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Transforming the church interior in Renaissance Florence : screens and choir spaces, from the Middle Ages to Tridentine Reform
ISBN: 1108985653 1108988202 1108833594 110898343X Year: 2022 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Before the late sixteenth century, the churches of Florence were internally divided by monumental screens that separated the laity in the nave from the clergy in the choir precinct. Enabling both separation and mediation, these screens were impressive artistic structures that controlled social interactions, facilitated liturgical performances, and variably framed or obscured religious ritual and imagery. In the 1560s and 70s, screens were routinely destroyed in a period of religious reforms, irreversibly transforming the function, meaning, and spatial dynamics of the church interior. In this volume, Joanne Allen explores the widespread presence of screens and their role in Florentine social and religious life prior to the Counter-Reformation. She presents unpublished documentation and new reconstructions of screens and the choir precincts which they delimited. Elucidating issues such as gender, patronage, and class, her study makes these vanished structures comprehensible and deepens our understanding of the impact of religious reform on church architecture.

Sacrum convivium : die Eucharistiegebete der westlichen Kirchen im 20 und frühen 21 Jahrhundert. Band 2 : Römisch-katholische Kirche, Alt-katholische Kirche, Kirchen der Reformation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783402138151 3402138158 9782402138168 Year: 2022 Publisher: Münster Aschendorff Verlag

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'In the 20th century, Christian churches around the world have paid much attention to the renewal of their communion or Eucharistic prayers. The theological foundations were put to the test, as was the organization of practice. The first part of Sacrum Convivium. The Eucharistic Celebration of the Western Churches in the 20th and early 21st Century" documents central texts and executions. Detailed comments introduce the respective peculiarities. Based on the volumes "Prex Eucharistica" and "Coena Domini" previously published in the "Spicilegium Friburgense" series. "Sacrum Convivium" continues the annotated edition of the communion and Eucharistic prayers.'

Der böhmische Utraquismus als Konfession im 16. Jahrhundert
ISBN: 3579059831 9783579059839 Year: 2022 Publisher: Gütersloh: Heidelberg: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Verein für Reformationsgeschichte,

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"Der Band 100 der QuFRG stellt die böhmische Reformationsgeschichte in ihrem frühneuzeitlich-europäischen Kontext in den Mittelpunkt: Der Großteil der böhmischen Bevölkerung gehörte im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert einer Nationalkirche an, die sich auf Jan Hus und seine Mitstreiter berief. Die Abendmahlsfeier unter beiderlei Gestalt (sub utraque specie) praktizierend und deshalb als Utraquisten bezeichnet, führten die Glieder dieser Kirche ein partikular- und landesrechtlich legitimiertes Sonderleben am Rande der Papstkirche. Als Schismatiker geduldet, sahen sich die Utraquisten selbst als legitime Glieder der römischen Kirche an. Mit Beginn und unter dem Einfluss der Wittenberger Reformation setzte jedoch ein Prozess ein, der dazu führte, dass die Mehrheit der Utraquisten sich 1575 auf Grundlage der Confessio Bohemica zur Reformation bekannte. Die vorliegende Studie wertet erstmals das einschlägige und bislang weitestgehend unübersetzte Quellenmaterial umfassend aus und rekonstruiert, wie sich der böhmische Utraquismus von einer vornehmlich rituell-liturgisch devianten Erscheinungsform des lateineuropäischen Christentums in Wechselwirkung mit der Wittenberger Reformation zu einer eigenständigen reformatorischen Konfessionsgemeinschaft entwickelte. Sie stellt damit zugleich den ganz eigenen Charakter der böhmischen Reformation heraus."

Wenn Himmel und Erde sich berühren : die Eucharistiefeier als spirituelle und kognitive Dimension der Ekklesiologie bei Peter Brunner und Alexander Schmemann
ISBN: 9783506760319 3506760319 9783657760312 3657760318 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paderborn: Brill /Schöningh,

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Transylvania, the author's home, is home to different populations, confessions, and religions, and is therefore the perfect place for self-reflection in the light of "the other". Standing for the confessions that collide in this area, the focus of this thesis will be on two Theologians who can also be seen crossing borders: Peter Brunner and Alexander Schmemann.

The Roman mass : from early Christian origins to Tridentine reform
ISBN: 1108832458 1108957900 1108962777 1108962971 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press,

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This volume offers a new, synthetic overview of the structure and ritual shape of the Roman Mass from its formative period in late antiquity to its post-Tridentine standarisation. Starting with the Last Supper and the origins of the Eucharist, Uwe Michael Lang constructs a narrative that explores the intense religious, social, and cultural transformations that shaped the Roman Mass. Lang unites classical liturgical history with insights from a variety of other disciplines that have drawn attention to the ritual performance and reception of the mass. He also presents liturgical developments within the broader historical and theological contexts that affected the celebration and experience of the sacramental rite that is still at the heart of Catholic Christianity. Aimed at scholars from a broad swathe of subjects, including religious studies, history, art history, literature, and music, Lang's volume serves as a comprehensive history of the Roman Mass over the course of a millenium.

Birth and Death: Studying Ritual, Embodied Practices and Spirituality at the Start and End of Life
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3036554165 3036554157 Year: 2022 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Birth and death are both profound life transitions, revealing deeply existential, social, and spiritual questions in addition to various forms of ritual and ritualizing. While birth and death are often seen as opposites, this edited volume shows that the start and end of life share many ambiguities. They represent a beginning and an end, and lead to ritualizing as well as embodied forms of spirituality. Throughout the book, the authors discuss theoretical and empirical perspectives on rituals at birth and death from multidisciplinary perspectives, such as religious studies, anthropology, philosophy, and sociology. By doing so, they shed light on new forms of ritualizing, as well as on traditional rituals.

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