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Ce livre montre que Diderot est un philosophe des sciences original qui a su prendre en charge leur diversité irréductible, théorique et pratique, comparer leurs perspectives et dégager leurs implications philosophiques. L'épistémologie complexe qu'il élabore frappe par sa fécondité.
Materialism --- Science --- History --- Philosophy --- Diderot, Denis, --- Philosophie des sciences --- Diderot, Denis (1713-1784) --- Épistémologie. --- Critique et interprétation --- Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784
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Cet ouvrage propose une enquête à travers l'ensemble de l'œuvre de Diderot, à partir d'un motif central, tant littéraire que philosophique, à la fois propre à l'auteur et topique des Lumières. Il s'agit de tenter de cerner sous un angle nouveau la poétique diderotienne qui joue de cet écart entre la référence universelle et l'intériorisation de la pensée. Le questionnement sur la paternité et la filiation innerve toute une partie de la pensée et de la poétique de Diderot, et il cristallise l'imbrication des réponses les plus diverses et leurs contradictions les plus profondes. Plus qu'une figure paradoxale, le père est une figure prismatique constituée de paradoxes et qui les réfléchit sans cesse, amenant de perpétuelles inflexions dans la constitution de la pensée de Diderot. Enfin, elle touche une question ontologique, celle de la constitution d'une identité propre, d'un Moi qui puisse être sa propre référence une fois affranchi de toute tutelle, ce qui se manifeste forcément dans le choix d'une écriture placée sous le signe du divers.
Paternité --- Filiation --- Littérature --- Fatherhood in literature. --- Kinship in literature. --- Dans la littérature. --- Thèmes, motifs --- Diderot, Denis --- Diderot, Denis, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Littérature --- Thèmes, motifs
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This volume examines Diderot's and d'Holbach's views on determinism to illuminate some of the most important debates taking place in eighteenth-century Europe. It problematises their atheism by showing their philosophy to be deeply rooted in the Christian tradition and provides a more nuanced and historicised interpretation of the so-called 'Radical Enlightenment', challenging the notions that this movement can be taken to be a perfectly coherent set of ideas and that it represents a complete break with 'the old'.
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In mid-eighteenth-century Paris, the encyclopedists launched a campaign to radically redefine the public dimension of all 'imaginative' arts, starting with music - with the querelle des bouffons - then theatre, the novel and finally the visual arts. Diderot, Rousseau and the Politics of the Arts in the Enlightenment exposes the correlation between the prejudices and hierarchies of the political and social system of the time and what d'Alembert calls 'literary superstitions'. The book reconstructs the role of Diderot and Rousseau, frères ennemis, as they engaged in a dispute that was above all else political, despite revolving entirely around forms of artistic expression. Throwing a light on this important cultural event is all the more necessary because the essentially political dimension of Diderot's Salons has since the nineteenth-century been completely obscured from view. Indeed, at first misunderstood and then totally neglected, for over two centuries their true significance has been systematically ignored by the aesthetic-idealist school of criticism.
Arts --- Art, Modern --- Enlightenment --- Art, Modern. --- Enlightenment. --- artistic systems --- Politics --- the Arts --- art reviews --- Diderot --- Intellectual History --- Rousseau --- Political aspects --- History --- Diderot, Denis, --- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, --- 1700-1799
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Les vingt-huit volumes in-folio de l'Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, par une société de gens de lettres, furent publiés entre 1751 et 1772. Pendant ces deux décennies, environ un million six-cent-mille Africains furent embarqués dans des navires négriers dont deux-cent-cinquante-mille environ à bord de navires français. L'Encyclopédie reste comme un monument des Lumières, et cela jusqu'à et y compris dans ses limites. Parmi les 74 000 articles de l'Encyclopédie, moins d'une centaine concernent explicitement la question des traites négrières et de l'esclavage colonial. La contextualisation, l'analyse et la mise en relation de ces articles, de longueur et de portée très inégales, permettent de s'interroger sur les contradictions et les ambiguïtés des encyclopédistes, mais aussi de prendre en compte l'expression parfois fulgurante de principes antiesclavagistes. Ainsi, dans son article « Traite des Nègres », Jaucourt fut le premier des encyclopédistes à envisager l'abolition de l'esclavage. Comme en témoigne, notamment, le cheminement de Diderot, les débats ouverts par la première édition de l'Encyclopédie ont contribué, lors de la décennie suivante à une radicalisation de la pensée anti-esclavagiste et à un enrichissement de son expression dans le débat public alors que la traite et l'exploitation du travail servile atteignaient des sommets jusqu'alors inégalés. --
Slave trade --- Slave labor --- French --- Traite des esclaves --- Diderot, Denis, --- Alembert, Jean Le Rond d', --- Alembert, D', --- Critique et interprétation. --- Criticism and interpretation --- L'Encyclopédie. --- Encyclopédie périodique des sciences médico-biologiques. --- Encyclopedias and dictionaries, French.
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This book examines Diderot's and d'Holbach's views on determinism to illuminate some of the most important debates taking place in eighteenth-century Europe. Insisting on aspects of Diderot's and d'Holbach's thought that, to date, have been given scant, if any, scholarly attention, it proposes to restore both thinkers to their rightful position in the history of philosophy. The book problematises Diderot's and d'Holbach's atheism by showing their philosophy to be deeply rooted in the Christian tradition and offers a more nuanced and historicised interpretation of the so-called "Radical Enlightenment", challenging the notions that this movement can be taken to be a perfectly coherent set of ideas and that it represents a complete break with "the old". By examining Diderot's and d'Holbach's works in tandem and without post-romantic assumptions about originality and single authorship, it argues that the two philosophers' texts should be taken as the product of a fascinating collaborative form of philosophical enquiry that perfectly reflects the sociable nature of intellectual production during the Enlightenment. The book further proposes a fresh interpretation of such crucial texts as the Systeme de la nature and Jacques le fataliste et son maitre and unveils a key web of concepts that will help researchers to better understand Enlightenment philosophy and literature as a whole.
Déterminisme (philosophie) --- Diderot, Denis, --- Holbach, Paul Henri Dietrich, --- Determinism (Philosophy) --- Philosophy, European --- History --- Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, --- Diderot, Denis --- Holbach, d', Paul-Henri Thiry --- European philosophy --- Philosophy --- von Holbach, Paul Heinrich Dietrich --- Holbach, Paul Henri Thiery, --- Holbach, Paul Heinrich Dietrich, --- Thiry, Paul Henri, --- Thiery, Paul Henri, --- Thierry, Paul Henri, --- Dietrich, Paul Henri, --- Thyry, Paul Henri, --- Holbach, Paul Thiry, --- Holbach, --- D'Holbach, --- M. D***, --- D***, --- Ancien magistrat, --- Bernier, --- Olbach, --- Orbach, --- Halbach, --- Holbah, Pol, --- Golʹbakh, Polʹ, --- Holbakh, Pol, --- D..., --- Didero, Deni --- Diderot --- Diderot, Pantophile --- Didro, Deni --- D̲intero, D̲eni --- דידרו, דני --- דידרו, דני, --- Dīdiraw --- Dīdirū --- ديدرو
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In mid-eighteenth-century Paris, the encyclopedists launched a campaign to radically redefine the public dimension of all ‘imaginative’ arts, starting with music – with the querelle des bouffons – then theatre, the novel and finally the visual arts. Diderot, Rousseau and the Politics of the Arts in the Enlightenment exposes the correlation between the prejudices and hierarchies of the political and social system of the time and what d’Alembert calls ‘literary superstitions’. The book reconstructs the role of Diderot and Rousseau, frères ennemis, as they engaged in a dispute that was above all else political, despite revolving entirely around forms of artistic expression. Throwing a light on this important cultural event is all the more necessary because the essentially political dimension of Diderot’s Salons has since the nineteenth-century been completely obscured from view. Indeed, at first misunderstood and then totally neglected, for over two centuries their true significance has been systematically ignored by the aesthetic-idealist school of criticism.
Arts --- Art, Modern --- Arts, French --- Enlightenment --- Art, Modern. --- Enlightenment. --- Political aspects --- Diderot, Denis, --- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, --- 1700-1799 --- Art --- History of France --- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques --- Diderot, Denis --- anno 1700-1799 --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Occidental --- Arts, Primitive --- Arts, Western --- Fine arts --- Humanities --- History --- Rouseau, Jan Jakub, --- Russo, Zhan Zhak, --- Rousseau, John James, --- Rūssū, Jān Jāk, --- Lu-so, --- Ru-xô, Giăng-Giá̆c, --- Rousseau, Jean Jaques, --- Rousseau, Jean Jeacques, --- Rousseau, J. J. --- Rusō, Jan Jakku, --- Rousseau, Gian Giacomo, --- Ruso, Z'an Z'aḳ, --- Rūcō, --- Citoyen de Genève, --- Citizen of Geneva, --- Roussō, --- Rousseau, --- Rūssō, --- Rousseau, Johann Jacob, --- Руссо, Жан-Жак, --- רוסא, זשאן־זשאק --- רוסא, י׳ן י׳ק, --- רוסו, זאאן זאאק, --- רוסו, ז׳אן־ז׳אק, --- روسو، چان چاك --- روسو، ژان ژاك --- 卢梭, --- Rousseau, Juan Jacobo, --- Rousseau, G. G. --- Ruso, Jan Jak, --- Rūsaw, Zhān Zhāk, --- Rūsū, Zhān Zhāk, --- D..., --- Didero, Deni --- Diderot --- Diderot, Pantophile --- Didro, Deni --- D̲intero, D̲eni --- דידרו, דני --- דידרו, דני, --- Dīdiraw --- Dīdirū --- ديدرو --- Arts et politique --- Mouvement des Lumières.
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