 1998963500 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cape Town : Juta & Company, Limited,

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Advanced Questions on SA is the third and final publication in the Question on SA Tax series designed to provide comprehensive tutorial coverage to taxation students. This book covers advanced topics and integrated questions. Its complementary publications, Introductory Questions on SA Tax and Questions on SA Tax, cover foundational topics and those typically dealt with in the study of tax at an undergraduate level. This tutorial book includes questions and selected solutions on South African income tax, estate duty and value-added tax. Up-to-date questions are graded, allowing students to develop their abilities from an introductory to an advanced level. A selection of tutorial solutions is included in the book, and solutions to all questions are provided to lecturers at prescribing institutions. Mark plans are allocated to solutions. Recommended for Post graduate taxation students at universities, universities of technology and private HE institutions.

UK Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax and VAT Practice Questions - 2024/2025 (4th Edition).
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1906201846 9781906201845 Year: 2024 Publisher: Malvern Fiscal Publications

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This book provides a comprehensive test bank of more than 50 questions, all with fully worked answers, related to the 2024/25 UK corporation tax, capital gains tax and VAT rules.

Droit fiscal des affaires
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782247231836 Year: 2024 Publisher: Paris : Dalloz,

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Une fiscalité de plus en plus complexe et omniprésente impose à tout décideur une connaissance précise des obligations fiscales des entreprises et du traitement fiscal des opérations d'affaires. C'est à cette préoccupation que répond ce Précis de droit fiscal des affaires. Par l'importance des informations fournies et un exposé méthodique, il permet aux étudiants des Universités et des Grandes Écoles d'appréhender efficacement la matière et d'en percevoir la logique grâce à son exposé didactique. Au-delà, ce Précis s'adresse à tout fiscaliste en lui permettant d'intégrer la variable fiscale dans ses décisions de gestion et de trouver la solution aux problèmes particuliers qui lui sont posés. Par ses références jurisprudentielles et bibliographiques, il constitue un excellent outil de travail pour le praticien de la fiscalité des entreprises. L'ouvrage est divisé en quatre parties : l'entreprise individuelle, l'entreprise sociétaire, l'imposition du chiffre d'affaires de l'entreprise, l'imposition des moyens d'exploitations de l'entreprise. Actualisée pour rendre compte de l'évolution du droit fiscal de l'entreprise, la vingt-troisième édition de ce manuel, devenu un classique, intègre les dispositions de la loi de finances pour 2024.

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