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Choosing the right data structure is pivotal to optimizing the performance and scalability of applications. This new edition of Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Python will expand your understanding of key structures, including stacks, queues, and lists, and also show you how to apply priority queues and heaps in applications. You'll learn how to analyze and compare Python algorithms, and understand which algorithms should be used for a problem based on running time and computational complexity. You will also become confident organizing your code in a manageable, consistent, and scalable way, which will boost your productivity as a Python developer. By the end of this Python book, you'll be able to manipulate the most important data structures and algorithms to more efficiently store, organize, and access data in your applications.
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Even if you find writing Python code easy, writing code that is efficient, maintainable, and reusable is not so straightforward. Many of Python's capabilities are underutilized even by more experienced programmers. Mastering Python, Second Edition, is an authoritative guide to understanding advanced Python programming so you can write the highest quality code. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated with exercises, four new chapters and updates up to Python 3.10. Revisit important basics, including Pythonic style and syntax and functional programming. Avoid common mistakes made by programmers of all experience levels. Make smart decisions about the best testing and debugging tools to use, optimize your code's performance across multiple machines and Python versions, and deploy often-forgotten Python features to your advantage. Get fully up to speed with asyncio and stretch the language even further by accessing C functions with simple Python calls. Finally, turn your new-and-improved code into packages and share them with the wider Python community. If you are a Python programmer wanting to improve your code quality and readability, this Python book will make you confident in writing high-quality scripts and taking on bigger challenges.
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Die Skriptsprache Python ist mit ihrer einfachen Syntax hervorragend für Einsteiger geeignet, um modernes Programmieren zu lernen. Mit diesem Buch erhalten Sie einen umfassenden Einstieg in Python 3 und lernen darüber hinaus auch weiterführende Anwendungsmöglichkeiten kennen. Michael Weigend behandelt Python von Grund auf und erläutert die wesentlichen Sprachelemente. Er geht dabei besonders auf die Anwendung von Konzepten der objektorientierten Programmierung ein. Insgesamt liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der praktischen Arbeit mit Python. Ziel ist es, die wesentlichen Techniken und dahinterstehenden Ideen anhand zahlreicher anschaulicher Beispiele verständlich zu machen. Zu typischen Problemstellungen werden Schritt für Schritt Lösungen erarbeitet. So erlernen Sie praxisorientiert die Programmentwicklung mit Python und die Anwendung von Konzepten der objektorientierten Programmierung. Alle Kapitel enden mit einfachen und komplexen Übungsaufgaben mit vollständigen Musterlösungen. Das Buch behandelt die Grundlagen von Python 3 und zusätzlich auch weiterführende Themen wie die Gestaltung grafischer Benutzungsoberflächen mit tkinter und PyQt, Threads und Multiprocessing, Internet-Programmierung, CGI, WSGI und Django, automatisiertes Testen, Datenmodellierung mit XML und JSON, Datenbanken, Datenvisualisierung mit Matplotlib und wissenschaftliches Rechnen mit NumPy.
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Get ready to take on Python with a practical and job-focused guide Job Ready Python offers readers a straightforward and elegant approach to learning Python that emphasizes hands-on and employable skills you can apply to real-world environments immediately. Based on the renowned mthree Global Academy and Software Guild training program, this book will get you up to speed in the basics of Python, loops and data structures, object-oriented programming, and data processing. You'll also get: Thorough discussions of Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) scripting in Python Explorations of databases, including MySQL, and MongoDB--all commonly used database platforms in the field Simple, step-by-step approaches to dealing with dates and times, CSV files, and JSON files Ideal for Python newbies looking to make a transition to an exciting new career, Job Ready Python also belongs on the bookshelves of Python developers hoping to brush up on the fundamentals with an authoritative and practical new handbook.
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The Python Book delivers an essential introductory guide to learning Python for anyone who works with data but does not have experience in programming. The author, an experienced data scientist and Python programmer, shows readers how to use Python for data analysis, exploration, cleaning, and wrangling. Readers will learn what in the Python language is important for data analysis, and why. The Python Book offers readers a thorough and comprehensive introduction to Python that is both simple enough to be ideal for a novice programmer, yet robust to be useful for those more experienced in the language. The book assists budding programmers to gradually increase their skills as they move through the book, always with an understanding of what they are covering and why it is useful. Used by major companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, and more, Python promises to remain central to the programming landscape for years to come.
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A practical approach to metaprogramming with real-world examples that enables the development of advanced frameworks, libraries, and applications using Python Key Features Learn applied metaprogramming through a simple step-by-step approach Work with easily understandable examples and explanations that take you deep into the theory of metaprogramming Get practical experience in writing reusable code with real-world examples Book Description Effective and reusable code makes your application development process seamless and easily maintainable. With Python, you will have access to advanced metaprogramming features that you can use to build high-performing applications. The book starts by introducing you to the need and applications of metaprogramming, before navigating the fundamentals of object-oriented programming. Next, you will learn about simple decorators, work with metaclasses, and later focus on introspection and reflection. You'll also delve into generics and typing before defining templates for algorithms. As you progress, you will understand your code using abstract syntax trees and explore method resolution order. This Python book also shows you how to create your own dynamic objects before structuring the objects through design patterns. Finally, you will learn simple code-generation techniques along with discovering best practices and eventually building your own applications. By the end of this learning journey, you'll have acquired the skills and confidence you need to design and build reusable high-performing applications that can solve real-world problems. What you will learn Understand the programming paradigm of metaprogramming and its need Revisit the fundamentals of object-oriented programming Define decorators and work with metaclasses Employ introspection and reflection on your code Apply generics, typing, and templates to enhance your code Get to grips with the structure of your code through abstract syntax trees and the behavior through method resolution order Create dynamic objects and generate dynamic code Understand various design patterns and best practices Who this book is for If you are an intermediate-level Python programmer looking to enhance your coding skills by developing reusable and advanced frameworks, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Python programming will help you get the most out of this learning journey.
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Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world. It's ideal for beginners because it's easy to read and write, and for developers, because it's widely available with a strong support community, extensive documentation, and phenomenal libraries - both built-in and user-contributed. This project-based course has been designed by a team of expert authors to get you up and running with Python. You'll work though engaging projects that'll enable you to leverage your newfound Python skills efficiently in technical jobs, personal projects, and job interviews. The book will help you gain an edge in data science, web development, and software development, preparing you to tackle real-world challenges in Python and pursue advanced topics on your own. Throughout the chapters, each component has been explicitly designed to engage and stimulate different parts of the brain so that you can retain and apply what you learn in the practical context with maximum impact. By completing the course from start to finish, you'll walk away feeling capable of tackling any real-world Python development problem.
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Long description: Brückenschlag zu einer anderen Ebene der Python-Programmierung Wegweiser für fortgeschrittene Python-Coder verbessern Sie Ihren Codierungs-Stil setzen Sie Automatismen und Funktionen effektiv ein Sie haben ein grundlegendes Python-Programmiertutorial absolviert oder den Bestseller von Al Sweigart, Routineaufgaben mit Python automatisieren, ausgelesen. Was ist der nächste Schritt auf dem Weg zur fähigen, kompetenten Softwareentwicklerin?Der Weg zum Python Profi ist mehr als eine bloße Sammlung meisterhafter Tipps für das Schreiben von sauberem Code. Es zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die Kommandozeile bedienen und andere professionelle Tools wie Code-Formatierer, Type Checkers, Linters und Versionskontrolle verwenden können. Al Sweigart führt Sie durch bewährte Praktiken für die Einrichtung Ihrer Entwicklungsumgebung, die Benennung von Variablen und die Verbesserung der Lesbarkeit und geht dann auf Dokumentation, Organisation, Leistungsmessung, objektorientiertes Design und sogar Big-O-Algorithmus-Analyse ein. Die Hinweise und Anleitungen des Buchs werden Ihre Programmierfähigkeiten deutlich verbessern - nicht nur in Python, sondern in jeder Sprache.Sie werden lernen: - wie Sie Pythons automatisches Formatierungswerkzeug Black für sauberen Code verwenden - wie Sie häufige Fehlerquellen erkennen und sie mit Static analyzers aufspüren - wie Sie die Dateien in Ihren Code-Projekten mit dem Cookiecutter-Template-Tool strukturieren - erschließen Sie sich funktionale Programmiertechniken wie Lambda- und Funktionen höherer Ordnung - wie Sie die Geschwindigkeit Ihres Codes mit den in Python integrierten Modulen timeit und cProfi le verbessern können - wie Sie Ihre Kommentare und Dokumentationsstrings informativ gestalten und wie oft Sie sie schreiben solltenNatürlich kann kein einziges Buch Sie zu einer professionellen Softwareentwicklerin machen. Aber Der Weg zum Python-Profi wird Sie weiterbringen, wenn Sie lernen, lesbaren Code zu schreiben, der leicht zu debuggen und perfekt pythonisch ist. Biographical note: Al Sweigart arbeitet als Softwareentwickler und bringt Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen das Programmieren bei. Er ist Autor mehrerer Bücher für Einsteiger, u.a. »Eigene Spiele programmieren mit Python«.
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Python (Computer program language) --- Application software --- Development
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