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The principle of mutual trust in European Union law
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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Ongeschreven rechtsgrenzen : verbod van rechtsregelontduiking, fraus omnia corrumpit en verbod van (rechts)misbruik
Year: 2022 Publisher: Antwerpen : Intersentia,

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Research handbook on general principles in EU law : constructing legal orders in Europe
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781784712372 9781784712389 1784712388 178471237X Year: 2022 Publisher: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing,

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This innovative "Research Handbook" explores the judicial and scholarly approaches to, and theories surrounding, general principles in the EU legal order against the backdrop of considerable uncertainty about the concept. It does so by analysing a diverse range of general principles in discrete areas of EU law ('zooming in') and external, wider perspectives on the notion of a general principle of law from international law, comparative law, and legal theory ('zooming out'). Rather than arguing for a single closed definition of what a general principle of law in the EU legal order must look like, this Research Handbook identifies conceptual, theoretical, and legal parameters within which the doctrine of general principles can be meaningfully discussed and contested in EU law. The different analytical layers built into this Handbook shed light on whether general principles are defined by the different contexts in which they apply; whether general principles are in practice leading to more coherence between different areas of EU law; and what challenges they create for the EU legal order. Chapters thus contribute to a more refined methodological and doctrinal understanding of general principles in the EU legal order. Opening up new spaces to critically reflect on the concept, role, significance, and limitations of general principles, the Research Handbook on General Principles in EU Law will be a key resource for scholars and students of European law, politics, and theory of integration and internationalisation.

The Principle of Mutual Trust in European Union Law
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782802771968 2802771965 Year: 2022 Publisher: bruylant

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According to the Court of Justice of the European Union, the legal structure of the European Union: 'is based on the fundamental premiss that each Member State shares with all the other Member States, and recognises that they share with it, a set of common values on which the EU is founded, as stated in Article 2 TEU.' Fundamental rights, the rule of law and democracy occupy a central place among these common values. The Court holds that this premiss 'implies and justifies the existence of mutual trust between the Member States.' However, for several years, the European Union has been suffering from a crisis of values. This crisis stems from the undermining of the values on which the European Union is supposedly based. Yet, references to mutual trust between Member States has never been more prevalent in the official discourse. Like the adage 'there is never so much talk about water as in the desert,' is the rise in popularity of mutual trust symptomatic of the climate of mistrust between the Member States? This book centres around this question, raised by the success of the principle of mutual trust at a time when the context betrays fundamental divisions between the Member States regarding the meaning of European integration and the values on which it is based. To answer this question, the first part of the book seeks to clear the ground and to offer a cross-cutting definition of the principle of mutual trust in EU law, which applies both to internal market law and to the law of the area of freedom, security and justice. In this respect, the presumptive mechanism seems to offer the best description of the principle studied. The second part of the book analyses the apparently consubstantial link between this principle and the founding values of the EU. In that regard, it appears that the common set of values has an ambivalent relationship with the principle of mutual trust, being both its normative basis and its imperfect limit. The book closes with a third part analysing the essential role played by the principle of mutual trust in EU law at the intersection of the imperatives of unity, diversity and equality which drive European integration. Given the threats currently faced by the founding values of the EU, it argues in favour of moving mutual trust from the rank of postulate to that of method.

Insécurité juridique : l'émergence d'une notion ? : actes du colloque tenu à la Cour de cassation le 22 mars 2021
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782365171199 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : Société de législation comparée,

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Principe à valeur constitutionnelle en droit français, la sécurité juridique occupe une place centrale dans l'argumentaire du législateur aussi bien national qu'européen et se trouve au coeur de l'activité juridictionnelle. Dans une perspective économique du droit, les systèmes juridiques sont désormais eux-mêmes évalués à l'aune de la sécurité juridique, comme le démontrent les rapports "Doing Business" , commandés par la Banque Mondiale depuis une dizaine d'années. Cependant, la crainte d'insécurité juridique semble ne jamais avoir été aussi forte. Elle est notamment révélée par l'appel récurrent à la notion de sécurité juridique. La mondialisation et la "fondamentalisation" du droit amplifient le phénomène dans la mesure où l'exigence de sécurité se manifeste dans des contextes plus complexes de formation et d'application du droit. En parallèle, la notion d'insécurité juridique est évoquée en creux lors des travaux relatifs à la sécurité juridique. Or, cette dernière est le plus souvent envisagée à partir de la dénonciation de son contraire, l'insécurité juridique. Par conséquent, la sécurité juridique est envisagée de manière négative. Pourtant, l'insécurité juridique ne fait l'objet d'aucun travail conceptuel malgré son emploi généralisé. Sous l'égide de la Cour de cassation et de la Société de législation comparée, des juristes de plusieurs horizons se sont réunis à Paris le 22 mars 2021 pour mener une double analyse de cette notion dans un colloque intitulé "Insécurité juridique : l'émergence d'une notion ?" Ils ont d'abord apprécié le recours à la notion d'insécurité juridique pour se livrer ensuite à un exercice prospectif, notamment au regard des nouveaux enjeux technologiques.

Ongeschreven rechtsgrenzen
ISBN: 9789400014817 Year: 2022 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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In dit boek staat de draagwijdte van de rechtsbeginselen verbod van rechtsregelontduiking, fraus omnia corrumpit en verbod van (rechts)misbruik in het Belgische (verbintenissen)recht centraal. Aan de hand van voorbeelden worden de ongeschreven rechtsgrenzen verduidelijkt die de drie rechtsbeginselen stellen, alsook de grenzen die aan de werking van deze beginselen kunnen worden gesteld. De praktijkgerichte benadering zorgt voor een concreet begrip van de inzetbaarheid van elk beginsel, de gevolgen die elk beginsel toekomt en de grenzen aan elk beginsel.

Ongeschreven rechtsgrenzen
ISBN: 9789400014817 Year: 2022 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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In dit boek staat de draagwijdte van de rechtsbeginselen verbod van rechtsregelontduiking, fraus omnia corrumpit en verbod van (rechts)misbruik in het Belgische (verbintenissen)recht centraal. Aan de hand van voorbeelden worden de ongeschreven rechtsgrenzen verduidelijkt die de drie rechtsbeginselen stellen, alsook de grenzen die aan de werking van deze beginselen kunnen worden gesteld. De praktijkgerichte benadering zorgt voor een concreet begrip van de inzetbaarheid van elk beginsel, de gevolgen die elk beginsel toekomt en de grenzen aan elk beginsel.


algemeen rechtsbeginsel --- rechtsmisbruik --- verbintenisrecht --- burgerlijk wetboek --- BPB9999 --- Zivilgesetzbuch --- kodi civil --- občiansky zákonník --- polgári törvénykönyv --- kodiċi ċivili --- borgerlig lovbog --- граждански кодекс --- αστικός κώδικας --- civilinis kodeksas --- codice civile --- code civil --- cód sibhialta --- građanski zakonik --- Código civil --- грађански законик --- civilkodekss --- civil code --- Código Civil --- siviilioikeuslakikirja --- civilni zakonik --- civilrättslig lagsamling --- občanský zákoník --- kodeks cywilny --- cod civil --- tsiviilseadustik --- граѓански законик --- tsiviilkoodeks --- законик за граѓанска постапка --- кодификација на граѓанското право --- Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch --- závazkové právo --- obligacijsko pravo --- võlaõigus --- e drejta e detyrimeve --- Schuldrecht --- liġi tal-obbligi --- saistību tiesības --- prievolių teisė --- law of obligations --- ενοχικό δίκαιο --- droit des obligations --- fordringsret --- prawo zobowiązań --- obligationsrätt --- Derecho de las obligaciones --- záväzkové právo --- diritti di obbligazioni --- kötelmi jog --- облигационно право --- dlí na n-oibleagáidí --- velvoiteoikeus --- direito de obrigações --- dreptul obligațiilor --- облигационо право --- obvezno pravo --- облигациско право --- obbligazione civile --- závazky --- civiele verbintenis --- obligación civil --- obligationsret --- αστική ενοχή --- obligation civile --- abuso de direito --- joggal való visszaélés --- ļaunprātīga tiesību izmantošana --- piktnaudžiavimas teise --- keqpërdorim i një të drejte --- zloraba pravice --- abuz de drept --- abus de droit --- õiguse kuritarvitamine --- злоупотреба на право --- nadużycie prawa --- abbuż minn dritt --- oikeuden väärinkäyttö --- κατάχρηση δικαιώματος --- zloupotreba prava --- злоупотреба права --- abuso di diritto --- rettighedsmisbrug --- злоупотреба с право --- Rechtsmissbrauch --- rättsmissbruk --- abuso de derecho --- misuse of a right --- zneužití práva --- zneužitie práva --- mí-úsáid cearta --- злонамерно искористување на право --- ļaunprātīga tiesību izlietošana --- неправилна употреба на право --- противзаконска употреба на право --- Rechtsmißbrauch --- zlouporaba prava --- злонамерна упореба на право --- ogólna zasada prawa --- principio general del Derecho --- основен правен принцип --- princípio geral de Direito --- general legal principle --- üldine õiguspõhimõte --- všeobecná právna zásada --- parim i përgjithshëm juridik --- yleinen oikeusperiaate --- prinċipji ġenerali tad-dritt --- opće pravno načelo --- almindeligt retsprincip --- általános jogi alapelv --- bendrasis teisės principas --- allmän rättsprincip --- prionsabal ginearálta dlí --- principe général du droit --- principiu general de drept --- vispārējs tiesību princips --- опште правно начело --- principio generale del diritto --- obecné principy práva --- општо правно начело --- allgemeiner Rechtsgrundsatz --- γενική αρχή του δικαίου --- splošno pravno načelo --- általános jogelv --- BPB9999. --- Rule of law --- Contracts --- Abuse of rights --- Règle de droit --- Contrats --- Abus de droit --- BPB2205 --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Principes généraux du droit. --- Règle de droit. --- Contrats. --- Fraude. --- Abus de droit. --- Responsabilité contractuelle. --- Belgique. --- E-books

Ambrogio Spinola between Genoa, Flanders and Spain
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9461664729 9789462703421 9789461664723 9462703426 Year: 2022 Publisher: Louvain Leuven University press

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Many of the most significant studies devoted to Ambrogio Spinola have focused on one particular aspect of his life: his successful military career. This volume, through its interdisciplinary and cultural approach, breaks open this all too narrow perspective and expands our understanding of Spinola and his world. As a great military strategist and Catholic knight, entrepreneur in the international finance market, courtier, and diplomat, Spinola was certainly a Genoese, but he was also a member of the transnational Iberian elite, to which he linked his fate and that of his children. His life's journey between Italy, Flanders, and Spain, and the reinterpretations of his life by his contemporaries in art, literature, and the press, give us the opportunity to reflect on the multiple identities and the physical and mental wanderings of many Europeans of the Early Modern Age. Ambrogio Spinola offers an example of humanity that is impossible to capture in a single reading and is much more contemporary than we can imagine.


Generals. --- Generals --- Armed Forces --- Officers --- Spinola, Ambrogio, --- Spinola, Ambrogio di Filippo --- Spinola, Ambrose, --- Spinola, Ambr. --- Spinola, --- Spinola, Ambrosius, --- Spinola, Ambrosio de, --- Spain. --- Netherlands. --- Spain --- Netherlands --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden --- Espagne --- Espainiako Erresuma --- España --- Espanha --- Espanja --- Espanya --- Estado Español --- Hispania --- Hiszpania --- Isupania --- Kingdom of Spain --- Regne d'Espanya --- Reiaume d'Espanha --- Reino de España --- Reino d'Espanya --- Reinu d'España --- Sefarad --- Sepharad --- Shpanie --- Shpanye --- Spanien --- Spanish State --- Supein --- History --- Spinola, Ambrosio --- Genoa --- Flanders --- Civilization, Modern --- Military leadership. --- Political activity --- Généraux --- Généraux

Principes de la répartition des compétences
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782807931572 280793157X Year: 2022 Publisher: Bruxelles Larcier

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Il y a presque trente ans – le 5 mai 1993 – la Constitution belge était modifiée pour affirmer une réalité dont les premières pierres avaient été posées une vingtaine d’années plus tôt : « La Belgique est un État fédéral ». Les réformes qui ont conduit à cette reconnaissance, et celles qui lui ont succédé, ont engendré un système de répartition des compétences complexe et baroque. Nul n’oserait affirmer qu’il répondait à des plans parfaitement préétablis. Si quelques principes apparaissent entre les lignes de la Constitution et des lois spéciales, ils le doivent moins au souffle de leurs auteurs qu’à l’esprit de système de ses interprètes.Le présent ouvrage est dédié à l’exposition et l’analyse critique de ces principes, qu’ils concernent la répartition des compétences proprement dite ou l’exercice des compétences réparties, à la lumière des travaux doctrinaux et des enseignements jurisprudentiels les plus récents. Les développements et controverses occasionnés par la gestion de la crise du COVID-19 y occupent une place de choix. (texte couverture)


dépense publique --- fédéralisme --- réforme fiscale --- droit public --- régions et communautés de Belgique --- droit administratif --- Belgique --- réforme institutionnelle --- collectivité territoriale --- федерализъм --- federalizmas --- föderalizmus --- federalismo --- federalizam --- federalism --- federaliżmu --- федерализам --- federalisme --- federalizm --- føderalisme --- federālisms --- federalismi --- federalizmus --- Föderalismus --- föderalism --- ομοσπονδιακό σύστημα --- federalizëm --- cónaidhmeacht --- federalizem --- federalismus --- statsförbund --- valtioliitto --- federalistické hnutí --- federație de state --- φεντεραλισμός --- konfederativní uspořádání --- föderatív államrendszer --- ομοσπονδία κρατών --- konfederatívne usporiadanie --- federativní uspořádání --- federatë e Shteteve --- föderalistischer Staat --- konfederācija --- federação de Estados --- valstu apvienība --- federazione di Stati --- federacija država --- federalistické hnutie --- föderaalriik --- føderation --- federalizační snahy --- valstybių federacija --- spolkové zřízení --- federación de Estados --- federation of States --- federativní zřízení --- konfederativní zřízení --- fédération d'États --- δημόσια δαπάνη --- public expenditure --- öffentliche Ausgaben --- јавен расход --- shpenzime publike --- offentlig utgift --- offentlig udgift --- spesa pubblica --- overheidsuitgave --- јавни расход --- viešosios išlaidos --- állami kiadások --- cheltuieli publice --- wydatki publiczne --- nefqa pubblika --- verejný výdavok --- despesas públicas --- javnofinančni odhodki --- veřejné výdaje --- javni izdatak --- valsts sektora izdevumi --- обществен разход --- gasto público --- avaliku sektori kulud --- julkiset menot --- shpenzime shtetërore --- despesas do Estado --- government expenditure --- spesa dello Stato --- julkistalouden menot --- vládní výdaje --- vyriausybės išlaidos --- statsutgift --- közkiadás --- cheltuieli guvernamentale --- vládny výdavok --- valitsemissektori kulud --- владин расход --- gasto del Estado --- dépense de l'État --- ente pubblico territoriale --- területi és helyi hatóságok --- Gebietskörperschaft --- териториална изпълнителна власт --- regionalna i lokalna vlast --- samorząd terytorialny --- territoriale collectiviteit --- piirkondlikud ja kohalikud valitsusüksused --- οργανισμός τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης β΄ βαθμού --- регионални и локални власти --- autoritate regională și locală --- regional and local authorities --- správní celek --- autoritete rajonale dhe vendore --- awtoritajiet reġjonali u lokali --- territorial forvaltningsenhed --- alueelliset ja paikalliset viranomaiset --- јединице регионалне и локалне самоуправе --- regionálne a miestne orgány --- administracinis teritorinis vienetas --- entidad territorial --- regionalne in lokalne oblasti --- reģionālās un vietējās varas iestādes --- territoriell förvaltningsenhet --- comunidade territorial --- údaráis áitiúla agus réigiúnacha --- colectividad territorial --- regional subdivision --- regioninis padalinys --- suddivisione territoriale --- územní členění --- organización territorial del Estado --- територијална поделба --- διοικητική υποδιαίρεση --- territoriale onderafdeling --- subnational governments --- publieke instantie --- územní správní jednotka --- subdivision territoriale --- regionálne členenie --- subdiviziune regională --- subdivisión territorial --- alueellinen jako --- teritoriālais iedalījums --- nënndarje rajonale --- területi felosztás --- comunidade local --- concelho --- coletividade local --- piirkondlik alajaotus --- локална самоуправа --- territoriale overheid --- subdivisão territorial --- reforma základních institucí --- riforma istituzionale --- institucinė reforma --- institutsionaalne reform --- institucionālā reforma --- institutionel reform --- θεσμική μεταρρύθμιση --- intézményi reform --- riforma istituzzjonali --- inštitucionálna reforma --- institutionelle Reform --- reforma institucional --- reformă instituțională --- institucionalna reforma --- institutionell reform --- athchóiriú institiúideach --- institutionaalinen uudistus --- institutional reform --- институционална реформа --- reforma instytucjonalna --- reformë institucionale --- институционна реформа --- institutionele hervorming --- institucionální přestavba --- институционални промени --- institucionální reforma --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- forvaltningsret --- hallinto-oikeus --- Verwaltungsrecht --- Derecho administrativo --- haldusõigus --- e drejtë administrative --- direito administrativo --- správní právo --- diritto amministrativo --- διοικητικό δίκαιο --- административно право --- dlí riaracháin --- upravno pravo --- förvaltningsrätt --- drept administrativ --- správne právo --- administracinė teisė --- управно право --- bestuursrecht --- prawo administracyjne --- administrative law --- közigazgatási jog --- liġi amminisitrattiva --- administratīvās tiesības --- administrativní právo --- államigazgatási jog --- Belgian yhteisöt ja alueet --- Belgia piirkonnad ja kogukonnad --- reġjuni u komunitajiet tal-Belġju --- Regionen und Gemeinschaften Belgiens --- regiony Belgii --- regiuni și comunități din Belgia --- Belgijos regionai ir bendruomenės --- Belgium régiói és közösségei --- regioni e comunità del Belgio --- belgické regiony a společenství --- regions and communities of Belgium --- belgijske regije i zajednice --- региони и заедници на Белгија --- περιφέρειες και κοινότητες του Βελγίου --- gewesten en gemeenschappen van België --- regije in skupnosti Belgije --- белгијске области и заједнице --- regiões e comunidades da Bélgica --- rajonet dhe komunitetet e Belgjikës --- réigiúin agus pobail na Beilge --- Beļģijas apgabali un kopienas --- regioner og sprogsamfund i Belgien --- belgické regióny a spoločenstvá --- regiones y comunidades de Bélgica --- региони на Белгия --- regioner och språkområden i Belgien --- белгиски региони --- regiony Belgie --- regióny a spoločenstvá Belgicka --- publiek recht --- veřejné právo --- e drejtë publike --- javno pravo --- diritto pubblico --- avalik õigus --- δημόσιο δίκαιο --- publiskās tiesības --- julkisoikeus --- direito público --- dritt pubbliku --- offentlig rätt --- Derecho público --- offentlig ret --- public law --- viešoji teisė --- öffentliches Recht --- közjog --- dlí poiblí --- drept public --- јавно право --- verejné právo --- prawo publiczne --- публично право --- Staatsrecht --- államjog --- daňová reforma --- skattereform --- verouudistus --- porezna reforma --- nodokļu reforma --- reforma fiscal --- maksureform --- davčna reforma --- данъчна реформа --- adóreform --- φορολογική μεταρρύθμιση --- reformă fiscală --- даночна реформа --- reforma podatkowa --- belastinghervorming --- пореска реформа --- riforma tat-taxxa --- riforma fiscale --- tax reform --- mokesčių reforma --- reformë tatimore --- athchóiriú cánach --- Steuerreform --- фискална реформа --- реформа на даночниот систем --- fiscale hervorming --- Federal government --- Constitutional law --- Law reform --- Administrative law --- Fédéralisme --- Droit constitutionnel --- Droit --- Droit administratif --- Réforme --- Divisions politiques et administratives --- Administrative and political divisions --- caiteachas poiblí --- BPB2203 --- Competent authority --- Compétence (Droit) --- Administrative and political divisions. --- Fédéralisme. --- Droit constitutionnel. --- Compétence (droit) --- Belgique. --- Gouvernement fédéral - Belgique --- Principes généraux du droit - Belgique --- Compétence (droit) - Belgique --- E-books --- Publiek recht --- Administratief recht --- collectivité territoriale --- dépense publique --- fédéralisme --- réforme fiscale --- régions et communautés de Belgique --- réforme institutionnelle --- Fédéralisme. --- Compétence (droit)

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