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"The Interwar World collects an international group of over 50 contributors to discuss, analyse and interpret this crucial period in twentieth century history. A comprehensive understanding of the interwar era has been limited by Euro-American approaches and strict adherence to the temporal limits of the world wars. The volume's contributors challenge the era's accepted temporal and geographic framings by privileging global processes and interactions. Each contribution takes a global, thematic approach, integrating world regions into a shared narrative. Three central questions frame the chapters. . First, when was the interwar? Viewed globally, the years 1918 and 1939 are arbitrary limits, and the volume explicitly engages with the artificiality of the temporal framework while closely examining the specific dynamics of the 1920s and 1930s. Second, where was the interwar? Contributors use global history methodologies and training in varied world regions to decenter Euro-American frameworks, engaging directly with the usefulness of the interwar as both an era and an analytical category. Third, how global was the interwar? Authors trace accelerating connections in areas such as public health and mass culture counterbalanced by processes of economic protectionism, exclusive nationalism, and limits to migration. By approaching the era thematically, the volume disaggregates and interrogates the meaning of the 'global' in this era. As a comprehensive guide, this volume offers overviews of key themes of the interwar period for undergraduates, while offering up-to-date historiographical insights for postgraduates and scholars interested in this pivotal period in global history"--
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"Marignan, Tenochtitlân, Pavie, Panipat, Lépante, l'expédition de l'Invincible Armada, Breitenfeld, Rocroi, le siège de Vienne, le ravage du Palatinat, Blenheim, Poltava, Denain, Fontenoy, Leuthen, les plaines d'Abraham, Saratoga, Ouessant, Yorktown... Des noms qui incarnent les nombreux conflits qui agitent les XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. En trois siècles à peine, la guerre et la bataille changent d'échelle, de forme, d'intensité, d'espaces, d'acteurs, devenant une permanence du monde moderne, sur tous les continents. Elles étaient un art, elles évoluent désormais également en une science qui est l'affaire de "professionnels" : le monde entre dans l'âge de la poudre et du feu, des révolutions scientifiques et techniques, des mutations militaires, des innovations guerrières, tactiques et stratégiques, des transformations politiques, sociales, culturelles. Historien du fait militaire, François Pernot étudie avec minutie près de trente-cinq batailles de l'époque moderne parmi les plus significatives - celles ayant changé de manière certaine, voire irréversible, le cours de l'Histoire et/ou marquant une rupture dans l'art et l'histoire de la guerre, des guerriers, des États, des hommes et des sociétés, et pas seulement en Europe -, des guerres d'Italie à la guerre d'Indépendance américaine ; sur terre et sur mer, batailles de mouvement et opérations de siège, sur de multiples fronts, menées par de grands capitaines ou d'autres moins connus. Partant, il envisage autant de façons de faire la guerre et démontre avec brio qu'il n'y a en réalité aucune réelle césure entre l'histoire militaire aux époques moderne et contemporaine, sinon essentiellement dans l'armement. Une histoire globale de la guerre moderne, un futur classique."--Page 4 of cover.
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It was not just in the major trade centers but also in the expanse of the "Hinterland" that the foreign and the exotic made themselves felt in the age of Enlightenment - be it in the form of missionaries from China, galley slaves from North Africa, or "Turks" from the Ottoman Empire. These essays take a systematic approach to ask how knowledge from the wider world made its way to the villages and supposed peripheries of Europe. Nicht nur in den großen Handelszentren, auch in der Breite des "Hinterlands" konnte man im Zeitalter der Aufklärung dem Fremden und Exotischen begegnen. Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes ergründen systematisch, auf welchen Wegen und in welcher Form Ideen und Wissensbestände aus Übersee in die Dörfer und vermeintlichen Peripherien Europas gelangte und dort weiter zirkulierte. Welche konkreten Medien und Wissensträger waren in der Lage, eine Erfahrung von Globalität im Lokalen zu ermöglichen? Gab es gewisse Erfindungen und Ereignisse, die eine chronologische Entwicklung der Aneignung des Exotischen in der Peripherie erkennbar machen? Erklärtes Ziel des Bandes ist es, die scheinbare Dichotomie von Stadt und Dorf infrage zu stellen und stattdessen die Komplexität der Zirkulation exotischen Wissens aufzufächern. Die Fallbeispiele regen dazu an, sich mit der Geschichte von bislang zu wenig erforschten Orten Europas und ihren globalen Beziehungen zu beschäftigen und über den Ursprung unseres heutigen Verständnisses des Fremden und Exotischen kritisch zu reflektieren.
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Ratfale Jasfa (Romani: ‘Tears of Blood’) is a poem by the Romani poet Papusza (Bronisława Wajs) who survived the German occupation and the Second World War in Volhynia, currently Ukraine. It is also one of the earliest known testimonies by a Romani genocide survivor and a Romani woman. This book introduces the recently re-discovered manuscript which is four times longer than the previously known text. The volume includes a transcript of the poem in Romani, a translation into English, extensive historical-philological commentaries, alongside stand-alone chapters on the poet, manuscript and the historical context.
History. --- Modern History. --- History, Modern.
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Dans cet ouvrage attendu, Hubert Védrine présente une vingtaine d'essais biographiques, dressant les portraits et auscultant l'action des diplomates d'envergure qui ont façonné et souvent bouleversé l'histoire des relations internationales, parmi lesquels Mazarin, Vergennes, Talleyrand, Metternich et Bismarck sont demeurés les plus célèbres, sans compter des figures plus contemporaines comme Molotov, Kissinger, Zhou Enlai ou Brzezinski.Écrits par des esprits d'élite - anciens ambassadeurs, historiens référents et journalistes de renom -, ils offrent un large panorama couvrant l'histoire diplomatique de la suprématie européenne (XVIIe-XXe siècle) jusqu'au monde actuel en passant par les deux guerres mondiales, la guerre froide et l'entrée dans une nouvelle ère de turbulences incarnée par le 11 Septembre. (source: publisher's website)
Diplomacy --- Diplomats --- History, Modern --- World politics
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Lawyers in Scotland in the later sixteenth century took a disproportionate interest in the law governing maritime commerce. Some essays in this collection consider their handling of the subject in treatises they wrote. Other essays, however, show that disputes relating to maritime trade were handled in a different way in the courts of the towns at which ships arrived. Further essays examine the relationship between these contrasting perspectives. Although the essays focus on the law governing maritime commerce in Scotland, they also contribute to a wider debate about the nature of maritime law in early-modern Europe.
History, Modern. --- Legal history. --- Law --- History.
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Dem »wilden historischen Denken« auf der Spur. Kinder sind in ihren Zimmern von einer Vielzahl geschichtskultureller Produkte umgeben, die ihr Nachdenken über und ihr Imaginieren von Vergangenheit prägen. Kinderzimmer sind daher als informelle Lernorte zu verstehen, an denen individuelle Vorstellungen ohne Regeln sprießen und wo an eigenen Verständnissen von Welt gebastelt wird. Über einen ethnographischen Zugriff auf diese Geschichtskultur im Privaten eröffnet sich ein kulturanthropologisches Panorama eines (pop)kulturellen Überangebots und dessen Rezeption. Dabei sind vor allem die im Feld anzutreffenden »Geschichtsdinge« (Spielzeug, Bilder, Bücher etc.) wichtig: Gerade durch sie wird die alltägliche Praxis des Umgangs von Kindern mit dem Historischen deutlich. Wie Kinder die Angebote der Geschichtsdinge (er-)fühlen, erleben und annehmen, zeugt von einem eigenartigen historischen Denken zwischen Vergegenwärtigung und Abstraktion in der kindlichen Lebenswelt. Es hat den Anschein, dass Vermittlung von Geschichte neu gedacht werden muss, da man in den Kinderzimmern auf ein »wildes historisches Denken« stößt, das vom disziplinierten wissenschaftsorientierten Denken weitgehend ignoriert wird.
Education / Comparative --- History / Civilization --- History / Modern --- Education
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This book focuses on the connection between vigilance and the plague in France throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. For more than three centuries, between the middle of the 14th century up until circa 1670, the prevalence of the plague in France was said to be endemic, before it then vanished from French territory. The Great Plague of Marseille (1720-1722, which also impacted the rest of Provence, the County of Venaissin and Languedoc) proved to be an exception. During that period, the fight against the plague was deemed a top-priority along the French coast, and health institutions, called bureaux de la santé, were developed. Contributions to this book primarily focus on health vigilance from the standpoint of how to prevent an epidemic and how to respond to a declared epidemic. Among the salient themes addressed are: communications between health and different state actors, prevailing religious and political norms, and the popular participation in the fight against the plague. The use of the concept of vigilance enables the mobilisation of often rather distant branches of history, namely institutional. social, religious history, the history of communication and the history of public health.
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"The book investigates the quest for international security in mid-19th century Germany from a new and inspiring perspective. Under the influence of international events, Germans believed that they lived in dangerous times when relations between countries and nations were increasingly defined by the law of the strongest instead of written law. Regardless of their origin, political views, gender and social status they participated in debates about the future of Germany, Europe and the world and tried to determine how to better ensure external security, develop justice and achieve a more stable peace. This fundamental but hitherto historiographically neglected process became manifest in numerous phenomena analysed independently in the past such as the participation in the organised peace movement, the rise of German nationalism, the call for land and naval armaments, the aspiration to colonial expansion, the birth of Realpolitik and the concept of Mitteleuropa, and the deterioration in relations and wars with other nations. Although it did not last long, the process became significant for the negative consequences it had for the rest of the century. For today’s reader it presents a warning about how society is impacted and the stability of an international order is undermined by a declining confidence in international justice and the durability of peace."
History, Modern. --- History. --- Germany --- Foreign relations --- Politics and government --- History
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