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"Providing an insightful contribution to literature on the topic, this book scrutinises how international courts and tribunals may respond procedurally to an ever-growing list of environmental disputes. In a time of environmental crisis, it lays crucial groundwork for strengthening the application of international environmental law, a topic of increasing relevance for global civil society. Putting into perspective the practices of various international courts and tribunals, the author works within the constraints of the existing judicial framework to sharpen international environmental justice and governance. Bendel provides judges and litigators with tools that they can use when confronted with environmental disputes, to extract the best practices in the interest of improving environmental litigation for each phase of a judicial procedure. This state-of-the-art book will be an invaluable resource for academics and students of environmental law, dispute settlement and public international law. With its practical applications, international judges, litigators and governments will also benefit from the book"--
Environmental law, International --- International courts. --- Umhverfisréttur --- Alþjóðadómstólar --- Trial practice.
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Lord Pannick celebrates advocacy: that controversial legal issues are decided in court after reasoned argument in which the participants refrain (usually) from shouting, personal insults or threats, and the points on each side of the debate are tested for their relevance, their accuracy, and their strength. The book seeks to identify the central characteristics of good and bad advocacy with the aid of examples from courtrooms in the UK and abroad. Lord Pannick also examines the morality of advocacy - that the advocate sets out views to which he does not necessarily subscribe, on behalf of clients for whom she may feel admiration, indifference, or contempt. Lord Pannick seeks to answer the question he is often asked - more by friends than by judges - 'How can you act for such terrible people?'. Finally, he addresses the future of advocacy, arguing it should and will survive pressures for efficiency and technological developments.
Practice of law --- Lawyers --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Law --- Law practice --- Practice --- Trial practice
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This book investigates how offenders of white-collar crime misuse legal loopholes in the courtroom. From powerful and corrupt alliances to a tough judicial battle, this volume looks at case studies from across the world to shed light on these matters and others, including: • How legal systems work when offenders have deep roots and connections • The courtroom proceedings and how offenders can manipulate the law • Global case studies supporting recommendations for resolving these issues The inside-look into the courtroom and accompanying critical analysis make this volume perfect for new graduate scholars, practitioners, and researchers working with perpetrators of white-collar crime.
White collar crimes --- Occupational crimes --- Crime --- Trial practice. --- White collar crimes. --- White Collar Crime.
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Dans les écrits dédiés à l’arbitrage international, la neutralité est frappée du sceau de l’évidence. Elle est ce mot des premières pages, des premiers chapitres, intégré aux développements énumérant les avantages de l’arbitrage et destiné à expliquer l’opportunité d’y recourir, à justifier de son succès, à le légitimer, à le promouvoir à l’image d’un argument publicitaire au-delà de ses frontières initiales, ou encore pour l’ériger en mode de règlement des litiges par défaut. Contrairement aux autres avantages supposés de l’arbitrage international, la neutralité est un allant de soi qui ne saurait être discutée. Elle est une parole, un discours, une représentation qui échappe prodigieusement à toute critique. Malgré la virulence et le bien-fondé des reproches qui lui sont directement adressés, la neutralité ne cesse d’être invoquée tantôt comme bouclier tantôt comme bélier par les membres de la communauté arbitrale désireux de protéger l’arbitrage comme de favoriser son expansion. Le chercheur ou la chercheuse analysant les discours de l’arbitrage international est inévitablement intrigué par la force d’une représentation qui met en échec toute critique et qui véhicule l’illusion d’une impossible remise en cause. Afin d’en comprendre les raisons et les opérations, le présent ouvrage propose d’enquêter au cœur de ce qu’est la neutralité de l’arbitrage international : un mythe.
Arbitration (International law) --- Arbitration and award --- Fair trial --- Arbitrage international --- Arbitrage (Droit) --- Procès équitable
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"This book presents a ground-breaking, interdisciplinary study into the various goals assigned to international criminal trials. It starts from the proposition that no hierarchy exists amongst the different goals meaning that trials should strive to achieve all of them in equal measure. This is made difficult by the fact that not all of these goals are compatible and the fulfilment of one may lead to others going unmet. Therefore, a balance must be found if the goals of trial are to be achieved at all. The book posits that fairness should serve as the guiding principle when weighing the different trial goals against one another. It is argued that without fairness international and internationalised criminal courts and tribunals lack legitimacy and without legitimacy they lack effectiveness. The book concludes that international criminal trials must adopt procedures that emphasise fairness to all of the parties and trial participants if they wish to accomplish any of the goals set for them. Each chapter is devoted to identifying and explaining a different trial goal, providing analysis of how that particular goal functions in conjunction with the other goals, and discussing the ways in which a fairness oriented trial model will help achieve those goals. The book provides a dynamic understanding of the different trial goals and the importance of fairness in the trial process by drawing on research from a variety of different legal disciplines while also incorporating scholarship rooted in criminology, political theory, international relations, and psychology. The book will be essential reading for researchers, academics and professionals working in the areas of International Criminal Law, Public International Law and Transitional Justice"--
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Auschwitz Trial, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1963-1965. --- Evidence, Criminal. --- Criminal evidence --- Criminal investigation --- Criminal procedure --- Evidence (Law) --- Reasonable doubt --- Auschwitz Trial, Frankfurt am Main, 1963-1965 --- War crime trials --- Germany --- History
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Quelles sont les interactions entre arbitrage et procès équitable? Le procès équitable est-il un frein à l'arbitrage ou un moteur? Inversement, l'arbitrage - et ses bonnes pratiques - peut-il être une source d'inspiration pour les autres contentieux soumis aux exigences du procès équitable? Les interactions entre ces deux disciplines connaissent une actualité renouvelée sous l'influence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne des droits de l'homme, de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne et du perfectionnement de la pratique de l'arbitrage. À la lumière de récetes évolutions jurisprudentielles, l'arbitrage mérite d'être mis en perspective avec plusieurs garanties, à savoir le droit à l'exécution de la sentence. Comment ces garanties du procès équitable sont-elles aujourd'hui appréhendées, respectées ou écartees en matière d'arbitrage? Quels enseignements tirer pour le droit et la pratique? Pour répondre à toutes ces questions, des spécialistes, tant de l'arbitrage, que du procès équitable, universitaires et professionnels, ont partagé leurs réflexions mettant ainsi en relief les défis pour l'arbitrage mis à l'épreuve par le procès équitable.
Arbitrage (droit européen) --- Procès équitable --- Procès équitable. --- Arbitrage (droit européen). --- Arbitration and award --- Fair trial
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Adopting a critical multidisciplinary perspective underpinned by feminist theory, this accessible book mounts an important interrogation into the use of a victim's sexual history as evidence in rape trials.
Examination of witnesses --- Rape victims --- Rape --- Sexual behavior. --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law and legislation --- Trial practice.
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Offentlich verfugbare Daten konnen insbesondere zur Verfolgung von Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit Bitcoin und anderen Kryptowahrungen systematisch analysiert werden. Denn die Transaktionsdaten von Bitcoin sind auf Grund der Funktionsweise der Blockchain-Technologie offentlich verfugbar. Hinsichtlich der Zulassigkeit solcher Analysen wird einerseits der Frage nachgegangen, ob und ab welcher Grenze uberhaupt ein rechtfertigungsbedurftiger Grundrechtseingriff vorliegt. Andererseits wird untersucht, ob fur einen Grundrechtseingriff eine hinreichende verfassungsrechtliche Rechtfertigung in der StPO enthalten ist. Massgeblich ist dabei, ob ein solcher Grundrechtseingriff noch geringfugig im Sinne der 161, 163 StPO ist.
Criminal procedure. --- Criminal law --- Criminal procedure --- Courts --- Criminal justice, Administration of --- Procedure (Law) --- Public law --- Appellate procedure --- Criminal courts --- Trial practice --- Pleading and practice --- Law and legislation
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