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CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS The 13 chapters in this book cover the various aspects associated with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) such as algorithms, application areas, and the improvement of existing technology such as machine learning, big data and robotics. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is the interconnection of the virtual or cyber and the physical system. It is realized by combining three well-known technologies, namely "Embedded Systems," "Sensors and Actuators," and "Network and Communication Systems." These technologies combine to form a system known as CPS. In CPS, the physical process and information processing are so tightly connected that it is hard to distinguish the individual contribution of each process from the output. Some exciting innovations such as autonomous cars, quadcopter, spaceships, sophisticated medical devices fall under CPS. The scope of CPS is tremendous. In CPS, one sees the applications of various emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), big data (BD), robotics, quantum technology, etc. In almost all sectors, whether it is education, health, human resource development, skill improvement, startup strategy, etc., one sees an enhancement in the quality of output because of the emergence of CPS into the field. Audience Researchers in Information technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, electronics and electrical engineering.
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"Cyber-Physical Systems: A Comprehensive Guide explores the complete system perspective, underlying theories, modelling, and the applications of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). It aims to cover all topics ranging from discussion of rudiments of the system and efficient management to recent research challenges and issues. Editors aim to present the book in a self-sufficient manner and in order to achieve this, the book has been edited to include all the aspects of CPS. The book focuses on the concept map of CPS including latest technological interventions; issues, challenges, and the integration of CPS with IoT & Big Data Analytics. This aims to bring together unique contributions on cyber-physical systems research and education with applications in Industrial, Agriculture, and medical domains. The main aim of the book is to provide a roadmap to the latest advancements to provide optimal solutions in the field of CPS. The featured book aims to present the emergence of Cyber Physical Systems in response to revolutionary advancements in IoT. While discussing the associated challenges, the book also targets to devise efficient models which are competent to address these challenges. The book aims to cater to researchers and academicians working in the related field of CPS"--
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CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS Provides a unique general theory of cyber-physical systems, focusing on how physical, data, and decision processes are articulated as a complex whole Cyber-physical systems (CPS) operate in complex environments systems with integrated physical and computational capabilities. With the ability to interact with humans through variety of modalities, cyber-physical systems are applied across areas such as Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled devices, smart grids, autonomous automotive systems, medical monitoring, and distributed robotics. Existing engineering methods are capable of solving technical problems, yet the deployment of CPS in a net-enabled society requires a general theory of cyber-physical systems that goes beyond specific study cases and their associated technological development. Cyber-physical Systems: Theory, Methodology, and Applications is a unique theoretical-methodological guide to assessing systems where complex information processing defines the behavior of physical processes. Using a systematic approach, the book describes the fundamentals of cybernetics, complexity sciences, system engineering, concepts of data and information, the data dissemination process, graph theory, and more. Readers are provided with the general theory, methodological framework, and analytical tools to assess and design CPS for applications in transport, energy, communication, health care, the military, and industry. Provides a framework for measuring the performance of different cyber-physical systems and assessing the potential impact of various cyber-threats Proposes a theory of CPS comprised of autonomous but interdependent physical, data, and regulatory layers Discusses decision-making approaches rooted in probability theory, information theory, complexity sciences, and game theory Helps readers perform a systemic impact evaluation of trending topics such as Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Energy Internet, blockchain, and data ownership Features extensive analysis of various cyber-physical systems across different domains Cyber-physical Systems: Theory, Methodology, and Applications is a must-read for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in electrical and computer engineering and other technical fields.
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to CPSS 2022, the eighth ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop, co-located with ACM AsiaCCS 2022. The workshop will be held in hybrid mode (in-person with virtual options) in Nagasaki, Japan, on May 30, 2022. The call for papers attracted 19 submissions. Each submission was evaluated based on its significance, novelty, technical quality, and relevance to the field. The review process was single-blind. The program committee members put a significant effort into paper evaluation, and all submissions received at least three reviews. We accepted eight papers for presentation at the workshop, with an acceptance rate of 42%.
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Juin 1947, désert du Nouveau-Mexique. William Bazel, qui exploite un ranch situé au nord-ouest de la ville de Roswell, trouve dans un champ une masse de débris. Soucoupe volante ou simple ballon-sonde?? Soulevée dès l'Antiquité, la question de l'existence d'une vie extraterrestre nourrit bien des conjectures. Dans les cercles savants, elle fait l'objet de débats passionnés. Dans la culture populaire, des voyageurs de l'espace visitent régulièrement la Terre. Théologie, science, ufologie… Autant d'approches qui vont de l'astrobiologie au complotisme le plus débridé, sans oublier la science-fiction. Depuis 2017 et la diffusion d'étonnantes images d'ovnis par le Pentagone, l'idée d'une possible rencontre avec des civilisations non humaines se répand, en particulier dans les médias américains. Que se passerait-il si le contact était établi?? Sans bien sûr apporter de réponses définitives, Estiva Reus et Renan Larue montrent plutôt que la figure nécessairement fantasmée de l'extraterrestre en dit long sur nous-mêmes, sur nos craintes et nos espoirs
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