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Hannah Arendt has been classified as a critical theorist, a phenomenologist, an anti-feminist, a feminist ally, a democratic theorist, a republican theorist, a Heidegerrian, and a nostalgic Hellenophile. This book responds to these perspectives in two ways. First, we recognize that one can legitimately derive all these positionings from one or another of her writings; second, we insist nevertheless and precisely because all these approaches play some role in her work that her readers ought to follow her own claim that she 'does not belong to any club'. Instead, we introduce her works as exercises in political thinking, treating her as a dialogue partner, whose judgments and opinions remain open for reflection and discussion.
Political science --- Philosophy --- Arendt, Hannah, --- Political philosophy --- Blücher, Hannah Arendt, --- Bluecher, Hannah Arendt, --- Ārento, Hanna, --- Arendt, H. --- Arendt, Khanna, --- ארנדט, חנה --- アーレント, ハンナ, --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Arendt, Hannah --- Philosophy. --- Parables.
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Auf der Agenda der »Werkstatt kritische Bildungstheorie« steht die Diskussion zur theoretisch fundierten und wissenschaftlich forschenden Erwachsenenbildung, die die individuellen und kollektiven Facetten des Menschseins anspricht. Wesentliche Impulse verdanken die ja¨hrlichen Treffen der Werkstatt den bildungstheoretischen Ansa¨tzen des Pa¨dagogen Heinz-Joachim Heydorn, der die Erwachsenenbildung als wichtigen Einflussfaktor auf die Entwicklungsfa¨higkeit des Menschen betrachtet. In dem Sammelband wird erstmals eine Auswahl von Beitra¨gen publiziert, die in der »Werkstatt kritische Bildungstheorie« entstanden sind. Nach einer Einfu¨hrung in die Entstehungsgeschichte und kritische Reflexionspraxis wird die Erwachsenenbildung unter verschiedenen Aspekten diskutiert: Philosophie, Theologie, Wissenschaft, Handlungsfelder der Erwachsenenbildung sowie berufsbiografische Reflexionen. Mit ihren Beitra¨gen loten die Autorinnen und Autoren das Potenzial der Erwachsenenbildung als gesellschaftliche Einflussgro¨ße aus.
Adult education. --- berufsbiografische Rekonstruktion --- Peter Weiss --- Bildungsinstitutionen --- Wissenschaftstheorie --- Heinz-Joachim Heydorn --- Erwachsenenbildung --- Bildungstheorie --- Theodor W. Adorno --- Jean-Luc Mario --- OpenLibrary 2022 --- Georg Picht --- lebensbegleitendes Lernen --- Bildungswissenschaft --- Subjektorientierung --- Ökumene --- politische Erwachsenenbildung --- Hannah Arendt --- Religion --- Walter Benjamin --- Ernst Lange --- Lernprozesse --- Berufsbiografie --- Theologie --- Natur & Pädagogik --- Philosophie --- positive Paradoxie --- ökologische Bildung
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In this book, renowned anthropologist Michael Jackson draws on philosophy, biography, ethnography, and literature to explore the meanings and affordances of friendship—a relationship just as significant as, yet somehow different from, kinship and love. Beginning with Aristotle’s accounts of friendship as a political virtue and Montaigne’s famous essay on friendship as a form of love, Jackson examines the tension between the political and personal resonances of friendship in the philosophy of Hannah Arendt, the biography of the Indian historian Brijen Gupta, and the oral narratives of a Kuranko storyteller, Keti Ferenke Koroma. He offers reflections on childhood friends, imaginary friends, lifelong friendships, and friendships with animals. He ruminates particularly on the complications of friendship in the context of anthropological fieldwork, exploring the contradiction between the egalitarian spirit of friendship on the one hand and, on the other, the power imbalance between ethnographers and their interlocutors.Through these stories, Jackson explores the unpredictable interplay of mutability and mutuality in intimate human relationships, and the critical importance of choice in forming friendship—what it means to be loyal to friends through good times and bad, and even in the face of danger. Through a blend of memoir, theory, ethnography, and fiction, Jackson shows us how the elective affinities of friendship transcend culture, gender, and age, and offer us perennial means of taking stock of our lives and getting a measure of our own self-worth.
Friendship. --- Interpersonal relations. --- Anthropology of Friendship. --- Aristotle. --- C.S. Lewis. --- Childhood Friends. --- Companion Animals. --- Elective Affinities. --- Friendship and love. --- Friendship in Philosophy. --- Hannah Arendt. --- Imaginary Friends. --- J.R.R. Tolkien. --- Jacques Derrida. --- Kuranko people. --- Montaigne. --- Sierra Leone. --- ethnography. --- fieldwork. --- memoir. --- personal essay.
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