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»We Are All Activists« : Exploring Solidarities in Activism By, With and For Refugees and Migrants in
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag,

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Who is meant when people talk about the citizens or the activists? Often, they are implied to mean the most privileged positionalities. Simultaneously, refugees and migrants tend to be seen through their (supposed) legal status. Thus, they are neither practically nor conceptually regarded as activists. The variety of intersecting positionings in migrant rights activism results in complex inequalities and power dynamics within activist groups. Solidarities are continually challenged, negotiated, and built. Lea Rzadtki develops a conceptual view on claims, challenges, and processes that activists experience and deal with. She moves beyond dichotomies and engages in transversal dialogue.

Les Mouvements Amazighs en Afrique du Nord : Élites, Formes d'expression et Défis.
ISBN: 9947394794 Year: 2022 Publisher: Namur : Chihab,

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Le présent ouvrage est le premier qui se consacre à l'étude du mouvement amazigh en Afrique du Nord. Comprenant cinq pays, à savoir, le Maroc, l'Algérie, la Tunisie, la Libye et l'Egypte, cette étude est le fruit d'une collaboration interdisciplinaire entre onze chercheurs provenant de plusieurs disciplines dont la sociologie, l'anthropologie et les sciences politiques. Tous natifs de la région, ils ont étudié des échantillons provenant de neuf régions restées amazighophones dans leur vie quotidienne. Celles-ci vont du Rif et de l'Atlas central au Maroc, passant par la Kabylie et Ghardaïa en Algérie ; la région des Touaregs au sud de l'Algérie et de la Libye dont est également inclus le mont Nefoussa ; en passant par les régions amazighophones de Tunisie, pour finir dans l'oasis Sioua en Egypte. Cette enquête scientifique qui a duré deux années, s'intéresse aux formes d'expression que le mouvement amazigh emprunte dans ces pays, à la nature de forces sociales et des élites qui, tout en défendant une revendication commune, se distinguent les unes des autres, tant au niveau régional (d'un pays à l'autre), qu'au niveau national. D'un point de vue méthodologique, cette étude s'appuie sur une approche qualitative, basée sur des entretiens directs avec un grand nombre d'acteurs sociaux et politiques. Elle s'intéresse par ailleurs aux positions des gouvernant et à celles des élites revendicatives dont la démarche a évolué avec le temps, jusqu'à parvenir à une certaine détente. Ceci est particulièrement notable dans les cas marocain et algérien, notamment. Cette étude rassemble de nombreuses données géographiques et socio-démographiques propres aux régions amazighophones dans les Etats d'Afrique du nord. Ces données servent aussi bien à évaluer le niveau d'intégration nationale sur les plans économique, social et politique, qu'à déterminer l'évolution de ce mouvement au sein de l'espace national et régional.

»We Are All Activists« : Exploring Solidarities in Activism By, With and For Refugees and Migrants in
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag,

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Who is meant when people talk about the citizens or the activists? Often, they are implied to mean the most privileged positionalities. Simultaneously, refugees and migrants tend to be seen through their (supposed) legal status. Thus, they are neither practically nor conceptually regarded as activists. The variety of intersecting positionings in migrant rights activism results in complex inequalities and power dynamics within activist groups. Solidarities are continually challenged, negotiated, and built. Lea Rzadtki develops a conceptual view on claims, challenges, and processes that activists experience and deal with. She moves beyond dichotomies and engages in transversal dialogue.

You can't go to war without song : performance and community mobilization in South Africa
ISBN: 0253063221 025306323X 9780253063236 9780253063205 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bloomington Indiana University Press

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You Can't Go to War without Song explores the role of public performance in political activism in contemporary South Africa. Weaving together detailed ethnographic fieldwork and an astute theoretical framework, Omotayo Jolaosho examines the cohesive power of protest songs and dances within the Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF), one of many social movements that emerged in the wake of South Africa's democratic transition after 1994. Jolaosho demonstrates the ways APF members adapted anti-apartheid songs and dance to create new expressive forms that informed and commented on their struggles for access to water, electricity, housing, education, and health facilities, the costs of which had been made prohibitive by privatization. You Can't Go to War without Song offers profiles of individual activists to amplify its central point: social movements like the APF are best understood as the coming together of individuals, and it is the songs and dances of the movement that bind these individual together and create opportunity for community organization. Chapters on women and youth complicate such understandings of community, however, showing how activist live and experiences are shaped by gender and generation.

Makt, motmakt og praksis : Bidrag til kritisk refleksjon innen diakoni og velferd
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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Which voices, bodies and practices have expressed critical powerlessness in the face of institutional power, and who is expressing this today? What is at play, and what is the root of this powerlessness? These questions are at the core of this book. With Michel Foucault's theory of power and powerlessness as a point of departure, the contributing authors analyze and discuss the many conflicts and tension that arise when service users and patients take (or relinquish) a particular position. Institutions and professional practitioners have used and still use traditions, theories and methods that often weaken more than strengthen service users', patients' and clients' own volition and subjectivity. The chapters are by researchers in a variety of disciplines including theology, nursing, ethics, child welfare, disability research, history, diakonia, and social work. In the context of these fields, recognizing and emphasizing people's dignity and promoting equity are explored. But both historically and at present, research and experience show that the opposite also occurs. The ethical takes place between power, powerlessness and practice.

Makt, motmakt og praksis : Bidrag til kritisk refleksjon innen diakoni og velferd
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing),

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Which voices, bodies and practices have expressed critical powerlessness in the face of institutional power, and who is expressing this today? What is at play, and what is the root of this powerlessness? These questions are at the core of this book. With Michel Foucault's theory of power and powerlessness as a point of departure, the contributing authors analyze and discuss the many conflicts and tension that arise when service users and patients take (or relinquish) a particular position. Institutions and professional practitioners have used and still use traditions, theories and methods that often weaken more than strengthen service users', patients' and clients' own volition and subjectivity. The chapters are by researchers in a variety of disciplines including theology, nursing, ethics, child welfare, disability research, history, diakonia, and social work. In the context of these fields, recognizing and emphasizing people's dignity and promoting equity are explored. But both historically and at present, research and experience show that the opposite also occurs. The ethical takes place between power, powerlessness and practice.

»We Are All Activists« : Exploring Solidarities in Activism By, With and For Refugees and Migrants in
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag,

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Who is meant when people talk about the citizens or the activists? Often, they are implied to mean the most privileged positionalities. Simultaneously, refugees and migrants tend to be seen through their (supposed) legal status. Thus, they are neither practically nor conceptually regarded as activists. The variety of intersecting positionings in migrant rights activism results in complex inequalities and power dynamics within activist groups. Solidarities are continually challenged, negotiated, and built. Lea Rzadtki develops a conceptual view on claims, challenges, and processes that activists experience and deal with. She moves beyond dichotomies and engages in transversal dialogue.

Indigene Resistencia : der Widerstand der bolivianischen TIPNIS-Bewegung
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld, Germany : Transcript Verlag,

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Lateinamerika kennt zahlreiche Protestbewegungen seiner indigenen Bevölkerung. Einer der emblematischsten Fälle ist die soziale Bewegung gegen ein Prestige-Projekt der Morales-Regierung: den Bau einer Straße im Indigenen Territorium und Nationalpark Isiboro Sécure (TIPNIS) im bolivianischen Amazonasgebiet. Mit Blick auf die Perspektiven der heterogenen Protestakteur*innen rekonstruiert Maximilian Held diesen Widerstand in seinen komplexen Erscheinungsformen. Dabei stellt er heraus, wie Problematiken der geschwächten indigenen Selbstverwaltung, sozioökologische Bedrohungen, Defizite des neoextraktiven Entwicklungsmodells und mangelnde Rechtsumsetzung zusammenhängen.

Indigene Resistencia : der Widerstand der bolivianischen TIPNIS-Bewegung
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld, Germany : Transcript Verlag,

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Lateinamerika kennt zahlreiche Protestbewegungen seiner indigenen Bevölkerung. Einer der emblematischsten Fälle ist die soziale Bewegung gegen ein Prestige-Projekt der Morales-Regierung: den Bau einer Straße im Indigenen Territorium und Nationalpark Isiboro Sécure (TIPNIS) im bolivianischen Amazonasgebiet. Mit Blick auf die Perspektiven der heterogenen Protestakteur*innen rekonstruiert Maximilian Held diesen Widerstand in seinen komplexen Erscheinungsformen. Dabei stellt er heraus, wie Problematiken der geschwächten indigenen Selbstverwaltung, sozioökologische Bedrohungen, Defizite des neoextraktiven Entwicklungsmodells und mangelnde Rechtsumsetzung zusammenhängen.

Indigene Resistencia : der Widerstand der bolivianischen TIPNIS-Bewegung
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld, Germany : Transcript Verlag,

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Lateinamerika kennt zahlreiche Protestbewegungen seiner indigenen Bevölkerung. Einer der emblematischsten Fälle ist die soziale Bewegung gegen ein Prestige-Projekt der Morales-Regierung: den Bau einer Straße im Indigenen Territorium und Nationalpark Isiboro Sécure (TIPNIS) im bolivianischen Amazonasgebiet. Mit Blick auf die Perspektiven der heterogenen Protestakteur*innen rekonstruiert Maximilian Held diesen Widerstand in seinen komplexen Erscheinungsformen. Dabei stellt er heraus, wie Problematiken der geschwächten indigenen Selbstverwaltung, sozioökologische Bedrohungen, Defizite des neoextraktiven Entwicklungsmodells und mangelnde Rechtsumsetzung zusammenhängen.

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