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'The Dimming of Starlight' is a philosophical treatise on space exploration that presents the fascinating stories of how space technology saves lives and protects our planet from catastrophe.
Astronautics --- Philosophy. --- Outer space --- Exploration --- Philosophy.
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"Although the United States won the race to the moon, the Soviets were far more active in space than Americans during the decade that followed. By the 1980s, some space experts feared the United States was in danger of being surpassed in space, including dual-use systems that might be employed offensively in a military confrontation. A few experts, looking ahead, recommended a space force within roughly two decades. Standing up Space Force is organized chronologically by presidential administration, beginning in the middle of the Clinton years and progressing through the Trump administration. During the Clinton and George W. Bush years, the move to national security space was incremental. The Obama presidency witnessed the rise of New Space entrepreneurs whose impressive space activities facilitated their initial partnering with U.S. government National Security Space (NSS) missions helping the United States keep pace with China and Russia. During the Trump administration, all necessary elements finally came together - most significantly, presidential-congressional leadership and bipartisan support - to eventually produce the fiscal 2020 national defense authorization act (NDAA). Because the NDAA authorized and provided for the Space Force, when the President signed the defense bill on 20 December 2019, at the same moment he officially established the nation's sixth armed service"-- "This book is intended to answer the question, "How did we get the Space Force?" The Air Staff assigned the book with that purpose statement given to the author. Rather than a technically-focused work emphasizing satellites, spacecraft, and strategies for the new domain, the resulting work is narrative in nature, following the legislative-administrative history as it pertained to space during the last quarter century leading to the creation of the U.S. Space Force"--
National security --- United States. --- History. --- Outer space --- Strategic aspects.
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Galileo and Kepler dreamed of the possibility of space exploration, although its reality was later underappreciated and even challenged by social, ideological, and scientific critics as a diversion from our problems on Earth. The Dimming of Starlight tells the fascinating stories of how space exploration places us in unusual situations that force us to come up with new ideas about nature. This strong connection between scientific exploration and scientific change makes us aware of a new panorama of problems, dangers, and opportunities that leads to new solutions and technologies that would have been unimaginable under old perspectives. Thus, the exploration of Venus led to the discovery of the destruction of Earth's Ozone layer. This discovery will save hundreds of millions of lives in the coming centuries. As we explore space, we learn to protect our planet from catastrophe, and all the while we change drastically our ideas about the nature of the universe. With its account of serendipity and splendor, the book invites readers on an exciting journey in which, step by step, we are shown the crucial importance of space exploration for humanity.
Astronautics. --- Astronautique --- Espace extra-atmosphérique --- Philosophy. --- Philosophie. --- Exploration --- Outer space --- Exploration. --- Astronautics --- Espace extra-atmosphérique
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Les fantastiques images du nouveau télescope James-Webb. Le succès de la mission Artémis qui préfigure le retour des humains sur la Lune. La réussite de la mission Dart ayant modifié la trajectoire d'un astéroïde... L'exploration spatiale a assurément le vent en poupe, et elle se décline selon trois options principales : les nouveaux et futurs télescopes spatiaux ou terrestres, la pléthore de sondes et de robots qui parcourent le Système solaire et vont même au-delà, et enfin, l'être humain qui souhaite fouler autre chose que le sol de la seule Terre. Ce que révèlent tous ces projets, à découvrir dans ce Hors-Série, n'est rien de moins que notre passé et notre futur.
Space sciences. --- Espace extra-atmosphérique --- Sciences spatiales. --- Exploration. --- Outer space
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"Poetic language captures the Voyager 2 probe's groundbreaking journey past Earth, into deep space and beyond"-- "A poetic odyssey through space with the groundbreaking Voyager 2 probe-past Earth, into deep space and beyond. In 1977, a space probe was built to help human beings learn a little more about outer space. Soon, along with its twin, Voyager 2 slipped through the clouds and left Earth behind. The spacecraft traveled for years through the deep, infinite night. At last Voyager 2 reached its first goal: Jupiter. Then it met the spellbinding sight of Saturn. Then, going further than any previous mission, the probe visited the blue ice giants Uranus and Neptune. Past the boundaries of our solar system, Voyager 2 sails on, carrying a Golden Record for any new friends it makes in interstellar space...This lyrical, atmospheric book introduces young readers to a pioneering NASA spacecraft that has spent over forty-five years observing and exploring our galaxy. With stirring poetry, luminous art, and fascinating back matter, The Sky Is Not the Limit will inspire future scientific innovators and foster a sense of wonder at our universe"--
Planets --- Astronautics --- Aeronautics --- Exploration --- History --- History --- Voyager Project --- Outer space --- Exploration
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This book is the second edition of Women Spacefarers and tells the fascinating stories of the valiant women who broke down barriers to join the space program. Beginning with the orbital flight of USSR cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova in 1963 and continuing to the present day, it covers the many female players who have had a central role in the greatest adventure of our time. The book includes the biographies of, and in some cases interviews with, the brave women who have flown in space. For each entry, the author contextualizes the spacefarer's accomplishments in light of the political and cultural climate of the time. The second edition features fifteen additional profiles on figures such as Jessica Meir and Wally Funk; new interview material; a new thematic structure based on each woman's science specialty and role; an expanded glossary; and more. The result is a gallery of pioneering women who reached for the stars: women who, with exceptional skill, hard work, and dedication, reached impressive careers as accomplished pilots, researchers, engineers and managers, and left a legacy of strength for all aspiring spacefarers.
Space research --- Astronomy --- ruimte (astronomie) --- ruimtevaart --- Outer space—Exploration. --- Astronautics. --- Physics—History. --- Women—History. --- Space Exploration and Astronautics. --- History of Physics and Astronomy. --- Women's History / History of Gender. --- Women in astronautics --- Physics --- Women in physics --- History. --- Outer space --- Exploration.
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Research in biological and physical sciences in space provides the critical scientific and technological foundations that make space exploration possible. As humanity looks towards the Moon and Mars for future missions, this work is needed to help astronauts adapt and live in the harsh environments of space. Thriving in Space provides a roadmap for increasing national investment in biological and physical science research, from experiments to infrastructure to education. This report identifies key scientific questions, priorities, and ambitious research campaigns that will enable human space exploration and transform our understanding of how the universe works.Thriving in Space reviews the state of knowledge in the current and emerging areas of space-related biological and physical sciences research and generates recommendations for a comprehensive vision and strategy for a decade of transformative science at the frontiers of biological and physical sciences research in space. This report will help NASA define and align biological and physical sciences research to uniquely advance scientific knowledge, meet human and robotic exploration mission needs, and provide terrestrial benefits.
Space sciences --- Astronautics and state. --- Space biology --- Life sciences --- Research. --- United States. --- Outer space --- Espace extra-atmosphérique --- Exploration.
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Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, l’eau est universelle : on la détecte partout. Sur Terre, bien sûr, mais aussi à travers tout le Système solaire, dans le milieu interstellaire, dans les galaxies les plus éloignées… et même à la surface des étoiles. C’est grâce aux techniques permettant de détecter l’eau dans notre environnement planétaire proche que les astronomes l’ont trouvée à travers tout l’Univers, dans ses phases gazeuse et solide.Des propriétés physiques et chimiques de l’eau à son apparition sur Terre, des océans hypothétiques cachés sous les glaces des satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne aux disques de matière où naissent des exoplanètes, du passé très reculé de Mars où l’eau liquide semble avoir coulé en abondance au futur lointain de notre planète où toute trace d’eau aura disparu, ce voyage dans l’espace et le temps vous entraînera jusqu’aux confins du cosmos.L’eau dans l’Univers fait le point sur la présence de cette précieuse substance à travers l’espace, à la lumière des connaissances actuelles et des découvertes les plus récentes… et les plus étonnantes !
Cosmochemistry. --- Water. --- Space environment. --- Interstellar molecules. --- Hydrology. --- Eau extraterrestre --- Cosmochimie. --- Hydrologie --- Water --- Universe. --- Solar system. --- Outer space. --- Eau extraterrestre. --- Hydrologie. --- Hydrology
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PV has traditionally been used for electric power in space. Solar panels on spacecraft are usually the sole source of power to run the sensors, active heating and cooling, and communications. Photovoltaics for Space: Key Issues, Missions and Alternative Technologies provides an overview of the challenges to efficiently produce solar power in near-Earth space and beyond: the materials and device architectures that have been developed to surmount these environmental and mission-specific barriers. The book is organized in four sections consisting of detailed introductory and background content as well as a collection of in-depth space environment, materials processing, technology, and mission overviews by international experts. This book will detail how to design and optimize a space power system's performance for power-to-weight ratio, effectiveness at end of operational life (EOL) compared to beginning of operational life (BOL), and specific mission objectives and goals. This book outlines the knowledge required for practitioners and advanced students interested in learning about the background, materials, devices, environmental challenges, missions, and future for photovoltaics for space exploration.
Photovoltaic power generation. --- Solar cells. --- Outer space --- Exploration. --- Cells, Solar --- Direct energy conversion --- Photovoltaic cells --- Solar batteries --- Solar energy --- Photovoltaic energy conversion --- Photovoltaics --- Solar system --- Exploration --- Space vehicles.
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