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The Damanhur Federation, situated in Valchiusella, North-West Italy, is one of Europe's longest-lasting spiritual-esoteric communities. Nevertheless, there has hitherto been nearly no scientific study of this group, with the exception of a handful of specialised-journal articles. This collection fills that gap by collating the various scholarly contributions which over the years have dealt with Damanhur, aiming to present the phenomenon to a public of specialists, students and people who are just curious in a volume focusing on the multidisciplinary nature of the community as a whole. We consider the various spheres making up the social, cultural, spiritual and organisational life of Damanhur through analysis and interpretation of its historical evolution and more recent changes which have affected the community since its founder's death. The contributions combine field research with theoretical reflection, making use of both qualitative (discursive interviews and participant observation) and quantitative (questionnaires) methods.
Christian religion --- History --- spiritualiteit --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- holocaust --- anno 1940-1949
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This edited volume is dedicated to national-socialist archaeology as a Europe-wide phenomenon. It analyses national-socialist attempts to denationalize the archaeologies of European nations by creating a new unifying European archaeology on a racial basis. From the beginning of the nineteenth century, archaeology began to develop into an important force behind processes of nation building. At the same time, structures of transnational academic collaboration contributed strongly to the internal dynamics of the research field, which was primarily organized on a national basis. In those European countries that were confronted with national-socialist occupation and repression between 1939 and 1945, these transnational archaeological networks were to prove crucial for the development of national-socialist archaeological policies. This volume will reveal how national-socialist archaeology was to an extent valued positively in its time as highly innovative, even influencing the archaeology of non-occupied countries. Although in the final instance, it generally failed to displace the national archaeologies in Europe, the volume also analyses the long-term impact of national-socialist rule on the development of European archaeology. How did the attempts to create a unified European archaeology after 1945 continue to influence networks, methods and terminologies, institutional structures, or popular representations of the early past?
Archeology --- History --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- archeologie --- holocaust --- anno 1940-1949
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Tussen 1944 en 1950 werden 242 ter dood veroordeelde collaborateurs en oorlogsmisdadigers gefusilleerd in België, ongeveer evenveel in Nederlandstalig als in Franstalig België. Het is een breukmoment in de geschiedenis van de Belgische justitie. Behalve enkele militairen en vermoedelijke spionnen tijdens WO I hadden sinds 1863 terdoodveroordeelden altijd genade gekregen, na 1950 werd geen enkele doodstraf meer uitgevoerd. 00De terechtstellingen in de nasleep van WO II staan in het collectieve geheugen van de repressie gegrift. Het was de ultieme straf voor collaboratie en oorlogsmisdaden. De maatschappelijke en symbolische weerslag was groot. Er doen echter nog altijd veel mythes de ronde over, zoals de opvatting dat Nederlandstaligen strenger bestraft en dus vaker terechtgesteld werden. 00Dit boek is de eerste grote studie naar dit gecontesteerde onderwerp. Vier oorlogs- en rechtshistorici konden voor het eerst gebruikmaken van het archief van het militair gerecht, de belangrijkste actor in het verhaal. De auteurs presenteren individuele cases en leggen de rol van diverse schakels in de besluitvorming bloot, zoals het auditoraat-generaal, de militaire parketten, de lokale overheden en de Prins-Regent.
History of the law --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- anno 1940-1949 --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- collaboratie --- repressie
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Hét referentiewerk over de NMBS, en haar rol in de deportaties, het verzet en de collaboratie, tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in bezet België. De treinen blijven rijden, ook tijdens de Duitse bezetting van België tijdens WO II. Hoe kan het ook anders? De NMBS is op dat moment het grootste bedrijf én de grootste openbare dienstverlener van België. Het mastodontbedrijf staat in voor de bevoorrading van een groot deel van de grondstoffen, materialen en voedsel, en heeft zo het lot van de Belgische bevolking en industrie in zijn handen.Samenwerking met de bezetter wordt zo wel onvermijdelijk. En daar loopt het al snel grondig mis. De Belgische spoorwegen helpen tussen 1941 en 1944 mee aan de deportatie van 189.542 Belgische dwangarbeiders, 25.490 Joden, 16.081 politieke gevangenen en 353 Roma naar het oosten. Nico Wouters - oorlogshistoricus en directeur van het CegeSoma/Rijksarchief - analyseert de samenwerkingspolitiek van het Belgische spoorbedrijf en gaat daarbij geen enkele vraag uit de weg. Wie nam de beslissingen? Voerde de NMBS militaire opdrachten uit voor de Duitsers? Werd het bedrijf betaald voor de deportatietreinen? Waren er marges voor onderhandeling en waarvoor werden die (niet) gebruikt? Welke rol speelde het sterk aanwezige verzet? Ondanks de toenemende weerstand blijven de treinen nagenoeg tot de laatste oorlogsdag in dienst van de Duitsers rijden. Hoe kunnen we dat met de kennis en de blik van vandaag verklaren? Dit verhaal kent geen simplistische schema's van zwart of wit. Dat maakt het des te interessanter, want precies in de grijze zones liggen de moeilijkste keuzes en daarom de meest relevante inzichten.
History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Belgian State Railway --- anno 1940-1949 --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- Europese geschiedenis
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Philosophy --- General ethics --- Literature --- History --- ethiek --- filosofie --- literatuur --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- holocaust --- anno 1940-1949
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To understand the turnaround in Spain's stance towards Japan during World War II, this book goes beyond mutual contacts and explains through images, representations, and racism why Madrid aimed at declaring war on Japan but not against the III Reich -as London ironically replied when it learned of Spain's warmongering against one of the Axis members. Florentino Rodao is a Professor of Modern History at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. He has two Ph. D's (Complutense and the University of Tokyo) and has also taught in the universities of Ateneo de Manila, Keiō, Wisconsin-Madison, Puerto Rico and Tokyo University of Foreign Affairs. As visiting scholar and such, he has been at Australian National, Tokyo at Komaba, Harvard, South Pacific at Laucala, California at Berkeley and Hawai'I at Mānoa. Rodao has worked extensively on Spanish interactions with East Asia and the Pacific. Besides edited books and articles, he authored Españoles en Siam, 1540-1939. Una contribución al estudio de la presencia hispana en Asia Oriental (1997), and has published extensively on the Philippines, such as Franquistas sin Franco. Una historia alternativa de la Guerra Civil Española desde Filipinas (2012). He has also published for wider audiences, such as La Soledad del País Vulnerable. Japón since 1945 (2019).
History --- History of Europe --- History of Asia --- geschiedenis --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- Europese geschiedenis --- holocaust --- anno 1940-1949 --- Europe --- Japan
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This book focuses on the social voids that were the result of occupation, genocide, mass killings, and population movements in Europe during and after the Second World War. Historians, sociologists, and anthropologists adopt comparative perspectives on those who now lived in 'cleansed' borderlands. Its contributors explore local subjectivities of social change through the concept of 'No Neighbors' Lands': How does it feel to wear the dress of your murdered neighbor? How does one get used to friends, colleagues, and neighbors no longer being part of everyday life? How is moral, social, and legal order reinstated after one part of the community participated in the ethnic cleansing of another? How is order restored psychologically in the wake of neighbors watching others being slaughtered by external enemies? This book sheds light on how destroyed European communities, once multi-ethnic and multi-religious, experienced postwar reconstruction, attempted to come to terms with what had happened, and negotiated remembrance. Anna Wylegała is a sociologist and is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. She is the author of Displaced Memories: Remembering and Forgetting in Post-War Poland and Ukraine (2019) and the co-editor (with Małgorzata Głowacka-Grajper) of The Burden of the Past: History and Identity in Contemporary Ukraine (2020). Sabine Rutar is Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, Germany, where she works as Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor of Comparative Southeast European Studies. In her forthcoming monograph At Work under Hitler and Tito: Mining and Maritime Industries in Yugoslavia, 1940s-1960s she compares microhistories of industrial labour during World War II and the early Cold War. Małgorzata Łukianow is a sociologist and is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Her work is situated at the intersection of the sociology of culture, memory studies, and the sociology of knowledge. Chapter 7 and 13 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
World history --- History --- History of Europe --- geschiedenis --- sociale geschiedenis --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- Europese geschiedenis --- holocaust --- anno 1940-1949 --- Europe
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This book proposes a significant new interpretation of the relations between Italian partisans and British forces during the Italian campaign of 1943-1945. The core of the argument challenges many assumptions that are today still present both in Italian and in the Anglophone historiography on the subject. In current historiography, the debate is still ongoing as to whether the British were a hostile force to the Italian Resistance, trying to weaken it to better control it, or a genuine and committed ally. Instead of a clear-cut and artificial dichotomy between the 'Italians' and the 'British' this book posits the idea that lines were often blurred, and relations existed on a scale that included lots of grey and overlapping areas. Thanks to an original approach that examines the Italo-British interaction from a point of view as close as possible to the 'action', it proposes a new interpretation based on the way the British image was cast in Italy. Politics is left in the background in favour of an analysis of the concrete problems and difficulties that Italians and the British had to face when working together and how these processes influenced the image of Great Britain in Italy in the following decades. This produces a final interpretation that enriches current historiography and pushes forward our understanding of the relationship between Italian partisans and British forces.
Politics --- History --- History of Italy --- History of Eastern Europe --- geschiedenis --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- Europese politiek --- holocaust --- anno 1940-1949 --- Europe
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Criminology. Victimology --- Quantum mechanics. Quantumfield theory --- Optics. Quantum optics --- History --- quantumfysica --- quantumchemie --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- criminologie --- holocaust --- anno 1940-1949
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This Palgrave Handbook examines the ways in which researchers and practitioners theorise, analyse, produce and make use of testimony. It explores the full range of testimony in the public sphere, including perpetrator testimony, testimony presented through social media and virtual reality. A growing body of research shows how complex and multi-layered testimony can be, how much this complexity adds to our understanding of our past, and how creators and users of testimony have their own complex purposes. These advances indicate that many of our existing assumptions about testimony and models for working with it need to be revisited. The purpose of this Palgrave Handbook is to do just that by bringing together a wide range of disciplinary, theoretical, methodological, and practice-based perspectives.--
Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Cognitive psychology --- History of civilization --- History --- cultuur --- cultuurgeschiedenis --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- geheugen (mensen) --- holocaust --- anno 1940-1949 --- Collective memory.
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