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Prvo izdanje "Geološkog vodiča kroz Bosnu i Hercegovinu" je objavljeno na bosanskom jeziku 1999. godine (Hrvatović, 1999). Drugo izdanje vodiča je proizašlo iz potrebe da se prikažu novi podaci o rezultatima istraživanja brojnih geologa koji su, nakon prvog izdanja, objavljeni u naučnim radovima, monografijama, disertacijama i udžbenicima. Ovo izdanje vodiča sadrži 97 slika koje prikazuju geološke karte, stubove, profile i fotografije koje se odnose na prikaz tektonostratigrafskih jedinica i stijena Dinarida Bosne i Hercegovine. Vodič sadrži sljedeće: - samostalna poglavlja o tektonostratigrafskim jedinicama koja omogućavaju istraživačima i studentima da razumiju distribuciju i stratigrafiju geoloških formacija, grupe formacija, supergrupe formacija i mineralnih sirovina, - poglavlje o glavnim tektonskim strukturama i - poglavlje o geološkoj evoluciji Dinarida Bosne i Hercegovine. U ovom izdanju vodiča, treći dio prvog izdanja "Geološkog vodiča kroz Bosnu i Hercegovinu" koji opisuje trasu-profila koji presijeca Dinaride od Brčkog na sjeveru do Neuma na jugu je uključen u detaljniji opis tektonostratigrafskih jedinica Dinarida Bosne i Hercegovine. Nadam se da će ovaj "Geološki vodič" čitaocima dati jasniju sliku o geološkoj prošlosti terena Bosne i Hercegovine, podatke od koristi za istraživanje mineralnih sirovina i voda, za planiranje i izgradnju infrastrukturnih objekata te pomoći da se pronađu rješenja za ekološke probleme. Ovom prilikom izražavam zahvalnost brojnim generacijama geologa koji su gološkim istraživanjima, u proteklih 130 godina, ostvarili značajne rezultate od koristi za razvoj Bosne i Hercegovine. Hvala recenzentima, prof. dr. Sejfudinu Vrabcu i prof. dr. Josipu Halamiću, na preporukama i sugestijama koje su dale doprinos kvalitetu djela "Geološki vodič kroz Bosnu i Hercegovinu".
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The volume brings together some of the presentations made during the symposium "Around and Across" organised by the Centre de Réussite Universitaire of "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi as part of a larger project, entitled Transversal(ité) dans l'Univers(ité), supported and funded by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie in Central and Eastern Europe in 2021-2022. The general topic of the volume - circularity and linearity in sciences and arts, and in knowledge in general - was intended to be approached in a trans-disciplinary or in a multidisciplinary perspective.
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This book is a travelogue about the cities of northern Spain. I travelled to Pamplona, Burgos, San Sebastian, Valladolid, Segovia, Leon, Gijon, Oviedo, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra, A Coruna, and Vigo on board the fast, modern trains of the Spanish railways. I describe the history of these places along with the sights seen plus some food and drink options available to all. The cities range from the familiar such as Pamplona with its bull running and Leon with its world-famous cathedral to those not so well-known cities such as Pontevedra with its pedestrianised centre and A Coruna where I saw the world's oldest lighthouse. There are extra stories about two pilgrimages of my own - to see the modern architecture of Santiago Calatrava in Valencia and to watch Lionel Messi play football in Barcelona.
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Cities of the Dead is a collection of the world's most picturesque, historic and notable cemeteries.
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Taxi for Kiev: The Story of Six Strangers, Crossing Six Borders, Over Six Days is the true and uncensored story of six lads from very different backgrounds who had never met before but found kinship in a common goal: to get to Kiev for the 2019 Champions League Final between Liverpool and Real Madrid. They embarked on a 3,500-mile taxi trip that took them to many places - physically, mentally and emotionally. Deprived of basic comforts for six days, this was never going to be an easy journey especially among strangers. You'd be surprised what you can learn about a man living in such close quarters. Lack of sleep, space and sanctuary just compounded the issue. Add to this a severe lack of hygiene, and this trip looked like a recipe for disaster. Not only did the lads survive and get on well but, surprisingly, they formed lasting bonds. Taxi for Kiev is one man's account of that unforgettable six-day adventure - a candid tale that touches on the good, the bad and the ugly in human nature. It has shocks, tears and laughs aplenty.
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Cold Spell is a collection of stories--warm, humorous, and at times cautionary--about living in Maine. Here are stories about the seasons, the critters, the neighbors, the land itself,
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Travel reports have shaped the emergence of early U.S. culture and its "geographical imagination" (David Harvey). Framing the Nation, Claiming the Hemisphere examines the trans-national imagination in travel reports by American authors written between 1770 and 1830. Its range is from John and William Bartram's pre-revolutionary travelogues and Jonathan Carver's exploratory report on his journey in the Great Lakes region (1778), to Olaudah Equiano's The Interesting Narrative (1789), to early nineteenth-century reports, such as Anne Newport Royall's Sketches of History, Life, and Manners, in the United States (1826) and William Duane's A Visit to Colombia (1826). The chapters of the monograph concentrate on writing about journeys to the North American 'interior', the Caribbean, Latin America, and Africa. The primary sources were written between the beginning of the struggle against British rule, following the end of the French and Indian War, and the beginning of Andrew Jackson's presidency. The decades between 1770 and 1830 were times of shifting colonial boundaries, nation-building, and emergent discourses of collective identification in North America. The study reads travel writing in the context of the identity-generating discourses of nation-building, imperialism, anti-colonialism, and cosmopolitanism. In contrast to scholarship that engages a notion of Americanness based primarily on 'domestic' outlooks and experiences such as westward expansion (the frontier), the study highlights the function of categories such as the outside world, neighboring nations, and colonial empires in the emergence of U.S. national literary imagination. How does a shift in focus from a discursive 'domestication' of North American space to an interest in the Othering of what lies beyond national borders affect the understanding of the emergent national self? These are the kind of questions that begin by seeing the transnational as a fundamental element of national emergence. The monograph ultimately works to demonstrate how travel writing - with very few exceptions - supports and affirms processes of nation-building. Thus, the national narrative evolves from representations of contact scenarios in North America, in the transatlantic world, and around the globe. Without ignoring the roles of national mythology, the analysis concentrates on the continual co-existence of fluid notions of both 'home' and 'abroad' in times of shifting geographical borders. From such a perspective, travel writing not only contributes to shaping the national imagination and its conceptions of superiority but is also complicit in territorial expansionism and its subjugation of conquered peoples and their respective cultural histories. The present study emphasizes the significance of accounts of non-voluntary movement that embrace captivity narratives, slave narratives, sailor narratives, and reports by individuals who had access to neither publishing nor public culture. Accounts by such authors have often been published posthumously, promoted by printers, professional authors, or scholars. The central focus of analysis, however, examines how American self-fashioning and self-positioning in the world appear in the travel writing of the period. The trans-national imagination engages in a symbolic construction both of the collective national 'Self' and of the outside world as the nation's 'Other.' Travel writing functions as a tool in the nation-building process of the United States: a tool that reflects the mindset of the time, a tool that imagines a national community, and a tool that shapes the mindset of a people. The study maintains that travel writing, as a literary format, negotiates the triangular relationship between American post-revolutionary nation-building, continued European colonial expansion in the Americas, and the ongoing existence of indigenous nations. Underlying each of the readings is a common thesis that travel writing defines and negotiates borders, limits, and territorial expansion, and that it does so within the parameters of nation-building.
Travel writing. --- Travel --- Authorship
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Maria Kapeller's book explores the complexities and consequences of contemporary travel habits, urging readers to reflect on their travel practices and embrace a more sustainable, mindful approach. It questions the environmental and social impacts of mass tourism, promoting a philosophy of travel that emphasizes gratitude, realism, and personal growth. The book delves into the psychological and philosophical dimensions of travel, encouraging a shift from consumer-driven tourism to meaningful, conscious experiences. It is aimed at travelers seeking to balance their wanderlust with ethical considerations and a deeper understanding of their impact on the world.
Travel. --- Sustainability. --- Travel --- Sustainability
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