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Giovanni Boccaccio scrisse la Genealogia deorum gentilium in latino: 15 i libri di questo corposo progetto in cui sono interpretati allegoricamente molti miti delle divinità pagane. Oggi vengono riproposti i libri VIII-IX cui seguirà nell'arco di due anni il completamento dell'opera. Nel trattato si cerca di fare chiarezza sui tanti e contorti rapporti di parentela tra le divinità del classico pantheon dell'antica Grecia e di Roma. Ancora una volta, come per le altre sue opere, Fukushima realizza un importante dizionario etimologico, uno strumento che pone il latino e il greco al centro delle lingue indoeuropee, su cui si fondano l'italiano, il francese, lo spagnolo, il tedesco e, non ultimo, l'inglese che sono qui comparati da vari punti di vista etimologici. L'opera è la prima indagine sulla storia, l'origine o l'etimologia delle parole nella Genealogia. Il testo affronta in modo diffuso argomenti grammaticali e sintattici come proprietà linguistiche nominali e pronominali quali persona, genere, numero e caso, proprietà linguistiche verbali come tempo, aspetto, modo e voce ed elementi sintattici come causativi, conversioni e costruzioni impersonali.
Italian language --- Etymology --- Boccaccio, Giovanni --- Boccaccio, Giovanni, --- Language. --- Boccace,
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Law --- Thematology --- Literature --- Boccaccio, Giovanni
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Giovanni Boccaccio scrisse la "Genealogia deorum gentilium" in latino: 15 i libri di questo corposo progetto in cui sono interpretati allegoricamente molti miti delle divinità pagane. Oggi vengono riproposti i libri IV e V cui seguirà nell'arco di due anni l'opera complessiva. Nel trattato si cerca di fare chiarezza sui tanti e contorti rapporti di parentela tra le divinità del classico pantheon dell'antica Grecia e di Roma. Ancora una volta, come per le altre sue opere, Fukushima realizza un importante dizionario etimologico, uno strumento che pone il latino e il greco al centro delle lingue indoeuropee, su cui si fondano l'italiano, il francese, lo spagnolo, il tedesco e, non ultimo, l'inglese che sono qui comparati da vari punti di vista etimologici. L'opera è la prima indagine sulla storia, l'origine o l'etimologia delle parole nella "Genealogia". Il testo affronta in modo diffuso argomenti grammaticali e sintattici come proprietà linguistiche nominali e pronominali quali persona, genere, numero e caso, proprietà linguistiche verbali come tempo, aspetto, modo e voce ed elementi sintattici come causativi, conversioni e costruzioni impersonali.
Italian language --- Etymology --- Boccaccio, Giovanni, --- Language. --- Boccace,
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This is the first monograph to provide a comprehensive interpretation of the Decameron's response to classical and medieval didactic traditions. Olivia Holmes unearths the rich variety of Boccaccio's sources, ranging across Aesopic fables, narrative collections of Islamicate origin, sermon-stories and saints' lives, and compilations of historical anecdotes. Examining the Decameron's sceptical and sexually permissive contents in relation to medieval notions of narrative exemplarity, the study also considers how they intersect with current critical assertions of fiction's power to develop empathy and emotional intelligence. Holmes argues that Boccaccio provides readers with the opportunity to exercise both what the ancients called 'Ethics,' and our contemporaries call 'Theory of Mind.' This account of a vast tradition of tale collections and its provocative analysis of their workings will appeal to scholars of Italian literature and medieval studies, as well as to readers interested in evolutionary understandings of storytelling.
Thematology --- Boccaccio, Giovanni --- Exempla in literature. --- Philosophy of mind in literature. --- Ethics in literature. --- Boccaccio, Giovanni,
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This is the first monograph to provide a comprehensive interpretation of the Decameron's response to classical and medieval didactic traditions. Olivia Holmes unearths the rich variety of Boccaccio's sources, ranging across Aesopic fables, narrative collections of Islamicate origin, sermon-stories and saints' lives, and compilations of historical anecdotes. Examining the Decameron's sceptical and sexually permissive contents in relation to medieval notions of narrative exemplarity, the study also considers how they intersect with current critical assertions of fiction's power to develop empathy and emotional intelligence. Holmes argues that Boccaccio provides readers with the opportunity to exercise both what the ancients called 'Ethics,' and our contemporaries call 'Theory of Mind.' This account of a vast tradition of tale collections and its provocative analysis of their workings will appeal to scholars of Italian literature and medieval studies, as well as to readers interested in evolutionary understandings of storytelling.
Exempla in literature. --- Philosophy of mind in literature. --- Boccaccio, Giovanni, --- Ethics in literature.
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Around 1600, two independent translations were made of Boccaccio’s Elegia di madonna Fiammetta (ca. 1343/44) in the Upper German speech area. This historical critical edition presents the older of the two translations by Johann Engelbert Noyse. Its bilingual format allows the translation (Venice 1565) to be compared with the original Italian text. This edition is targeted at both a specialist audience and interested readers. In der Zeitspanne von wenigen Jahrzehnten entstanden um 1600 zwei Übersetzungen von Giovanni Boccaccios Elegia di madonna Fiammetta (um 1343/44) unabhängig voneinander im oberdeutschen Sprachraum: beide blieben ungedruckt, vielleicht wegen der Thematik, eines inneren Monologes (»Klage«) einer verheiraten Dame über den Verlust ihres Liebhabers. Die historisch-kritische Edition präsentiert die ältere der beiden Übertragungen Johann Engelbert Noyses aus einem Manuskript im Besitz der Gräfin Maria Katharina Fugger (Bibl. Passau) und zieht stellenweise im Kommentarteil die zweite Übersetzung (Bibl. Bayreuth) des Ludwig Freiherr von Kuef(f)stein zum Vergleich heran. Ein italienischer Paralleldruck (Venedig 1565) erlaubt den Vergleich mit dem italienischen Ausgangstext. Die Ausgabe richtet sich sowohl an ein Fachpublikum als auch an interessierte Leser*innen.
LITERARY COLLECTIONS / European / German. --- Boccaccio, Giovanni, --- Boccaccio, Giovanni. --- Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta. --- Noyse von Camenhouten, Johann Engelbert. --- edition. --- translation. --- Boccaccio, Giovanni --- Boccaccio, Jean --- Boccace --- Bocace, Jean --- Bocacio, Juan --- Boccace, Jean --- Boccacius, Ioannes --- Boccacius, Joannes --- Boccatius, Ioannes --- Boccatius, Joannes --- Bochas, John --- Bokachʻchʻo, Jiovanni --- Bokachʻio, Jiovanni --- Bokkachchʹo, Dzhʹovanni --- Bokkachio, Dzhiovanni --- Vocacio, Juan --- Боккаччо, Дж --- באקאשטיא, --- באקאטשא, דזשעאוואני, --- באקאטשיא --- באקאטשיא, --- בוקאצ׳ו, ג׳ובאני
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In Boccaccio's time, the Italian city-state began to take on a much more proactive role in prosecuting crime - one which superseded a largely communitarian, private approach. The emergence of the state-sponsored inquisitorial trial indeed haunts the legal proceedings staged in the Decameron. How, Justin Steinberg asks, does this significant juridical shift alter our perspective on Boccaccio's much-touted realism and literary self-consciousness? What can it tell us about how he views his predecessor, Dante: perhaps the world's most powerful inquisitorial judge? And to what extent does the Decameron shed light on the enduring role of verisimilitude and truth-seeming in our current legal system? The author explores these and other literary, philosophical, and ethical questions that Boccaccio raises in the Decameron's numerous trials. The book will appeal to scholars and students of medieval and early modern studies, literary theory and legal history.
Law in literature. --- Law and literature --- History --- Boccaccio, Giovanni, --- Knowledge --- Law. --- Knowledge and learning.
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This is the first monograph to provide a comprehensive interpretation of the Decameron's response to classical and medieval didactic traditions. Olivia Holmes unearths the rich variety of Boccaccio's sources, ranging across Aesopic fables, narrative collections of Islamicate origin, sermon-stories and saints' lives, and compilations of historical anecdotes. Examining the Decameron's sceptical and sexually permissive contents in relation to medieval notions of narrative exemplarity, the study also considers how they intersect with current critical assertions of fiction's power to develop empathy and emotional intelligence. Holmes argues that Boccaccio provides readers with the opportunity to exercise both what the ancients called 'Ethics,' and our contemporaries call 'Theory of Mind.' This account of a vast tradition of tale collections and its provocative analysis of their workings will appeal to scholars of Italian literature and medieval studies, as well as to readers interested in evolutionary understandings of storytelling.
Exempla in literature. --- Philosophy of mind in literature. --- Ethics in literature. --- Boccaccio, Giovanni,
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Transmission of texts --- History --- Dante Alighieri, --- Petrarca, Francesco, --- Boccaccio, Giovanni, --- Criticism and interpretation --- Manuscripts
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