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Critical architecture and contemporary culture
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0195078195 9780195078190 0195360168 9780195360165 9780195360165 1280526416 9781280526411 9786610526413 6610526419 1429405597 0197723616 Year: 2023 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press,

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This volume, evolving from a recent symposium, brings together a group of prominent literary theorists and architects to discuss the entente between postmodernism and architecture.

Mémoire en science politique[BR]- Travail écrit : "Syrie au Liban ? Une analyse socio-constructiviste des manifestations et conséquences d'interventions du régime syrien dans les affaires internes libanaises post-tutelle (2005-2020)[BR]- Séminaire d'accompagnement à l'écriture
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Alors que le Liban est souvent présenté comme terre d'affrontement de la région, tiraillé entre un système politique morcelé et des influences externes, ce travail analyse dans une double dynamique le fonctionnement de l'Etat libanais et les liens (historiques, économiques, sociologiques, confessionnels) entretenus avec sa puissance voisine anciennement tutélaire, la Syrie.

Science et pseudo-sciences, Juillet - Septembre 2023, No. 345. Intelligence artificielle, ChatGPT
Authors: ---
ISSN: 09824022 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris Association Française pour l'Information Scientifique

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pseudo-sciences --- pseudoscience --- parasciences --- désinformation scientifique --- scepticisme --- sens critique --- esprit critique --- scepticisme scientifique --- nouveaus mouvements religieux (NMR) --- parapsychologie --- médecines alternatives --- Scientologie --- astronomie --- électromètre --- électromètre de Hubbard --- Paco Rabanne --- Instinctothérapie --- astrologie --- livres et revues --- Association Française pour l'Information Scientifique (AFIS) --- programmation neurolinguistique --- Léon Foucault (1819-1868) --- Nostradamus --- programmation neuro-linguistique (PNL) --- zététique --- psychanalyse --- vaccinations --- lune --- clonage --- Raël --- mouvement Raëlien --- thermalisme --- cures thermales --- attentats du 11 septembre 2001 --- combustion humaine spontanée (CHS) --- autocombustion humaine --- Stephen Jay Gould (1942-2002) --- exercise illégal de la médecine --- bioéthique --- escroquerie --- législation --- droit pénal --- Organismes Génétiquement Modifiés (OGM) --- effet Barnum --- ondes électromagnétiques --- spiritisme --- Allan Kardec (1804-1869) --- Victor Hugo (1802-1885) --- thérapies alternatives --- Fleurs de Bach --- Élixirs Floraux de Bach --- Edward Bach (1886-1936) --- groupes sanguins --- Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) --- délinquance --- sourcellerie --- matérialisme --- homéopathie --- homéopathie vétérinaire --- médicaments homéopathiques --- Biologie totale --- agriculture biologique --- alimentation --- 9-11 Truth Movement --- complotisme --- théories du complot --- théorie du complot --- conspirationnisme --- désinformation --- Quantic Potential Measurement (QPM) --- profil psychologique --- Biologie Totale --- pensée scientifique --- changement climatique --- Objets volants non identifiés (OVNIS) --- UFOs --- ufologie --- déchets nucléaires --- vie extraterrestre --- intelligence extraterrestre --- Centre national d'études spatiales (CNES) --- psychogénéalogie --- manipulation génétique --- électrosensibilité --- alimentation et santé --- aspartame --- alimentation et cancer --- oméga-3 --- antioxydants --- nutrition --- végétalisme --- produits laitiers --- nourriture --- angoisse alimentaire --- sectes et religions --- paranormal --- superstitions --- psychologie cognitive --- horoscopes --- croyances --- probabilité --- neuropsychologie --- croyance au paranormal --- tabagisme --- industrie du tabac --- champs magnétiques --- électricité --- téléphones mobiles --- croyances paranormales --- faux souvenirs --- magnétoréception --- cancer --- cancérogènes --- hypersensibilité électromagnétique (HSEM) --- électrohypersensibilité (EHS) --- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) --- épidémiologie --- rayonnements ultraviolets --- rayonnement ultraviolet --- santé --- maladies génétiques --- maladies héréditaires --- autisme --- pédopsychiatrie --- neuroscience --- mémoire de l’eau --- biologie numérique --- Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004) --- Frank Tipler --- rasoir d’Occam --- Inde --- agriculture --- Stradivarius --- Trofim Lysenko (1898-1976) --- Trofim Lyssenko (1898-1976) --- génétique --- lyssenkisme --- Elizabeth Teissier --- astrothérapie --- vaccination --- vaccins --- psychologie --- Élizabeth Teissier --- quotient intellectuel (QI) --- intelligence --- psychométrie --- rougeole --- psychologie scientifique --- connaissance scientifique --- communication facilitée --- technologie --- Changement climatique --- réchauffement climatique --- carbocentrisme --- Créationnisme --- climatologie --- science et technologie --- trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC) --- encéphalopathie --- encéphalopathie spongiforrne bovine (ESB) --- médecine personnalisée --- Power Balance (EFX) --- cosmologie --- alterscience --- vieillissement cérébral --- maladie d’Alzheimer --- neuropsychanalyse --- amnésie infantile --- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) --- Freudisme --- dualisme méthodologique --- évolutionnisme --- Charles Darwin (1809-1882) --- psychanalyse et addictions --- personnalités multiples --- personnalité multiple --- Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) --- pseudo-archéologie --- traumatismes --- état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT) --- Antarctique --- effet placebo --- climato-scepticisme --- graphologie --- graphométrie --- tests génétiques --- Darwinisme --- Néolamarckisme --- Lamarckisme --- Intelligent Design (ID) --- Active Noise Reduction (ANR) --- médecine scientifique --- saignée --- scorbut --- Laboratoires Sevier --- Mediator --- hormones --- Twin-Towers --- Etats-Unis --- World Trade Center (WTC) --- Pentagone --- terrorisme --- ingénierie forensique --- Fukushima --- radioactivité --- risques nucléaires --- Tchernobyl --- catastrophes nucléaires --- centrales nucléaires --- accidents nucléaires --- dinosaures --- énergie nucléaire --- radiation --- Commission Internationale de Protection Radiologique (CIPR) --- séismes --- prédiction sismique --- Pastafarisme --- parodie de religion --- Église du monstre en Spaghettis volant --- autothérapie --- self-help books --- tribunal --- affaires judiciaires --- Ummo --- technologie de l'information --- magnétisme --- magnétisme animal --- Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) --- mesmérisme --- neurologie --- psychiatrie --- packing --- psychomotricité --- loi de Benford --- synergologie --- micro-expressions --- langage du corps --- nanotechnologies --- nanosciences --- nanochimie --- nanomécaniques --- gaz de schiste --- environment --- minutarisation --- microélectronique --- nanoparticules --- hydrocarbures --- énergie --- environnement --- santé mentale --- souffrance psychique --- psychopathologie --- classifications --- troubles mentaux --- internet --- science --- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) --- internet et croyances --- lithothérapie --- thérapies quantiques --- pensée magique --- constructivisme social --- rejet de la science --- conservatisme --- démocratie participative --- philosophie --- science et politique --- science et médias --- archéologie --- biodiversité --- biotechnologie --- écologie --- Île de Pâques --- Rapa Nui --- médecines non conventionnelles --- acupuncture --- ostéopathie --- santé et environnement --- toxicologie --- tabac --- huile de palme --- édulcorants --- stévia --- hyperventilation --- trouble panique --- angoisse --- additif alimentaire --- bronzage artificiel --- climat --- gestion de soi --- auto-instructions --- principe anthropique --- mediums --- Carl Sagan (1934-1996) --- allergies --- rationalité --- pseudo-guérisseurs --- chélation --- guérison reconnective --- publications scientifiques --- paludisme --- insecticides --- dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane (DDT) --- fracturation hydraulique --- bombes atomiques --- irradiation --- thérapies cognitivo-comportementales --- gourous --- théorie des chakras --- Catherine Vidal --- neurobiologie --- homosexualité --- orientation sexuelle --- féminisme --- darwinisme --- différences sexuelles --- dimorphisme sexuel --- Belgique --- expériences extraordinaires --- hallucinations --- obscurantisme --- controverses scientifiques --- gourous et guérisseurs --- journalisme paranormal --- fraude scientifique --- cigarette électronique --- e-cigarette --- hypnose --- anesthésie --- hypnose en anesthésie --- hypnose et faux souvenirs --- bio-électronique --- hypnotisme --- Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) --- vulgarisation scientifique --- frères Bogdanoff --- extrémisme --- marché cognitif --- biais cognitifs --- biais de confirmation --- affaire d'Outreau --- abus sexuel --- abus sur mineur --- erreur judiciaire --- pédophilie --- réseau pédophile --- science et religion --- phobies --- apipuncture --- pesticides --- pesticides naturels --- sécurité alimentaire --- santé publique --- psychothérapie --- abeilles --- produits phytopharmaceutiques --- apiculture --- interprétations des rêves --- géobiologie de l’habitat --- vaccin ROR --- ondes gravitationnelles --- David Bohm (1917-1992) --- biomimétisme --- Andrew Wakefield --- méta-analyses --- autorité scientifique --- pharmacie --- recherche scientifique --- évaluation --- médicaments --- pharmacovigilance --- pensées automatiques --- cerveau --- cancer du sein --- mémoire récupérée --- neuromythes --- mémoire traumatique --- anti-vaccination --- antivax --- antivaccination --- phosphénologie --- maladie de Lyme --- Russie --- politique et pseudo-science --- CRISPR-Cas9 --- CRISPR --- élections --- sondages --- Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) --- pollution atmosphérique --- perfectionnisme --- intégrité scientifique --- Borrelia --- bactériologie --- borréliose de Lyme --- dualisme --- chronologie --- stéréotypes physiques --- énergiologie --- intoxications alimentaires --- mycotoxines --- bactéries et virus --- cryptographie --- toxi-infection alimentaire --- virologie --- fipronil --- entomophagie --- consommation d'insectes --- au-delà --- morphopsychologie --- journalisme --- sophrologie --- journalisme scientifique --- médialisation --- statistiques --- signification statistique --- hormonothérapies --- herbicides --- glyphosate --- écriture inclusive --- thérapie cranio-sacrée --- astrophysique --- Mileva Marić (1875-1948) --- espérance de vie --- culture scientifique --- test de Rorschach --- Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922) --- régimes --- Stephen Hawking (1942-2018) --- antibiotiques --- bitcoins --- pénicilline --- médecine vétérinaire --- James Randi (1928-2020) --- polygraphe --- détecteur de mensonge --- robots --- intelligence artificielle --- méthodes anti-ondes --- extraterrestres --- crop circles --- viticulture biodynamique --- pensée téléologique --- light-emitting diode (LED) --- rayonnement optique --- sécurité photobiologique --- pseudo-médecines --- Philip Zimbardo --- expérimentation psychologique --- expérience de Stanford --- yoga des yeux --- Steven Pinker --- progrès humain --- démographie --- population --- climato-dénialisme --- paléontologie --- choléra --- Haïti --- malformations --- anomalies congénitales --- agénésie --- plantes --- biophotons --- énergie et climat --- transition énergétique --- énergies renouvelables --- production d’énergie --- papillomavirus --- nucléaire --- musique --- protéodie --- anthroposophie --- ésotérisme --- biosourcé --- Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) --- biodynamie --- médecine anthroposophique --- écoles Steiner-Waldorf --- calendrier biodynamique --- automédication --- iatrogénie --- faux aveux --- iridologie --- science et le patriarcat --- extinction des espèces --- anthropocène --- agroécologie --- algues --- eutrophisation --- anthropologie --- domination masculine --- Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) --- psychologie animale --- technologie 5G --- lapsus --- réseaux sociaux --- mathématisation --- Alan Turing (1912-1954) --- deep learning --- transhumanité --- Singularité technologique --- Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) --- lois de la robotique d'Asimov --- Linky --- transformation numérique --- Food Evolution (film) --- FakeMed --- psychologie sociale --- effet spectateur --- électroculture --- revues prédatrices --- coronavirus --- corona --- Covid-19 --- pandémie --- virus --- zoonose --- épidémie --- chloroquine --- Didier Raoult --- masques --- cosmétiques --- protection solaire --- centrale nucléaire de Fessenheim --- David L. Rosenhan (1929-2012) --- expérience de Rosenhan --- diagnostic --- diagnostic psychiatrique --- hydroxychloroquine --- faux médicaments --- artemisia annua --- SARS-CoV-2 --- radiofréquences --- fausses sciences --- Brésil --- Olavo de Carvalho --- religion et science --- domothérapie --- images mentales --- biologie --- sociologie --- cognition sociale --- évolution sociale --- naturalisme --- sociobiologie --- psychologie évolutionnaire --- sciences cognitives --- psychologie évolutionniste --- aérosols --- remdesivir --- traitement antiviral --- conjurationnisme --- science-ficiton --- hygiène --- lavage des mains --- effet Macbeth --- Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990) --- sécurité routière --- infrastructure --- immunologie --- vaccin anti-Covid --- vaccins à ARN --- Karl Popper (1902-1994) --- falsifiabilité --- expressions faciales --- communication non verbale --- théories complotistes --- crédulité --- QAnon --- complot pédophile --- antivaccinisme --- 11 septembre 2001 --- 9-11 --- effet nocebo --- ondobiologie --- manipulation mentale --- fiction --- films de conspiration --- films complotistes --- géobiologie --- neurosciences --- neuro-imagerie --- Lune --- mémoire --- hypermnésie --- hyperthymésie --- production électrique --- gaz --- Union Européenne (UE) --- Règlement Taxonomie --- morsures --- comportement animal --- éthologie --- pédagogie --- expériences pédagogiques --- cauchemars --- éthique --- ressources fossiles --- sûreté nucléaire --- stockage d’énergie --- fusion nucléaire --- parurésie --- énergies fossiles --- thorium --- hydrogène --- addiction aux jeux --- addictions --- pollution --- maladies neurodégénératives --- écospiritualité --- jeu pathologique --- manipulation cognitive --- Groupe intergouvernemental d'experts sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) --- guerre nucléaire --- Hiroshima (広島) --- Nagasaki (長崎) --- bombe nucléaire --- Hibakusha (被爆者) --- hiver nucléaire --- alcool --- consommation d’alcool --- binge drinking --- alcoolisation --- abus d’alcool --- superstition --- alcoolisme --- épistémologie --- microbiome --- microbiote --- France --- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) --- analyses --- analyse sociodémographique --- Histoire --- sciences historiques --- centres nucléaires --- Fukushima (Japon) --- Tchernobyl (Ukraine) --- International Nuclear and radiological Event Scale (INES) --- tritium --- Haut Potentiel Intellectuel (HPI) --- acidose --- santé mondiale --- épigénétique --- science et idéologie --- islam --- histoire des sciences --- Al-Biruni (973-1048) --- optogénétique --- AFIS --- ChatGPT --- IA génératives --- langue naturelle --- Natural Language Processing (NLP) --- protection des données personnelles (RGPD) --- propriété intellectuelle --- Glucose Goddess --- glycémie --- hydrologie --- Carl Rogers (1902-1987)

Skepter : de kritische kijk op paranormale verschijnselen en pseudo-wetenschap. Jaargang 36, nr. 3, Herfst 2023
ISSN: 09215085 Year: 2023 Publisher: Utrecht Stichting Skepsis

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#FHIW:CAT1 --- Science --- pseudowetenschap --- pseudowetenschappen --- parapsychologie --- occultisme --- scepticisme --- telepathie --- helderziendheid --- esoterie --- boekbesprekingen --- buitenzintuiglijke waarneming (ESP) --- boekrecensies --- magie --- alternatieve geneeswijzen --- alternatieve geneeskunde --- kwakzalverij --- kritisch denken --- wetenschappelijk scepticisme --- sceptisch onderzoek --- pseudokennis --- Transcendentale Meditatie (TM) --- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi --- paranormale verschijnselen --- homeopathie --- similiaregel --- Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) --- astrologie --- UFOs --- ufologie --- crop circles --- graancirkels --- Marilyn Ferguson (1938-2008) --- Transcendente Meditatie (TM) --- aardstralen --- wichelen --- wichelroede --- asteroïden en meteorieten --- Moermantherapie --- nazisme --- seksueel misbruik --- Isaac Newton (1643-1727) --- Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) --- psychoanalyse --- Arische fysica --- New Age --- oosterse mystiek --- Fritjof Capra --- Wetenschap en New Age --- Oosterse fysica --- wetenschappelijk effectiviteitsonderzoek --- Jomanda (Joke Damman) --- paranormaal genezer --- mediums --- Jan Bardi --- voorspellingen --- Michel Gauquelin (1928-1991) --- Marseffect --- satanisch ritueel misbruik --- massahysterie --- satanisme --- Satan --- seksuele kindermishandeling --- kindermisbruik --- Albert Bessemans (1888-1973) --- effectiviteitsonderzoek --- holocaust --- holocaust ontkenning --- Boeddhisme --- Saito Goma vuurritueel --- grafologie --- meditatie --- handschriftkunde --- Ludwig Klages (1872-1956) --- handschriftanalyse --- mediteren --- vipassana-meditatie --- Ervaringswetenschap --- psychokinese --- Oera Linda Boek (OLB) --- manuscripten --- Friesland (Nederland) --- Atlantis --- geschiedsvervalsing --- pseudogeschiedenis --- geschiedvervalsing --- paradromologie --- anti-milieubewegingen --- ontkenning van klimaatverandering --- Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994) --- filosofie --- wetenschapsfilosofie --- herinneringen --- ritueel misbruik --- getuigenissen --- pseudo-herinneringen --- false memory syndrome (FMS) --- psychologie --- meervoudigepersoonlijkheidsstoornis (MPS) --- dissociatieve identiteitsstoornis (DIS) --- dissociatie --- psychische aandoeningen --- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) --- klimaatontkenning --- AIDS (HIV) --- alternatieve behandelwijzen --- medisch tuchtrecht --- hekserij --- heksen --- heksenwaan --- ketterij --- ketterse sekten --- Waldenzen --- heksenvervolging --- heksenjacht --- Paul Kurtz (1925-2012) --- UFO-meldingen --- België --- Gaia --- Societé Belge d’Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux (SOBEPS) --- UFO-meldingen in Wallonië --- Belgische UFO-golf (1989-1991) --- UFO-foto's --- buitenaardse wezens --- ontvoeringen door buitenaardse wezens --- ontvoeringsverhalen --- UFO-ontvoeringen --- ontvoeringsfenomeen --- satanisch misbruik --- Ganzfeldexperiment --- Ganzfeld experiment --- ganzfeldmethode --- psi-effecten --- geloof en natuurwetenschap --- Rasti Rostelli (hypnose) --- paranormale hypnoseshow --- European Council of Skeptical Organizations (ECSO) --- pseudo-geschiedenis --- platte Aarde --- bolvormige Aarde --- Wetenschap versus Geloof --- metaforen --- wetenschapsgeschiedenis --- Rico Bulthuis (1911-2009) --- geneeskruiden --- kruidentherapie --- kruidengeneesmiddelen --- kruidengeneeskunde --- Instituut voor Video Gestalttherapie (IVG) --- Wies Moget --- incesttherapie --- alternatieve genezers en therapeuten --- astrologie en wetenschap --- Karl Popper (1902-1994) --- demarcatie --- demarcatievraagstuk --- complottheorieën --- complotisme --- samenzweringstheorieën --- samenzweringen --- Roswell --- desinformatie --- geboortehoroscoop --- horoscoop --- Lede (België) --- Mariaverschijningen --- verschijningen --- dichotomanie --- rechtshandigheid en linkshandigheid --- Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij (VtdK) --- rassenonderzoek --- ras en wetenschap --- huilende Madonna's --- Italië --- wenende beelden --- huilende Mariabeelden --- genezend medium --- deprogrammering --- deprogrammeren --- hersenspoeling --- marseffect --- statistiek --- Mars-effect --- orgaanroof --- orgaanhandel --- creationisme --- christelijk fundamentalisme --- wondergenezingen --- film en literatuur --- parapsychologie en kunst --- heilpraktiker --- natuurlijke geneesmiddelen --- antichrist --- 666 --- Getal van het Beest --- astronomie --- asteroïden en kometen --- planetoïden --- homeopathie in Nederland --- pareidolia --- Greet Hofmans (1894-1968) --- gebedsgenezing --- James Randi (1928-2020) --- pendelen --- radiësthesie en wichelarij --- pendelaars --- Anna Anderson (Anastasia,18896-1984) --- DNA-onderzoek --- Rusland --- klopgeesten --- poltergeists --- E.V. Ramaswami Naicker (Periyar, 1879-1973) --- India --- Tamil Nadu (India) --- hervonden herinneringen --- recovered memory --- fytotherapie --- geneeskrachtige planten --- remote viewing --- Ithaka (Homerus) --- legendarische plaatsen --- mythische locaties --- Sirius (alpha Canis Majoris) --- Dogoncultuur --- antropologie --- etnografie --- Dogon (Mali) --- mythologie --- Museum for Questionable Medical Devices (Minneapolis) --- hoogbegaafdheid --- Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) --- Rechtvaardige Rechters (Lam Gods) --- voeding --- dieet --- diëten --- Montignac dieet --- Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) --- antisemitisme --- Jozef Rulof (1898-1952) --- rassen --- racisme --- alien abductions --- buitenaardse ontvoeringen --- eindtijd --- Einde der Tijden --- paranormale geneeskunde --- David Bohm (1917-1992) --- fictieve wezens --- hypoglykemie --- suiker --- runologie --- runen --- kanker --- antroposofie --- rassentheorie --- rassenleer --- denkpatronen --- denkstrategieën --- cognitieve psychologie --- demonen --- pedofilie --- Alfred Vogel (Doctor Vogel, 1902-1996) --- Marc Dutroux --- Regina Louf (Getuige X1) --- Belgische pers --- psychiatrie --- Karel Pyck (1938-2022) --- Othello-effect --- Roy Martina --- Neuro-Emotionele Integratie (NEI) --- kinesiologie --- ecologie --- klimaatverandering --- Marsgezicht --- face on Mars --- Mars face --- NASA --- relativisme --- macrobiotiek --- frenologie --- Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828) --- Orson Welles (1915-1985) --- Houtsmullerdieet --- energievoorziening --- risico-analyse --- kernenergie --- postmodernisme --- parodie --- Feng shui (風水) --- fengshui (風水) --- Oosterse filosofie --- Karl Wilhelm Naundorff (1785-1845) --- Karl Naundorff (Lodewijk XVII, 1785-1845) --- Carl Naundorff (Lodewijk XVII, 1785-1845) --- materialisme --- holisme --- godsdienst --- ongeloof --- secularisering --- tachyonen --- skeptische bewegingen --- wetgeving --- Marcel Colla --- wetgeving alternatieve geneeskunde --- wetsontwerpen --- Oranjeorde --- Oranje Orde --- Noord-Ierland --- protestantse broederschappen --- orangisme --- Erich von Däniken --- elektromagnetisme --- krachtvelden --- zwaartekracht --- fysica --- elektriciteit en magnetisme --- elektromagnetische golven --- transplantatie --- evolutietheorie --- piramidologie --- kosmische krachten --- interpolatieformule --- correlatie --- wiskunde --- ortogonale hyperbool --- Fermi's paradox --- Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) --- buitenaards leven --- gammastraling --- orgaandonatie --- hersendood --- neurologie --- Ger Lodewick --- vaccinatie --- vaccineren --- vaccinweigeraars --- anti-vaxxers --- vaccins --- antivaccin --- antivaxers --- antivaccinatie --- anti-vaccinatie --- brainmachines --- digitale drugs --- Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) --- heiligverklaringen --- heiligen --- Maximiani Portas (Savitri Devi, 1905-1982) --- kwantummechanica --- causaliteitsbeginsel --- toekomstvoorspellingen --- moderne wetenschap --- Falun Gong (法輪功) --- Falun Dafa (法輪大法) --- China --- qi gong (氣功) --- qigong (氣功) --- nieuwe religieuze bewegingen (NRB) --- geloof --- Lourdes (Frankrijk) --- millenniumwisseling --- geneeskrachtige kruiden --- psychotherapie --- Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) --- hysterie --- hysterie en hypnose --- psychiatrische stoornissen --- psychische afwijkingen --- implantaat --- implantaten --- John Ernst Worrell Keely (1837-1898) --- John Keely (1837-1898) --- etherische krachten --- techniek en occultisme --- uitvindingen --- uitvinders --- Church of the SubGenius --- parodie religies --- valse religies --- paranormale beweringen --- Alfred Bonati --- laserbehandeling --- mesmerisme --- somnambules --- magnetiseurs --- somnambulisme --- bidden --- gebed --- piramiden --- oude Egypte --- piramidomanie --- Belgische UFO-golf --- spontane zelfontbranding --- spontane menselijke zelfontbranding --- Phyllis Newcombe --- medische kennis --- medisch onderzoek --- moderne geneeskunde --- Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) --- experimenten --- Internet --- zondvloed --- Walen en Vlamingen --- biotechnologie --- genetische manipulatie --- films --- Hollywood --- spookfilms --- engelenfilms --- reïncarnatie --- wedergeboorte --- heksenbeweging --- kansrekening --- waarschijnlijkheidsrekening --- synchroniciteit --- trauma --- jeugdtrauma's --- trauma en dissociatie --- Rupert Sheldrake --- staardetectie --- ganzfeldexperiment --- Charles Horton (1946-1992) --- Lysergeenzuurdi-ethylamide (LSD) --- LSD-therapie --- hallucinogenen --- wetenschap en religie --- pijnbestrijding --- Transcutane Elektrische Neuro Stimulatie (TENS) --- zwakstroom --- iatrosofie --- Jan Pieter de Kok --- godsdienst en wetenschap --- Etienne Vermeersch (1934-2019) --- anthropologie --- Yanamamoo --- Yanomami-samenleving --- uranium --- radioactiviteit --- nationaal-socialisme --- rassenpolitiek --- rassenhygiëne --- Eugen Fischer (1874-1967) --- fascisme --- coïncidenties --- Raëlisme --- Raëliaanse Beweging --- Raëlianen --- Clonaid --- Claude Vorilhon --- UFO-bewegingen --- UFO-religies --- elohim --- karma en reïncarnatie --- Stichting Europese Apologetiek (SEA) --- Golfoorlogsyndroom --- golfoorlogen --- postoorlogssyndroom --- morfische resonantie --- organische architectuur --- evolutionaire psychologie --- fictieve herinneringen --- nepherinneringen --- goeroes --- Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576) --- Tempeliers --- evolutiepsychologie --- rechtszaken --- Jeroen Bosch (1450-1516) --- Katharen --- Kathaarse Beweging --- iconografie --- kunst --- schilderkunst --- islam --- islamitische genezers --- aloë vera --- plantengeneeskunde --- spiritisme --- Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) --- Helen Duncan (1897-1956) --- Frans Rutten (1934-2019) --- Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) --- Protocollen van de Wijzen van Zion --- aardmagnetisme --- Susan Blackmore --- imitatievermogen --- memen --- magnetisme --- dierlijk magnetisme --- Gijsbert Karel van Hogendorp (1762-1834) --- Reiki (霊気) --- universele levensenergie --- handoplegging --- invented tradition --- geschiedenis van Reiki --- Japan --- snuffelvliegtuigen --- oplichterij --- pseudo-uitvindingen --- Aldo Bonassoli --- Alain de Villegas --- energie --- John Dee (1527-1609) --- Intelligent Design (ID) --- intelligent ontwerp --- resonantietherapie --- Hans Andeweg --- levensenergie --- shamanisme --- sjamanisme --- neosjamanisme --- para-geneeskunde --- para geneeskunde --- sterilisatie --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- concentratiekampen --- biologische geneeskunde --- Ark van Noach --- Ron Wyatt (1933-1999) --- pseudo-archeologie --- rookkringen --- nazi-artsen --- bloedgroepdieet --- natuurgeneeskunde --- Peter D'Adamo --- leugendetectie --- leugendetector --- bijna-doodervaringen --- acupunctuur --- vaticaan --- Binjamin Wilkomirksi (Bruno Grosjean Dössekker) --- therapeutisch tekenen --- scheppende lichaamstaal --- pseudogenetica --- lysenkoïsme --- Trofim Lysenko (1898-1976) --- Sumatraanse Yeti --- cryptozoologie --- charismatisch leiderschap --- Sovjet-Unie --- sumatra --- charisma --- media --- ongerustheid en angst --- gezondheid --- huilende iconen --- collectieve psychose --- collectieve waan --- gedragsonderzoek --- morfogenetische velden --- Francesco Carotta --- historische persoon Jezus --- historiciteit van Jezus --- Nibiru --- planeet Nibiru --- planeet X --- Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) --- placebo's --- placebo-effect --- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) --- teilhardisme --- kansinformatie --- statistieken --- Gerd Gigerenzer --- Harry Potter --- scientology --- scientologie --- Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (1911-1986) --- L. Ron Hubbard --- Aristolochia --- traditionele chinese medicijnen --- ruimtevaart --- traditionele chinese geneeskunde (TCG) --- tunneldenken --- shared delusion --- stress --- hersenschade --- hersenonderzoek --- Richard Dawkins --- misvattingen --- bioresonantie --- bioresonantietherapie --- reïncarnatietherapie --- waarzeggerij --- waarzeggen --- levenselixers --- Anatoly Fomenko (Анатолий Тимофеевич Фоменко) --- Nieuwe Chronologie --- veroudering --- anti-ouderdomsmiddelen --- Therapeutic Touch (TT) --- distant healing --- moderne sagen --- aura --- auralezers --- getuigenis --- strafzaken --- misdaadonderzoek --- antroposofische geneeskunde --- biologische landbouw --- druïden --- heilzame magneten --- biomagnetisme --- Echinacea --- druïdisme --- biologisch-dynamische landbouw --- Oudheid --- christendom --- religie --- antieke godsdienst --- antieke religie --- lijkwade van Turijn --- relikwie --- relikwieën --- psoriasis --- post traumatische stress stoornis (PTSS) --- Richard J. McNally --- hooggevoeligheid --- traumatische herinneringen --- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) --- Francine Shapiro (1948- 2019) --- valse bekentenissen --- verhoormethoden --- bijgeloof --- bijgelovige rituelen --- farmaceutische industrie --- Mariabeelden --- goochelaars --- bewegende Mariabeelden --- goochelarij --- Glen Mills School --- jeugdzorg --- kleurentherapie --- heropvoeding --- Katharina Emmerich (1774-1824) --- aspartaam --- stadslegendes --- broodjeaapverhaal --- infotainment --- televisie --- vampirisme --- vampieren --- vampiergeloof --- Gert Postel --- netwerkmarketing --- marketing --- George Adamski (1891-1965) --- chinese kruiden --- labyrinten --- labyrinttherapie --- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) --- bijnadoodervaringen --- chemtrails --- Bert Hellinger (1925-2019) --- Jules Verne (1828-1905) --- literatuur --- noni vrucht --- nonivrucht --- voedingssupplementen --- Bayesiaanse statistiek --- milieu --- utopie --- Geoffrey Dean --- Orang Pendek --- bigfoot --- sasquatch --- elektrische en magnetische velden --- psychomotorische therapie --- Carl Gustav Jung (1875- 1961) --- oorlogsmisdaden --- Eenheid 731 --- vivisectie --- magneettherapie --- elektromagnetische geneeskunde --- magneten --- Bruno Santanera --- Shiro Ishii (石井四郎, 1892-1959) --- dyslexie --- onderwijs --- opleidingen --- Nieuwe Leren --- constructivisme --- bedrijfsastrologie --- alternatieve diagnoses --- kleurentheorie --- wetenschap --- wiskunde en informatica --- cyberspace --- complotdenken --- complotten --- Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) --- hersenen --- David Icke --- complotdenkers --- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) --- Igopogo --- cryptozoölogie --- hoax --- elfjes van Cottingley --- elfen --- fotografie --- sprookjesfiguren --- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) --- Malleus Maleficarum (Heksenhamer) --- wonderfotografie --- massawaan --- sociale wetenschap --- Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) --- John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) --- economie --- detox --- alternatieve therapieën --- wetenschappelijke parapsychologie --- experimentele parapsychologie --- Robbert van den Broeke --- lichtverschijnselen --- lichtbollen --- optica --- fresnelringen --- broeikaseffect --- klimaat --- Holocaustontkenning --- telepathie en elektromagnetisme --- Zuster Buitenhuiseffect --- radiotechniek --- Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) --- houtsneden --- cold reading --- ayurveda --- archeologie --- Mystery Hill (VS) --- pseudoarcheologie --- Memory Lymphocyte Immunostimulation Assay (MELISA) --- metaalallergie --- allergieën --- aliens --- mentalisme --- karma --- Boeddha --- Masaru Emoto (江本勝, 1943-2014) --- ijskristallen --- kristalvorming --- wateronderzoek --- microcluster water --- ufo-ontvoeringen --- pseudoherinneringen --- Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) --- Da Vinci Code (roman) --- Dan Brown --- mystieke misdaadbestrijding --- menselijke ziel --- geestenfotografie --- uittredingen --- kosmologie --- Tierheilpraktiker --- iriscopie --- pseudo-wetenschap --- leiderschap --- Andrew Cohen --- evolutionaire verlichting --- holargie --- Spiral Dynamics --- autoscopie --- diksha (deeksha) --- universele energie --- Sri Bhagavan (Kalki Bhagawan) --- Oneness beweging --- gezondheidsproducten --- reclame --- Nederlandse Reclame Code (NRC) --- gezondheidsmiddelen en geneesmiddelen --- Bach Bloesem Remedies --- Bachbloesems --- Bach-bloesemtherapie --- Edward Bach (1886-1936) --- illuminati --- illuminatenorde --- Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) --- geheime genootschappen --- luistertherapie --- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) --- gedachtenlezers --- paranormale krachten --- hypnose --- Facilitated communication (FC) --- Tomatis methode --- Tomatismethode --- Alfred Tomatis (1919-2001) --- spierlezen --- John Randall Brown (1851-1926) --- atheïsme --- mementheorie --- vrijdenkersbeweging --- postbusuniversiteiten --- pseudo-universiteiten --- nepdiploma's --- diplomahandel --- magisch denken --- Reflexologie --- voetreflexologie --- William H. Fitzgerald (1872-1942) --- Eunice Ingham (1889-1974) --- WTC-complot --- 9-11 --- meridianen --- Qi (氣) --- rechtzaak --- Maria Sickesz (1923-2015) --- orthomanuele geneeskunde --- rechtszaak --- Neurofeedback training (NFBT) --- spiritualiteit --- business spiritualiteit --- placebo --- placebotherapie --- Brandon Bays --- zelfhulp --- hightechtherapie --- Pim van Lommel --- Elektroacupunctuur volgens Voll (EAV) --- mesologie --- 2012 --- Mayakalender --- maya-kalender --- intuïtie --- 21 december 2012 --- bipolaire stoornis --- epilepsie --- medicalisatie --- farmabedrijven --- bedrijfsleven --- Maya-chronologie --- praattherapie --- mindfulness --- biotheologie --- Levend Bloed Analyse (LBA) --- Paranormale kinderen --- oorsprong van psychotherapie --- pseudotherapieën --- golffuncties --- Herbert Frohlich (1905-1991) --- Günther Enderlein (1872-1968) --- endobionten --- bloedonderzoek --- pleomorfie --- kinderpsychiatrie --- geesten --- onzichtbare vriendjes --- verzonnen personages --- imaginaire vriendjes --- Human Dynamics --- Sandra Seagal --- GSM-straling --- elektroallergie --- echinacea --- elektromagnetische velden --- straling --- draadloze communicatie --- mobiele telefonie --- gsm-velden en gezondheid --- strafrecht --- gerechtelijke onderzoeken --- strafrecht-paradox --- coïncidentie --- causaliteit --- immuniseren --- cirkelredenering --- waarheidsvinding --- strafrechtparadox --- O-ringtest --- alternatieve diagnostische methoden --- bewegende objecten --- begraafplaatsen --- bewegende grafstenen --- religiositeit --- neurotheologie --- gespreksanalyse --- Derek Ogilvie --- elektrohypersensitiviteit --- osteopathie --- Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917) --- déjà vu --- leylijnen --- Sylvia Browne (1936-2013) --- psychodynamica --- Lamarckisme --- genetische overerving --- epigenetische overerving --- occulte krachtcentra --- ley-energieën --- prehistorie --- megalithische monumenten --- Leylijnjagen --- ESP-experimenten --- Random Number Generator (RNG) --- RNG-experimenten --- Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012) --- I-DOSER --- computerprogramma's --- binaurale frequenties --- binaurale hersengolftechnologie --- hersenactiviteit --- Robert A. Monroe (1915-1995) --- entrainment --- Thought Field Therapy (TFT) --- Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) --- causale diagnose --- Roger Callahan (1925-2013) --- energiepsychologie --- seksuologie --- seksualiteit --- Ernst Gräfenberg (1881-1957) --- gender --- G-spot --- vrouwelijke seksualiteit --- Moonbeweging --- sekten --- Verenigingskerk --- Natuur Geneeskundig Centrum Energy Healing (NGC) --- Germaanse Nieuwe Geneeskunde (GNM) --- cult survivors --- meervoudige persoonlijkheidsstoornis (MPS) --- morele paniek --- Charles Tart --- yoga --- ondersteunde communicatie (Facilitated Communication) --- inclusief onderwijs --- oorsprong van yoga --- yogi’s --- yogageschriften --- Yogasutras --- Hatha yoga --- asana (houding) --- yogahoudingen --- Swami Vivekananda --- Raja Yoga --- aids-ontkenning --- aidscomplot --- babygebarentaal --- gebarentaal voor baby's --- persoonlijkheidsstoornissen --- diagnoses --- lobotomie --- Walter Jackson Freeman II (1895-1972) --- antivaccinatiebeweging --- vaccinatieweigering --- Stephen Covey (1932-2012) --- managementgoeroes --- koude kernfusie --- kernreacties --- kernfysica --- Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat) --- exorcisme --- elektroconvulsietherapie (ECT) --- shocktherapieën --- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) --- HAARP-instituut --- klimaatbeheersing --- meteorologie --- chiropraxie --- meerminnen --- zeemeerminnen --- mythisch wezen --- mythische wezens --- cosmetica --- parabenen --- conserveermiddelen --- nepmethoden en nepmiddelen --- verslaving --- hersentraining --- cognitieve training --- panspermie --- Nesta Webster (1876-1960) --- manuele therapieën --- Daniel David Palmer (1845-1913) --- geschiedenis van chiropraxie --- hartcoherentietraining --- hartritmevariabiliteit (HRV) --- kangenwater --- wonderwaters --- zonnestaren --- Eben Alexander --- hallucinaties --- Puma Punku (Bolivia) --- antieke astronautentheorie --- Ancient Aliens (AA, televisieserie) --- Andreas Moritz (1954-2012) --- leverreiniging --- farmacie --- paleodieet --- George Soulié de Morant (1878-1955) --- Similia-principe --- Prognos-systeem --- I-Health (bedrijf) --- Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979) --- zombies --- voodoo --- zombie-films --- Ronde Huis van Wodan (Nunspeet, Nederland) --- gelaatkunde --- Robert Trivers --- godsdienstwetenschappen --- cognitieve wetenschap --- William Davis --- Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) --- Fysionomie --- gelaatskunde --- fysiognomie --- zelfbedrog --- cognitieve godsdienstwetenschap --- cognitive science of religion (CSR) --- muziek --- planten --- plantkunde --- sociale psychologie --- fysiotherapie --- dry needling --- Marcoen Cabbolet --- natuurkunde --- natuurwetten --- Elementary process theory (proefschrift) --- geocentrisme --- Jacek Kaczmarski (1957-2004) --- H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) --- wikipedia --- Michael Shermer --- Sri Lanka --- necronomicon --- Xlens (bedrijf) --- schriftsysteem --- Edzard Ernst --- Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia (GSoW) --- cannabis --- ayahuasca --- gezichtsbedrog --- Wim Hof (Iceman) --- Wim Hofmethode --- Encyclopédie van Diderot en d’Alembert --- glycobiologie --- hot hand --- Voldemars Belakovs --- koudetherapie --- homoseksualiteit --- vitamine D --- handlezen --- deqi-gevoel --- statistische technieken --- dolfijnen --- erectiestoornissen --- seksuele problemen --- proseksuele medicatie --- delphinidae --- intelligentie --- chiropractie --- volksgezondheid --- kankeronderzoek --- hunebedden --- sport en bijgeloof --- massage --- doping --- papyrologie --- vervalsing --- fraude --- Evangelie van de vrouw van Jezus --- papyrusteksten --- neuromarketing --- hoofdluis --- Massimo Pigliucci --- John Allen Paulos --- vooroordelen en objectiviteit --- snapgevoel --- Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) --- Adrianus Dingeman de Groot (1914-2006) --- orthomoleculaire geneeskunde --- zwangerschap --- baarmoeder --- moederkoek --- placentofagie --- placenta --- methodologie --- thermografie --- historische Jezus --- Jezusmythicisme --- gezonde bacteriën --- Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) --- Maarten Boudry --- alcoholgebruik --- probiotica --- darmflora --- darmbacteriën --- anticonceptiegebruik --- ik-journalistiek --- illusies --- Ourang Medan (spookschip) --- spookschepen --- modeziekten --- Somatisch Onvoldoende verklaarde Lichamelijke Klachten (SOLK) --- alcoholonderzoek --- Hunting Hitler (documentaire) --- Voldemar Belakovs --- whole-body cryotherapy --- Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) --- voorbehoedsmiddelen --- geneesmiddelen --- Mindf*ck (televisieprogramma) --- Victor Mids (Victor Middelkoop) --- etnisch profileren --- etniciteit --- minderheidsgroepen --- armoede --- sociologie --- water --- drinkwater --- waterfilters --- flessenwater --- neurofeedback --- bloedtransfusie --- verouderingsproces --- wichelarij --- geneesmiddelenonderzoek --- ruimtezaden --- kosmische straling --- verdwijningen --- Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?) --- mysterieuze verdwijningen --- science denial --- wetenschapsontkenning --- John of God (Joao de Deus) --- dierenonderzoek --- dierentalen --- Project Nim --- Martin Gardner (1914-2010) --- Marcello Truzzi (1935-2003) --- biomedisch onderzoek --- menstruatie --- aerotoxisch syndroom --- communicatie --- communicatietechnieken --- hormonen --- menstruatiepijn --- menstruatieverlof --- gat van Wormer --- Wormer (Nederland) --- verlande petgaten --- data analyse --- tricresylfosfaat (TCP) --- zout --- zoutconsumptie --- zoutonderzoek --- Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widersprüche (tijdschrift) --- John Brown (1735-1788) --- Brownianisme --- alternatieve feiten --- Josef Allen Hynek (1910-1986) --- geschiedenis --- Zierikzee (Nederland) --- aromatherapie --- dieren --- huisdieren --- fake news --- nepnieuws --- Hitler-aquarel --- John Taylor (1703-1772) --- oogheelkunde --- geheugen --- citaten en claims --- primaire bronnen --- Teutoburgerwoud (Duitsland) --- Publius Quinctilius Varus (46 v.Chr.- 9 na Chr.) --- Varusslag --- geschiedschrijving --- nazisme en pseudowetenschap --- inkomen --- rijkdom --- risico’s --- risicocommunicatie --- Google --- zoekopdrachten --- zoekstrategieën --- sociale media --- gezondheidsrisico's --- numerieke informatie --- risicoperceptie --- risico-informatie --- HPV-vaccin --- baarmoederhalskanker --- genetica --- genetisch profiel --- DNA-profiel --- anticonceptiepil --- mediahypes --- toeval --- getal Pi --- ego-depletie --- zelfbeheersing --- Mario Lazzarini --- aluminium --- metaal --- aluminiumvergiftiging --- aluminiumtoxiciteit --- fusie-energie --- Iter-project --- kernfusie --- ontstoren --- isopathie --- CEASE therapie --- Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression (CEASE) --- ontgiften --- wetenschapsscepsis --- dansepidemie (Straatsburg, 1518) --- sint-vitusdans --- Sint-Vitus --- confirmation bias --- bevestigingsvooroordeel --- cognitieve bias --- informatiebubbel --- denkfouten --- hiernamaals --- onsterfelijkheid --- erfelijkheid --- Ruggero Santilli --- Daryl Bem --- buitenzintuiglijke waarneming --- voedingsonderzoek --- melatonine --- slaap --- precognitie --- wetenschappelijke methodiek --- preregistratie --- slapen --- slaap-trackers --- slaap-apps --- slaapregistratie --- slaapmeting --- polysomnografie --- technologie --- computerprogramma --- applicatie (APP) --- Geschiedenis van de geneeskunde --- medische geschiedenis --- datavisualisatie --- grafieken --- voedingswetenschap --- homeopathie in België --- Stanley Pons --- Martin Fleischmann FRS (1927-2012) --- Matthijs van Boxsel --- domheid --- patafysica --- morosofie --- psychologie en parapsychologie --- factchecking --- fact-checking --- factchecken --- factchecks --- kinderen --- kinderen in ziekenhuizen --- bier --- alcohol --- drukvesten --- overprikkeling --- Temple Grandin --- DNA --- Ripperologie --- seriemoordenaars --- Jack the Ripper --- CBD-olie --- hennep --- journalistiek --- wetenschapsjournalistiek --- DNA-tests --- polygenetische risicoscores --- impliciete-associatietest (IAT) --- psychologische meetinstrumenten --- tinnitus --- oorsuizen --- oorklachten --- audiologie --- Francis Bacon (1561-1626) --- biodiversiteit --- biologie --- Slecht Nieuws (online game) --- vlekkentest --- rorschachtest --- Hermann Rorschach (1884-1922) --- gokken --- gokkersdwaling --- kansspelen --- Mineral Miracle Supplement (MMS) --- Oeganda --- malaria --- mindfulnessmeditatie --- e-meter --- meetapparaat --- Akuport (meetapparaat) --- buskruit --- Willem Betz (1943-2019) --- marshmallowproef --- Eugène de Rubini (Evzen Plachy, 1891-1964) --- spierleeshypothese --- nocebo --- nocebo-effect --- Julia-grap --- poëzie --- literaire kritiek --- ogen --- titelfraude --- big history --- David Robert Grimes --- exposure --- Intra Arterial Heparin Flushing (IAHF) --- corona --- coronavirus --- Covid-19 --- pandemie --- vasten --- dunning-kruger --- competentiemeting --- vitamine B12 --- intuïtieve natuurkunde --- intuïtieve statistiek --- intuïtieve psychologie --- Hans Eysenck (1916-1997) --- gezondheid en persoonlijkheid --- reptielenbrein --- triune brain --- drievuldige brein --- neurowetenschap --- kinderverlamming --- polio --- poliovaccinatie --- wetenschappers --- QAnon --- Janet Ossebaard --- Cabal --- adrenochroom --- Christine Mohr --- platte aarde --- Café Weltschmerz --- virusontkenners --- Kees van der Pijl --- Albert Moll (1862-1939) --- blauwfilter bril --- schermgebruik --- computerscherm --- wetenschappelijke literatuur --- onderzoeksmethoden --- Nobelprijs --- Nobelprijswinnaars --- Sabine Hossenfelder --- oncologie --- liegen --- leugens --- eerlijkheid --- eerlijkheidsonderzoek --- Müller-Lyer-illusie --- optische illusie --- Franz Carl Müller-Lyer (1857-1916) --- psychologisch onderzoek --- verkeerswezen --- verkeersvoorzieningen --- fietsen --- fietspad --- waterontharders --- magnetische ontharders --- kalkaanslag --- Andrew Wakefield --- antivax --- gecijferdheid --- algoritmes --- big data --- wetenschappelijke fraude --- handlijnkunde --- leesvaardigheid --- laaggeletterdheid --- ufo-onderzoek --- eugenetica --- groeimentaliteit --- Carol Dweck --- mindset-methode --- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) --- gedragsproblemen --- mentale problemen --- ADHD-medicatie --- psychologische aandoeningen --- ADHD en mindfulness --- breintrainingen --- videogames --- gedragstherapie --- effecten van bidden --- resomatie --- watercrematie --- chemie --- bio-cremeren --- pijnappelklier --- derde oog --- epifyse --- klankschaal --- klankschalen --- racistische mythologisering --- Tibet --- Tibetaanse klankschalen --- long covid --- Kees de Jager (1921-2021) --- Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) --- skepsistest --- skeptische proeven --- reus van Cardiff (VS) --- historische hoax --- Cardiff Giant (1869) --- Hermanus Hartogh Heijs (1841-1891) --- street epistemology --- socratische methode --- lockdown --- omstandereffect --- Kitty Genovese (1935-1964) --- omstanders-dilemma --- beoordeling --- bias --- vooringenomenheid --- zelfoverschatting --- Balthasar Bekker (1634-1679) --- Verlichting --- rationalisme --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- illusory truth effect --- illusoire waarheidseffect --- truth effect --- Remco Verkaik --- sportvasten --- wetenschappelijk nieuws --- Vinlandkaart --- Pierre Plantard (1920-2000) --- Kensingtonsteen (VS) --- runenschrift --- Past Reality Integration (PRI) --- recht --- rationaliteit --- rationeel denken --- zintuigen --- reuk --- reukvermogen --- ruiken --- reukzin --- feromonen --- feromoon --- feromonenonderzoek --- seksferomonen --- lokstoffen --- geuronderzoek --- geuren --- menstruatiecyclus --- synchrone menstratie --- Martha McClintock --- René Gattefossé (1881-1950) --- geurprofiel --- partnerkeuze --- major histocompatibility complex (MHC) --- MHC-effect --- Alfred O. Bonati --- wonderdokters --- populisme --- subliminale boodschappen --- plantenbewustzijn --- Thich Nhat Hanh (1926-2022) --- intelligent bewustzijn --- subliminale reclame --- priming --- drogredenen --- stereotypen --- James Kruck --- valse berichtgeving --- Inuit --- tradities --- denkende dieren --- mindfulness onderzoek --- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) --- elektromagnetische straling --- Bess Houdini (1876-1943) --- onderwijsmythes --- leerstijlen --- onderwijswetenschappen --- e pur si muove --- citaat --- Harry Houdini (1891-1926) --- metingen --- meetmethoden --- meetonzekerheid --- meetfouten --- mnemonic encoding (ME) --- Gregory Kusnick --- Sovjet wetenschap --- valse herinneringen --- geheugenonderzoek --- kennis overschatting --- kristallen en edelstenen --- de-extinctie --- uitgestorven diersoorten --- Hollywoodfilms --- films en onderwijs --- woordkeus --- taalgebruik --- metafoor --- communicatiewetenschap --- fusiewetenschap --- General Fusion (Canada) --- fusiebedrijf --- begaafdheidsonderzoek --- TikTok --- Marieke Kuypers --- ChatGPT --- artificiële intelligentie (AI) --- Tsjernobyl (Oekraïne) --- kernrampen --- amygdala --- angst --- Mark van Ranst --- virologie --- Commissie Hendriks --- misbruik --- sadistisch misbruik --- Metabunk (website) --- kankertherapie --- DALLE.E --- Stable Diffusion --- search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) --- psychedelica --- Max Louis Blitz (1895-1942) --- Maloïtz --- kankertests --- kankeropsporing --- Mozart-effect --- covid-19 --- coronascepsis --- Lumen --- apparaten en gadgets --- metaboisme --- moreel verval --- imaginaire trends --- hersenscanners --- neurowetenschappen --- zelfdoding --- zelfmoord

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