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This book explores ways in which Western literature has engaged with themes found within the field of science and religion, both historically and in the present day. It focuses on works of the imagination as important locations at which human arguments, hopes and fears may be played out. The chapters examine a variety of instances where scientific and religious ideas are engaged by novelists, poets and dramatists, casting new light upon those ideas and suggesting constructive ways in which science and religion may interact. The contributors cover a rich variety of authors, including Mary Shelley, Aldous Huxley, R. S. Thomas, Philip Pullman and Margaret Atwood. Together they form a fascinating set of reflections on some of the significant issues encountered within the discourse of science and religion, indicating ways in which the insights of creative artists can make a valuable and important contribution to that discourse.
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Examining how playwrights from Shakespeare to Marlowe represented religious dissimulation on stage, Kilian Schindler argues that debates about the legitimacy of dissembling one's faith were closely bound up with early modern conceptions of theatricality.
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This book examines Ian McEwan's ability to discern in his writing sentiments that easily resonate with musicians, explores the value of music in exhibiting McEwan's views on the world, and presents his perspective on religion's role within society.
Music in literature. --- Religion in literature. --- McEwan, Ian --- Criticism and interpretation.
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Le manuscrit 1131 de la bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève (début du XVe siècle) contient des pièces de théâtre dont la composition s'échelonne sur les cent ans qui précèdent. Rééditées ici ensemble, ces pièces d'origines locales diverses, témoignent du brassage linguistique qui s'opère à Paris sans effacer toute marque dialectale. Rassemblées auprès de l'abbaye Sainte-Geneviève de Paris en vue d'éventuelles représentations, elles retracent les épisodes les plus importants de l'histoire de la communauté chrétienne, de la vie de sainte Geneviève, de saint Denis et d'autres saints liés à la ville de Paris. Un ensemble représentatif des diverses tonalités que peut prendre le théâtre de l'époque, visant à la fois à édifier et à divertir le public.
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"Das frühe Christentum entwickelt bald eine eigene Dichtungstradition. Stoffe, Themen und Figuren finden die christlichen Poeten in der Bibel. Eine große Fülle stellt das Alte Testament zur Verfügung. Die Herangehensweisen sind vielfältig: Sie reichen von Anknüpfung an poetische Bilder der Psalmen (z.B. bei Ambrosius) über die Aufnahme von Perikopen, Motiven oder Figuren (z.B. Prudentius, Avitus von Vienne) bis zur Paraphrase ganzer biblischer Bücher (der Heptateuchdichter). In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist das Forschungsinteresse an der Bibeldichtung erwacht - im Mittelpunkt stehen oft Dichtungen zum Neuen Testament. Gerade für das Alte Testament stellen sich aber besondere hermeneutische Fragen: Wie werden die Texte einem christologischen Verständnis erschlossen? In welchem Verhältnis stehen Dichtung und Exegese? Wie führen die Dichter biblische Motive und poetische Formen zusammen? Nach welchen Kriterien wählen sie aus der Fülle von Stoffen, die das Alte Testament bietet? Die Autorinnen und Autoren tragen exemplarische Antworten auf diese Fragen zusammen und überblicken so die poetische Aufbereitung des Alten Testaments in der Antike." --
Christian poetry, Early --- Classical literature --- Religion in literature --- Bible as literature --- Intertextuality --- History and criticism --- Themes, motives --- Bible. --- In literature
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An exploration of Spanish writer Carmen Martín Gaite's religious outlook through the inner journeys of five female characters.For Martín Gaite, a truly religious, or spiritual, perspective requires conscious attention to the products of the unconscious (dreams, images, memories, premonitions), followed by reflection and action, as well as a similar attentiveness and responsiveness to external events both large and small. This reconnection of the supernatural and day-to-day worlds also involves descent to the unconscious - the way to wholeness - as depicted in so many myths and fairy tales, including those which Martín Gaite used to retell or enhance the works analysed in this book: Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Amor and Psyche, Demeter and Persephone, and the Descent of the Goddess Inanna.Looking at the extent to which these female characters attend to, reflect on, and respond to their dreams, images, memories and events, the analysis suggests that Martín Gaite uses her stories to try to communicate both the road to her own enlightenment and warnings about paths that lead away from this.
Romance Literature --- Literature, modern --- Jungian psychology --- Literary criticism --- Psychology --- Religion in literature. --- Martín Gaite, Carmen --- Martín Gaite, Carmen. --- Criticism and interpretation.
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This book examines Ian McEwan's ability to discern in his writing sentiments that easily resonate with musicians, explores the value of music in exhibiting McEwan's views on the world, and presents his perspective on religion's role within society.
Music in literature. --- Religion in literature. --- McEwan, Ian --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Contemporary British Literature. --- Ecclesiastical music. --- Music and Literature. --- Music and narrative. --- Music in British Novels. --- Music in Society. --- Religion in British Society. --- Religious music in Literature. --- classical music.
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Ovid’s Fasti offers multifocal views of Augustan religion to convey ambivalences, inconsistencies and paradoxes in the imperial family’s religious agenda. Darja Šterbenc Erker explores Ovid's irreverent and ambiguous presentations of calendrical aeitiologies, deifications and imperial gods that humorously call to mind Arachne’s tapestry depicting faulty gods and that stand in sharp contrast to the poet’s more serious discussions of the values he cherishes, such as freedom and poetic immortality. Especially in the exilic revisions of the poem, Ovid emphasises the motif of bestowing divine honours upon mortals through poetry. For him, the stars in the heavens do not represent deified statesmen but immortal authors.
religion grecque --- Latin poetry --- Ambiguity in literature. --- Religion in literature. --- Apotheosis in literature. --- Literature. --- History and criticism. --- Ovid, --- Augustus, --- Romulus, --- In literature. --- Fasti (Ovid) --- Ambiguity in literature --- Religion in literature --- Apotheosis in literature --- Ovid, - 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D. - Fasti --- Augustus, - Emperor of Rome, - 63 B.C.-14 A.D --- Ambiguïté --- Religion et littérature. --- Apothéose --- Dans la littérature. --- Ovide --- Auguste
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Le traumatisme est aujourd'hui un paradigme essentiel dans la lecture et l'écriture de l'Histoire. Depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et les procès de Nuremberg, qui débouchèrent sur la notion d'imprescriptibilité des crimes, notre rapport au temps s'est transformé. Le passé s'est imposé au présent, et la mémoire, jadis décriée, s'est peu à peu hissée au rang de véritable devoir. Or, si aujourd'hui, dans les contextes d'après-catastrophe, l'oubli est ce contre quoi il convient de lutter, il n'en a pas toujours été ainsi. Dans la France des guerres de Religion, celui-ci n'était en effet pas le mal, mais la thérapeutique politique. Face à la rupture de l'unité religieuse qui engendra un déferlement de violence inouï, confrontant pour la première fois la conscience chrétienne à la mort de masse, la monarchie tentera, quarante ans durant, d'abolir la mémoire des exactions commises pendant les guerres. Mais le théâtre tragique, qui renaît en France précisément au moment où éclatent les conflits civils, semble hanté par l'actualité terrible. Quelle place ce théâtre fait-il à la mémoire des troubles ? Comment celle-ci s'y exprime-t-elle, s'y élabore-t-elle ? Que font les dramaturges de la violence juste passée et à quelles fins ? Dans ce livre, Inès Zahra examine, à l'aune des Trauma studies, courant théorique qui questionne la manière dont le passé violent affecte le présent, les rapports qu'entretiennent la tragédie française de la fin du XVIe et du début du XVIIe siècles et la mémoire des guerres civiles.
(BISAC Subject Heading)LIT004150: LITERARY CRITICISM / European / French --- ROML: Littératures et Cultures romanes --- French drama --- Religion in literature. --- War neuroses in literature. --- History and criticism. --- France --- History --- Politique et gouvernement --- Controverses religieuses --- Théâtre et guerre --- Théâtre --- Au théâtre --- Thèmes, motifs. --- In literature.
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