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Het Vlaamse platteland is een diffuse mozaïek van braakliggende gronden, landbouwgronden in alle vormen en groottes, percelen met niet- agrarische functies, zoals verpaarding of vertuining, en verkavelingen met door de band wel erg lage densiteit. Het productieve landschap wordt in toenemende mate verdrongen door de verstedelijking. De resterende, actieve landbouwgronden staan tegelijkertijd onder druk van schaalvergroting en versnippering en verliezen de connectie met hun oorspronkelijke landbouwactiviteit. Deze thesis focust zich op de gemeente Kampenhout, gelegen tussen de stedelijke gebieden Brussel, Mechelen en Leuven. Het versnipperde landschap van productieve ruimtes evolueerde er van een sterk verweven entiteit naar afzonderlijke ontwikkelingen op niveau van landbouw, bosbouw en stedenbouw. De cultivatie van tarwe, maïs en witloof zorgde voor een bloeiperiode. Niet – agrarische activiteiten worden evenwel steeds omvangrijker en woonparken en industrieterreinen veroverden een plek in het dorp, ten koste van de bossen en vruchtbare landbouwgronden. Het begrijpen van de onderlinge relatie tussen de verstedelijking en het productieve landschap en hoe deze geëvolueerd is de voorbije decennia, biedt inzicht in de uitdagingen, kansen en problemen van het huidige weefsel. In dit ontwerpend onderzoek worden scenario’s uitgewerkt om terug te keren naar een hybride landschap, met aandacht voor het evenwicht tussen urbanisatie en productie. Naast voedselproductie is er ook aandacht voor recreatie, ontmoetingen, waterbeheer, ecologie, etc. Deze scenario’s zijn gebaseerd op de kenmerken van de open ruimte en de noden van dorpse architectuur in de toekomst.
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Bhiwandi, a city on the periphery of Mumbai, has witnessed a rapid landscape driven primarily by the seeds of economic expansion from its metropolitan neighbour. Originally known for its agrarian and trading roots, the city has organised its industrial portfolio to include significant sectors such as handloom production, shipbuilding, cotton manufacturing, and rice farming, alongside the burgeoning power loom industry. Furthermore, its strategic location has led to the development of warehouses and logistics centres, facilitating efficient distribution networks. Amidst this sudden economic boom, the existing ecological systems in Bhiwandi are struggling to cope with the evolving demands. The present scenario reveals ghostly remains of the original ecology, with vast stretches of land bearing the stamp of huge industries. The gradual transformation of Bhiwandi from a quaint village into a bustling city is evident, yet raises pertinent concerns about the sustainability of this growth trajectory. As Bhiwandi looks towards future expansion which is focused on further industrialisation and residential development, the unfolding narrative, projected to 2050, forewarns a dire consequence. If the current trend of urbanisation persists unchecked, the region is at risk of submerging underwater. This impending threat underscores the urgency for recalibrating developmental strategies towards ecological resilience. Here, the concept of cyclical development dynamics comes into play. By strategically reorienting development, such as upgrading or/and replacing outdated warehouses to accommodate space-efficient and mixed programs, Bhiwandi can simultaneously reclaim land for ecological restoration while fostering socio-economic activities. In essence, while Bhiwandi's economic growth has been remarkable, it is imperative to recognize the ecological imbalance it has introduced. By examining the present scenario and forecasting future implications, it becomes evident that proactive measures must be taken to steer the region towards a flood-resilient and socio-economically just future. Thus, the abstract paints a picture of a city at the crossroads, grappling with the repercussions of unbridled development and urging a shift towards a more sustainable and harmonious coexistence of environmental preservation and economic prosperity.
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ABSTRACT: In the midst of advancing technology, many communities linked to the salt marshes of Gujarat’s Little Rann of Kutch still rely on seasonal landscapes for their livelihoods. The landscape characterized by alternating dry and wetland conditions hosts communities that emerge only after the wetland conditions dry up post-monsoon, establishing ephemeral settlements. Conversely, during the monsoon, they retreat to permanent habitats, engaging in agriculture and livestock husbandry. This adaptive rhythm, where human and nonhuman forces converge, delineates a distinctive spatio-temporality in the urban landscape as an expression of identity. The consequences of global warming are severely affecting the communities, having a direct effect on traditional livelihoods, leading to challenges for survival and endangering the delicate balance between its culture, environment, and identity. Land degradation in the permanent settlements has created conditions that are no longer sustainable for plants, animals, and humans alike, leaving residents with little choice but to leave their homes. This research delves into the potential for transformative change in the permanent settlements through a strategic urban-nature paradigm shift to establish seasonal coherence and development. The study examines the critical question of breathing life back into these landscapes, which serve as homes to indigenous groups and villagers reliant on ecological restoration, navigating challenges like land degradation, fresh ground water scarcity and forced migrations. KEYWORDS: Embedded Landscapes, Ephemeral settlements, Climate refugees, Desertification mitigation, Ecological restoration, livelihood adaptation, Community resilience.
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Vietnam is a mosaic of over 54 distinct recognized ethnic groups, each with its own unique traditions, languages, and customs. These communities are rich in traditional land occupation, cultural practices, and historical adaptations. However, rapid urbanization and internal colonization threatens their existence, leading to the disappearance of these traditional villages. There is an urgency to understanding how their spatial organization, cultural significance, and historical evolution can inform contemporary urban landscape design.
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Deze thesis grijpt de notie freespace aan om een ontwerp te maken voor een architectuurschool in het gebouw van Alma 3 (1969), dat op een grondige renovatie en herbestemming wacht. In 2019 formuleerde het Departement Architectuur van de KU Leuven de ambitie om in het brutalistische studentenrestaurant een architectuurschool onder te brengen, met een programma dat drie keer zoveel oppervlakte vroeg als het oorspronkelijke gebouw. Het eerste deel van deze thesis is de neerslag van een vooronderzoek naar het grondbezit van de Associatie KU Leuven. Aan de hand van gegevens die de universiteit en de hogescholen van de Associatie ter beschikking stelden, werden kaarten opgemaakt die het volledige grondgebied van 673 hectare tonen. In het tweede deel wordt het begrip freespace verkend, als podium voor het ontwerpend onderzoek dat volgt. Vertrekpunt is het idee dat freespace een soort ruimte beschrijft die essentieel is om de band tussen de universiteit en de stad te begrijpen en vorm te geven, vanuit de collectieve ruimtes van de universiteit zelf. Aan de hand van een literatuurstudie en voorbeelden uit het oeuvre van Lacaton & Vassal wordt het begrip uitgediept en afgebakend. In het derde deel wordt het theoretische kader ingezet als tool in een ontwerpend onderzoek naar een herbestemming en uitbreiding van Alma 3. In een eerste stap wordt het gebouw verkend aan de hand van een beeldessay en een krantenartikel. In een tweede stap worden bestaande ontwerpen voor een herbestemming van Alma 3 vergeleken die studenten in 2019 en 2024 hebben gemaakt. De notie freespace levert een theoretische achtergrond om de ontwerpen naast elkaar te zetten en om ideeën voor het voetlicht te brengen die het eigen ontwerp kunnen voeden en uitdagen. In een derde en laatste stap volgt het eigen ontwerp, dat een architectuurschool onderbrengt in en rond Alma 3. Deze thesis concludeert dat het begrip freespace, in de meest letterlijke zin van het woord, toelaat om de band tussen het gebouw en zijn programma kritisch te bekijken, ook tijdens het ontwerpend onderzoek. Het begrip lijkt daarnaast waardevol om het laat-modernistische erfgoed beter te begrijpen, en zorgzaam maar uitdagend te benaderen. Deze thesis wil een ode zijn aan Alma 3 en aan de mogelijkheden waartoe zijn ruimtes – freespaces avant la lettre – ontwerpers steeds weer kunnen inspireren.
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In response to escalating global warming, rapid urbanization, and changing land-use this thesis investigates the complex dynamics shaping the landscape along the Hex River, located in the Breede Valley. Through analyzing seven different transects of 400x2.000 m perpendicular to the Hex River, a deeper understanding of the present landscape fabric along this river is obtained. Starting by looking at the broader issue of global warming on our beloved planet Earth, this thesis gradually narrows its focus to the specifics of the Cape Winelands before zooming in on the unique characteristics of the Breede Valley and the landscape along the Hex River specifically. Amid the lush vineyards and vast agricultural lands, set against the backdrop of wealthy Cape Dutch farmsteads, smaller farm worker houses and informal settlements highlight the stark socio-economic inequalities. The tranquility of the rural landscape, upstream, clashes with the hustle and bustle of urban development that pushes itself along the edges of the city of Worcester, downstream. As plans for future expansions in and around the City of Worcester take shape, and farmers continue to expand their agricultural fields into the floodplain and up the hills, natural buffers and floodplains are increasingly squeezed out of existence. Meanwhile, global warming is causing increased extreme weather events such as floodings, fires, prolongued droughts, increased temperatures and evaporation, threatening the current living conditions of the locals and sustainability of farming practices. In conclusion, Re-editing the Valley advocates for the re-editing of existing structures and systems in the valley along the Hex River to foster resilience amidst future uncertainties. An alternative scenario is proposed as a counterpoint to the present development of the valley. Offering an idea for sustainable growth that can withstand the predicted impacts of global warming by 2050.
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Rural forest landscapes on the Iberian Peninsula have been shaped by ages of interaction with local livelihoods. These so-called dehesa-montado systems include particular vernacular settlement types embedded within the oak forest and in relation to topography, hosting an agro-sylvo-pastoral management of the forest with farmers as stewards of the environment. From the late 1920s, Wheat Campaigns, population schemes and irrigation plans implemented by the Estado Novo posed the first threats to this system, leading to massive forest destruction, soil degradation and new planned settlements. The construction of dams and reservoirs from the 1950s onwards have altered the rural forest landscape on a drastic scale. Large-scale irrigation and expansion of water-intensive crops outside the irrigation perimeter have led to the depletion of the storage capacity of the reservoirs and underground aquifers, putting pressure on the water supplies for both domestic consumption and traditional small-scale farming. After joining the EU in 1986, neoliberal policies rapidly changed the remaining forest landscape into plantations of monocultures and short-term yields. In regions like Alentejo in southern Portugal, the current water management, combined with increasingly frequent cyclical droughts, exposes several risks including the degradation and desertification of valuable agro-ecological landscapes where upscaling of agriculture goes hand in hand with shifts in occupation, including ageing population, rural exodus and the overexploitation of migrant agricultural workers. This research addresses the emerging paradox of water abundance and scarcity in the region of Baixo Alentejo. Through interpretive mapping and detailed drawing, it carefully reads the rural forest landscape as an interwovenness of a natural system with a human system of settling. The research envisions opportunities for an alternative future sustained by the ecological capacity of the territory and addressing human needs, expectations and aspirations of the 21st century, while incorporating the non-human into the equation. Weaving in the notions of soil suitability, agro-ecology and drought mitigation, it presents a new forest vision and settlement strategy embedded within the montado system that offers a dynamic socio-ecological balance between living in this semi-arid landscape, agriculture and forestry, adapted to the new conditions created by global warming.
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The Proposal for Avian Park focuses on the cohabitation of the neighborhood, the productive landscape to provide crops, and the preservation of the wetland as a natural local landscape. It considers the management of seasonal water to prevent flooding and provide crops to respond to the food necessity, processes for re-urbanization as well as new-urbanization areas, opportunities to improve the physical quality of the existing open space, working with existing stakeholders (institutions) for guarantying food security, and stablishing new local institutions for the neighborhood. The proposal suggests using the existing resources of the area as the unused land and seasonal water to provide crops, with the support of the labor from community that already know how to grow them (with the experience of the Community Garden Club). The production of crops should be distributed between the community and the landowner, working as a sustainable and viable practice that benefits both. In addition, it is proposed to grow crops on the unuse land of the neighborhood as the existing streets (with enough dimension to include small food gardens and let the cars pass) and the buffer of the Power Line (which is near a waterline, and under the condition to leave enough space for technical maintenance of the infrastructure), which could be manage individually by neighbors who can use the land only to grow crops and with the condition to plant a tree near the street in order to provide shadowing and comfort to the neighborhood. To take advantage of the seasonal water, the proposal considers catching the rainwater with the use of stone walls disposed in parallel to the topography, providing a resource to grow the crops for the community, and at the same time contributing to prevent floodings. This system could be complemented by the water from the system of the dam and channels. The existing informal settlement area needs to be rebuilt to provide safe housing; additional new urban area is proposed. The new housing units proposed considers two floors, since the existing governmental housing units don't attend to the real necessities and demands. The new houses are disposed in clusters with open shared space, a model that corresponds to the reading of the tissue of the informal settlements, which contrast with the tissue of the existing formal area of the neighborhood developed by the government. As part of group vision, it was proposed that the Correctional Center (Prison) would be the place where compost could be produced and then transported to the community food gardens of the city. Additionally, the Rehab Center located near Avian Park would be the place where the seeds and starting plants are produced with the support and supervision of the Sustainable Institute, as it is a task that requires dedicated work and knowledge, and then distributed to the food gardens. With this scenario, existing stakeholders or institutions are involved in the food system process, taking advantage of the available resources they have as the valuable land and labor from interns. Finally, it is proposed to implement new local institutions in the neighborhood, that should be located on the main streets that connect the neighborhood as the ones that include the waterlines and cross Avian Park from north to south, but also strategically on nonuse plots that are still available, and on the re-urbanized and new-urbanized areas.
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This research offers a thorough exploration of urban agroecology as the guiding principle for implementing landscape urbanism strategies in Worcester, South Africa. It begins by outlining Worcester's broader vision as a city, emphasizing the integration of water redistribution and productive landscapes to foster a resilient and sustainable urban environment, with the concept of "Terraces" as connective tissue. Special significance is given to the projected water scenario of the city to inform the vision created for a specific area within Worcester, where an industrial zone, floodplains, riverlands, and the settlement of Zwelethemba are located. Within this context, the document presents a transect vision focused on strategies proposed around the theme "Cultivating Waters," which serves as a pivotal framework to guide the redistribution and efficient use of water resources for creating productive landscapes in the city. As a catalyst, the research delves into the strategic project of revitalizing industrial relics for food landscape creation through water management and sustainable farming. The emphasis is on transforming a former textile industrial complex into a permaculture center, showcasing the repurposing of industrial sites to meet contemporary needs, with food at the core. The project integrates closed-loop strategies for food and water, promoting urban landscape revitalization, social and environmental sustainability, and food security for future generations. The narrative circles back by linking the specific strategic project to the broader theme of projecting food landscapes. It highlights the project's role as a reference point for future urban regeneration efforts, demonstrating the potential of integrating sustainable agroecology and water management to create productive hubs that benefit local communities. The document presents a cohesive narrative emphasizing the importance of sustainable food production, water resources, and urban regeneration as essential guidelines for Worcester's vision.
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