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The monograph contains articles on synchronic linguistics, diachronic linguistics (textology, onomastics, stylistics) and biblical studies. In the description and analysis of the diverse material, various research methodologies were used, which correspond to the interests of the authors of the collected texts and reflect these interests. The aim of the monograph was to show the diversity of the Jubilarian's scientific interests. This goal has been fully achieved.
Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics --- Philology
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The publication is an attempt to describe (without the ambition to be exhaustive) the phenomenon of contrast in language, literature, and culture. Such a wide perspective allows a variety of possible interpretations and provides the topic with an interdisciplinary context. The scientific character of the publication is ensured by an organized choice of content aimed at analyzing the aforementioned points, based on a wide corpus of texts from various eras and countries, and the use of multiple methodologies supported by a carefully selected bibliography. Since the monograph addresses the needs of a wide range of readers (students, literary scholars, philologists, literature lovers and French language speakers), it has the potential to exert considerable social influence.
Language and Literature Studies --- Studies of Literature --- Theory of Literature
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The monograph advances the results of research conducted for glottodidactic purposes from the perspective of the teaching and use (learning/application) of Italian as L2 by Polish users. The author validates an evolved scientificdiscussion on the integration of onomastic competence with other competences in the teaching of Italian language and culture. The need to introduce a more active and conscious use of proper names, i.e. onomastic competence in glottodidactic practice, is hypothesised. Onomastic competence is the starting point for activating operations that enrich knowledge of a foreign language – in this case Italian – at lexical, structural, communicative-cultural and pragmatic levels. The thematic essays In the theoretical part of the book account for precursory investigations and key information on the system of proper names in language, thus onomastics as a subdiscipline of linguistics that deals with the formations, processes, and functions of onyms in the oral and written register of language. The application part of the monograph contains onomastic material collected in a heterogeneous corpus, representative of the rich universe of proper names extracted and catalogued in tables with reference to the Italian language-culture: anthroponyms (first names and surnames), toponyms (place/geographical names), marketing chrematonyms (brand names), institutionyms (names of organisations and institutions). First names, toponyms and institutionyms are juxtaposed with Polish equivalents. The onimic material is supplemented by a set of didactic activities and lists of Italian cultural figures and a glossary of basic onomastic terms. The postulate of distinguishing onomastic glottodidactics as a field of interest in linguistic education leads to the suggestion that this strand of glottodidactic studies is the result of an interaction and part of a broader humanistic perspective, which consists of the introduction and integration of onomastics into interdisciplinary areas and didactics, including foreign language teaching.
Language studies --- Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics
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The monograph advances the results of research conducted for glottodidactic purposes from the perspective of the teaching and use (learning/application) of Italian as L2 by Polish users. The author validates an evolved scientificdiscussion on the integration of onomastic competence with other competences in the teaching of Italian language and culture. The need to introduce a more active and conscious use of proper names, i.e. onomastic competence in glottodidactic practice, is hypothesised. Onomastic competence is the starting point for activating operations that enrich knowledge of a foreign language – in this case Italian – at lexical, structural, communicative-cultural and pragmatic levels. The thematic essays In the theoretical part of the book account for precursory investigations and key information on the system of proper names in language, thus onomastics as a subdiscipline of linguistics that deals with the formations, processes, and functions of onyms in the oral and written register of language. The application part of the monograph contains onomastic material collected in a heterogeneous corpus, representative of the rich universe of proper names extracted and catalogued in tables with reference to the Italian language-culture: anthroponyms (first names and surnames), toponyms (place/geographical names), marketing chrematonyms (brand names), institutionyms (names of organisations and institutions). First names, toponyms and institutionyms are juxtaposed with Polish equivalents. The onimic material is supplemented by a set of didactic activities and lists of Italian cultural figures and a glossary of basic onomastic terms. The postulate of distinguishing onomastic glottodidactics as a field of interest in linguistic education leads to the suggestion that this strand of glottodidactic studies is the result of an interaction and part of a broader humanistic perspective, which consists of the introduction and integration of onomastics into interdisciplinary areas and didactics, including foreign language teaching.
Language studies --- Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics
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As a result of the growing interest in mountaineering, and in particular climbing, which can be observed not only worldwide but also in Germany and Poland in the last decade, related communication has also become widespread. The aim of the present study is to examine the sociolect of climbers both pragmatically and lexically. The analysis points out the communicative contexts that occur, analyses standardised communicative protocols, presents a qualitative and quantitative study of climbing lexis, as well as reveals the naming motivations behind the studied terms and discusses the borrowing mechanisms through which these elements found their way into German and Polish. The appendix includes a Polish-German glossary of climbing terms.
Social Sciences --- Language and Literature Studies --- Theoretical Linguistics --- Communication studies --- Sports Studies --- Social sciences.
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Na publikację składają się teksty bardzo zróżnicowane pod względem podejmowanych tematów i stosowanej metodologii. Jest to specyfiką tomów jubileuszowych, które w pewien sposób scala odniesienie do osoby jubilata. W tym przypadku wszystkie teksty dobrze wkomponowują się w całość, tworzą zbiór niejednorodny, lecz ciekawy i oryginalny. Autorzy nawiązują do poruszanych przez jubilata tematów, twórczo je rozwijając lub z nimi polemizując. Pod tym względem osoba Jubilatki, Profesor Danuty Bieńkowskiej, jest gwarantem, że opisywane w publikacji zagadnienia nie mają marginalnego dla nauki charakteru. Tomem zainteresują się przede wszystkim badacze Biblii, jednak krąg potencjalnych odbiorców będzie oczywiście zdecydowanie szerszy ze względu na inne poruszane tu zagadnienia: kwestie normatywne, językoznawczo zorientowaną stylistykę, synchroniczne i diachroniczne badania nad polszczyzną. Z recenzji dr hab. Anetty Luto-Kamińskiej
Language and Literature Studies --- Applied Linguistics --- Semantics --- Historical Linguistics --- Comparative Linguistics
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The book is devoted to the reconstruction and analysis of the philosophy of history and philosophy of culture, an outline of which Mieczysław Porębski presented in Z. Po-wieść (1989). This work is sometimes classified as a postmodern “professorial novel”, while the author of A seeker of sense among the strands of history tries to demonstate that the bricolage poetics is mainly staffage, as the distinguished art historian and theorist was motivated by the desire to reflect on the historical process and the meaning of European culture for contemporaries. The leitmotif of Z. is the wandering of the title character through the history and literature of the Old Continent, considered in the monograph i.a. in relation to the composition, the world presented, the autothematism, the philosophical assumptions and the ideological meaning of the novel. The authoress analyzes the figure of the protagonist, genological issues, the problem of historiography and narrative, and the textual implication of the authorial subject. She considers the dialectic between the search for universal truths about human nature and the imperative to convey the truth of one’s own time, and furthermore presents the futuristic predictions of the author of Iconosphere. Finally, she shows the hermeneutic perspective as the best one to interpret Z., as it is revealed in the actions and utterances of the protagonist himself, who seeks the essential message of tradition and the meaning of historical experience.
History --- Philosophy --- Language and Literature Studies --- History of ideas --- Polish Literature --- Hermeneutics
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The collection of contributions from the twentieth year of the competitive Student Literary Conference (May 4–5, 2022, Faculty of Arts, UP in Olomouc), organized by the Bohemian Studies Department of the Faculty of Arts, UP in Olomouc and the Institute of Czech Literature, v. v. i., contains nine articles that were created on the basis of conference contributions awarded by the jury. As a result, the publication is varied both thematically and methodologically. It is dominated by texts dealing with works and authors from various stages of the development of Czech literature, a significant number of articles were inspired by Slovak literature, and two studies are devoted to world literature. The main goals of the collection are the presentation of the results of talented adepts of literary science, as well as their motivation for further professional growth.
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The cultural relations between India and Romania are interesting to study and to understand. India is a country of immense diversity, of extraordinary customs, and a genuine feast of opinions, which attracts researchers from all over the world. Romanians are people with a profound sensibility. The two cultures met on the common ground of spirituality and the results are remarkable, as it is shown in this special volume.
Dasgupta, Surendranath, --- History --- Philosophy --- Language and Literature Studies --- Literary Texts --- Cultural history --- Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life --- Poetry --- Bibliography --- General Reference Works --- Fiction --- Studies of Literature --- Non-European Philosophy --- Special Branches of Philosophy --- Diplomatic history --- Novel --- Comparative Study of Literature --- Romanian Literature --- Indian Philosophy --- Philosophy of Religion --- Cultural Essay --- Conference Report --- Translation Studies --- Source Material --- Religion --- Romania --- India --- Relations --- Romanian literature. --- Indian philosophy.
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