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Higher education, employment, and economic development in India : problems, prospects, and policies
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1003329861 1000862569 1003329861 1000862607 Year: 2023 Publisher: Abingdon, England : Routledge,

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Les jeunes élites face au travail : regards croisés entre Polytechnique et Harvard
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ISBN: 9782356719737 2356719733 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris Presses des Mines - Transvalor, La fabrique de l'industrie

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Great Resignation aux États-Unis, difficultés de recrutement accentuées en France ou encore, quiet quitting et protestations à l'égard du grand capital dans les grandes écoles (e.g., HEC Paris, AgroParisTech) : autant de phénomènes qui pointent vers un ras-le-bol de la part des salariés, tout particulièrement auprès des jeunes générations. De fait, de nombreux médias se font le relai d'une « quête de sens » au travail, qui se traduirait notamment par de nouvelles exigences à l'égard de l'employeur (surtout en matière d'engagement environnemental et sociétal), et par la recherche d'un meilleur équilibre vie pro-vie perso. La littérature faisant état de différences marquées liées à l'appartenance sociale et au niveau d'éducation, ce Doc propose d'apporter une première pièce au puzzle, en se focalisant sur les attentes des jeunes issus des CSP supérieures. Il repose sur un matériau empirique original, qui croise les regards de 20 alumni issus respectivement de l'École polytechnique et de l'université de Harvard pour mieux identifier ce qui fait la singularité ou non des diplômés de grandes écoles dans leur rapport au travail. Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux chefs d'entreprises, décideurs publics et chercheurs désireux de mieux comprendre le rapport qu'entretiennent les jeunes générations à l'égard du travail.

The degree generation : the making of unequal graduate lives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1529208874 1529208866 1529208882 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bristol : Bristol University Press,

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This book traces the transition to the graduate labour market of a cohort of middle-class and working-class young people. Using personal stories and voices, it provides fascinating insights into their experience of graduate employment and how their life-course transitions are shaped by their social backgrounds and education.

Using a Competency Development Process Model in Higher Education : A Practical Guide
ISBN: 100097572X Year: 2023 Publisher: Sterling, England : Routledge,

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The accidental equalizer : how luck determines pay after college
ISBN: 0226829685 Year: 2023 Publisher: Chicago : The University of Chicago Press,

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A startling discovery-that job market success after college is largely random-forces a reappraisal of education, opportunity, and the American dream. As a gateway to economic opportunity, a college degree is viewed by many as America's great equalizer. And it's true: wealthier, more connected, and seemingly better-qualified students earn exactly the same pay as their less privileged peers. Yet, the reasons why may have little to do with bootstraps or self-improvement-it might just be dumb luck. That's what sociologist Jessi Streib proposes in The Accidental Equalizer, a conclusion she reaches after interviewing dozens of hiring agents and job-seeking graduates. Streib finds that luck shapes the hiring process from start to finish in a way that limits class privilege in the job market. Employers hide information about how to get ahead and force students to guess which jobs pay the most and how best to obtain them. Without clear routes to success, graduates from all class backgrounds face the same odds at high pay. The Accidental Equalizer is a frank appraisal of how this "luckocracy" works and its implications for the future of higher education and the middle class. Although this system is far from eliminating American inequality, Streib shows that it may just be the best opportunity structure we have-for better and for worse.

Metrics that matter : counting what's really important to college sttudents
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781421445731 Year: 2023 Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press

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"This book examines alternative perspectives on often flawed and misleading college metrics to help students make important education decisions"--

Idées reçues sur les petits diplômes : les coulisses de la formation professionnelle
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9791031805979 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris : le Cavalier bleu éditions,

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On entend souvent que les diplômes ne vaudraient plus grand-chose et que les diplômes professionnels seraient désajustés par rapport au travail et à l’emploi. Or, si les diplômes professionnels ont bel et bien évolué depuis la massification scolaire et la libéralisation de l’économie, ils continuent d’être décernés à une large partie de la population et les idées reçues concernant leur élaboration, leurs publics et leurs débouchés sont nombreuses.Cet ouvrage, écrit par des chercheurs et chercheuses spécialistes de la formation professionnelle, dépasse ces préjugés et donne une image riche et nuancée de ces « petits » diplômes qui ne peuvent être réduits à des diplômes de la seconde chance. Ainsi s’agit-il de précisément discuter la valeur de ces diplômes tant sur les marchés scolaires que dans le monde du travail.

Kompetenzen für eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung aus der Perspektive beruflicher Praxis : Eine empirische Untersuchung zu idealtypischen subjektiven Theorien über nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Anforderungen
ISBN: 3847418424 3847426702 Year: 2023 Publisher: Verlag Barbara Budrich

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University graduates face a multitude of challenges after graduation – including sustainability-related requirements in professional practice. But what should sustainability competence enable them to do in professional practice? What is the role of higher education institutions in the provision of sustainability-related study programmes? Corinne Ruesch Schweizer explores these questions, which are mostly discussed in normative terms, in a qualitative-empirical study and thus not only provides a sound basis for curricular decisions and reflections in higher education for sustainable development, but also makes a long-demanded specification of the concept of sustainability competence. Wozu soll Nachhaltigkeitskompetenz Hochschulabgänger*innen in ihrer beruflichen Praxis befähigen? Corinne Ruesch Schweizer geht dieser bisher zumeist normativ diskutierten Frage mit einer qualitativ-empirischen Studie nach. Über Situationsschilderungen der von ihr befragten Praxisexpert*innen arbeitet sie typische nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Anforderungen beschäftigungspraktischer Situationen heraus. Damit liefert sie nicht nur eine empirisch-fundierte Entscheidungs- und Reflexionsgrundlage für die curriculare Gestaltung von Studienangeboten im Kontext der Hochschulbildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, sondern zeigt auch die Relevanz des organisationalen Handlungskontextes für die Präzisierung der Nachhaltigkeitskompetenz auf.

The Professional Lives of Language Study Abroad Alumni : A Mixed Methods Investigation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781800412514 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bristol ; Blue Ridge Summit : Multilingual Matters,

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This book investigates the impact of language learning and study abroad on the career options and choices of US-based alumni of all ages. International education experiences are shown to exert considerable influence on the aspirations and career paths of individuals, and the long-term benefits are clearly demonstrated in participant narratives.

The Career Arts : Making the Most of College, Credentials, and Connections
ISBN: 0691239800 Year: 2023 Publisher: Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press,

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"A persuasive case for building career success through broad education, targeted skills, and social capital Young people coming out of high school today can expect to hold many jobs over the course of their lives, which is why they need a range of essential skills. The Career Arts provides a corrective to the widespread and misleading notion that there is a direct trade-off between going to college and acquiring practical job skills. Ben Wildavsky cuts through the noise and anxiety surrounding this issue to offer sensible, clear-eyed guidance for anyone who is making decisions about education and career preparation with a view to getting ahead in the workforce.Drawing on evidence-based research, illuminating case studies, and in-depth interviews, Wildavsky shares the most vital lessons of what he calls the career arts, which include cultivating a mix of broad and targeted skills, taking advantage of employer-funded education benefits, and preparing for the world as it is, not as you wish it could be. He explains why college remains the gold standard of credentials, and presents the most promising high-quality supplements and alternatives to college that can help learners combine general and job-specific skills. He shows how building social capital is also critical to success, particularly for disadvantaged students.An invaluable guidebook for students, parents, counselors, and educators, The Career Arts reveals why college education and job preparation are not either-or propositions and identifies the blend of education and networking needed to support real-world career aspirations"-- "Young people coming out of high school today can expect to hold many jobs over the course of their lives, which is why they need a range of essential skills. The Career Arts provides a corrective to the widespread and misleading notion that there is a direct trade-off between going to college and acquiring practical job skills. Ben Wildavsky cuts through the noise and anxiety surrounding this issue to offer sensible, clear-eyed guidance for anyone who is making decisions about education and career preparation with a view to getting ahead in the workforce. Drawing on evidence-based research, illuminating case studies, and in-depth interviews, Wildavsky shares the most vital lessons of what he calls the career arts, which include cultivating a mix of broad and targeted skills, taking advantage of employer-funded education benefits, and preparing for the world as it is, not as you wish it could be. He explains why college remains the gold standard of credentials, and presents the most promising high-quality supplements and alternatives to college that can help learners combine general and job-specific skills. He shows how building social capital is also critical to success, particularly for disadvantaged students. An invaluable guidebook for students, parents, counselors, and educators, The Career Arts reveals why college education and job preparation are not either-or propositions, and identifies the blend of education and networking needed to support real-world career aspirations"--

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