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Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459) was a pioneer of Quattrocento humanism. He rediscovered many manuscripts of lost Latin classics in libraries north of the Alps, yet spent most of his career as apostolic secretary at the Curia, before returning to Florence as chancellor. His numerous writings document the growth and concerns of the humanist movement and provide an extremely valuable insider perspective on the political and ecclesiastical affairs of his day. Poggio was present at the Church Council of Constance, where in 1417 he delivered a funeral oration for Cardinal Francesco Zabarella. Later in his life, Poggio revisited the genre to write fictitious orations eulogising five of his close friends. The numerous extant manuscripts of these texts demonstrate the enduring appeal of Poggio’s obituary rhetoric, which contributed much to the codification of the genre. The eulogies set forth the characters and careers of six luminaries of the early Quattrocento. Three are intimately connected with the humanist movement in Florence: the scholar and chancellor Leonardo Bruni, the reclusive intellectual arbiter Niccolò Niccoli, and Lorenzo de’ Medici the Elder, the right hand of his brother Cosimo, who established the Medici hegemony. The other two lamented friends, Cardinals Niccolò Albergati and Giuliano Cesarini, represent, just like Zabarella, Poggio’s ideals for Church leadership.
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De Romeinse staatsman en redenaar Cicero verliest in 45 voor Christus zijn dochter Tullia, nog maar 32 jaar oud. Hij is er kapot van en besluit een troostgeschrift voor zichzelf te schrijven. Het werkt. Aan de hand van allerlei stoïcijnse inzichten weet hij zichzelf te troosten. Zo overtuigt hij zichzelf dat de dood nu eenmaal bij het leven hoort, en dat andere mensen, die hetzelfde overkwam, ook weer opkrabbelden door veerkracht en doorzettingsvermogen te tonen. Cicero’s Consolatio ging verloren in de oudheid. In de renaissance is het troostgeschrift gereconstrueerd op basis van de weinige overgeleverde originele fragmenten en opmerkingen van Cicero zelf over dit werk. Deze reconstructie treft u in dit boek in een fraaie Nederlandse vertaling van Jan Bloemendal, die tevens de inleiding verzorgde.
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Dit boek bevat de eerste Nederlandse vertaling van de Latijnse Kroniek van Eggerik Egges Phebens (1556-1615). Deze kroniek handelt over de vroegste periode van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog in Groningen en in de omliggende provincies, namelijk de jaren 1565 tot 1595. Er zijn in deze provincies weinig literaire geschriften uit deze periode bewaard gebleven. Phebens spreekt met afgrijzen over de ‘akeligste oorlog’ tussen de Staten der Nederlanden en de koning der Spanjaarden. Hij schrijft dat die oorlog met zuivere bedoelingen omwille van de religie en de vrijheid begonnen was. Daarna had deze zich in zijn ogen onnodig lang voortgesleept door wijdverspreide corruptie en door winstbejag en eigenbelang van de oorlogsprofiteurs. Phebens was afkomstig uit het Oldambt, en misschien ook daardoor bijzonder begaan met het trieste lot van de bewoners van het boerenland. Juist zij werden bij voortduren door vriend en vijand belaagd. Het handschrift van de Kroniek is door Eggerik Phebens zelf geschreven en hier en daar door zijn vriend Ubbo Emmius geannoteerd. De Latijnse tekst is in 1867 voor het eerst uitgegeven door de Groninger archivaris H.O. Feith. Deze nieuwe uitgave bevat naast een inleiding over leven en werk van Phebens een Nederlandse vertaling van de Kroniek.
Neo-Latin literature --- History of the Netherlands --- anno 1500-1599
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Roger Ascham is often classified as 'a great mid-Tudor humanist' and he is perhaps best known for his role as tutor to Elizabeth I. His most famous works, The Scholemaster and Toxophilus, have been extensively quarried and anthologised in studies on prose style and English humanism. By contrast, his Neo-Latin works that engaged with theology and key Reformation concerns have languished in the shadows of modern scholarship. Ascham's Themata Theologica ('Theological Topics') is one of these, and its content has the potential to open up many an investigative avenue into the intellectual and religious culture of the sixteenth century. This is the first volume to offer a corresponding English translation. The Themata can be dated to the early to mid- 1540s, and was composed by Ascham while still at Cambridge University and serving as a senior fellow at St John's College. The work mainly comprises a compendium of relatively short commentaries on Scriptural verses (both Old and New Testament), many of which developed into expositions on difficult philosophical concepts, such as the notion of felix culpa (literally, 'happy fault') and some of the most intractable theological questions of the day, including the nature of sin, adiaphora ('matters of indifference'), justification and free will. This little-known text offers a rare opportunity to trace the course of Ascham's own religious maturation, but also offers fresh insights into the confessional climate at Cambridge University during one of the most turbulent periods of the Reformation in England.
Christianity --- Philosophy --- Ascham, Roger, --- Neo-Latin literature --- Ascham, Roger
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"Jesuits in the East were a major source of European information on Japan from the late 16th to early 17th century. Not only were they active as missionaries, they also produced linguistic, religious and cultural tracts, regional chronicles, and thousands of Latin plays written in imitation of classical Greco-Roman theatre. An intriguing yet underexplored segment of Jesuit school theatre is that which stages non-classical, non-Western subjects such as Japan, and this volume is the first to present Latin texts of two of these plays alongside full English translations, commentaries and an extensive introduction. The plays in question - Martyrs of Japan and Victor the Japanese - were performed in Koblenz and Munich, in 1625 and 1665 respectively, and have been collected from original 17th-century manuscripts. They were based on specific events which took place in Japan in 1597 and 1613, and their main characters are historical Japanese Catholic converts of the warrior class and their pagan peers. The juxtaposition of the Latin texts and new English translations makes the plays newly accessible to a wide readership, shedding light on the ways in which Western classical humanism rooted in ancient Mediterranean theatre became intertwined with momentous historical developments both in Japan and Europe to produce these unique spectacles. The introduction and commentary examine the historical, cultural and literary contexts and provide guidance on interpretative and stylistic issues, allowing for a rich appreciation of the plays both as loci of classical receptions and as particular receptions of the exotic Orient in early modern Europe."--
Neo-Latin literature --- Jesuit theater --- Jesuit drama --- Latin drama, Medieval and modern --- History --- History and criticism --- Japan --- In literature.
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This volume addresses the idea of the Baroque in European literature in Latin. With contributions by scholars from various disciplines and countries, and by looking at a range of texts from across Europe, the volume offers case studies to deepen scholarly understanding of this important literary phenomenon and inspire future research. A key aim of the volume is to address the distinctiveness of these texts by interrogating the usefulness and specificity of the term 'Baroque', especially in relation to the classical rules it transgresses to produce effects of grandeur, richness, and exuberance in a range of secular and sacred arts (e.g. music, architecture, painting), as well as various forms of literature (e.g. prose, poetry, drama). The contributors consider how and why Latin writing mutated from earlier humanist paradigms, thus exploring how ideas of 'early modern' and 'Baroque' are related, and examine the interplay of the theory and practice of the 'Baroque', including its debts to and deviations from ancient models, and its limits and limitations.
Latin literature, Medieval and modern --- Baroque literature --- History and criticism --- Neo-Latin literature --- anno 1500-1799 --- Europe
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'The Annals of the War in the Low Countries is one of Hugo Grotius' lesser-known works. Grotius expresses a contrarian view of the early revolt, which he presents not as a united battle for the true faith and the ancient liberties of the land but as a protracted and painful struggle, not only with the great power of Spain, but also with discord, selfishness and religious fanaticism among the Dutch. To convey this complex and controversial vision of the foundational years of the Dutch Republic, Grotius chose the worldview and the prose style of the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus as his model. His commissioners, however {u2013} the States of Holland {u2013} did not publish the work when it was finished in 1612; it appeared in print posthumously in 1657. This is the first edition of Grotius' then-influential and well-known Annals of the Dutch Revolt since its initial publication. It presents a critical edition of the Latin text, a fresh modern English translation, and an introduction which covers all aspects of the work, from its conception to its modern reception, underlining the importance of reason of state for Grotius' thought in general.' --
Netherlands --- History --- Neo-Latin literature --- Pays-Bas --- Histoire --- Guerre de Quatre-vingts ans -- 1568-1648 --- Raison d'État --- Influence --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Belgique --- Renaissance. --- Renaissance
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Leon Battista Albertis Abhandlung über die Malerei De pictura, gegliedert in drei 'Bücher', markiert ungeachtet ihrer Kürze einen Meilenstein der frühneuzeitlichen Kunsttheorie, der auch in Antike und Mittelalter über keinen vergleichbaren Vorgänger verfügt. Der hohe Rang der Schrift speist sich nicht nur aus der großen kultur- und geistesgeschichtlichen Bedeutung der darin entfalteten Ideen – hervorzuheben die geometrisch konstruierte Zentralperspektive –, sondern auch aus den raffinierten literarischen Verfahrensweisen auf der Makro- und Mikroebene. Geprägt sind letztere durch die Theorie und Praxis der antiken Beredsamkeit sowie die kreative Einflechtung von 'Zitaten' und kurzen Erzählsequenzen aus dem gesamten Fundus der griechisch-römischen Tradition. Der Traktat liegt in zwei Versionen vor, einer kürzeren im toskanischen volgare und einer stilistisch ausgefeilteren in der humanistischen Gelehrtensprache Latein. Die Beiträge des Bandes konzentrieren sich auf die lateinische Fassung, die sie mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunktsetzungen unter philologischen, literaturwissenschaftlichen, philosophischen und kunstgeschichtlichen Aspekten beleuchten.
Painting --- Peinture --- Early works to 1800 --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Alberti, Leon Battista, --- Neo-Latin literature --- art theory --- Alberti, Leon Battista --- German literature --- History and criticism
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Successeur de Sturm à Strasbourg, Melchior Junius (1545-1604) étudie ici des discours au style direct qu'il prend chez les historiens de son époque. Son analyse rhétorique en identifie chacun des éléments, pas à pas, selon une méthode constante et très pédagogique. Les sept analyses retenues initient à ce mode de lecture oublié mais fructueux, avec des discours tirés de Buchanan (Histoire d'Écosse), de Giovio (Histoire de son temps) et des frères Du Bellay (Mémoires). Au-delà de l'initiation, ce petit volume a aussi valeur de manifeste : il serait temps de se reposer sérieusement la question des liens entre histoire et éloquence, entre « faits » et « dits ». --
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Les études ici réunies mettent en lumière une génération de poètes oubliés par l’histoire littéraire ainsi que les conditions de création à l’époque de Clément Marot. Leurs liens avec le « Prince des poètes françois » révèlent des sources communes, mais aussi des lignes de failles idéologiques et esthétiques.
Poetry --- French literature --- Neo-Latin literature --- anno 1500-1599 --- Rhétoriqueurs (mouvement littéraire). --- Poésie française --- Poésie latine médiévale et moderne --- Poètes français --- Marot, Clément, --- Critique et interprétation. --- Contemporains.
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