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Etude de l'emploi du thé de compost et de fientes de poules comme fertilisants pour la bioponie dans la ville d'Antananarivo
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Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Hydroponic system could be one of the technical solutions to ensure food security in face of urbanization and agricultural land pollution. By using organic fertilizers, hydroponic system is more ecological and in this case is called bioponic. The present work focuses on the use of compost tea and chicken manure as fertilizers for bioponic system in the city of Antananarivo. An initial production of oxygenated tea based on municipal waste compost and a mixture with 25% chicken manure showed that three days is the optimal brewing time. Then, a second production trial of both types of tea compared three different concentrations of fresh matter (10%, 20% and 40%) to identify the optimal brewing concentration. From this trial, it was found that the 40% fresh matter concentration allows to get a nutrient solution with 1500µS/cm EC which is suitable for lettuce cultivation.&#13;By comparing the two teas (compost alone and the mixed with 25% chicken manure) having 20% fresh matter concentration with an inorganic control solution (1g/L soluble fertilizer) to grow lettuce in floating RAFT hydroponic system with clinker substrates, results indicated that all plants died 36 days after transplanting. In this trial, EC exceeded 2000µS/cm because the pH was not adjusted to 6.5 and half of nutrient solution was renewed on the 18th day, which increased mineralization of organic molecules.&#13;A second lettuce production trial demonstrates the benefit of adjusting the pH of nutrient solutions to 6.5 every other day. All plants developed during this trial. Thirty days after transplanting, Compost tea mixed with chicken manure and with a concentration of 40% MF (SC-3) yielded the greatest aboveground wet mass with aboveground fresh weight of 92 ± 3.90g against 61 ± 4.36g for SB-3 (compost tea alone with 40% MF) and 60 ± 3.85 g for SA-3 ( 4 g/l inorganic nutrient solution).&#13;In the two lettuce culture trials conducted, it was found that the lettuce growth rate on compost tea (SB) and the mixed with chicken manure (SC) was higher than of the inorganic nutrient solution (SA). This is probably explained by the presence of phyto-hormone in the organic matter of teas. However, the maximum yield obtained by compost tea with chicken manure (SC-3) does not yet exceed that of fieldgrown crops according to the survey of six farmers. An economic analysis showed that the bioponic system using compost tea mixed with chicken manure offers higher economic profit than a field-grown crop whose production is more expensive. La culture hydroponique pourrait être l'une des solutions techniques pour assurer une sécurité&#13;alimentaire face aux enjeux de l’urbanisation et les pollutions que subissent les terres agricoles. En utilisant de l’engrais organique, le système de culture hydroponique est plus écologique, et dans ce cas il est appelé bioponie. Le présent travail se focalise sur l’étude de l’emploi du thé de compost et de fientes de poules comme fertilisants pour la bioponie dans la ville d’Antananarivo. Une première production de thé oxygéné à base de compost de déchets municipaux et un mélangé avec 25 % de fientes de poules a démontré que trois jours est la durée optimale d’infusion. Ensuite, un deuxième essai de production des deux types de thé a comparé trois concentrations différentes de matière fraiche (10%, 20% et 40%) afin de déterminer le dosage d’infusion optimale. Il ressort de cet essai que le dosage de 40% en matière fraiche permet d’atteindre une solution nutritive à 1500 µS/cm d’EC favorable à la culture de laitue.&#13;En ayant comparé les deux thés (compost seul et celui mélangé avec 25% de fientes de poules ) de concentration de 20% en matière fraiche avec une solution témoin d’engrais soluble 1g/L pour cultiver de laitues sur un système hydroponique RAFT avec substrat mâchefer, il ressort que toutes les plantes sont fanées au bout de 36 jours. Au cours de cet essai, le non-ajustement du pH à 6,5 et le renouvellement de la moitié de la solution nutritive au 18ème jour ont empiré l’augmentation de l’EC jusqu’ à dépasser les 2000µS/cm.&#13;Un deuxième essai de production de laitues démontre l’avantage de l’ajustement de pH des solutions nutritives à 6,5 tous les deux jours. Les plantes ont toutes accompli leur développement au cours de cet essai. C’est le thé de compost mixé aux fientes de poules et à concentration 40% de MF (SC-3) qui a obtenu le rendement le plus élevé après 30 jours de transplantation, avec une moyenne de masse foliaire fraiche de 92 ±3,90 g contre 61 ±4,36 g pour SB-3 ( thé de compost seul à 40% de MF) et 60 ±3,85g pour SA-3 (solution nutritive inorganique 4g/l).&#13;Les deux essais de culture de laitues effectués ont aussi permis de constater que la vitesse de croissance des laitues cultivées sur le thé de compost (SB) et le mix avec fientes de poules (SC) est supérieure à celle issue de la solution nutritive inorganique (SA). Cela est probablement expliqué par la présence de phyto-hormone dans la matière organique des thés. Toutefois, le rendement maximum obtenu par le thé de compost mixé aux fientes de poules (SC-3) ne dépasse pas encore celui de la culture sur terre selon les résultats d’enquête auprès de 6 maraichers. Après une analyse économique, il s’avère que le système de culture bioponique utilisant le thé de compost mixé aux fientes de poules offre une rentabilité économique plus élevée qu’ une culture sur terre dont les charges de production sont effectivement plus&#13;chères.

Effet fertilisant d'engrais minéraux en combinaison avec la fiente de volaille compostée ou non par la mouche soldat-noire (Hermetia illucens L.1758) sur la fertilité du sol et le rendement de l'amarante (Amaranthus cruentus L.1759) dans les potagers familiaux du sud du Bénin
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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De multiples foyers maraîchers sont dominés par l’emploi excessif des fertilisants minéraux à l’origine de la baisse continuelle de la fertilité des sols. Ainsi, deux types de fertilisants organiques à base de fiente de volaille à l’état brut et compostée par les larves de mouche soldat-noire ainsi que le NPK ont fait l’objet de cette étude afin de ressortir les effets sur la composition chimique du sol et la performance agronomique de l’amarante (Amaranthus cruentus L.) dans les jardins familiaux au sud du Bénin. Un dispositif en split plot à deux facteurs et trois répétitions a été utilisé. Les traitements qui ont été appliqués sont les suivant : le témoin positif (NPK 10 10 20), le témoin négatif, la fiente de volaille compostée (FVC), la fiente de volaille brute (FV) la fiente de volaille compostée + NPK (FVC à 80%+NPK 10 10 20 à 20 %), la fiente de volaille brute + NPK (FV à 80 %+NPK 10 10 20 à 20 %). Les effets de ces traitements ont été évalués par rapport à la fertilité du sol et le rendement de l’amarante. Les résultats ont révélé une amélioration hautement significative (p < 0,001) du rendement de l’amarante (22, 17t.ha-1) sous le traitement fiente de volaille brute +NPK appliqué à 20 %. Seuls les engrais organiques combinés ou non avec l’engrais minéraux ont amélioré significativement la teneur du sol en azote, en matière organique, en phosphore, en potassium et carbone organique avec une amélioration hautement significative (p < 0,001) avec le larvi-compost. Une formule de combinaison associant la fiente de volaille brute + NPK appliqué à 20 % pourrait être recommandée aux maraîchers pour une meilleure productivité de l’amarante au Bénin.

The composting handbook
ISBN: 0323856020 0323856039 9780323856034 9780323856027 Year: 2022 Publisher: London, United Kingdom San Diego, CA

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The Composting Handbook provides a single guide to the science, principles and best practices of composting for large-scale composting operations facing a variety of opportunities and challenges converting raw organic materials into a useful and marketable product. Composting is a well-established and increasingly important method to recycle and add value to organic by-products. Many, if not most, of the materials composting treats are discarded materials that would otherwise place a burden on communities, industries, farms and the environment. Composting converts these materials into a valuable material, compost, that regenerates soils improving soils for plant growth and environmental conservation. The Composting Handbook expands on previously available resources by incorporating new information, new subjects and new practices, drawing its content from current scientific principles, research, engineering and industry experience. In both depth and breadth, it covers the knowledge that a compost producer needs to succeed. Topics include the composting process, methods of composting, equipment, site requirements, environmental issues and impacts, business knowledge, safety, and the qualities, uses and markets for the compost products.

Développement d'une culture hors-sol de l'amarante (AMARANTHUS DUBIUS M.T) cultivée en pot sur différents mélanges (Terre/compost) avec fertilisation chimique complémentaire en agriculture urbaine
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Cet essai consistait à déterminer l’effet de la proportion du mélange de compost et de la terre et de la fertilisation chimique sur la croissance, le développement et le rendement de l’amarante (Amaranthus dubius M.T.) cultivée en pot par rapport au plein champ. A cet effet, plusieurs combinaisons de substrats issus du mélange de terre/compost et de la fertilisation chimique ont été réalisées pour donner huit (8) traitements repartis dans un dispositif en blocs complets aléatoires. Les traitements étaient constitués ainsi : T1 (75 % terre, 25 % compost, sans engrais), T2 (50% terre, 50% compost, sans engrais), T3 (25% terre, 75% compost, sans engrais), T4 (100% terre, 0 % compost, avec engrais), T5 (75 % terre, 25 % compost, avec engrais), T6 (50% terre, 50% compost, avec engrais), T7 (25% terre, 75% compost, avec engrais) et un traitement témoin T0 (100% terre, 0 % compost, sans engrais). La combinaison des huit (8) traitements avec quatre (4) répétitions donne 32 unités expérimentales. Les unités expérimentales (pots) ont été séparées les unes des autres de 0.5 m entre les lignes et 0.5 m entre les colonnes. Dans l’ensemble, l’étude a été réalisée sur une superficie de 10 m2.&#13;Les mesures ont porté sur les paramètres de croissance, la matière fraiche et le rendement. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés avec une autre étude qui été réalisée sur l’amarante en plein champ. Des comparaisons multiples des moyennes ont été réalisées selon le test de Duncan au seuil de probabilité de 5% (p < 0.05). Les résultats ont montré que le mélange contenant 25% compost s’est révélé plus productif avec ou sans engrais chimique et le mélange contenant 75% compost le moins productif même avec la fertilisation chimique, il n’a pas été trop intéressant. En moyenne la quantité de matière fraiche et le rendement ont varié significativement entre les traitements. Les plus hauts rendements en matière fraiche ont été obtenus avec T5 (81.69 g/pot) et T1 (80.06 g/pot) et les plus faibles avec T3 (51.25g/pot) et T0 (52.69 g/pot). En conclusion, les résultats ont montré qu’avec les mélanges de terre et de compost, on peut obtenir des rendements intéressants avec de l’amarante cultivée en pot et que les toits sont des espaces potentiels à exploiter. De ce fait, il ne reste qu’à reprendre cet essai pour d’autres cultures légumières avec ces mélanges (terre/compost) afin de promouvoir l’agriculture urbaine en Haïti. This trial consisted of determining the effect of the proportion of the mixture of compost and soil and chemical fertilization on the growth, development, and yield of amaranth (Amaranthus dubius MT) grown in pots compared to the open field. To this end, several combinations of substrates from the soil/compost mixture and chemical fertilization were carried out to give eight (8) treatments distributed in a device in random complete blocks. The treatments consisted of: T1 (75% soil, 25% compost, no fertilizer), T2 (50% soil, 50% compost, no fertilizer), T3 (25% soil, 75% compost, no fertilizer), T4 ( 100% soil, 0% compost, with fertilizer), T5 (75% soil, 25% compost, with fertilizer), T6 (50% soil, 50% compost, with fertilizer), T7 (25% soil, 75% compost, with fertilizer) and a control treatment T0 (100% soil, 0% compost, without fertilizer). The combination of the eight (8) treatments with four (4) repetitions gives 32 experimental units. The experimental units (pots) were separated from each other by 0.5 m between rows and 0.5 m between columns. Overall, the study was carried out over an area of 10 m2.&#13;Measurements focused on growth parameters, fresh matter, and yield. The results obtained were compared with another study which was carried out on amaranth in the open field. Multiple comparisons of the means were carried out according to Duncan's test at the probability threshold of 5% (p < 0.05). The results showed that the mixture containing 25% compost proved to be more productive with or without chemical fertilizer and the mixture containing 75% compost the least productive even with chemical fertilization, it was not too interesting. On average, the amount of fresh material and the yield varied significantly between treatments. The highest fresh matter yields were obtained with T5 (81.69 g/pot) and T1 (80.06 g/pot) and the lowest with T3 (51.25g/pot) and T0 (52.69 g/pot). In conclusion, the results showed that with mixtures of soil and compost, interesting yields can be obtained with amaranth grown in pots and that roofs are potential spaces to be exploited. Therefore, it only remains to repeat this trial for other vegetable crops with these mixtures (earth/compost) to promote urban agriculture in Haiti.

Trends in Ornamental Plant Production
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The available range of ornamental plants (cut flowers, potted plants, perennials, bulbous, woody ornamental plants) is constantly being supplemented with new species and cultivars; thus, new methods for their production are required. The sustainable development of the floriculture industry requires modern and environmentally friendly solutions that can maximize the plant’s potential. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt flower production methods to actual conditions and take into account the energy transformation and biological, technical, and organizational advances. This Special Issue is a collection of seven well-written research works covering the current state-of-the-art of ornamental crop production. The main body of the Special Issue gives an interesting coverage of new strategies that can be utilized for plant reproduction, regulating their growth and flowering, adapting production technologies to fit the concept of sustainable development, and optimizing supply chain management. This Special Issue will provide a good reference source for growers, research scientists, and advanced undergraduate students.


Research & information: general --- Biology, life sciences --- life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) --- plant protection --- compost --- sustainable greenhouse production --- biostimulants --- polysaccharides --- bulb coating --- plant enhancement --- metabolites --- roses --- gerberas --- chrysanthemums --- sustainability --- floriculture --- environmental impact --- CO2 footprint --- abscission --- cape primrose --- eco-dormancy --- flowering pot plant --- hydroponics --- Gesneriaceae --- root zone heating --- phyllomorphy --- Streptocarpus formosus --- plant growth regulators --- salicylic acid --- oxalic acid --- DPPH --- antioxidant activity --- reducing power ability --- 1-Naphthylacetic acid --- stimulants --- propagation --- rooting --- shrubs --- supply chain performance --- floricultural sector --- SCOR --- AHP --- life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) --- plant protection --- compost --- sustainable greenhouse production --- biostimulants --- polysaccharides --- bulb coating --- plant enhancement --- metabolites --- roses --- gerberas --- chrysanthemums --- sustainability --- floriculture --- environmental impact --- CO2 footprint --- abscission --- cape primrose --- eco-dormancy --- flowering pot plant --- hydroponics --- Gesneriaceae --- root zone heating --- phyllomorphy --- Streptocarpus formosus --- plant growth regulators --- salicylic acid --- oxalic acid --- DPPH --- antioxidant activity --- reducing power ability --- 1-Naphthylacetic acid --- stimulants --- propagation --- rooting --- shrubs --- supply chain performance --- floricultural sector --- SCOR --- AHP

Trends in Ornamental Plant Production
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The available range of ornamental plants (cut flowers, potted plants, perennials, bulbous, woody ornamental plants) is constantly being supplemented with new species and cultivars; thus, new methods for their production are required. The sustainable development of the floriculture industry requires modern and environmentally friendly solutions that can maximize the plant’s potential. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt flower production methods to actual conditions and take into account the energy transformation and biological, technical, and organizational advances. This Special Issue is a collection of seven well-written research works covering the current state-of-the-art of ornamental crop production. The main body of the Special Issue gives an interesting coverage of new strategies that can be utilized for plant reproduction, regulating their growth and flowering, adapting production technologies to fit the concept of sustainable development, and optimizing supply chain management. This Special Issue will provide a good reference source for growers, research scientists, and advanced undergraduate students.

Optimising Soilless Culture Systems and Alternative Growing Media to Current Used Materials
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book represents a Special Issue collection called: “Optimising Soilless Culture Systems and Alternative Growing Media to Current Used Materials”. Nine original papers, one review, and an Editorial from 41 authors from different countries were published in this Special Issue. New strategies and technologies, including new sustainable raw materials, should be continually developed to solve specific cultivation limitations, optimise existing systems, reduce related environmental impacts, and address the impacts of climate change.

Optimising Soilless Culture Systems and Alternative Growing Media to Current Used Materials
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book represents a Special Issue collection called: “Optimising Soilless Culture Systems and Alternative Growing Media to Current Used Materials”. Nine original papers, one review, and an Editorial from 41 authors from different countries were published in this Special Issue. New strategies and technologies, including new sustainable raw materials, should be continually developed to solve specific cultivation limitations, optimise existing systems, reduce related environmental impacts, and address the impacts of climate change.


Research & information: general --- suppressiveness --- Trichoderma harzianum --- peat --- compost --- substrate --- Vaccinium corymbosum --- container --- ammonium uptake --- southern highbush blueberry --- organic fertilizer --- hydroponic --- ribotypes --- vermicompost leachate --- Spinacia oleracea --- substrates --- soilless culture systems --- photosynthetic pigments --- phenols --- flavonoids --- ascorbic acid --- DPPH --- FRAP --- Aquaponics --- soilless cucumber --- leachate pH --- cucumber yield --- peat substitute --- growing media --- decision tree --- feasibility --- heather --- cattail --- reed --- alder --- peat reduction --- cascade hydroponics --- basil --- salinity --- amino acids --- nutrients --- root restriction --- nutrient solution --- irrigation frequency --- rootzone temperature --- oxygenation --- vapour pressure deficit --- lighting --- rootzone pH --- root exudates --- CO2 --- plant-microorganism relationships --- NH4+ --- NO3− --- nitrification --- Q10 --- modeling --- greenhouse gases --- greenhouse --- organic substrates --- carotenoids --- phenolic compounds --- carbon dioxide --- nitrous oxide --- methane --- N2O --- CH4 --- suppressiveness --- Trichoderma harzianum --- peat --- compost --- substrate --- Vaccinium corymbosum --- container --- ammonium uptake --- southern highbush blueberry --- organic fertilizer --- hydroponic --- ribotypes --- vermicompost leachate --- Spinacia oleracea --- substrates --- soilless culture systems --- photosynthetic pigments --- phenols --- flavonoids --- ascorbic acid --- DPPH --- FRAP --- Aquaponics --- soilless cucumber --- leachate pH --- cucumber yield --- peat substitute --- growing media --- decision tree --- feasibility --- heather --- cattail --- reed --- alder --- peat reduction --- cascade hydroponics --- basil --- salinity --- amino acids --- nutrients --- root restriction --- nutrient solution --- irrigation frequency --- rootzone temperature --- oxygenation --- vapour pressure deficit --- lighting --- rootzone pH --- root exudates --- CO2 --- plant-microorganism relationships --- NH4+ --- NO3− --- nitrification --- Q10 --- modeling --- greenhouse gases --- greenhouse --- organic substrates --- carotenoids --- phenolic compounds --- carbon dioxide --- nitrous oxide --- methane --- N2O --- CH4

Advances in Ecohydrology for Water Resources Optimization in Arid and Semi-arid Areas
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI Books

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This Special Issue (SI) aims to investigate the relationships between hydrological and ecological processes and how these interactions can contribute to the optimization of water resources in arid and semi-arid areas. This SI collected 10 original contributions on sustainable land management and the optimization of water resources in fragile environments that are at elevated risk due to climate change. The topics mainly concern transpiration, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, deep percolation, and related issues. The collection of manuscripts presented in this SI represents a contribution of knowledge in ecohydrology.


Technology: general issues --- Environmental science, engineering & technology --- sap flow --- water-limited ecosystem --- transpiration --- hysteresis --- nocturnal sap flow --- soil hydraulic conductivity --- aggregate stability --- soil porosity --- soil penetration resistance --- arid sandy land --- infiltration --- precipitation --- deep soil recharge --- freeze–thaw --- gully erosion --- runoff potential --- rainwater harvesting --- ecological restoration --- allophane --- Andisol --- readily soluble silicon --- sequential silicon extraction --- sociology of water use --- well owners --- groundwater --- water supplies --- infrastructure --- water-saving appliances --- diurnal fluctuations --- Phreatophyte --- semiarid --- wetland --- vegetation restoration --- evapotranspiration --- spatial and temporal --- water use efficiency --- Gleam Product --- cover crops --- inter-row management --- evapotranspiration modeling and partition --- FAO56 dual-Kc approach --- soil water balance --- viticulture --- soil structure --- pore volume distribution function --- bulk density --- macroporosity --- air capacity --- plant available water capacity --- relative field capacity --- S-index --- deep infiltration --- runoff --- forest restoration --- compost --- silicon --- soil water retention --- sap flow --- water-limited ecosystem --- transpiration --- hysteresis --- nocturnal sap flow --- soil hydraulic conductivity --- aggregate stability --- soil porosity --- soil penetration resistance --- arid sandy land --- infiltration --- precipitation --- deep soil recharge --- freeze–thaw --- gully erosion --- runoff potential --- rainwater harvesting --- ecological restoration --- allophane --- Andisol --- readily soluble silicon --- sequential silicon extraction --- sociology of water use --- well owners --- groundwater --- water supplies --- infrastructure --- water-saving appliances --- diurnal fluctuations --- Phreatophyte --- semiarid --- wetland --- vegetation restoration --- evapotranspiration --- spatial and temporal --- water use efficiency --- Gleam Product --- cover crops --- inter-row management --- evapotranspiration modeling and partition --- FAO56 dual-Kc approach --- soil water balance --- viticulture --- soil structure --- pore volume distribution function --- bulk density --- macroporosity --- air capacity --- plant available water capacity --- relative field capacity --- S-index --- deep infiltration --- runoff --- forest restoration --- compost --- silicon --- soil water retention

Advances in Ecohydrology for Water Resources Optimization in Arid and Semi-arid Areas
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI Books

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This Special Issue (SI) aims to investigate the relationships between hydrological and ecological processes and how these interactions can contribute to the optimization of water resources in arid and semi-arid areas. This SI collected 10 original contributions on sustainable land management and the optimization of water resources in fragile environments that are at elevated risk due to climate change. The topics mainly concern transpiration, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, deep percolation, and related issues. The collection of manuscripts presented in this SI represents a contribution of knowledge in ecohydrology.

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