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El libro trata sobre las dinámica de las fuerzas de desarrollo y de la resistencia asociadas con los avances del ›extractivismo‹ (inversiones extranjeras en la extracción de recursos naturales) en el contexto Latinoamericano, y esto en condiciones de una crisis multidimensional del sistema capitalista. Se analiza los impactos socioecológicos negativos, así como la resistencia a los avances del extractivismo en las comunidades que viven estos impactos. El libro sera de gran interés para todos interesados en encontrar una salida a la crisis actual para poder participar en la construccóin de un otro mundo de desarrollo sostenible y la justicia social y ambiental.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / History & Theory. --- America. --- Bielefeld University Press. --- Latin America. --- Political Sociology. --- Political System. --- Social Inequality. --- South American History.
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Was passiert vor dem Blick auf ein Bild? Diese Frage lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit auf Voraussetzungen des Bildersehens, die in der Regel kaum reflektiert werden. Doch ist das Betrachten von Bildern stets mit Praktiken verflochten, die die Wahrnehmung in spezifischer Weise konstituieren, zurichten und mitunter sogar manipulieren. Die mit diesen Zurichtungen verbundenen Praktiken wurden bisher in der Forschung kaum eingehender beleuchtet. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes untersuchen erstmals aus praxistheoretischer, phänomenologischer, bild- und kunsthistorischer sowie wahrnehmungspsychologischer Perspektive historische und zeitgenössische Praktiken, die dem Blick auf ein Bild vorausgehen.
ART / History / General. --- Art History. --- Art. --- Bielefeld University Press. --- Cultural History. --- Cultural Studies. --- History. --- Image. --- Perception of Pictures. --- Phenomenology. --- Practice Theory. --- Psychology. --- Visual Culture Studies. --- Visual Studies.
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A growing number of protest movements across the globe - such as for equal civil status and reproductive freedom, as well as against sexualized violence - show that women's and gender rights are highly contested. Against the backdrop of a long unequal history of rights implementation, the contributors to this volume deal with the question of why and in which ways gender equality has become contested in various political contexts. Local case studies examine the relevant structural, institutional, and socio-cultural causes of the global challenges to equality. This book follows an interdisciplinary approach and unites scholars from law, linguistics, cultural studies, history, social sciences, and gender studies.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gender Studies. --- Anti-Genderism. --- Bielefeld University Press. --- Gender Studies. --- Gender. --- Global Perspectives. --- Interdisciplinarity. --- Intersectionality. --- Law. --- Politics. --- Postcoloniality. --- Queer Theory. --- Sociology of Law. --- Sex role --- Protest movements. --- Reproductive rights. --- Sociological aspects.
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Digital archives are transforming the Humanities and the Sciences. Digitised collections of newspapers and books have pushed scholars to develop new, data-rich methods. Born-digital archives are now better preserved and managed thanks to the development of open-access and commercial software. Digital Humanities have moved from the fringe to the centre of academia. Yet, the path from the appraisal of records to their analysis is far from smooth. This book explores crossovers between various disciplines to improve the discoverability, accessibility, and use of born-digital archives and other cultural assets.
Digital libraries --- Artificial intelligence --- Access control. --- Library applications. --- Libraries --- Computer security --- Data processing --- Access. --- Artificial Intelligence. --- Bielefeld University Press. --- Digital Humanities. --- Digital Media. --- Digitised Archives. --- Internet. --- Media. --- New Research Methods. --- Preservation. --- Technology.
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Abordar la existencia de unas clases medias negras en Colombia no sólo es difícil sino un aparente contrasentido, un oxímoron, porque la gente negra es imaginada como inevitablemente pobre y de »clase baja«. Pero ¿acaso no existen otras experiencias de clase dentro de esta población? Para responder al vacío investigativo sobre este grupo social este libro examina la configuración de las clases medias negras desde finales de los años treinta del siglo xx, a partir de las historias de vida de miembros de tres generaciones de familias originarias de la región del Pacífico y el Caribe que se identifican como parte de esta clase. Esta indagación se hace desde una perspectiva interseccional, que asume que no se puede entender el funcionamiento de las relaciones de poder que dan forma a estas experiencias desde un solo marco explicativo (de clase, género o raza), y que para hacerlo se deben considerar sus mutuas interrelaciones y afectaciones.
Middle class. --- Bourgeoisie --- Commons (Social order) --- Middle class --- Middle classes --- Social classes --- Social conditions --- Clases Sociales --- Interseccionalidad --- Colombia --- Población Negra --- Amerika --- Rassismus --- Politische Soziologie --- Postkolonialismus --- Lateinamerika --- Bielefeld University Press --- America --- Racism --- Political Sociology --- Postcolonialism --- Latin America
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Religious studies have long discussed the comparative notion of »holy« beyond religious, cultural, and linguistic boundaries. In this book, Thomas Jurczyk conducts a diachronic comparison of the meaning and application of two notions and their related word fields that are commonly associated with a broader comparative notion of holy, namely the Ancient Armenian term »surb« and its related words and the English word field associated with »holy«. To compare these two semantic fields, his methodological approach operates on the principle of distributional semantics and applies, among others, tools and methods from the field of corpus linguistics.
281.6 --- 281.6 Armeense Kerk --- Armeense Kerk --- Corpora (Linguistics) --- Corpus-based analysis (Linguistics) --- Corpus linguistics --- Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) --- Ancient History. --- Bielefeld University Press. --- Comparative Notion of Holy. --- Conceptual History. --- Corpus Linguistics. --- Digital Humanities. --- Early Christianity. --- Eastern European History. --- History of Religion. --- Language. --- Religion.
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"A definitive biography of the French aristocrat who became one of democracy's greatest champions. In 1831, at the age of twenty-five, Alexis de Tocqueville made his fateful journey to America, where he observed the thrilling reality of a functioning democracy. From that moment onward, the French aristocrat would dedicate his life as a writer and politician to ending despotism in his country and bringing it into a new age. In this authoritative and groundbreaking biography, leading Tocqueville expert Olivier Zunz tells the story of a radical thinker who, uniquely charged by the events of his time, both in America and France, used the world as a laboratory for his political ideas.Placing Tocqueville's dedication to achieving a new kind of democracy at the center of his life and work, Zunz traces Tocqueville's evolution into a passionate student and practitioner of liberal politics across a trove of correspondence with intellectuals, politicians, constituents, family members, and friends. While taking seriously Tocqueville's attempts to apply the lessons of Democracy in America to French politics, Zunz shows that the United States, and not only France, remained central to Tocqueville's thought and actions throughout his life. In his final years, with France gripped by an authoritarian regime and America divided by slavery, Tocqueville feared that the democratic experiment might be failing. Yet his passion for democracy never weakened.Giving equal attention to the French and American sources of Tocqueville's unique blend of political philosophy and political action, The Man Who Understood Democracy offers the richest, most nuanced portrait yet of a man who, born between the worlds of aristocracy and democracy, fought tirelessly for the only system that he believed could provide both liberty and equality"-- "Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)-who was born in the shadow of the French Revolution and died a few years before the American Civil War-witnessed a remarkable era in the history of the West. His aristocratic family survived the revolutionary period, though many branches were cut down during the Terror, and Alexis grew up with a keen understanding that one world was ending and a new one was being born. Adventurous and curious, he traveled extensively in North America as a young man. There, he trained his observant eyes on his official duties-documenting conditions in the prison system-but became fascinated with America's experiments in democracy. Tocqueville was an avid political theorist, and he recorded his impressions in Democracy in America, still read to this day and considered one of the most provocative and insightful commentaries on the American experience. Tocqueville remained both an intellectual and an active politician for the majority of his life. He watched the revolutions take hold in 1848 across Europe, and he died in 1859, after penning his other famous work, The Old Regime and the Revolution. In this book, Olivier Zunz aims to convey how the world in which Tocqueville lived became his laboratory for political theory. Without downplaying Tocqueville's anxieties about the future, or about democracy's potential pathologies, Zunz places dedication to achieving a new kind of democracy at the center of his subject's life and work. He takes seriously Tocqueville's attempts to apply the lessons of his texts to French politics, and, throughout, he looks to Tocqueville's political career and activism as a guide to the meaning of his major texts. Drawing on his unparalleled familiarity with Tocqueville's own words and letters, Zunz offers a definitive biography of a remarkable thinker whose life formed a ligature between the ancien regime and the emerging democratic age"--
Aristocracy (Social class) --- Democracy --- Political scientists --- Political scientists --- Philosophy. --- Tocqueville, Alexis de, --- Political and social views. --- Alexis de Tocqueville. --- French aristocrat. --- Olivier Zunz. --- The Life of Alexis de Tocqueville. --- The Man Who Understood Democracy. --- Tocqueville’s evolution. --- biography. --- democracy. --- democracy’s greatest champions. --- early political thinkers. --- history of democracy. --- history. --- how did Alexis de Tocqueville use the world as a laboratory for his political ideas. --- how did life in America impact Alexis de Tocqueville. --- how did life in France impactmAlexis de Tocqueville. --- new kind of democracy. --- passionate student and practitioner of liberal politics. --- politics. --- princeton university press. --- radical thinker. --- study of politics.
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A rich history of underwater filmmaking and how it has profoundly influenced the aesthetics of movies and public perception of the oceansIn The Underwater Eye, Margaret Cohen tells the fascinating story of how the development of modern diving equipment and movie camera technology has allowed documentary and narrative filmmakers to take human vision into the depths, creating new imagery of the seas and the underwater realm, and expanding the scope of popular imagination. Innovating on the most challenging film set on earth, filmmakers have tapped the emotional power of the underwater environment to forge new visions of horror, tragedy, adventure, beauty, and surrealism, entertaining the public and shaping its perception of ocean reality.Examining works by filmmakers ranging from J. E. Williamson, inventor of the first undersea film technology in 1914, to Wes Anderson, who filmed the underwater scenes of his 2004 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou entirely in a pool, The Underwater Eye traces how the radically alien qualities of underwater optics have shaped liquid fantasies for more than a century. Richly illustrated, the book explores documentaries by Jacques Cousteau, Louis Malle, and Hans Hass, art films by Man Ray and Jean Vigo, and popular movies and television shows such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Sea Hunt, the Bond films, Jaws, The Abyss, and Titanic. In exploring the cultural impact of underwater filmmaking, the book also asks compelling questions about the role film plays in engaging the public with the remote ocean, a frontline of climate change.
Motion pictures --- Underwater cinematography. --- Aesthetics --- Cinematography, Submarine --- Cinematography, Underwater --- Submarine cinematography --- Underwater photography --- Aesthetics. --- History. --- History and criticism --- 000 Leagues Under the Sea. --- 20. --- Creature from the Black Lagoon. --- Hans Hass. --- How the Movie Camera Opened the Depths and Unleashed New Realms of Fantasy. --- J. E. Williamson. --- Jacques Cousteau. --- Jaws. --- Jean Vigo. --- Louis Malle. --- Man Ray. --- Margaret Cohen. --- Princeton University Press. --- Sea Hunt. --- Steve Zissou entirely. --- The Abyss. --- The Underwater Eye. --- Titanic. --- Wes Anderson. --- aesthetics of movies. --- art films. --- art. --- books about underwater photography. --- challenge. --- challenging film set on earth. --- cinema. --- development of modern diving equipment. --- directing. --- documentaries. --- emotional power of the underwater environment. --- film making. --- filmed the underwater scenes of his 2004 The Life Aquatic. --- filmmakers. --- inventor of the first undersea film technology in 1914. --- movie equipment. --- movie making. --- ocean. --- popular movies and television shows. --- rich history of underwater filmmaking. --- the Bond films. --- using pools. --- water.
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"We are told that, in dreaming, anything is possible. Dreams are imaginings that are not supposedly linked to concrete experience or action or inhibited by the social and political disadvantages that may come from one's class position, race, ethnicity, or gender. They do not articulate a roadmap for achievement or a path to a specific end in the way that aspirations or projects do. They are mental exercises that provide a vision of a person's inner self and desired identity. In this book, Karen Cerulo and Janet Ruane interrogate what it means to dream, what our dreams look like, and whether our social location impacts what, when, how, and if we dream. Drawing on data from interviews and focus groups with 272 people from different social backgrounds, the authors argue that while dreams are generally treated as personal and unique, they are quite clearly patterned in very predictable ways. People's dreams differ from age to age, group to group, and context to context, and the chapters focus on different subsets of the study participants. After examining how race, class, and gender impact dreaming, the authors examine different life stages and finally those who have faced "ruptures" in their life stories. In Dreams of a Lifetime, the authors conclude that dreams represent the starting point of our perception of "fit"; they tell the story of where we think we belong, what life paths we consider taking, and what we think we deserve before that story is lived. And that story is built from the cultural lessons to which we are exposed in our daily social interactions and the cultural contexts in which we live."--
Desire. --- Dreams. --- Ambition. --- Fantasy. --- Self-actualization (Psychology) --- Identity (Psychology) --- Abdomen. --- Addition. --- Americans. --- Amphisbaenia. --- Anatomy of Hope. --- And babies. --- Ann Swidler. --- Appendage. --- Asexual reproduction. --- Budding. --- Career. --- Certification. --- Cess. --- Cestoda. --- Coccyx. --- Comrade. --- Concept. --- Consciousness. --- Copayment. --- Cultural capital. --- Culture. --- Designer. --- Dream Story. --- Duke University Press. --- Employment. --- Entrepreneurship. --- Evolution. --- Evolutionary developmental biology. --- Extracurricular activity. --- Family. --- Finding. --- Fixed income. --- Focus group. --- Forelimb. --- Germline. --- Graduation Rate. --- Graduation. --- History. --- Hymenoptera. --- I Wish (manhwa). --- Illustration. --- Imagination. --- Income. --- Intention. --- Invention. --- Laborer. --- Lamarckism. --- Life satisfaction. --- Livelihood. --- Living wage. --- Long Term. --- Longitudinal study. --- Make A Difference. --- Marital status. --- Medalist. --- Middle class. --- Month. --- Most recent common ancestor. --- Narrative. --- Need for achievement. --- Nemertea. --- Net worth. --- Obligation. --- Obstacle. --- Optimism. --- Ovipositor. --- Ownership. --- Percentage. --- Personal experience. --- Phylum. --- Plymouth Colony. --- Prediction. --- Probability. --- Productivity. --- Profession. --- Publication. --- Quality Education. --- Quality time. --- Queen for a Day. --- Race (human categorization). --- Requiem for a Dream. --- Respondent. --- Result. --- School of thought. --- Second Life. --- Sept. --- Sexual maturity. --- Social class. --- Social space. --- Spouse. --- Student. --- Support group. --- The Iconic. --- Their Lives. --- Thought. --- Treatise. --- Ulna. --- Uncertainty. --- Upper class. --- Wealth.
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From the bestselling author of What the Best College Teachers Do, the story of a new breed of amazingly innovative courses that inspire students and improve learningDecades of research have produced profound insights into how student learning and motivation can be unleashed--and it's not through technology or even the best of lectures. In Super Courses, education expert and bestselling author Ken Bain tells the fascinating story of enterprising college, graduate school, and high school teachers who are using evidence-based approaches to spark deeper levels of learning, critical thinking, and creativity--whether teaching online, in class, or in the field.Visiting schools across the United States as well as in China and Singapore, Bain, working with his longtime collaborator, Marsha Marshall Bain, uncovers super courses throughout the humanities and sciences. At the University of Virginia, undergrads contemplate the big questions that drove Tolstoy--by working with juveniles at a maximum-security correctional facility. Harvard physics students learn about the universe not through lectures but from their peers in a class where even reading is a social event. And students at a Dallas high school use dance to develop growth mindsets--and many of them go on to top colleges, including Juilliard. Bain defines these as super courses because they all use powerful researched-based elements to build a "natural critical learning environment" that fosters intrinsic motivation, self-directed learning, and self-reflective reasoning. Complete with sample syllabi, the book shows teachers how they can build their own super courses.The story of a hugely important breakthrough in education, Super Courses reveals how these classes can help students reach their full potential, equip them to lead happy and productive lives, and meet the world's complex challenges.
Curriculum change. --- Education, Higher --- College teaching. --- University teaching --- Teaching --- Curriculum reform --- Instructional change --- Reform, Curriculum --- Curriculum planning --- Education --- Curricula. --- Curricula --- E-books --- Curriculum change --- College teaching --- Learning, Psychology of. --- Academic achievement. --- Academic term. --- Active learning. --- Adaptive expertise. --- Albert Bandura. --- Annotation. --- Aptitude. --- Capstone course. --- Career. --- Carol Dweck. --- Classroom. --- Copyright. --- Critical thinking. --- Curriculum. --- David Hestenes. --- Deep learning. --- Education. --- Educational aims and objectives. --- Ellen Langer. --- Engineering. --- Eric Mazur. --- Expert. --- Facilitation. --- Facilitator. --- Feeling. --- Final examination. --- Force Concept Inventory. --- Georgia Institute of Technology. --- Grading (education). --- Graduate school. --- Harvard University. --- Higher education. --- Historical thinking. --- Homelessness. --- Homework. --- How People Learn. --- Ingenuity. --- Institution. --- Intelligence. --- John Dewey. --- Learning environment. --- Learning. --- Lecture. --- Lecturer. --- Lifelong learning. --- Literature. --- Locus of control. --- Mathematician. --- Mechanical engineering. --- Medical school. --- Motivation. --- Of Education. --- Pedagogy. --- Peer instruction. --- Personal development. --- Philosopher. --- Physician. --- Poverty. --- Prejudice. --- Princeton University Press. --- Private school. --- Problem set. --- Problem solving. --- Profession. --- Professor. --- Project. --- Psychologist. --- Psychology. --- Questionnaire. --- Quiz. --- Requirement. --- Role-playing. --- Russian literature. --- Scholarship. --- Science education. --- Scientist. --- Secondary school. --- Self-efficacy. --- Seminar. --- Smartphone. --- Social science. --- Spring break. --- Stereotype threat. --- Student engagement. --- Student. --- Sugata Mitra. --- Syllabus. --- TRIZ. --- Teacher. --- Teaching method. --- Technology. --- Test (assessment). --- Textbook. --- Theory. --- Thought. --- Traditional education. --- Uncertainty. --- Undergraduate education. --- Vocabulary. --- Writing.
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