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Leer Lokaal is het nieuwe leerplan van OVSG voor de hele basisschool en het doelenkader voor de buitengewone basisschool. Aan de hand van dit leerplan maak je werk van hedendaags, kwaliteitsvol en zorgzaam lokaal onderwijs dat al je leerlingen optimale kansen geeft. Vijf bouwstenen vormen het fundament: totale persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling, kenniscreatie, samenhang via geïntegreerd werken, continue ontwikkeling en leerlingenbegeleiding. Via het leerplan kunnen schoolteams de ontwikkelingsdoelen en eindtermen met hun leerlingen bereiken. Leer Lokaal werkt het curriculum voor de basisschool uit in negen herkenbare leergebieden: ik en de wereld, Nederlands, Frans, wiskunde, kunst en cultuur, gezondheid, digitale competenties, sociaal-relationele competenties en leercompetenties. Elk leergebied wordt uitgewerkt in thema’s en leerlijnen. De leerlijnen beschrijven stapsgewijs hoe de leerling groeit. Leer Lokaal werkt volgens de principes van een spiraalcurriculum: er is veel aandacht voor herhaling, nieuwe leerstof wordt gekoppeld aan eerder gegeven leerstof en de complexiteit neemt toe. Om optimaal te kunnen werken met de diversiteit binnen je klasgroep en elke leerling te bieden wat die nodig heeft, zijn er naast de basisleerlijnen en attitudes ook ondersteunings- en verdiepingsleerlijnen. Aan scharniermomenten (zoals overgang van kleuter- naar lager onderwijs) besteden we specifieke aandacht. Dat alles biedt teams de mogelijkheid om het leerplan af te stemmen op hun eigen pedagogisch project en de lokale context. De verzamelmap Leer Lokaal brengt alle materiaal samen in een handige map: de visietekst, de volledige leerlijnen (basis, attitudes, ondersteuning en verdieping) en een handige poster die in één oogopslag een overzicht biedt. Daarnaast zijn de leerlijnen ook online raadpleegbaar (
KHK --- leerplanontwikkeling --- Objectives of teaching --- Curriculum development --- Primary education --- basisonderwijs --- leerplannen --- leerdoelstellingen --- kleuteronderwijs --- lager onderwijs
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This book draws on real-world case studies to highlight key challenges and support the crafting of relevant and contextual responses. There is increasing pressure on academics and teaching staff to provide high-quality teaching and delivery in English. More than an edited volume, it offers a true dialogue on emerging trends in EMI, making it of considerable value to practitioners, students and policymakers alike. By analyzing established and emerging models of EMI delivery, the book presents a review and assessment of how universities can respond to student expectations and build internal capacities so as to offer better learning experiences.
Curriculum development --- Didactics of languages --- Higher education --- Linguistics --- HO (hoger onderwijs) --- talenonderwijs --- taalverwerving --- curriculumontwikkeling
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This book examines and reports the findings regarding the level of satisfaction by students, teachers and parents with an innovative senior secondary Religious Education curriculum 'Religion, Meaning and Life' (RML). The stimulus for RML is found in the changing profile of students within faith-based schools and the motivation of school authorities to be inclusive and responsive to changing needs and priorities of students and families. Curriculum practices typically mirror this continuing renewal as community expectations give rise to innovation in curriculum practice. This concept of continuity and discontinuity is evidenced in the field of Religious Education,, which recognizes religious plurality while giving preference to an imagination centred on inclusion, hospitality and respectful dialogue. In this context, new pathways are being explored as the reality and significance of Religious Education in faith-based school remain a priority for Christian organizations in Australia. Mindful of the diversity of expectations within the Catholic school, the curriculum initiative of RML was developed, supported and implemented. The La Salle Academy of the Australian Catholic University reviewed this senior secondary curriculum across three years and presents in this book an independent, evaluative report of the findings, together with insights for implementation at scale and associated applications across Christian faith-based institutions.
Religious studies --- Sociology of education --- Curriculum development --- onderwijs --- godsdienst --- onderwijssociologie --- curriculumontwikkeling
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The collection of chapters in this book results from ongoing scientific discussions on teaching, learning and curriculum studies in Europe. Didactics as a research field and area of knowledge deals with questions about teaching, learning and educational content. Didactics explores institutionalized teaching and learning processes that are fundamental to allow people living together and acting as citizens. It connects curriculum issues to classroom practices and student's learning experience in a unique manner that goes beyond the field of curriculum studies and the field of the learning sciences. Focusing on different research traditions for conceptualizing the relationships between learning and teaching through the educational content learnt, the book presents advanced research in field of "Didactics - teaching and learning" that addresses the new challenges faced by the teaching profession. The collection of chapters in this book supports the continuous growth of comparative research on classroom practices and addresses in a novel manner the need for including international perspectives on Didactics in teacher education programs and graduate schools in education worldwide. Part 1 highlights the recent advances in the theoretical development of Didactics and more particularly the development of comparative didactics. Part 2 illustrates the diversity and complementarities of theoretical and methodological approaches for the empirical study of classroom practices. Part 3 maps certain societal challenges that didactic research faces in a changing world. .
Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- Curriculum development --- Teaching --- onderwijs --- opvoeding --- curriculumontwikkeling --- lerarenopleiding --- lesgeven
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This book argues that mathematical challenge can be found at any level and at every age and constitutes an essential characteristic of any mathematics classroom aimed at developing the students' mathematical knowledge and skills. Since each mathematics classroom is heterogeneous with respect to students' mathematical potential, quality mathematical instruction results from matching the level of mathematical challenge to different students' potential. Thus, effective integration of mathematical challenge in the instructional process is strongly connected to the equity principle of mathematics education. In the three sections in this volume readers can find diverse views on mathematical challenges in curriculum and instructional design, kinds and variation of mathematically challenging tasks and collections of mathematical problems. Evidence-based analysis is interwoven with theoretical positions expressed by the authors of the chapters. Cognitive, social and affective characteristics of challenging mathematical activities are observed and analyzed. The volume opens new avenues of research in mathematics education, and pose multiple questions about mathematical instruction rich in mathematical challenge for all. The authors invite readers to explore and enjoy mathematical challenges at different levels. .
Study methods --- Curriculum development --- Teaching --- Didactics of mathematics --- didactiek --- curriculumontwikkeling --- leren --- wiskunde --- studievaardigheden --- lesgeven
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This book provides detailed insights on the training and development for Pacific Island school leaders. It draws extensively on original empirical research that explores school leaders’ perceptions of how leadership and management training impacted their professional practices, and how these practices in turn impacted the dynamics of school operations. This book addresses a critical need to understand how to support leadership development for all Pacific schools, but especially in schools that are faced with the increasing challenges of learning and teaching conditions. In small island developing states in the Pacific region, school leaders face a myriad of challenges due to limited human and material resources, and a fragile economic base. Written by Pacific Islander authors, this book provides insights from different countries in the Pacific Islands. It shows how contextual challenges can exert enormous pressure on school leaders who are leading and managing schools without any leadership preparation. Given the importance of effective leadership practices and its impact on student learning outcomes, this book aims to be a source of reference for practitioners and educational authorities who have a vested interest in the provision of quality education in the Pacific region and beyond.
Curriculum development --- Teaching --- onderwijs --- opvoeding --- curriculumontwikkeling --- Education --- Curriculum Studies. --- Lideratge en l'educació --- Curricula. --- Pacífic (Regió)
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Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- Curriculum development --- Teaching --- onderwijs --- opvoeding --- curriculumontwikkeling --- lerarenopleiding --- lesgeven
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This book demonstrates how, rather than being a mundane document to convey policies, you can construct your syllabus to be a motivating resource that conveys a clear sense of your course's learning goals, how students can achieve those goals, and makes evident your teaching philosophy
Curriculum development --- Higher education --- HO (hoger onderwijs) --- curriculumontwikkeling --- Education, Higher --- Curriculum planning --- Motivation in education --- College teaching --- Curricula
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Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews on a diverse array of topics of interest to the higher education scholarly and policy communities. Each chapter provides a comprehensive review of research findings on a selected topic, critiques the research literature in terms of its conceptual and methodological rigor and sets forth an agenda for future research intended to advance knowledge on the chosen topic. The Handbook focuses on a comprehensive set of central areas of study in higher education that encompasses the salient dimensions of scholarly and policy inquiries undertaken in the international higher education community. Each annual volume contains chapters on current important issues pertaining to college students and faculty, organization and administration, curriculum and instruction, policy, diversity issues, economics and finance, history and philosophy, community colleges, advances in research methodology and other key aspects of higher education administration. The series is fortunate to have attracted annual contributions from distinguished scholars throughout the world.
Sociology of education --- Curriculum development --- School management --- Higher education --- Educational sciences --- HO (hoger onderwijs) --- onderwijspolitiek --- onderwijs --- onderwijssociologie --- curriculumontwikkeling
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The international New Math developments between about 1950 through 1980, are regarded by many mathematics educators and education historians as the most historically important development in curricula of the twentieth century. It attracted the attention of local and international politicians, of teachers, and of parents, and influenced the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels-kindergarten to college graduate-in many nations. After garnering much initial support it began to attract criticism. But, as Bill Jacob and the late Jerry Becker show in Chapter 17, some of the effects became entrenched. This volume, edited by Professor Dirk De Bock, of Belgium, provides an outstanding overview of the New Math/modern mathematics movement. Chapter authors provide exceptionally high-quality analyses of the rise of the movement, and of subsequent developments, within a range of nations. The first few chapters show how the initial leadership came from mathematicians in European nations and in the United States of America. The background leaders in Europe were Caleb Gattegno and members of a mysterious group of mainly French pure mathematicians, who since the 1930s had published under the name of (a fictitious) "Nicolas Bourbaki." In the United States, there emerged, during the 1950s various attempts to improve U.S. mathematics curricula and teaching, especially in secondary schools and colleges. This side of the story climaxed in 1957 when the Soviet Union succeeded in launching "Sputnik," the first satellite. Undoubtedly, this is a landmark publication in education. The foreword was written by Professor Bob Moon, one of a few other scholars to have written on the New Math from an international perspective. The final "epilogue" chapter, by Professor Geert Vanpaemel, a historian, draws together the overall thrust of the volume, and makes links with the general history of curriculum development, especially in science education, including recent globalization trends.
Curriculum development --- Teaching --- Didactics of mathematics --- Educational sciences --- Mathematics --- History --- vergelijkende pedagogiek --- didactiek --- geschiedenis --- onderwijs --- curriculumontwikkeling --- wiskunde --- onderwijsonderzoek
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