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This volume describes and discusses some of the intricacies associated with qualitative research in this post-modern era. It is the second of a two-volume set. It strives to define terms, identifies paradigms, methodologies and approaches that are applicable to novice and expert researchers alike. The book pays special attention to the biographies of those individuals who have helped to shape and develop these methodologies or research designs. In addition, consideration is given to historical and political underpinnings that relate to the development of qualitative research methodologies. Each research design is described in detail and the similarities and differences among them are explored. This volume makes use of a contextual approach to research and features interviews with scholars who have assisted in developing such methodologies. Of interest are numerous features such as questions for further study and annotated bibliographies that extend the scope of each of the methodologies described.
Qualitative research --- Postmodernism. --- Methodology. --- Post-modernism --- Postmodernism (Philosophy) --- Arts, Modern --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Modernism (Art) --- Philosophy, Modern --- Post-postmodernism --- Education—Research. --- Educational sociology. --- Research Methods in Education. --- Educational Research. --- Sociology of Education. --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Education --- Aims and objectives --- Investigació educativa --- Investigació qualitativa --- Postmodernisme --- Filosofia postmodernista --- Postmodernitat --- Postmodernisme (Estètica) --- Postmodernisme (Filosofia) --- Arquitectura postmoderna --- Avantguarda (Estètica) --- Anàlisi qualitativa (Investigació) --- Mètodes qualitatius (Investigació) --- Investigació --- Entrevista en profunditat --- Històries de vida --- Investigació amb mètodes mixtos --- Investigació pedagògica --- Ciències de l'educació --- Investigació activa en l'educació --- Mètodes educatius
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La complessità delle connessioni fra umano e non-umano ha trovato nella tradizione poetica statunitense sviluppi estetici originali per ampiezza e profondità. Al contempo, volendo articolare nel testo letterario il silenzio della natura e le sue conseguenze, l’indagine estetica si è sempre più caricata di valenze assiologiche ed epistemologiche, in un crescente intrecciarsi di estetica ed etica. In queste pagine, tre delle maggiori poetesse del Novecento americano aiutano ad illuminare proprio questo spazio di riflessione, ancora ampiamente inesplorato dalla critica. La lettura di Denise Levertov, Mary Oliver e Louise Glück rivela una tensione relazionale il cui fulcro immaginativo ed etico è qui rintracciato nel dialogo muto ma costitutivo fra io lirico e natura. Poesia dopo poesia fiorisce l’impegno poetico a tradurre per il lettore quel tacito conversare che intesse il rapporto fra soggetto umano e mondo naturale e che contiene e mantiene le polarità costitutive di un’interazione in apparenza impossibile, silenziosa eppure sensibile, differita eppure presente, ineffabile eppure reale. Questa lirica esalta e potenzia il carattere relazionale e perfino dialogico dell’esperienza. L’espressione poetica si configura, allora, come un tentativo di con-versare, di costruire insieme all’altro, natura e lettore, la poesia
Poetry --- tradition poétique américaine --- humaine et non-humaine --- esthétique --- poésie --- Amérique --- XXe siècle --- tradizione poetica statunitense --- umano e non-umano --- estetica --- America --- Novecento --- American poetic tradition --- human and non-human --- aesthetics --- poetry --- twentieth century --- Oliver, Mary, --- Levertov, Denise, --- Glück, Louise, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Levertoff, Denise, --- Goodman, Denise Levertov, --- Oliver, Mary Jane,
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"Algunas prácticas artísticas latinoamericanas contemporáneas trabajan con formas de lo impersonal y anónimo e insisten en interrogar la intensidad de una experiencia que es irreductible a un yo y que se vuelve instancia de interrogación y exploración. Obras de Teixeira Coelho, Veronica Stigger, Diamela Eltit, Rosângela Rennó, Gian Paolo Minelli, Sergio Chejfec, Edgardo Dobry, Marília Garcia, Carlos Cociña, Patricio Guzmán, Jonathas de Andrade y Kleber Mendonça Filho elaboran formas de acceder -de narrar, de exhibir, de discutir- a una vida anónima que viene a reemplazar la vida individual o subjetiva, exponiendo una preocupación por lo viviente que ya no se reduce a la preocupación por la vida de un sujeto, de un pueblo, o de una comunidad; no se reduce ni siquiera a la noción misma de vida humana. La vida impropia se inspira en ellas para discutir formas de organizar la experiencia en común que ya no se sostengan sobre el predominio de lo humano y de lo individual, cuya incompetencia -y violencia- estas mismas figuras, de alguna forma, hacen evidente y problematizan. La agudeza y profundidad de la propuesta de Florencia Garramuño, junto a una escritura fluida y abierta a diversos registros de lectura, abren puertas para la reflexión de quienes estudian las literaturas y las artes más contemporáneas de América latina o se interesan por sus nuevas derivas. Un texto que permite continuar el valioso itinerario de pensamiento de esta importante crítica argentina." --Descripción del editor.
Aesthetics, Modern --- Aesthetics, Modern. --- Artes latinoamericanas --- Arts latino-américains --- Arts, Latin American --- Arts, Latin American. --- Esthétique --- Estética moderna --- Latin American literature --- Latin American literature. --- Literatura latinoamericana --- Littérature latino-américaine --- Moi (Psychologie) dans la littérature. --- Self in literature. --- Yo en la literatura. --- Historia y crítica --- Histoire et critique --- History and criticism --- 2000-2099.
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This book presents diverse processes of crafting that bring humans, more than-humans and the environment closer to one another and, by doing so, addresses personal and educational developments towards ecological awareness. It discusses the human-material relationship, introduces posthuman theoretical entry points and reflects on the implementation of such theoretical perspectives in education. The practical examples of crafting-with the environment, the material practices and reflections posed in the book, provide insights into possible ways of levelling out human and material hierarchies. They are founded on the authors'own experiences with phenomena they are trying to understand and critically explore. Chapters "Crafting in Dialogue with the Material Environment" and "Soil Laboratory: Crafting Experiments in an Exhibition Setting" are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via via "This is a fascinating account of an emerging philosophy of art, in which all artists are seen to be interacting with some aspect of nature. In the interaction the two change each other. The artist learns about changes already occurring in the environment and how they can be researched and used in her/his practice. The many fascinating examples will be of interest to any artist and especially to art and craft teachers and their students, whether in schools or elsewhere, as well as to researchers in art education. The book is likely to appeal to both environmentalists and artists, and to researchers and students of both. Some of the many aspects of nature discussed are shearing sheep and alpaca to card and spin their wool, keeping bees, following animal trails, making pottery from various local soils, exploring an abandoned gravel pit. I highly recommend its use by artists, researchers and teachers of art and craft everywhere." -Professor Michael Parsons, the University of Illinois, Champaign.
Art—Study and teaching. --- Environmental education. --- Education—Philosophy. --- Teachers—Training of. --- Sustainability. --- Creativity and Arts Education. --- Environmental and Sustainability Education. --- Educational Philosophy. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Philosophy of Education. --- Sustainability science --- Human ecology --- Social ecology --- Education --- Ensenyament de l'art --- Formació del professorat --- Filosofia de l'educació --- Natura en l'art --- Art i natura --- Natura (Estètica) --- Natura i art --- Estètica --- Temes en l'art --- Natura morta --- Paisatge --- Filosofia social --- Antropologia educativa --- Teoria de l'educació --- Formació d'educadors --- Formació dels mestres --- Perfeccionament del professorat --- Formació --- Escoles normals --- Observació (Mètode d'ensenyament) --- Pràctiques pedagògiques --- Professors --- Educació artística --- Ensenyament artístic --- Ensenyament --- Escoles d'art --- Arts --- Expressió plàstica --- Art --- Teachers --- Study and teaching. --- Philosophy. --- Training of. --- Teacher education --- Teacher training --- Teachers, Training of --- Art education --- Education, Art --- Art schools --- Analysis, interpretation, appreciation
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This book proposes an original way for scholars in a range of subjects such as Education, Literary Studies, and Philosophy to approach texts and other phenomena through the concept and practice of translation. The books take on translation as related to the notion of aporia is applied to a number of seminal and classical texts within literature, poetry, and philosophy, which gives the reader better understandings of the workings of language and what happens within and between languages, as well as within and between disciplines, when some form of interpretation or analysis is at work. Importantly, the book develops the notion of aporias of translation as a way to learn and develop our understanding of texts and phenomena, and thus functions as a pedagogical process, which helps us come to terms with the boundaries of language and academic disciplines. Its interdisciplinary perspective makes the book of value for graduate students and scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Translating and interpreting --- Aporia --- Aporetic --- Philosophy --- Traducció --- Filosofia --- Humanitats --- Absurd (Filosofia) --- Acte (Filosofia) --- Alienació (Filosofia) --- Analogia --- Animalitat (Filosofia) --- Axiomes --- Bé i mal --- Cicles --- Complexitat (Filosofia) --- Consciència --- Constructivisme (Filosofia) --- Contradicció --- Convenció (Filosofia) --- Creença i dubte --- Criticisme (Filosofia) --- Descripció (Filosofia) --- Desig (Filosofia) --- Determinisme (Filosofia) --- Diferència (Filosofia) --- Disposició (Filosofia) --- Dualisme --- Eclecticisme --- Ésser (Filosofia) --- Estètica --- Estratègia (Filosofia) --- Estructuralisme --- Ètica --- Evolució --- Fatalisme --- Feminitat (Filosofia) --- Fets (Filosofia) --- Filosofia africana --- Filosofia anglesa --- Filosofia antiga --- Filosofia àrab --- Filosofia contemporània --- Filosofia de la comunicació --- Filosofia de la ment --- Filosofia de la natura --- Filosofia de la religió --- Filosofia del dret --- Filosofia del llenguatge --- Filosofia europea --- Filosofia hindú --- Filosofia llatinoamericana --- Filosofia mèdica --- Filosofia medieval --- Filosofia moderna --- Filosofia per a infants --- Filosofia social --- Harmonia (Filosofia) --- Heurística --- Il·lusió (Filosofia) --- Imaginació (Filosofia) --- Imatge (Filosofia) --- Intencionalitat (Filosofia) --- Interacció (Filosofia) --- Irreligiositat --- Jo (Filosofia) --- Joc (Filosofia) --- Justícia (Filosofia) --- Llenguatge filosòfic --- Lògica --- Logos (Filosofia) --- Materialisme --- Metafísica --- Memòria (Filosofia) --- Negativitat (Filosofia) --- Nihilisme (Filosofia) --- Norma (Filosofia) --- Objecte (Filosofia) --- Ontologia --- Ordre (Filosofia) --- Participació (Filosofia) --- Pensament polític --- Percepció (Filosofia) --- Perfecció --- Pessimisme --- Pluralisme --- Polaritat (Filosofia) --- Principi (Filosofia) --- Quatre elements (Filosofia) --- Realitat --- Reduccionisme --- Referència (Filosofia) --- Reflexió (Filosofia) --- Regressió infinita --- Repetició (Filosofia) --- Representació (Filosofia) --- Teisme --- Teleologia --- Teoria (Filosofia) --- Teoria de l'oposició --- Teoria del coneixement --- Transcendència (Filosofia) --- Transhumanisme --- Tradició (Filosofia) --- Vaguetat (Filosofia) --- Veritat --- Didàctica de la filosofia --- Ensenyament de la filosofia --- Història de la filosofia --- Premi Minerva --- Interpretació i traducció --- Traducció i interpretació --- Versió --- Llenguatge i llengües --- Doblatge --- Serveis de traducció --- Subtitulació --- Traducció automàtica --- Traducció literària --- Mediació (Lingüística) --- Traduccions --- Traductors --- Transliteració --- Aporia. --- Philosophy.
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