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Blindness and the Body
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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Summary The literary genre of the New Female Gothic finds its origin in Latin America and brings female authors and translators to the fore. Arisen as a response to the male-dominated movement known as magical realism, this more recent genre aims at exposing injustices concerning the the gender dichotomy, which are often related to societal and political issues on a larger scale. Because of the relative novelty of the New Female Gothic—the movement was founded in the late twentieth century—little research has been done on the topic. This dissertation is an attempt at illustrating how the genre can appear in contemporary works of literature, in particular in the English translation of Lina Meruane’s novel Seeing Red (2012). With the complex nature of the New Female Gothic in mind, this research has been divided into three parts, each of which has its own research question. The first chapter revolves around the narratological aspect of Seeing Red and more specifically analyses how the human body influences the narrative. Since the novel is a narration of the author’s own experiences after having suffered a haemorrhage that has blinded her, eyes play a particular role within the narrative structure. Daniel Punday’s book on corporeal narratology forms the theoretical frame on which this first chapter is based. In addition to a study of the overall characterisation in Seeing Red, this analysis will focus on the impact of the body on two main components of narrative defined by Punday: temporality and spatiality. The second chapter deals with the novel in a feminist context. One of the main characteristics of the New Female Gothic is its focus on women authors, translators and characters. Seeing Red reflects this idea and here again, the body is crucial; by means of the body, Meruane’s novel provides an answer to the question of womanhood and what this entails exactly for a blind woman. Since womanhood is a very broad term, this overarching theme will be broken down into two subsections, concerning writing and the body, respectively, as tools of resistance. The final part of this chapter is dedicated to Meruane’s opinion on motherhood. In the third and final chapter, we discuss how blindness as a malfunctioning of the body can be related to ‘the Gothic’. Considering the body as a gothic element requires a profound study of the characteristics of the traditional Gothic genre, but also of the new interpretation that takes shape in the new Latin American literary movement. While comparing Meruane’s novel to a short story by the Peruvian writer Clemente Palma — to whom Meruane explicitly refers — notions of ‘the uncanny’ and ‘the grotesque’ are addressed in relation to the body and the protagonist’s blindness. From this analysis of Lina Meruane’s Seeing Red, we can conclude that the eyes and the body in general can be assigned a significant role in the three aspects of the New Female Gothic we have examined. Meruane’s depiction of the body permits not only a further insight into the author’s identity, it can also result in possible further research regarding themes such as emancipation and disorientation in the literary field.


Del libro a la pantalla: La tabla de Flandes de Arturo Pérez-Reverte en comparación con Uncovered de Jim McBride

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This master’s thesis presents a study of the historical-detective novel La tabla de Flandes (1990), written by the Spanish journalist Arturo Pérez-Reverte, and its Spanish-British cinematographic recreation, the film Uncovered (1994), written by the North-American director Jim McBride. The project analyzes how both stories are told under their own artistic conditions, and lays out which transformations can be observed between the novel and the film. In order to achieve its objective, it was necessary to identify which elements in particular turn La tabla de Flandes into a literary text, and which resources from cinema are used by Uncovered to evoke and reframe a story based on its predecessor. In its analysis of this recreation process, the research takes into account the differences in a transnational projection: the stories are told and addressed to different audiences. The concrete research questions are the following: 1) How can the changes between La tabla de Flandes (literary version) and Uncovered (filmic version) be described? 2) How are these changes related to the differences in transnational positioning of the works? In this context, we take two elements into account: first, that Pérez-Reverte’s work is a Hispanic thriller, a genre which needs to be redefined in view of a different audience targeted; and second, that McBride’s film is a co-production between Spain and the United Kingdom. The work is structured in three chapters. The first chapter offers an analysis of La tabla de Flandes as a Hispanic thriller. It inscribes this notion in the tradition of detective narrative, and analyzes the different narrative levels on which its plot is projected, as well as the metatextual processes that are present in the novel in order to make it work as a literary text. The second chapter explores Uncovered as a filmic recreation. It pays attention to similarities and differences with respect to the novel, and applies a narratological approach related to its characters, the space, the time and focalization, before zooming in on a limited set of especially relevant scenes. Finally, the third chapter approaches Uncovered as a transnational recreation, commenting on its production conditions, its touristic and stereotypical reproduction of space, and the intertextual relation to Alfred Hitchcock’s movies, and to the film the thriller in general. This research project draws upon the following theories and methodologies: Peter Verstraten’s film narratology, the theory of literary stereotypes as developed by Jean-Louis Dufays, John Urry’s tourism studies (and in particular his notion of the “touristic gaze”), adaptation studies and theories of transnationalism. The conclusion of the thesis shows that, in order to examine the filmic adaptation of a novel, attention to the specific medium used is crucial, as well as to the wider context in which the work is produced (in particular, the audience targeted). For this reason, an adaptation cannot be restricted to the one to one comparison between the literary work and its filmic version, but should approach the adaptation rather as a work that also pursues its own agenda. For this reason, the thesis interprets adaptations rather as “recreations” than simple equivalents of an original.


Zama: un díptico de la espera. La novela "Zama" (1956) de Antonio di Benedetto y su transposición cinematográfica por Lucrecia Martel.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Letteren

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Deze masterproef onderzoekt het motief van het wachten in de roman Zama van de Argentijnse schrijver Antonio di Benedetto (1956) en vergelijkt dit motief met de manier waarop het wachten wordt weergegeven in de gelijknamige film van zijn landgenoot Lucrecia Martel (2017). Terwijl het wachten doorgaans vooral als een filosofisch concept beschouwd wordt, richt deze studie zich op de esthetische dimensie ervan aan de hand van een narratologische analyse. Zowel di Benedetto als Martel verrijken hun werken met technieken die het gevoel van het wachten aanscherpen. Deze technieken zijn verbonden met twee belangrijke narratologische aspecten, namelijk de vertelmodus, enerzijds, en de temporaliteit, anderzijds. In de analyse worden (de)koloniale en existentialistische perspectieven geïntegreerd voor zover ze bijdragen aan de opbouw van het wachten. Het comparatieve onderzoek wordt geschraagd door het begrip ‘transpositie’, om de omzetting van roman naar film weer te geven. ‘Transpositie’ biedt namelijk een breed beeld van de interactie tussen beide werken, en beschouwt elk ervan tot op zekere hoogte als autonoom. Hoewel de cinematografische transpositie uitdagingen met zich meebrengt, blijkt de esthetiek van het wachten een verbindende factor te vormen tussen het boek en de verfilming. In het eerste deel onderzoekt de thesis de rol van de verteller en het vertelperspectief. De subjectieve ervaring van de protagonist, in de roman uitgewerkt door interne focalisatie van de autoconsonante verteller, maakt dat de grens tussen realiteit en illusie vervaagt. De filmische transpositie van Martel maakt gebruik van de techniek van ‘devisualisatie’ om de beklemmende sfeer van het wachten te versterken, onder andere door incidenten buiten beeld te houden en krappe ruimtes te filmen. In het volgende hoofdstuk worden deze formele technieken gelinkt met het thematische aspect van de identiteitscrisis van Zama. In het tweede deel biedt de masterproef een uitgebreide analyse van het concept van de tijd in het verhaal. Eerst onderzoeken we de rol die temporele ordening van beide werken speelt in het creëren van de sfeer van het wachten. Het gebruik van ellipsen en digressies vormt een significante bijdrage aan de symbolische evocatie van Zama’s onvervulde verlangens. Daarnaast staan we stil bij het vervreemdende taalgebruik, dat het falen van de communicatie oproept, en zo eveneens – op een dieper niveau – de achteruitgaande toestand van het hoofdpersonage. Het onderzoek beargumenteert tot slot dat de esthetiek van het wachten zich op formeel vlak manifesteert als fragmentatie, hoewel de bestudeerde werken dit procedé op hun eigen manier ontwikkelen. De fragmentatie symboliseert bovendien zowel de identitaire fragmentatie van de protagonist als de historische fragmentatie van het verhaal, die in de verfilming van Martel een sterkere politieke dimensie krijgt.


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