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Les vingt ans du règlement sur la législation et la sécurité alimentaire dans l'Union européenne : bilan et perspectives

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Quand bien manger devient un luxe : en finir avec la précarité alimentaire
ISBN: 9782708254114 2708254111 9782708254114 2708254111 Year: 2023 Publisher: [Ivry-sur-Seine]: les Éditions de l'Atelier-les Éditions ouvrières,

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Huit millions de personnes en France ne peuvent pas se nourrir comme elles le souhaiteraient, obligées pour certaines de recourir aux dons, contraintes pour d'autres de se rabattre sur des produits low cost… À l'opposé de cette réalité, une offre alternative à celle de l'industrie agro-alimentaire, de meilleure qualité (bio, locale…), se développe depuis vingt ans, mais n'est accessible qu'aux ménages aisés. Bien manger semble être devenu un luxe. Face à cette réalité, peut-on dire que la nourriture reste un bien comme un autre ? Ou faut-il subventionner l'accès à une bonne nourriture, comme le défendent les inventeurs de la sécurité sociale de l'alimentation. Face à nos préoccupations alimentaires, cette enquête décrypte les rouages d'un système qui dysfonctionne et explore de nouveaux modèles pour l'alimentation de demain. Lutter contre la précarité alimentaire, c'est agir tout au long de la chaîne, du champ à l'assiette. C'est repenser la place que nous faisons à l'alimentation, dans nos vies et dans notre société

Dealing with food law in Europe : a practical approach, including a Belgian perspective
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Year: 2023 Publisher: Brussels : Bruylant,

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One welfare : animal health and welfare, food security and sustainability
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ISBN: 9781789249347 9781789249354 Year: 2023 Publisher: Wallingford, Oxfordshire ; Boston, MA : CABl,

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" This thought-provoking book explores the link between animals, people and their social and physical environments in relation to livestock farming, food safety, food security and sustainability.Providing an overview of livestock farming and animal related food production systems in a one welfare context, One Welfare: Animal Health and Welfare, Food Security and Sustainability begins by considering the interconnections of animals, humans and their environment. It then expands into the food production system, and considers the integration of positive welfare, stress, use of welfare indicators and the economic perspective. Written by a team of international experts, it connects theory with best practice examples and case studies from both organizations and individuals that have successfully implemented a one welfare approach.Essential reading for academics and practitioners who work within farming, food systems and international development, this ground-breaking text is also an important read for veterinary and animal welfare professionals. "--

On the edge : feeling precarious in China
ISBN: 9780231212144 9780231212151 Year: 2023 Publisher: New York : Columbia University Press,

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"On the Edge probes precarity in contemporary China through the lens of the dark and angry cultural forms that chronic uncertainty has generated since the millennium. Drawing on and expanding from social science work, the only currently available academic treatment of precarity in China, Hillenbrand argues that a substantial minority of Chinese workers-as many as 300 million people-exist in what she calls "zombie citizenship," a state of dehumanizing exile from the law and its safeguards. She further demonstrates that culture is a core space in which this rage and conflict break cover, via a range of aesthetic forms in which different class actors confront one another in postures of antagonism. This friction articulates itself in volatile, break-out cultural forms: suicide shows, brutal performance art, confrontational livestreaming, waste art, and poetry from the Foxconn factory floor. The book's approach is vigorously interdisciplinary, fusing digital media, art history, literary criticism, and performance studies with citizenship, protest, and labor studies. It places both the distinctive Chinese experience and the vital role of culture at the heart of our global understanding of what entrenched insecurity and civic jeopardy do to the bonds of the social contract"--

Le foncier rural dans les pays du Sud : Enjeux et clés d’analyse

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Dans les pays du Sud, l’accès à la terre et à ses ressources ainsi que son contrôle et ses usages représentent des questions cruciales. Au cœur des défis de la construction de l’État, du développement agricole, de la sécurité alimentaire et de la durabilité environnementale, le foncier est aussi un marqueur identitaire et une source récurrente de conflits. Depuis vingt ans, de nombreuses recherches ont renouvelé les savoirs sur ces questions. Dans une approche processuelle et pluridisciplinaire, cet ouvrage propose un état des lieux sur les dynamiques foncières rurales au Sud. S’appuyant sur une très riche bibliographie internationale, il traite des principaux thèmes liés aux questions foncières : depuis les pratiques et dynamiques locales (évolution des droits sur la terre, marchés fonciers, conflits…) jusqu’aux politiques publiques (réformes agraires, programmes de formalisation des droits sur la terre), en passant par les enjeux de méthode de recherche et d’expertise foncières. Chaque chapitre propose une mise en dialogue critique entre les questionnements, les catégories d’analyse et les résultats de la recherche. Somme sans équivalent sur le sujet, cet ouvrage constitue un outil de référence pour tous ceux qui, étudiants, chercheurs ou praticiens du développement, souhaitent approfondir leur compréhension des dynamiques foncières dans les mondes ruraux contemporains.

Feeding animals is essential for global food security
ISBN: 9781899043873 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leicestershire, UK : Context Products Ltd.,

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This book explores the evidence currently available to explain why feeding animals is still essential for global food security.There is considerable concern and controversy nowadays over the ethics and practices of food production. These concerns are particularly directed towards food of animal origin, meat, milk and eggs. Arguments are made that feeding animals with human food materials such as wheat or maize is an ethical misuse of global food resources. Unfortunately, the reality and practices of feeding animals is poorly understood. The return on investment of feeding animals with a small proportion of human edible ingredients is very substantial. Milk, meat and eggs have a much higher nutritional value than the original food materials. Moreover, the significant improvements in productivity of animals raised for food over the last 50 years contributes to food security and low cost food in developed countries. Oilseeds, human food and biofuel industries generate enormous quantities of materials that are inedible for humans. Feeding these resources to animals contributes to the development of the Circular Economy. It removes this enormous quantity of materials from the environment in an economically sustainable way.Climate change and global warming are major concerns, but it is not readily appreciated that grasslands contribute to carbon sequestration. Well managed grasslands trap carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the carbon component in the soil. Feeding animals has adverse environmental effects from greenhouse gases and manure. However, there are possibilities to reduce methane emission by ruminants and to improve manure processing which will mitigate the environmental damage from feeding animals. Global food security can only be achieved by obtaining the maximum value from all the food resources on the planet. As a large proportion of global food resources are inedible for humans, feeding animals is essential for global food security.This book has been targeted for students and professionals in agriculture and in food production. It would however also be useful for anyone who is interested in the processes of food production and the environmental consequences.

La prise en compte par le droit des enjeux de l'alimentation durable
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ISBN: 9782849347799 Year: 2023 Publisher: Le Kremlin Bicêtre : mare & martin,

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L'alimentation durable est dans toutes les bouches sauf, peut être, dans celle des juristes. Pourtant, l'alimentation durable est aujourd'hui un objectif affiché. Elle est indispensable pour répondre à l'urgence climatique mais aussi à la disparition de la biodiversité et aux enjeux relatifs à l'eau. Alors que peut faire le droit pour répondre aux enjeux de l'alimentation durable ? L'objectif de cet ouvrage, issu d'un colloque tenu à l'Académie du Climat le 25 novembre 2022 est de s'interroger sur la pertinence et l'efficacité des outils juridiques pour arriver à une alimentation plus durable, c'est-à-dire à des modes de production agroalimentaire et de commercialisation qui respecteraient l'équité économique et sociale et préserveraient l'environnement, la santé et la diversité culturelle.

Les vingt ans du règlement sur la législation et la sécurité alimentaire dans l'Union européenne
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ISBN: 9782802772972 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Le règlement n° 178/2002 relatif à la législation et à la sécurité alimentaire fait partie des grands textes législatifs qui ont marqué l'histoire de l'Union. Il y a dix ans un colloque lui était déjà consacré à Bruxelles. Ses vingt ans, célébrés à l'Université Toulouse Capitole (IRDEIC) en collaboration avec Nantes Université (laboratoire Droit et changement social), ont réuni des spécialistes de droit de l'Union et de droit alimentaire, afin de tirer le bilan et les perspectives de cet important règlement. Ce texte qui pose des principes matriciels majeurs et impulse des réformes dans de larges domaines (OGM, nouveaux aliments, utilisation des nanotechnologies, stratégie nutritionnelle, nouvelles techniques d'édition du génome, etc.) a, au-delà de sa portée normative, une portée institutionnelle par la création d'une nouvelle agence, l'autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA). Bien plus qu'un simple état des lieux de la transformation du droit alimentaire et de la sécurité alimentaire au cours de ces vingt dernières années sous l'effet du règlement, cet ouvrage, qui reprend les actes du colloque, se propose aussi d'analyser les enjeux renouvelés, liés à la durabilité, à la transition écologique et au contexte géopolitique actuel, enjeux et défis auxquels l'Union aura à faire face dans les années à venir


BPB9999 --- BPB2310 --- Union européenne --- sécurité alimentaire --- potravinové zabezpečení --- toiduga kindlustatus --- pārtikas nodrošinājums --- sigurnost opskrbe hranom --- sigurtà tal-ikel --- securitate alimentară --- voedselzekerheid --- prehranska varnost --- Ernährungssicherheit --- élelmezésbiztonság --- безбедност на храна --- potravinová bezpečnosť --- seguridad alimentaria --- bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe --- fødevareforsyningssikkerhed --- slándáil bhia --- aprūpinimo maistu saugumas --- sicurezza alimentare --- продоволствена сигурност --- food security --- επισιτιστική ασφάλεια --- segurança alimentar --- ruokaturva --- livsmedelstrygghet --- nedostatek potravin --- az élelmiszerellátás stabilitása --- disponibilidade de alimentos --- fødevareudnyttelse --- stabilnost opskrbe hranom --- inseguridad alimentaria --- utilización de los alimentos --- zapewnienie dostępu do żywności --- utilização dos alimentos --- piekļuve pārtikai --- Zugang zu Nahrungsmitteln --- pārtikas trūkums --- Verfügbarkeit von Nahrungsmitteln --- Stabilität der Nahrungsmittelversorgung --- elintarvikkeiden käyttö --- apsirūpinimas maistu --- élelmiszerek felhasználása --- stabilnost preskrbe s hrano --- az élelmiszer-ellátás bizonytalansága --- użu tal-ikel --- voedselonzekerheid --- stabilitatea aprovizionării cu alimente --- stabilus maisto tiekimas --- insegurança alimentar --- stabilità dell'approvvigionamento alimentare --- élelmiszer-hasznosítás --- ruoan saatavuus --- stabilita dodávek potravin --- využívanie potravín --- продоволствена несигурност --- insécurité alimentaire --- stabilność dostaw żywności --- disponibbiltà tal-ikel --- prístup k potravinám --- zabezpečení potravin --- razpoložljivost hrane --- potravinová neistota --- bizonytalan élelmiszer-ellátás --- sécurité alimentaire quantitative --- insecuritate alimentară --- az élelmiszerhez való hozzáférés --- fødevareusikkerhed --- food insecurity --- stabilność zaopatrzenia w żywność --- stabilité de l’approvisionnement alimentaire --- nuqqas ta’ sigurtà tal-ikel --- elintarvikeketjun vakaus --- aprūpinimas maistu --- fødevaretilgængelighed --- zanesljiva preskrba s hrano --- aċċess għall-ikel --- suffisance alimentaire --- pārtikas nodrošinājuma trūkums --- pārtikas lietošana --- stabbiltà tal-provvista tal-ikel --- access to food --- πρόσβαση σε τρόφιμα --- élelmiszer-hozzáférés --- disponibilité alimentaire --- acces la alimente --- dostęp do żywności --- pārtikas izmantošana --- disponibilitatea alimentelor --- nepietiekams pārtikas nodrošinājums --- accesso al cibo --- neustrezna prehranska varnost --- utilizarea alimentelor --- varnost preskrbe s hrano --- estabilidad del abastecimiento en alimentos --- stability of food supply --- dostupnost hrane --- pārtikas apgādes stabilitāte --- επισιτιστική ανασφάλεια --- χρήση τροφίμων --- brak bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego --- estabilidade do abastecimento alimentar --- dostępność żywności --- beschikbaarheid van voedsel --- stabilita dodávok potravín --- elintarvikkeiden saatavuus --- izkoristek hrane --- използване на храните --- elintarviketurva --- élelmiszerekhez való hozzáférés --- slándáil an tsoláthair bia --- pārtikas pieejamība --- nesigurnost opskrbe hranom --- zajištění potravin --- tápanyag-felhasználás --- σταθερότητα του εφοδιασμού με τρόφιμα --- insicurezza alimentare --- puutteellinen elintarviketurva --- dostop do hrane --- διαθεσιμότητα τροφίμων --- wykorzystanie żywności --- acesso a alimentos --- přístup k potravinám --- élelemhez való hozzáférés --- food utilisation --- suficiência alimentar --- sufficienza alimentare --- toidujulgeolek --- достъп до храна --- pristup hrani --- toegang tot voedsel --- стабилност на снабдяването с храни --- pārtikas nepietiekamība --- dostupnosť potravín --- az élelmiszer rendelkezésre állása --- disponibilità di cibo --- puutteellinen ruokaturva --- stabiliteit van de voedselvoorziening --- stabilitet af fødevareforsyning --- adgang til fødevarer --- manglende fødevaresikkerhed --- food availability --- наличност на храна --- tryggad livsmedelsförsörjning --- dostupnost potravin --- upotreba hrane --- Lebensmittelverwendung --- acceso a los alimentos --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- STRADALEX --- Sécurité alimentaire --- Politique agricole --- Souveraineté alimentaire --- Développement durable --- Santé publique --- Food security --- Food law and legislation --- Aliments --- Law and legislation --- Droit

Dealing with food law in Europe : a practical approach, including a Belgian perspective
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802772453 2802772457 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bruylant,

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The food industry is regularly put in the spotlight, whether for good or for bad reasons. Let’s think of food incidents such as the mad cow crisis, dioxin in chicken, horsemeat scandal, eggs contaminated with fipronil, but also, on the positive side, to innovations and projects aimed at developing healthier and more sustainable food.Food law has undergone considerable developments in recent decades, often driven by crises and current events, to the extent that it has become the most regulated sector in Europe. Yet it is still not – or hardly – taught in Belgian universities as an independent field of law.However, mastering the subtlety of ever more complex texts is a growing challenge for companies. The questions are indeed multiple and often sensitive: food safety issues, constraints and opportunities of bringing (new) products to the market, and the development of marketing strategies.This is the added value of this book: deciphering European food law and illustrating it with concrete applications. A special perspective on how the regulations are implemented and enforced in Belgium is also included.Pragmatic but precise, it is the essential tool for any actor in the food sector who wishes to understand the ins and outs of food law, from production to marketing.


BPB9999 --- BPB2303 --- STRADALEX --- levensmiddelenwetgeving --- levensmiddelenindustrie --- levensmiddelenproductie --- traceerbaarheid --- voedselveiligheid --- voedingsnorm --- EU-recht - nationaal recht --- België --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- право на ЕС―национално право --- однос права ЕУ и унутрашњег права --- Derecho de la UE - Derecho nacional --- prawo unijne - prawo krajowe --- ES tiesības un valsts tiesības --- legislația UE -legislația națională --- EU-ret - national ret --- ELi õigus - siseriiklik õigus --- EU-rätt–nationell rätt --- právo EU − vnitrostátní právo --- ES teisė – nacionalinė teisė --- direito da UE-direito nacional --- unionin oikeus – kansallinen oikeus --- δίκαιο της ΕΕ-εθνικό δίκαιο --- pravo EU-a - nacionalno pravo --- pravo EU – nacionalno pravo --- uniós jog–nemzeti jog --- EU-Recht - nationales Recht --- право на ЕУ-национално право --- EU law - national law --- dlí an Aontais Eorpaigh - dlí náisiúnta --- právo EÚ - vnútroštátne právo --- liġi tal-UE -liġi nazzjonali --- droit de l'UE-droit national --- e drejta e BE-së - e drejta kombëtare --- diritto dell'UE-diritto nazionale --- право на Европейския съюз―национално право --- право на Заедницата-национално право --- communautair recht-nationaal recht --- právo Evropské unie − vnitrostátní právo --- EU:n oikeus - kansallinen oikeus --- national ret — fællesskabsret --- Bendrijos teisė – šalies teisė --- κοινοτικό δίκαιο-εθνικό δίκαιο --- drept comunitar-drept național --- legislația Uniunii Europene-legislație națională --- prawo wspólnotowe-prawo krajowe --- pravo Europske unije - nacionalno pravo --- innerstaatliches Recht-Gemeinschaftsrecht --- nemzeti jog-közösségi jog --- Derecho comunitario-Derecho interno --- diritto nazionale-diritto dell'Unione europea --- nemzeti jog–európai uniós jog --- liidu õigus - siseriiklik õigus --- droit communautaire-droit interne --- právo Spoločenstva – národné právo --- vztah vnitrostátního a komunitárního práva --- droit national-droit de l'Union européenne --- European Union law - national law --- drept național-drept comunitar --- κοινοτικό δίκαιο-εσωτερικό δίκαιο --- prawo krajowe - prawo Unii Europejskiej --- vnitrostátní právo − právo Evropské unie --- national law - European Union law --- ELi õigus - riigisisene õigus --- δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης-εθνικό δίκαιο --- национално право-право на Заедницата --- nacionalno pravo – pravo Evropske unije --- európai uniós jog–nemzeti jog --- однос права Заједнице и унутрашњег права --- εθνικό Δίκαιο-κοινοτικό Δίκαιο --- direito da União Europeia-direito nacional --- Derecho nacional - Derecho de la Unión Europea --- Gemeinschaftsrecht—nationales Recht --- droit communautaire-droit national --- communautair recht-intern recht --- valsts tiesības un Eiropas Savienības tiesības --- e drejtë e brendshme - e drejtë e Bashkimit Europian --- vnútroštátne právo - právo Európskej únie --- recht van de Europese Unie - nationaal recht --- pravo Skupnosti - nacionalno pravo --- pravo Zajednice - nacionalno pravo --- direito nacional-direito da União Europeia --- ühenduse õigus - riigisisene õigus --- ЕУ законодавство-национално законодавство --- šalies teisė – Bendrijos teisė --- direito comunitário - direito interno --- diritto comunitario-diritto nazionale --- liġi nazzjonali-liġi tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- komunitární právo – národní právo --- национално право―право на Европейския съюз --- kansallinen oikeus - unionin oikeus --- Derecho comunitario-Derecho nacional --- Recht der Europäischen Union - nationales Recht --- Derecho de la Unión Europea - Derecho nacional --- Derecho nacional-Derecho comunitario --- diritto dell'Unione europea-diritto nazionale --- Euroopan unionin oikeus - kansallinen oikeus --- liġi tal-Unjoni Ewropea-liġi nazzjonali --- Kopienas tiesības un valstu tiesības --- kansallinen oikeus - EU:n oikeus --- riigisisene õigus - ühenduse õigus --- nationales Recht - Recht der Europäischen Union --- Europos Sąjungos teisė – nacionalinė teisė --- liidu õigus - riigisisene õigus --- nacionalinė teisė – Europos Sąjungos teisė --- fællesskabsret — national ret --- национално право-право на Eвропската Унија --- право на Eвропската Унија-национално право --- droit de l'Union européenne-droit national --- yhteisön oikeus – kansallinen oikeus --- pravo Evropske unije – nacionalno pravo --- prawo Unii Europejskiej - prawo krajowe --- nemzeti jog–uniós jog --- gemenskapsrätt–nationell rätt --- national law - Community law --- közösségi jog-nemzeti jog --- direito comunitário - direito nacional --- nationaal recht - recht van de Europese Unie --- legislație națională-legislația Uniunii Europene --- droit national-droit communautaire --- nationales Recht—Gemeinschaftsrecht --- diritto nazionale-diritto comunitario --- právo Európskej únie - vnútroštátne právo --- право на Общността - национално право --- nationell rätt–EU-rätt --- národné právo – právo Spoločenstva --- valtionsisäinen oikeus – yhteisön oikeus --- εθνικό δίκαιο-δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- национално право-право на ЕУ --- kansallinen oikeus - Euroopan unionin oikeus --- Eiropas Savienības tiesības un valsts tiesības --- diritto comunitario-diritto interno --- e drejtë e Bashkimit Europian - e drejtë e brendshme --- Euroopa Liidu õigus - riigisisene õigus --- valstu tiesības un Kopienas tiesības --- Community law - national law --- direito nacional - direito comunitário --- sicurezza degli alimenti --- food safety --- bezpečnost potravin --- maisto sauga --- sábháilteacht bia --- bezpečnosť potravín --- varnost hrane --- siguri ushqimore --- bezpieczeństwo żywności --- безопасност на храните --- livsmedelssäkerhet --- elintarviketurvallisuus --- fødevaresikkerhed --- sécurité des aliments --- élelmiszer-biztonság --- sikurezza alimentari --- ασφάλεια των τροφίμων --- Lebensmittelsicherheit --- pārtikas nekaitīgums --- segurança dos alimentos --- sigurnost hrane --- toiduohutus --- безбедност хране --- seguridad de los alimentos --- siguranță alimentară --- безбедност на храната --- здравословност на храните --- tiesiski nesaistošie instrumenti --- sicurezza dell'alimentazione --- hygienická nezávadnosť potravín --- zdravotní nezávadnost potravin --- zdravotná nezávadnosť potravinových výrobkov --- veiligheid van voeding --- segurança da qualidade da alimentação --- inocuidade dos alimentos --- l-iġjene tal-prodotti tal-ikel --- nezávadnosť potravín --- seguridad cualitativa de la alimentación --- bezpieczeństwo produktów żywnościowych --- sécurité sanitaire des aliments --- salubridade dos produtos alimentares --- hygienická nezávadnost potravin --- veiligheid van levensmiddelen --- fødevarers sikkerhed --- ασφάλεια της ποιότητας των τροφίμων --- az élelmiszerek biztonsága --- безбедност на прехранбените производи --- υγιεινή των τροφίμων --- kopregulēšana --- salubridade dos alimentos --- toiduainete ohutus --- food product safety --- säkra livsmedel --- sigurnost prehrambenih proizvoda --- is-sikurezza tal-kwalità tal-ikel --- sikurezza tal-ikel --- toidu ohutus --- jakość i bezpieczeństwo żywności --- elintarvikkeiden turvallisuus --- maisto produktų sauga --- inocuidad de los alimentos --- ispravnosti namirnica --- segurança sanitária dos alimentos --- salubrità degli alimenti --- zdravstvena ispravnost hrane --- salubrité des aliments --- bezpieczeństwo sanitarne żywności --- segurança dos produtos alimentares --- siguria e ushqimit --- food quality safety --- siguranța calitativă a alimentelor --- veiligheid van voedsel --- siguranța alimentației --- pārtikas produktu nekaitīgums --- maisto produktų saugumas --- maisto produktų sveikumas --- salubritatea alimentelor --- υγιεινή των προΪόντων διατροφής --- безвредност на хранителните продукти --- innocuité des aliments --- хранителна безопасност --- is-sikurezza tal-prodotti tal-ikel --- безопасност на хранителните продукти --- maisto sanitarija --- salubritatea produselor alimentare --- Lebensmittelunschädlichkeit --- inocuidad de los productos alimenticios --- siguranța alimentelor --- inocuitatea alimentelor --- inocuidade dos produtos alimentares --- sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari --- varnost živil --- innocuité des produits alimentaires --- salubrité des produits alimentaires --- salubrità dei prodotti alimentari --- nezávadnost potravin --- zdravstvena ispravnost prehrambenih proizvoda --- hygienická nezávadnosť potravinových výrobkov --- Lebensmittelunbedenklichkeit --- pārtikas produktu higiēna --- ασφάλεια τροφίμων --- ασφάλεια των προϊόντων διατροφής --- turvalliset elintarvikkeet --- sécurité qualitative de l'alimentation --- salubridad de los productos alimenticios --- inocuitatea produselor alimentare --- veiligheid van voedingsmiddelen --- bezpieczeństwo produktów spożywczych --- sigurnost kvalitete hrane --- safety of food --- salubridad de los alimentos --- zdravotná nezávadnosť potravín --- pārtikas kvalitātes drošums --- sikkerhed for fødevarekvalitet --- brīvprātīga regulēšana --- izsekojamība --- rastreabilidad --- tracciabilità --- ιχνηλασιμότητα --- spårbarhet --- identificare --- rastreabilidade --- vysledovateľnosť --- utvrđivanje podrijetla --- jälgitavus --- могућност утврђивања присуства --- atsekamumas --- traçabilité --- Rückverfolgbarkeit --- traċċabilità --- nyomonkövethetőség --- identyfikacja pochodzenia --- inrianaitheacht --- sledljivost --- sporbarhed --- možnost zpětného vysledování --- jäljitettävyys --- можност за следење --- трасируемост --- traceability --- gjurmueshmëri --- ιχνηλασιμότητα των προϊόντων --- tuotteiden jäljitettävyys --- toodete jälgitavus --- gaminių atsekamumas --- spårbarhet hos djur --- могућност утврђивања присуства производа --- dzīvnieku izsekojamība --- gjurmueshmëria e produkteve --- Rückverfolgbarkeit von Tieren (Rindern) --- traceability of animals --- traçabilité des animaux --- spätná vysledovateľnosť potravín --- marcarea produselor --- tracciabilità dei prodotti --- ιχνηλασιμότητα των ζώων --- utvrđivanje podrijetla životinja --- spårbarhet hos produkter --- sporbarhed for produkter --- loomade jälgitavus --- traçabilité des produits --- herleidbaarheid --- ražojumu izsekojamība --- marcarea animalelor --- traçabilité alimentaire --- sporbarhed for dyr --- sledovatelnost zvířat --- traceability of products --- могућност утврђивања присуства животиња --- могућност утврђивања присуства у храни --- rastreabilidad de animales --- eläinten jäljitettävyys --- sledovatelnost --- az állatok nyomonkövethetősége --- tracciabilità degli animali --- utvrđivanje podrijetla proizvoda --- rastreabilidade dos produtos --- a termékek nyomonkövethetősége --- seostatus --- gjurmueshmëria e kafshëve --- gyvūnų atsekamumas --- opspoorbaarheid --- sledovatelnost výrobku --- rastreabilidad de productos --- rastreabilidade dos animais --- Rückverfolgbarkeit von Erzeugnissen --- zvierat, výrobkov --- potravinářská výroba --- livsmedelsproduktion --- proizvodnja hrane --- élelmiszergyártás --- proizvodnja živil --- táirgeadh bia --- хранителна продукция --- производство на храна --- produzzjoni alimentari --- food production --- production alimentaire --- elintarviketuotanto --- toiduainete tootmine --- výroba potravín --- производња хране --- Nahrungsmittelerzeugung --- producție alimentară --- prodhim ushqimor --- παραγωγή τροφίμων --- maisto gamyba --- produkcja żywności --- produzione alimentare --- producción alimenticia --- produção alimentar --- levnedsmiddelproduktion --- pārtikas ražošana --- výroba potravin --- Nahrungsmittelproduktion --- levensmiddelenproduktie --- производство на прехранбени производи --- хранително-вкусова промишленост --- toiduainetööstus --- food industry --- indústria alimentar --- prehrambena industrija --- tionscal an bhia --- industria alimentaria --- živilska industrija --- levnedsmiddelindustri --- Lebensmittelindustrie --- industria alimentară --- potravinársky priemysel --- przemysł spożywczy --- industrija tal-ikel --- elintarviketeollisuus --- industri ushqimore --- βιομηχανία τροφίμων --- potravinářský průmysl --- pārtikas rūpniecība --- прехрамбена индустрија --- industrie alimentaire --- livsmedelsindustri --- élelmiszeripar --- maisto pramonė --- прехранбена индустрија --- industria alimentare --- Nahrungs- und Genussmittelindustrie --- Nahrungsmittelindustrie --- industrija alimentari --- potravinová legislatíva --- tiesību akti pārtikas jomā --- legislație privind alimentele --- foodstuffs legislation --- legislazione alimentare --- законодавство за прехранбени производи --- законодавство о храни --- legjislacioni për produktet ushqimore --- legislación alimentaria --- leġiżlazzjoni dwar il-prodotti tal-ikel --- legislação alimentar --- levnedsmiddellovgivning --- prawo żywnościowe --- Lebensmittelrecht --- reachtaíocht maidir le hearraí bia --- propisi o hrani --- законодателство за хранителните продукти --- živilska zakonodaja --- elintarvikelainsäädäntö --- potravinová legislativa --- νομοθεσία για τα είδη διατροφής --- livsmedelslagstiftning --- maisto produktus reguliuojantys teisės aktai --- toiduaineseadusandlus --- élelmiszerjog --- législation alimentaire --- toiduainemäärused --- leġiżlazzjoni alimentari --- réglementation de l'alimentation --- predpisy pre potraviny --- livsmedelsbestämmelser --- ρυθμίσεις για τα είδη διατροφής --- zákony o potravinách --- законодавство за храна --- aktet normative për artikujt ushqimorë --- prehrambeno zakonodavstvo --- élelmiszertörvény --- potravinářská legislativa --- Lebensmittelgesetz --- maisto produktus reglamentuojantys įstatymai --- regulations on foodstuffs --- noteikumi pārtikas produktu jomā --- normativa alimentare --- elintarvikeasetukset --- reglamentación de la alimentación --- lebensmittelrechtliche Vorschrift --- levnedsmiddelbestemmelser --- potravinové předpisy --- regulamentação relativa à alimentação --- food legislation --- maisto produktų nuostatai --- regolamentazione in materia alimentare --- élelmiszerügyi jogszabályok --- levensmiddelenvoorschriften --- reglementări privind alimentele --- standard i ushqimeve --- prehranski standard (Codex Alimentarius) --- norma alimentaria --- norma alimentare --- toiduainestandard --- potravinová norma --- standardul produselor alimentare --- maisto standartas --- food standard --- κανόνας διατροφής --- Lebensmittelnorm --- pārtikas standarts --- levnedsmiddelnorm --- elintarvikestandardi --- caighdeán bia --- хранителен стандарт --- стандарди за храна --- norme alimentaire --- прехрамбени стандард --- prehrambena norma --- norma alimentar --- livsmedelsstandard --- élelmiszer-előírás --- norma żywnościowa --- standard alimentari --- стандарди за прехранбени производи --- stravovací norma --- Codex Alimentarius --- pārtikas kodekss --- Codex alimentarius --- codul produselor alimentare --- standard tal-ikel --- Lebensmittelstandard --- Élelmiszerkódex --- κώδικας τροφίμων --- norma za živežne namirnice --- codex alimentarius --- επιτροπή του codex alimentarius του ΟΗΕ --- élelmiszerkönyv --- prehrambeni standard --- επιτροπή του κώδικα τροφίμων του ΟΗΕ --- Food law and legislation --- Aliments --- Public health --- Santé publique --- Food security --- Sécurité alimentaire --- Droit --- Santé publique --- Sécurité alimentaire

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