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Edmond Halley is known far and wide thanks largely to the comet bearing his name, the return of which he predicted in 1705. While that discovery would be enough to make the career of any scientist, Halley's massive contributions to the fields of astronomy, navigation, geophysics, mathematics, engineering, and actuarial science as a young man and eventually as Astronomer Royal are mostly overlooked. The book is a revelatory and deeply researched biography of a man whose defining achievement isn't even the half of it. A jack-of-all-trades when it came to scientific reasoning, an all-around academic and workaholic who couldn't leave well enough alone, Halley was amazingly productive and prolific. He was behind some of the most groundbreaking discoveries in human history : it was Halley who was the first to accurately plot the stars of the southern hemisphere. He published Isaac Newton's Principia, arguably the most important scientific text ever written; translated the works of ancient Greek mathematician Apollonius; captained the ship Paramore on a scientific expedition to plot the Earth's magnetic fields; was the first to calculate mortality annuities, creating the foundation for actuarial science; made improvements to the diving bell; surveyed the tides of the English Channel; and began the movement to accurately measure the distance between the Earth and Sun, unlocking the key to determining the distances to the nearest stars. In this incisive and perceptive biography, author David K. Love reveals the boundless mind and endless curiosity of Edmond Halley firmly cementing the legacy of the second Astronomer Royal among the first-rate scientists of his time.
Astronomers --- Astronomy --- Astronomes --- Astronomie --- History --- Histoire. --- Halley, Edmond, --- Halley, Edmund,
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Dans cette série de nouvelles scientifiquement documentées et romancées qui frôlent parfois le picaresque, J-P Luminet nous dévoile les aventures de neuf principaux acteurs de l'astronomie entre la Renaissance et le XXème siècle. De Regiomontanus assassiné au cœur du Vatican pour s'être moqué des théories fumeuses de l'un de ses collègues, à la robe de cour offerte par le célèbre Halley à l'épouse d'Hevelius pour honorer leurs nuits passées sur une terrasse observatoire à regarder les étoiles ; de Maupertuis et ses Lapones, désireux de savoir si la Terre a la forme d'une mandarine ou d'un citron, à la décapitation de Bailly, maire de Paris sous la Révolution et illustre astronome, méprisant les simples calculs des mortels ; de Victor Hugo qui, dans son poème "La Comète" tord l'histoire des sciences pour la plier à ses désirs, à Camille Flammarion dont la bibliothèque cache des manuels reliés en chair humaine... Et d'autres aventures insolites admirablement contées par J-P Luminet qui nous parle d'argent, d'orgueil, de renommée mais aussi de femmes, inévitablement.
Astronomers. --- Astronomes --- Regiomontanus, Joannes, --- Hevelius, Elisabeth, --- Maupertuis, --- Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, --- Bailly, Jean Sylvain, --- Hugo, Victor, --- Le Verrier, U.-J. --- Flammarion, Camille, --- Regiomontanus, --- Koopmann Hevelius, Elisabeth Catherina, --- Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de, --- Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, --- Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph,
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