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This 3rd edition incorporates all of the latest ancillary diagnostic and prognostic techniques for effective evaluation and confident interpretation of suspected tumor specimens. Plus, more than 50 internationally recognized authorities and over 3,100 full-color illustrations provide an up-to-date account of tumor morphology, the application of modern diagnostic techniques (including molecular genetics), and key aspects of differential diagnosis.
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"This book focuses on the question, what is the relationship between Christianity and politics? The author argues that the De Regno of Thomas Aquinas offers an answer; discusses Aquinas's themes in the history of Christian political thought"--
Christian ethics. --- Christianity and politics. --- Thomas,
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What does it mean to love our country? Navigating between the extremes of Christian nationalism and disengagement, Richard Mouw sees healthy patriotism as love of country in the context of Christian love of neighbor. Calling us to build a country where all people can thrive in peace, this guide helps us pave the way toward liberty and justice for all.
Christianity and politics --- Patriotism --- Religious aspects --- Christianity.
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Popes --- Christianity and politics --- Temporal power --- Catholic Church --- Foreign relations
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Le pentecôtisme et les courants charismatiques qui en sont issus ont fait l'objet ces dernières décennies de nombreuses publications, le plus souvent sous la forme d'enquêtes anthropologiques. Il manquait une synthèse plus systématique, des clés de lecture théoriques permettant de cerner – au-delà de la grande diversité de ses expressions locales – les principales caractéristiques sociologiques de ce phénomène religieux. Ce livre s'appuie sur une revue de la littérature disponible et sur des recherches personnelles conduites ces quinze dernières années pour éclairer les principaux enjeux liés à la compréhension du pentecôtisme en sciences sociales. Quelles sont les origines du pentecôtisme et comment faire la part entre le récit légendaire forgé par les pentecôtistes eux-mêmes et la réalité historique ? Comment s'opère la conversion pentecôtiste, quelle place occupe l'institution dans ce travail de transformation des existences personnelles et que recouvre exactement l'expérience pentecôtiste de la « guérison » ? Quel rôle y jouent les émotions ? Quelles relations les différents courants du pentecôtisme entretiennent-ils avec la globalisation et les cultures locales ? Et en quoi le pentecôtisme est-il aussi un acteur politique ? L'ambition de ce livre est de faire du pentecôtisme un objet sociologique, susceptible d'éclairer les évolutions contemporaines des rapports entre autonomie individuelle, institution, autorité et engagement.
Christian sociology --- Christianity and politics --- Pentecostalism --- Religion and sociology
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There has been a considerable amount of literature in the last 70 years claiming that the American founders were steeped in modern thought. This study runs counter to that tradition, arguing that the founders of America were deeply indebted to the classical Christian natural-law tradition for their fundamental theological, moral, and political outlook. Evidence for this thesis is found in case studies of such leading American founders as Thomas Jefferson and James Wilson, the pamphlet debates, the founders' invocation of providence during the revolution, and their understanding of popular sovereignty. The authors go on to reflect on how the founders' political thought contained within it the resources that undermined, in principle, the institution of slavery, and explores the relevance of the founders' political theology for contemporary politics. This timely, important book makes a significant contribution to the scholarly debate over whether the American founding is compatible with traditional Christianity.
Political Science --- Christianity and politics --- Founding Fathers of the United States --- Natural law --- History. --- Religious life. --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- United States --- Politics and government --- Philosophy. --- Christianity and politics.
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This book is the first to interpret and reflect on Augustine's seminal argument concerning humility and pride, especially in politics and philosophy, in The City of God. Mary Keys shows how contemporary readers have much to gain from engaging Augustine's lengthy argument on behalf of virtuous humility. She also demonstrates how a deeper understanding of the classical and Christian philosophical-rhetorical modes of discourse in The City of God enables readers to appreciate and evaluate Augustine's nuanced case for humility in politics, philosophy, and religion. Comprised of a series of interpretive essays and commentaries following Augustine's own order of segments and themes in The City of God, Keys' volume unpacks the author's complex text and elucidates its challenge, meaning, and importance for contemporary readers. It also illuminates a central, yet easily underestimated theme with perennial relevance in a classic work of political thought and religion.
Humility --- Pride and vanity --- Christianity and politics. --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- Augustine,
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Was führte nach 1945 dazu, dass die evangelische Kirche sich so intensiv um die Täter kümmerte? Welche Rolle - wenn überhaupt - spielten die Opfer? Es zeichnet sich einerseits ein aus heutiger Sicht verstörendes Bild ab, das andererseits vor dem Hintergrund zeitgenössischer politischer wie theologischer Debatten verstanden werden muss. Damit stellt dieses Buch nicht nur einige Akteure und Netzwerke der kirchlichen Unterstützung von NS-Tätern nach 1945 vor, sondern geht auch auf Erklärungen, Rechtfertigungen und Selbstrechtfertigungen ein. Dabei nehmen die Autoren auch kritisch Klischees zur Wahrnehmung kirchlicher Geschichte in den Blick, wie etwa die Wahrnehmung der Bekennenden Kirche in der Öffentlichkeit. Eine Gesamtschau auf das komplexe Thema runden das Buch jeweils zu Beginn und Ende ab.
Christianity and politics. --- Church work with criminals. --- Forgiveness --- Religious aspects --- Christianity.
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L’ouvrage se veut une contribution à un projet de sociologie internormative et sociohistorique de la laïcité analysant la pluralité des discours sur le religieux et sur la laïcité, ainsi que leurs médiations juridiques, et plus largement sociétales.
Laicism --- Secularism --- Religion and law --- Religion and state --- Christianity and politics --- Protestantism --- Evangelicalism --- Protestant churches
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