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Esports in the Asia-Pacific : Ecosystem, Communities, and Identities
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9819937965 9819937957 Year: 2023 Publisher: Singapore : Macmillan Palgrave,

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Personal grief rituals : creating unique expressions of loss and meaningful acts of mourning in clinical or private settings
ISBN: 0815384122 0815384114 9780815384120 9780815384113 Year: 2023 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge,

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"Personal Grief Rituals presents a new model for how bereaved individuals can create unique expressions of mourning that are tailored to their psychological needs and grounded in memories and emotions specific to the relationship they lost. This book examines cultures across the world and throughout history to shed light on how humanity has always turned to grief rituals and how custom can stifle one's pursuit of healthy and meaningful mourning. Contemporary psychological research, most notably attachment theory, provides an in-depth understanding of how each individual's subjective experience of loss varies and why complicated bereavement may emerge. Richly detailed psychotherapy case studies exemplify innovative strategies for designing personal grief rituals. Where one person may visit an old haunt to express sorrow, another might use symbols to strengthen their connection to the deceased, and still another could cast aside vestiges of the past. Personal Grief Rituals is an excellent resource for professionals, students studying the psychology of loss, or anyone hoping to carve a new path through their own grief and mourning"--


Esports in the Asia-Pacific : Ecosystem, Communities, and Identities
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789819937967 9789819937950 9789819937974 9789819937981 Year: 2023 Publisher: Singapore Springer Nature, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

Esports in the Asia-Pacific
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789819937967 Year: 2023 Publisher: Singapore Springer Nature Singapore :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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Between Manuscript and Print : Transcultural Perspectives, ca. 1400–1800
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3111242692 3111242307 9783111242309 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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A cross-cultural, comparative view on the transition from a predominant ‘culture of handwriting’ to a predominant ‘culture of print’ in the late medieval and early modern periods is provided here, combining research on Christian and Jewish European book culture with findings on East Asian manuscript and print culture. This approach highlights interactions and interdependencies instead of retracing a linear process from the manuscript book to its printed successor.While each chapter is written as a disciplinary study focused on one specific case from the respective field, the volume as a whole allows for transcultural perspectives. It thereby not only focusses on change, but also on simultaneities of manuscript and printing practices as well as on shifts in the perception of media, writing surfaces, and materials: Which values did writers, printers, and readers attribute to the handwritten and printed materials? For which types of texts was handwriting preferred or perceived as suitable? How and under which circumstances could handwritten and printed texts coexist, even within the same document, and which epistemic dynamics emerged from such textual assemblages?

Non-Doctrinal Research Methods in Environmental Law
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1803922761 Year: 2023 Publisher: Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing,

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This timely book explores the innovative non-doctrinal methods currently being used in environmental law research. Drawing on their extensive experience, expert contributors provide insight into how creative approaches to research can improve understanding of law and policy, leading to more effective legal protection for the environment.

Between manuscript and print : transcultural perspectives, ca. 1400-1800
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783111242309 9783111242699 9783111243009 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin de Gruyter

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Handschrift im Druck (ca. 1500–1800) : Annotieren, Korrigieren, Weiterschreiben

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Dem Neben- und Miteinander von Hand- und Druckschriftlichkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit bis in die Goethezeit ist in der Forschung bisher nur ungenügend Beachtung geschenkt worden. Der Übergang von der Hand- zur Druckschriftlichkeit ‚nach Gutenberg‘ wird gerne als ein Ablösungsprozess beschrieben; erst in der Zeit um 1800 nehme die Handschrift im Lichte neuer Autorschafts- und Individualitätskonzepte neuen, auratischen Charakter an. Der Band argumentiert in Fallstudien für eine neue Aufmerksamkeit für die zahlreichen Interferenzphänomene von Handschrift und Druck, die die unterschiedlichsten Formen und Funktionen annehmen können. Er fokussiert besonders handschriftliche Interventionen in gedruckten Büchern: Diese brechen den durch den Druck fixierten Text auf, indem sie ihn kommentieren, korrigieren oder erweitern. Sie weisen auf veränderte Gebrauchskontexte, die Flexibilisierung vermeintlich statischer Autorschaftskonzepte und die Dynamik von Korrekturprozessen. Der Band plädiert in der interdisziplinären Zusammenschau von Literatur-, Buch- und Geschichtswissenschaften für einen neuen, materialitätsorientierten Blick auf alte Fragen der Literaturgeschichte des Druckzeitalters. This edited volume examines the forms and functions of the interaction between hand writing and print culture in the period ca. 1500 to 1800. Handwritten interventions into printed books interrupt the text fixed in print by commenting on it, correcting it, or expanding it. They point to changing contexts of use, the flexibilization of supposedly static concepts of authorship, and the dynamics of correction processes.

Monde associatif et néolibéralisme
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782130844365 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris : PUF,

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La configuration néolibérale du capitalisme détruit-elle le modèle associatif ? Si la réponse est plus complexe qu'il n'y paraît, force est de constater l'existence d'antagonismes structurels entre ces deux entités. Depuis le XIXe siècle en France, les associations sont parées de nombreuses vertus, politiques comme économiques. Tocqueville les considère comme des « écoles de la démocratie ». Actrice majeure de l'« économie sociale », l'association incarne ainsi un autre mode de production et de consommation, à rebours de celui que promeut l'économie politique. Or, les associations sont tout à la fois des organisations politiques, des entreprises produisant des services et des opérateurs de politiques publiques. C'est par la prise en compte de ces trois dimensions que l'on peut saisir toute la complexité du monde associatif contemporain, les relations d'interdépendance qu'il établit avec les institutions marchandes et les collectivités publiques, ainsi que l'affaiblissement actuel du modèle historique sur lequel il s'est construit. Cet ouvrage dresse l'état des lieux du monde associatif, à l'heure des transformations de l'économie engendrées par le néolibéralisme

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