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The way things go
ISBN: 1685711197 1685711189 Year: 2023 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY : punctum books,

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The Way Things Go contains a mix of poetry, art writing, and life writing about anticipatory grief, or mourning someone or something before it's gone. Each successive chapter in the book decreases in length by exactly one sentence, from a 71-sentence-long opening chapter, to a 70-sentence-long second chapter, to 69 sentences, 68 sentences, and so on down to 1 (a book-length Oulipian "melting snowball"). This shrinking form enacts the book's concerns with loss, climate change, and the passage of time. At the level of its content, however, The Way Things Go is not fatalistic. Its title comes from a cult classic 1987 Fischli and Weiss film, in which objects such as bags of trash, car tires, and oil drums knock into one another in a Rube Goldberg-esque chain reaction. Moving through both personal history (his sister's lupus and heroin addiction, his grandmother's experience as a Holocaust survivor) and more global concerns (the Sixth Mass Extinction, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine), Bury considers the disruptions that occur as "things go," as well as the continuity that remains. The book suggests that recent negotiations between optimism and pessimism with respect to the future reflect people's feelings of vulnerability, particularly people who are used to taking their life's stability for granted, in a world that seems increasingly precarious.


Climate change.

Panicocene : Narrazioni su cambiamenti climatici, regimi di mobilità e migrazioni ambientali
Year: 2023 Publisher: Milan : FrancoAngeli,

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In a context of growing concern about the impacts of climate change and increasing alarmism toward migration phenomena, the possibility of "environmental migration" attracts considerable attention. What are the (in)desired effects of such an encounter? This volume sets out to decolonize the imaginary, seeking to deconstruct privilege (primarily that of the researcher), and use intersectional, decolonial, and feminist lenses to decentralize the image and construct new paradigms about narratives about the nexus between climate change and migration. The goal is to accompany readers to a new concept, that of Panicocene, the age of panic, a time when the two phenomena that characterize the contemporary meet in a unique narrative, an emergency squared that causes stasis and ineptitude. Panicocene thus encapsulates both the state of the art of research conducted in recent years and the starting point for future research. Panicocene, in fact, is also the title of the Marie Curie Global Fellowship project, which investigates the narratives and imaginaries of the nexus between the climate crisis and mobilities, to which the book provides an initial critical reflection.


Climate change.

Pourquoi nous voulons tuer Greta : nos raisons inconscientes de détruire le monde
ISBN: 2749276101 Year: 2023 Publisher: Toulouse : Érès,

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Pourquoi la connaissance du désastre nous laisse-t-elle si apathiques, si incapables de réagir et encore moins de nous révolter ? Cette absence de réaction pourrait-elle manifester notre obscur désir que cette catastrophe survienne ? Notre accord intime avec ce qui la produit ? Peut-on considérer que la destructivité environnementale serait inscrite non seulement au plus profond des dispositifs économiques, sociaux, administratifs et technologiques de nos sociétés, mais aussi au plus profond de nos inconscients ? L'auteur réfléchit, à partir de la psychanalyse, à notre lien à la nature et à l'environnement, à la trajectoire qui a conduit notre culture à un tel désastre, aux ressorts de notre attachement à cette culture et à ses modes de vie malgré la course suicidaire dans laquelle ils nous entraînent individuellement et collectivement, à notre incapacité à prendre véritablement acte de ce qui est advenu.


Climate change.

Past and future of regional potential growth : hopes, fears, and realities
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, District of Columbia : World Bank,

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Potential growth slowed in most emerging market and developing economy (EMDE) regions in the past decade. The steepest slowdown occurred in the Middle East and North Africa (MNA), followed by East Asia and the Pacific (EAP), although potential growth in EAP remained one of the two highest among EMDE regions, the other being South Asia (SAR), where potential growth remained broadly unchanged. Projections of the fundamental drivers of growth suggest that, without reforms, potential growth in EMDEs will continue to weaken over the remainder of this decade. The slowdown will be most pronounced in EAP and Europe and Central Asia because of slowing labor force growth and weak investment, and least pronounced in Sub-Saharan Africa where the multiple adverse shocks over the past decade are assumed to dissipate going forward. Potential growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, MNA, and SAR is expected to be broadly steady as slowing population growth is offset by strengthening productivity. The projected declines in potential growth are not inevitable. Many EMDEs could lift potential growth by implementing reforms, with policy priorities varying across regions.


Climate change.

Pacific Island countries : financial stability and resilience in turbulent times
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, District of Columbia : World Bank,

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This report provides an assessment of the stability of the financial systems of selected Pacific Island Countries (PICs) in the context of COVID-19 and emerging risks. The report brings together an analysis of information provided by the central banks of the PICs covered by this study over the last two years. The purpose of the study is to assess the financial stability and vulnerabilities and to provide technical guidance to the PIC authorities to assist in their financial sector policy response. Chapter 1 presents an overview of the financial systems of the PICs. Chapter 2 presents an analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 on the financial systems of the PCIs and the policy responses to the pandemic. Chapter 3 looks at the challenges of transitioning from the pandemic to normal policy settings. Chapter 4 provides a set of bespoke policy recommendations with the aim of enhancing the ability to deal with financial sector risks and vulnerabilities. Finally, Chapter 5 puts forward recommendations for the assessment of climate and environmental related risks on the PICs. The report finds that the pandemic has negatively impacted economic growth in the PICs, challenging financial stability. Due to various relief measures adopted by governments in the region, and the lagged economic impact of the pandemic, the PICs' financial sectors do not yet fully reflect the risks to bank profitability and asset quality, which could materialize over 2022-23. Response and.


Climate change.

Algeria Economic Update, Spring 2023 : Winds Remain Favorable
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This Algeria Economic Update reports on the main recent economic developments and policies. It places them in a global and longer-term context and assesses the implications of these developments and policy changes for Algeria's economic prospects. The report is intended for a broad audience, including policymakers, business leaders, financial market participants, and the community of analysts and professionals working in/on Algeria. The report is divided into two chapters. Chapter 1 presents macroeconomic developments in Algeria over the year 2022 and the first quarter of 2023, while Chapter 2 describes the short- and medium-term outlook for the Algerian economy.


Climate change.

Honduras poverty assessment : toward a path of poverty reduction and inclusive growth
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, District of Columbia : World Bank,

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Honduras, already among the poorest countries in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region, experienced weak poverty reduction in 2014-19 compared to other countries in the region. The COVID-19 pandemic and Hurricanes Eta and Iota led to a rise in poverty from 2019 to 2020; it is likely that poverty will remain above prepandemic levels in 2021. The economic rebound in 2021, as well as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, led to an increase in food prices; at the same time, Honduras's population is vulnerable to rising food prices and food insecurity is high. In 2019, the extreme poor spent almost half of their income on food. Additionally, food insecurity was persistently high. A striking feature of Honduras is the deep and widening urban-rural divide in terms of quality of life. There is a wide urban-rural poverty gap for both the moderate and the extreme poor, which reflects significant disparities in access to basic services such as electricity, water, and sanitation, and internet usage, as well as lower human capital accumulation and worsen labor market indicators in rural areas. While overall income inequality has been stagnant since 2014, inequality in rural areas has increased while in urban areas it has declined. The country is one of the most unequal countries in LAC. Hondurans continue to face deep and persistent disparities in access to and quality of education, with rural areas heavily penalized, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, despite high spending on education. Subnational disparities are particularly large; poverty continues to be most heavily concentrated in the country's southwestern areas, in departments with higher shares of ethnic minorities, and in municipalities located in the south and southwest. This report focuses on the factors that have contributed to these observed poverty and inequality trends and patterns in Honduras.


Climate change.

A tale of two transitions : Iraq's energy sector and macroeconomic stability in a climate-constrained world
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, District of Columbia : World Bank,

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This paper assesses the costs and benefits of Iraq's own energy transition from fossil fuel dependent power sector to one with a significantly higher share of renewables amid an accelerating global energy transition. The paper quantifies the returns of Iraq's energy transition, its high exposure to the global energy transition due to the deep role of oil revenues in the provision of public finances, and the policy tradeoffs associated with moving towards a greener energy mix. The analysis finds that all decarbonization pathways of the electricity sector bring additional growth and productivity gains compared to maintaining the status-quo, albeit at different levels of cost effectiveness. However, all pathways (including existing GoI plans) are fiscally costly given the required upfront levels of capex and the subsidy. This cost could prove to be fiscally steep in deep decarbonization scenarios especially if the transition is fully financed by the public budget. Consequently, the success of the energy transition in Iraq will largely depend on the political context and on the ambition of a GoI-led reform process that can overcome any socio-political vested interest. It will also require popular understanding and support for the urgency of this transition.


Climate change.

Modeling transition paths for the energy and transport sectors : a literature review
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, District of Columbia : World Bank,

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Meeting the dual challenge of providing reliable and affordable energy and transport to a growing population while reducing environmental impacts, including mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, requires a deep understanding of both the unit- and system-level responses. These responses arise from the ongoing energy and transport system evolution, such as the transition toward lower carbon fuels and the expanded deployment of new low-carbon generation technologies. This literature review takes stock of the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches, by offering a taxonomy of the current modeling approach, focusing inter alia on the characteristics of the models. Current analyses often employ integrated assessment models to quantify the effects (for example, economywide greenhouse gas emissions) of various policies and decision processes on representative unit operations. The accuracy of the modeling approaches used to estimate these costs depends on several factors: for example, modeling approaches (ranging from partial equilibrium energy-land models to computable general equilibrium models of the global economy, from myopic to perfect foresight models, and from models with or without endogenous technological change), covered area, time horizon, determination of baseline scenarios, detailed sectoral representation, emissions sources, inclusion of efficiency and renewable energy options, and so forth. Some of the biggest challenges for improving the design and use of integrated assessment models include accounting for the trade-off between efficiency and equity, capturing interactions between impact sectors and feedbacks to the climate system, and dealing with uncertainty and risk. This review focuses on the treatment of the energy and transport sectors.


Climate change.

Thailand Public Revenue and Spending Assessment, June 2023 : Promoting an Inclusive and Sustainable Future
Year: 2023 Publisher: Washington, DC : World Bank,

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Having implemented a substantial fiscal response to COVID-19, Thailand's government now faces the medium-term challenge of reducing elevated deficit and debt levels, and the structural challenge of meeting rising spending needs, including those associated with an aging population, while maintaining fiscal sustainability. In this context, this Public Revenue and Spending Assessment sets out revenue and expenditure choices that will help to ensure a more inclusive and sustainable economy. This will require raising revenue, improving the efficiency of public spending, and ensuring that revenue and spending policy measures support the most vulnerable and are responsive to climate-related challenges. Within this overall framework, the report provides several recommendations to improve the quality of spending in the health, education, and social protection sectors, as well as a detailed assessment of fiscal policies that will contribute to the achievement of climate mitigation and adaptation goals.


Climate change.

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