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Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789043039956 9789043039970 Year: 2023 Publisher: Amsterdam Pearson

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Marketingcommunicatie geeft een volledig overzicht van de fundamenten, technieken en toepassingen van marketingcommunicatie in een Europese context.OpbouwIn Marketingcommunicatie komen alle elementen van het marketingcommunicatieproces aan bod, van het stellen van communicatiedoelen, het vaststellen van een doelgroep, het positioneren van een propositie, de inzet van communicatie-instrumenten zoals adverteren, public relations, sponsoring en direct marketing, tot het berekenen van de campagne-effectiviteit. Het boek beschrijft hoe organisaties in deze digitale tijd kunnen omgaan met aspecten als branding, online communicatie en crossculturele marketingcommunicatie. Elk hoofdstuk wordt afgesloten met een uitgebreide case en bijbehorende vragen die de student aanmoedigen de theorie toe te passen.DidactiekMarketingcommunicatie is geschreven voor studenten in het hoger onderwijs. Er is daarom veel aandacht besteed aan voorbeelden uit de (Europese) praktijk, cases, samenvattingen, vragen en aanbevolen literatuur. In deze 7e editie van Marketingcommunicatie, met de bijbehorende MyLab-omgeving, zijn de cases, bedrijfsbeschrijvingen, voorbeelden en referenties geactualiseerd en zoveel mogelijk grafisch weergegeven. Het boek is tevens geschikt voor marketingprofessionals.Patrick de Pelsmacker is hoogleraar marketing aan de Universiteit Antwerpen en deeltijd hoogleraar marketing aan de Universiteit Gent. Maggie Geuens is hoogleraar marketing aan de Universiteit Gent en is directeur van het Brand Management Centre van de Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School. Joeri van den Bergh is medeoprichter en managing partner van InSites Consulting, een online marktonderzoekbureau. De Nederlandstalige bewerking is gedaan door Theo Zweers, docent (Online) Marketing en Communicatie aan de Haagse Hogeschool.MyLab Op MyLab hebben studenten en docenten de vrije beschikking over een uitgebreide hoeveelheid ondersteunend materiaal:• Het volledige boek in• Toetsvragen• Animaties digitale vorm (eText)• Verdiepende theorie• Cases• Een begrippentrainer• Video’s• Links

Transmedia Brand Storytelling : Immersive Experiences from Theory to Practice
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ISBN: 9789819940011 9789819940004 9789819940028 Year: 2023 Publisher: Singapore Springer Nature, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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Public Relations Management in Africa Volume 1 : Exploring Organisational Impact
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ISBN: 9783031267048 9783031267031 9783031267055 9783031267062 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This two-part volume examines current pedagogical modules, research directions and other emerging issues in public relations and communication management in Africa. In comparison to its Western and Asian counterparts, the literature on public relations management in Africa is limited, and much of it is examined through the lenses of Western philosophies and pedagogies that do not generally resonate with Africa's socioeconomic, political, and cultural contexts. This book aims to change that. Through analyzing the organizational dynamic, Volume 1 brings together contributors from across Africa to provide valuable insights into how public relations contributes to organizational effectiveness on the continent. Chapters discussed include a review of public relations research in Africa, the role of the African CEO as a public relations activist, the use of social and digital media in public relations, the measurement and evaluation of communication programs, and the implications of the fourth industrial revolution on public relations practice in Africa. Providing important pathways and overviews of public relations management in Africa, this volume not only highlights current practices but offers insights into the future of the practice within its evolving global landscape. Albert A. Anani-Bossman (PhD) is a lecturer and Ag. Head of the Department of public relations in the Faculty of Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing, Ghana Institute of Journalism. Takalani E. Mudzanani is a professor of communication science at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Cornelius B. Pratt is Professor Emeritus of Global Communication and Leadership in the Lew Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University in Philadelphia, United States. Isaac A. Blankson is a professor of communication and public relations and the president of the African University College of Communications (AUCC). .

Public Relations Management in Africa Volume 2 : The Practical, the Conceptual and the Empirical
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783031327513 9783031327506 9783031327520 9783031327537 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This two-part volume book examines current pedagogical modules, research directions and other emerging issues in public relations and communication management in Africa. In comparison to its Western and Asian counterparts, the literature on public relations management in Africa is limited, and much of it is examined through the lenses of Western philosophies and pedagogies that do not generally resonate with Africa's socioeconomic, political, and cultural contexts. This book aims to change that. Volume 2 brings together African scholars, moving beyond organizational impacts, to share wider theoretical and practical perspectives on the practice of public relations on the continent. Through conceptual discussions and empirical analyses, this volume demonstrates how Africa is gradually emerging from the shadows of Western public relations scholarship by building a body of knowledge and reflecting on developments in public relations management on the continent. The chapters covered include a discussion on the current landscape of public relations scholarship and practice in Africa, public relations and identity management, how public relations responds to the challenges of health communication, and the future of public relations in Africa in light of globalization and technological advancement, coupled with the many technological challenges the continent continues to face. Albert A. Anani-Bossman (PhD) is a lecturer and Ag. Head of the Department of public relations in the Faculty of Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing, Ghana Institute of Journalism. Takalani E. Mudzanani is a professor of communication science at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Cornelius B. Pratt is Professor Emeritus of Global Communication and Leadership in the Lew Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University in Philadelphia, United States. Isaac A. Blankson is a professor of communication and public relations and the president of the African University College of Communications (AUCC). .

De 7 magische woorden : waarmee jij als tekstschrijver of marketeer jouw resultaten verhoogt
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789082606867 Year: 2023 Publisher: Nicol Communicatie

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Wat als jij alledaagse woorden kan inzetten om jouw resultaten te beïnvloeden?Uit analyse van honderden teksten ontdekte auteur Nicol Tadema dat er 7 Nederlandstalige woorden zijn die jouw tekst kunnen maken óf breken.Zet je het woord net even op de verkeerde plek? Dat heeft een negatieve invloed op jouw conversie. Hierdoor kan het zo zijn dat jouw verkoopcijfers achterblijven, dat jij een deal misloopt of dat interactie op een social mediapost uitblijft. Zet je het woord slim in? Dan kan het jouw resultaten verhogen. Denk aan een hogere Click Through Rate, een stijgende hitrate of meer sollicitaties op een vacature.Een van de 7 magische woorden is ?niet?: een alledaags woord dat in tekst vaak geschrapt wordt door ons aartsluie brein. Wat blijft er dan over van een zin zoals: ?onze dienstverlening is niet duur? of ?onze producten zijn niet ongezond?? Hoe jij dit woord voor je kan laten werken? Zet je ?niet? bij de toepassing van verliestaal? Zodra je dat goed doet activeer jij het Fear-Of-Missing-Out-effect, gevolgd door loss aversion. Loss aversion is de theorie dat mensen een hekel hebben aan verliezen en er veel aan doen om verlies te voorkomen. Om dit verlies te voorkomen schiet men snel in de actie: mensen klikken bijvoorbeeld sneller door of zeggen eerder ?ja?.De 7 magische woorden kan je inzetten in alle overtuigende teksten. Denk aan webteksten, social mediaberichten, brochureteksten, slogans, vacatureteksten en offerteteksten. Dus als tekstschrijver, copywriter, marketeer, ondernemer of andere (sales)professional die overtuigend schrijft, wil jij de kennis uit dit boek niet missen.Ook in gesprekken, tijdens presentaties én zelfs thuis aan de keukentafel kan jij je voordeel doen door te goochelen met woorden.

Facilitation Skills : Focused Communication Processes in Groups
ISBN: 9783658400156 9783658400149 9783658400163 Year: 2023 Publisher: Wiesbaden Springer Fachmedien, Imprint: Springer Gabler

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This book provides a compact and well-founded set of facilitation skills for all who want to successfully lead meetings, workshops or project rounds. In this way, it is possible to guide the respective communication process to results in a focused, effective and efficient manner - whether online or face-to-face. Stefan Gross shows how guiding questions, methodical impulses, differentiated perception, a clear attitude and specific formats of participation help to achieve sustainable and smart results in groups. "This practical book provides a contemporary handout for the many challenges facing dynamic facilitation." Kai Beiderwellen, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences "The book is an invitation to deepen and reflexively develop one's own role." Wolfgang Widulle, The author Stefan Gross facilitates, guides and consults individuals, groups and organizations in decision-making, learning and innovation processes. He is also a visiting faculty at various universities in Germany, Switzerland and Nepal. The translation was made with the help of artificial intelligence (using a machine translation by a service of Since the subsequent review was carried out mainly with regard to content, the text of the book may differ stylistically from a conventional translation. Springer Nature continuously uses innovative technologies in the publication of books to support the work of the authors.

Changing Employee Behavior : How to Drive Performance by Bringing out the Best in People
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ISBN: 9783031293405 9783031293399 9783031293412 9783031293429 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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An important part of every manager's job is changing people's behavior: improving someone's performance, helping them better manage relationships with colleagues, or sometimes even stopping them doing something. Yet, despite the fact that changing people's behavior is such a fundamental skill for managers, there is little in the way of systematic support for them to go about it. This book changes that, revealing simple but powerful techniques for changing behavior that experts from a range of disciplines have been using for years. Drawing upon proven methods from psychology, psychotherapy, and behavioural economics, it presents a comprehensive toolkit that managers can use to improve the performance of staff and address some of the most common challenges they face. With a new foreword and three new chapters, this revised edition expands on the original by showing how organisations and leaders have used the techniques presented in it, how these methods have become even more relevant in the post-pandemic world, and how it has been applied the broader challenge of workplace culture change. Finally, supplementary videos add detail to this new content, with examples and explanations presented by the authors. Nik Kinley is a Director and Head of Talent Strategy for the global Talent Management consultancy YSC. Prior to YSC Nik was the Global Head of Assessment for the BP Group, and prior to that, Head of Learning for Barclays GRBF. He has specialized in the fields of assessment and behavior change for nearly twenty five years, and in this time has worked with CEOs, factory-floor workers, life-sentence prisoners, government officials and children. Shlomo Ben-Hur is an organizational psychologist and Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the IMD business school in Switzerland. He has more than 20 years of corporate experience in senior executive positions including Vice President of Leadership Development and Learning for the BP Group, and Chief Learning Officer for DaimlerChrysler Services.

Public Relations and Neoliberalism : The Language Practices of Knowledge Formation
ISBN: 019752186X 0190678410 Year: 2023 Publisher: New York, NY Oxford University Press

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This book is about public relations. But it is also about how an entire generation has learned to think, speak, and live within a market-driven neoliberal logic, using the distinctive language practices and vocabularies of "PR." To chart this cultural shift, a detailed historical analysis of the little-known Mont Pèlerin Society and its followers in the twentieth century shows how the relationships that joined money, power, and an ideological agenda impelled a partnership with public relations that led to its wider propagation and proliferation in society. Today, these conditions not only determine what or whose voices are heard, but they form an iron grip on the public imagination, deafening the public to the cries of those marginalized individuals and groups entrapped by circumstance and subject to fear, vulnerability, and hardship, or to the science that is critical to the planet's survival. The book focuses on two of the most pressing global issues of the present: climate change denial and the elision of the human rights of people seeking to become members of a nation-state through refugee status, political asylum, and immigration. Public debate determines politics, but all too often politics lags, or stumbles and falls, as the many voices jostling for attention in the contest of ideas become caught up in conflict and language games and fail to make any real mark at all. The distinctive language practices of public relations, organized around an all-encompassing, free-market-based view of the world, make this new reality happen in ways that are sometimes counterintuitive.

Instagram academy : de authentieke successtrategie voor ondernemers op Instagram
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ISBN: 9789401489058 940148905X Year: 2023 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

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Instagram Academy is een praktisch handboek voor iedere ondernemer die op Instagram zijn (personal) brand wil versterken. Een mooie foto posten kunnen we ondertussen allemaal wel, maar hoe maak je die ook doelgericht voor jouw publiek? Wat is nu de meest efficiënte manier om je content te plannen? En zijn Instagram Lives en Reels nu wel of niet de (tijds)investering waard? Businesscoach Nies Cools leert je alles wat je moet weten over 's werelds grootste uithangbord voor ondernemers, zodat jij élke dag omzet haalt uit Instagram. Boost je bereik met Reels, hashtags en edutainment. Maak slimmer gebruik van advertenties en collabs. Verdubbel je engagement rate met authentieke video.

Corporate Governance : Creating Value for Stakeholders
ISBN: 9789819927074 9789819927067 9789819927081 9789819927715 9819927072 Year: 2023 Publisher: Singapore Springer Nature, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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“This is a timely book on the elements of corporate governance. The case studies, comparative and Indian, illustrate the challenges of building effective governance in private businesses and the costs of getting it wrong. It will be useful also in understanding the governance needs of public enterprises.” —RFI Smith, Melbourne, Australia “Corporations will now play a critical role in ensuring global flourishing. Corporate boards need to lead businesses in a way that protects people, planet and profit. This book provides an excellent backdrop on how corporate governance can be re-imagined and re-enacted for a just and equitable society. A must read for scholars, practitioners and policy makers.” —Subhasis Ray, Professor, Xavier Institute of Management, India The book provides an in-depth understanding of Corporate Governance (CG) and its constituents. It includes new and contemporary topics such as CG in family controlled businesses, governance of multinational corporations, related party transactions and impact investing. A blend of theory and practice makes the book ideal for both students and practitioners. From Maxwell to Tata Sons, cases, old and new from both the western and eastern hemisphere facilitates readers understanding of CG issues. The book brings together governance frameworks of different countries in one place. For instance, when ‘appointment of auditors’ is discussed the UK code, US laws, EU Audit legislation 2016 and Indian rules are covered. It includes latest and novel regulations such as CSR in India. Dr Shital Jhunjhunwala is a Professor at Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India. She has 25 years of industry and academic experience. She has been training corporate directors and senior executives for more than a decade. She is founder editor of the Indian Journal of Corporate Governance. An eminent researcher Jhunjhunwala has several publications to her credit . She has co-authored Diversity and the Effective Corporate Board.

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