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The way of nobility : knowledge of the Imam
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ISBN: 1838499660 9781838499662 Year: 2023 Publisher: Birmingham: Ami press,

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The Way of Nobility: Knowledge of the Imam (Minhāj al-karāma fī maʿrifat al-imāma) is one of the most celebrated works in favour of the Shīʿī belief in the Imāma. Apparently authored for the Mongol ruler Öljeitü Khān, this work by al-ʿAllāma al-Ḥillī presents a concise but crucial summary of key arguments in favour of the Imamate of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib and his descendants. The work also contains detailed evidence from Sunnī historical and ḥadīth sources to establish the lack of qualifications for leadership of the Muslim community by those persons whom the majority of Muslims followed, namely, the first three so-called 'rightly guided caliphs' (al-khulafāʾ al-rāshidūn).

The Thun-Hohenstein album : cultures of remembrance in a paper armory
ISBN: 1800109989 Year: 2023 Publisher: Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK : Rochester, NY : The Boydell Press,

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The first extensive study of the depiction of the armour in the Thun-Hohenstein Album, in the vibrant artistic and cultural contexts that created it. In late medieval and early modern Europe, armour was more than a defensive technology for war or knightly sport. Its diverse types formed a complex visual language. Luxury armour was fitted precisely to a wearer's body, and its memorable details declared his status. Empty armour could evoke an owner's physical presence, prompting recollection of knightly personae, glittering pageantry, and impressive feats of arms. Its mnemonic power persisted long after the battle had ended, the trumpets had gone silent, and the dust had settled in the tournament arena. Previously believed to contain preliminary designs sketched by master armourers, the Thun-Hohenstein album is a bound collection of drawings by professional book painters depicting some of the most artistically and technologically innovative armours of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Like a paper version of the princely armories that first formed during the 1500s, the album's images offered rich sites of meaning and memory. Their organization within the codex suggests the images' significance to their compiler. At the same time, the composition and details allow the reader to trace the transmission of recognizable armours, and the memories they embodied, from the anvil to the page. This book is the first to examine the album, and the armor it depicts, in their vibrant artistic and cultural context. In five thematic chapters, it moves from case studies of these drawings to explore the album's complex intersections with the genres of martial history, material culture, and literature. It also reveals the album's participation in cultures of remembrance that carried mythic, knightly personae constructed around powerful Habsburg princes forward in time from the Middle Ages into the early modern era, from the courts of the Holy Roman Empire to emerging urban audiences.

Leggere il "libro aperto" : saggio sul Cannocchiale aristotelico
ISBN: 9788846767226 8846767225 Year: 2023 Publisher: Pisa : ETS,

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Nicholas Trevet's commentary on the psalms, 1317-C.1321 : a publishing history
ISBN: 9782503602110 2503602118 Year: 2023 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols Publishers

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How did medieval authors publish their works in the age before print? This study seeks to achieve new insights into the publishing strategies of medieval authors by focusing on Nicholas Trevet, an English Dominican friar and Oxford master. Shortly after 1317, Trevet was commissioned by his provincial prior to write a literal commentary on the Psalter. He chose as his reference version the less commonly used Latin translation by Jerome from the Hebrew, and delivered his work before 1321/22.The first book-length examination of Trevet’s commentary, this detailed study traces the ways in which the work was circulated by the author and his proxies. Through a combined analysis of codicological, textual, and historical features of the nine extant fourteenth-century manuscripts, this study identifies contemporary efforts to make Trevet’s work available to readers within and without the Dominican Order, in England and on the Continent. Even during the author’s lifetime the commentary was copied in Paris and reached readers in Avignon and likely in Naples.

Plato's Charmides
ISBN: 1009308173 100930819X 1009308165 1009308203 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press,

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Plato's Charmides is a rich mix of drama and argument. Raphael Woolf offers a comprehensive interpretation of its disparate elements that pays close attention to its complex and layered structure, and to the methodology of reading Plato. He thus aims to present a compelling and unified interpretation of the dialogue as a whole. The book mounts a strong case for the formal separation of Plato the author from his character Socrates, and for the Charmides as a Platonic defence of the written text as a medium for philosophical reflection. It lays greater emphasis than other readings on the centrality of eros to an understanding of Socratic procedure in the Charmides, and on how the dialogue's erotic and medical motifs work together. The book's critical engagement with the dialogue allows a worked-out account to be given of how temperance, the central object of enquiry in the work, is to be conceived.

The astronomical system of Aristotle : an interpretation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 900452553X Year: 2023 Publisher: BRILL,

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"Many have heard of Aristotle's First Unmoved Mover, the one that moves all things without being moved. Very few, however, have managed to capture the ultimate meaning of that entity. Explaining why it is necessary the existence of such a First Unmoved Mover is one of the goals of this book, but, even more, its journey allows us to understand why Aristotle maintained that there are a total of 55 Unmoved Movers, not just one. The key is Aristotelian astronomy, little studied so far in comparison with other aspects of his thought. In this solid piece of research and free philosophical speculation that Botteri & Casazza offer us, the authors' gaze raised to the sky-by means of the naked-eye analysis of celestial movements-leads to the reconstruction of Aristotle's astronomical system, key to understanding his cosmology, his physics, and even his metaphysics. A friendly book, in which the reader celebrates page after page the magnificent explanatory graphics. A book matured, coherent, creative, and intense, which should not be missing in any philosophical library. This book is a revised English translation from the original Spanish publication El sistema astronómico de Aristoteles: Una interpretación, published by Ediciones Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires, 2015"--

"L'admirable greffier de nature" : Héritages botaniques et zoologiques de Pline au XVIe siècle
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782600064521 2600064524 Year: 2023 Publisher: Genève Droz

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"Alors que les humanistes de la Renaissance portent sur la nature un regard nouveau, leurs écrits restent largement soumis aux autorités antiques. Parmi ces dernières, Pline tient une place à part. En effet, son œuvre soulève nombre de questions, que ce soit par les défis philologiques et terminologiques qu'elle lance aux éditeurs et traducteurs, l'étendue des connaissances qu'elle exige, la confrontation qu'elle stimule entre un savoir textuel ancien et les merveilles du monde naturel appréhendées par des témoins modernes, les tensions qui la traversent entre esprit de classification et collection d'histoires fabuleuses, ou encore l'instrumentalisation à laquelle elle se prête à des fins idéologiques. Les divers usages dont Pline fait l'objet tout au long du XVIe siècle font que son statut même de savant est contesté : serait-il un menteur, un ignorant ou un romancier ? Les contributions réunies ici cherchent à préciser certains aspects d'un héritage aussi incontournable qu'encombrant."--Page 4 of cover.

Traité sur les apparitions et les vampires
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ISBN: 9782204152266 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris : Les Éditions du Cerf,

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D'où vient Dracula ? Le mythe puise dans les légendes de la vieille Europe, celles-là qui sont compilées, débattues, disséquées par Dom Calmet, érudit bénédictin du XVIIIe siècle qui consacre son grand-oeuvre à l'étude des vampires. Médecin légiste et archéoanthropologue, Philippe Charlier établit enfin l'indispensable édition scientifique d'un ouvrage clé du siècle des Lumières. Les vampires existent-ils ? Quelle valeur accorder aux récits rapportés de Hongrie, de Moravie, de Silésie ? Comment les traiter du point de vue de la raison et de la religion ? C'est la mission que se fixe Dom Augustin Calmet en étudiant les manifestations de ces non-morts. Publié en 1751, son ouvrage marque un jalon important dans l'élaboration d'un rationalisme chrétien. Philippe Charlier présente ce texte phare de l'histoire de la pensée et lui adjoint l'appareil scientifique dont il avait besoin. Il rappelle, surtout, combien la modernité ne peut être résumée au passage de l'ombre à la lumière, et combien les anciennes croyances continuent d'exercer leur pouvoir de fascination sur nos imaginaires. --

De proprietatibus rerum.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782503544960 Year: 2023 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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Le franciscain Barthélemy l’Anglais composa dans les années 1240 l’encyclopédie De proprietatibus rerum, divisée en 19 livres où il traita de Dieu, des anges et de l’âme (I-III), du corps et des activités humaines (IV-VII), des corps célestes et du temps (VIII-IX), des éléments avec d’abord le feu (X), puis l’air, avec la météorologie et les oiseaux (XI-XII), l’eau et les êtres qui y vivent (XIII), la terre avec ses formes, composantes, végétation et animaux (XIV-XVIII), enfin des accidentia tels que la couleur, les odeurs, les goûts (XIX). Ce volume de l’édition collective débutée en 2007 publie trois livres qui occupent une place importante dans l’oeuvre de Barthélemy l’Anglais. Le livre VI, dédié aux âges et aux activités de l’homme, a été préparé par Juris G. Lidaka, aidé de Iolanda Ventura et Giuseppe Zarra. Le livre VIII, relatif au monde et aux corps célestes, est édité par Isabelle Draelants, Eduard Frunzeanu et Iolanda Ventura. Le livre IX, sur le temps et ses divisions, a été mis au point par Rudolf Suntrup. L’édition en cours donne accès non seulement au texte principal de l’encyclopédie, mais aussi au corpus de notes marginales moralisantes qui l’accompagne dans la plupart des manuscrits des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, et qui a contribué à son succès.

Transforming the dead in Graeco-Roman Egypt : the spells of P. Louvre N. 3122 and P. Berlin P. 3162
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ISBN: 9783111096933 9783111079837 311107983X Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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The belief that dead people could assume non-human forms is attested in Egyptian texts of all periods, from the Old Kingdom down to Graeco-Roman times. It was thought that assuming such forms enhanced their freedom of movement and access to nourishment in the afterlife, as well as allowing them to join the entourages of different deities and participate in their worship. Spells referring to or enabling the deceased’s transformations occur in the Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts, and the Book of the Dead. But it is not until the Graeco-Roman Period that we find entire compositions devoted to this theme. Two of the most important are P. Louvre N. 3122 and P. Berlin P. 3162, both written in hieratic and dating to the 1st century AD. Both texts have been known to Egyptologists for more than a century, but neither is currently available in an up-to-date comprehensive edition. This book provides such an edition, including high-resolution images of the manuscripts, hieroglyphic transcriptions, translations, descriptions of their material aspects, studies of their owners, their titles, and their families, reconstructions of their context of usage, analyses of their orthography and grammar, and detailed commentaries on their contents.

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