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Corruption of Theological Institutions by Plagiarism in Dissertations
ISBN: 9004529217 9004529055 Year: 2022 Publisher: BRILL

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Getting a doctorate in Europe is supremely attractive for young Catholic priests from the Global South. They attain prestige, career advancement, and - in many cases - the opportunity to move permanently from impoverished countries to some of the world's wealthiest. But do they submit rigorous, original doctoral research in keeping with universal academic standards? This study examines theological dissertations by international students accepted by major Austrian universities and shows that academic incompetence, plagiarism, and negligent supervision are seriously damaging theological institutions - in Europe and abroad. By looking the other way, advisors and administrators do their students and the church a disservice.


Christian Sects --- Religion

Charismatic Healers in Contemporary Africa: Deliverance in Muslim and Christian Worlds
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1350295450 1350295469 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bloomsbury UK

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Based on ethnographic studies conducted in several African countries, this volume analyses the phenomenon of deliverance - which is promoted both in charismatic churches and in Islam as a weapon against witchcraft - in order to clarify the political dimensions of spiritual warfare in contemporary African societies.Deliverance from evil is part and parcel of the contemporary discourse on the struggle against witchcraft in most African contexts. However, contributors show how its importance extends beyond this, highlighting a pluralism of approaches to deliverance in geographically distant religious movements, which coexist in Africa. Against this background, the book reflects on the responsibilities of Pentecostal deliverance politics within the condition of 'epistemic anxiety' of contemporary African societies - to shed light on complex relational dimensions in which individual deliverance is part of a wider social and spiritual struggle.Spanning across the study of religion, healing and politics, this book contributes to ongoing debates about witchcraft and deliverance in Africa.


Christian Sects --- Religion

The Unification Church movement
ISBN: 1009241435 1009241427 100924146X 1009241451 9781009241434 9781009241427 9781009241465 9781009241458 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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This Element recounts the tumultuous history of the Unification Church Movement, deriving from the messianic ministry of MOON Sun Myung (1920-2012). It begins with the UCM's origins in Korea and traces its development into a global conglomerate of churches, related nonprofit organizations, and for-profit businesses. Known for its mass marriages, or 'International Marriage Blessings,' the UCM has been one of the most controversial new religious movements throughout the world, particularly in Japan and the West. Moon fit Weber's classic definition of the charismatic leader. The post-Moon UCM is a textbook case of a new religious movement transitioning from its founding to succeeding generations. Utilizing both external documents and internal UCM sources, the account highlights the leading personalities, organizations, and circumstances which facilitated the UCM's rise, its present challenges, and future development.

The Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa : a history of the Free Church of Scotland Mission
ISBN: 1399503952 1399519107 1399503936 1399503944 Year: 2022 Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,

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This book traces the development of the Scottish Presbyterian mission from 1824 until the formation of the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa in 1923 as the first South African outcome of the three-self movement. It considers the development of this autonomous church, supported by the Free Church of Scotland until 1929, and the Church of Scotland thereafter in the light of its ongoing missionary purpose until its union with the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa in 1999. Drawing from archival sources, Graham A. Duncan documents the history of South African Christianity in the context of racial segregation and apartheid. The book foregrounds the distinguished history of Scottish Presbyterianism in South Africa. It also presents a significant part of the church history of Scotland, beyond its borders, highlighting the important role played by indigenous Christians in the growth of global Christianity.

Synodalisierung : Eine Zerreißprobe für die katholische Weltkirche? Expertinnen und Experten aus aller Welt beziehen Stellung
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783786732976 3786732973 Year: 2022 Publisher: Ostfildern: Matthias-Grünewald,

Eastern Christian Approaches to Philosophy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3031107616 3031107624 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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With few exceptions, the field of Eastern Christian studies has primarily been concerned with historical-critical analysis, hermeneutics, and sociology. For the most part it has not attempted to bring Eastern Christian philosophy into serious engagement with contemporary thought. This volume seeks to redress the matter by bringing the Eastern Christian tradition into a meaningful dialogue with contemporary philosophy. It boasts a diverse group of scholars—specialists in ancient philosophy, analytic philosophy, and continental philosophy—who engage with a wide range of pressing issues. Among other things, it addresses such topics as contemporary atheism, the metaphysics of action, religious epistemology, the philosophy of language, bioethics, the philosophy of race, and human rights. In so doing, it aims to introduce contemporary readers to unique perspectives and novel arguments often overlooked by mainstream anglophone philosophy. .

Der böhmische Utraquismus als Konfession im 16. Jahrhundert
ISBN: 3579059831 9783579059839 Year: 2022 Publisher: Gütersloh: Heidelberg: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Verein für Reformationsgeschichte,

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"Der Band 100 der QuFRG stellt die böhmische Reformationsgeschichte in ihrem frühneuzeitlich-europäischen Kontext in den Mittelpunkt: Der Großteil der böhmischen Bevölkerung gehörte im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert einer Nationalkirche an, die sich auf Jan Hus und seine Mitstreiter berief. Die Abendmahlsfeier unter beiderlei Gestalt (sub utraque specie) praktizierend und deshalb als Utraquisten bezeichnet, führten die Glieder dieser Kirche ein partikular- und landesrechtlich legitimiertes Sonderleben am Rande der Papstkirche. Als Schismatiker geduldet, sahen sich die Utraquisten selbst als legitime Glieder der römischen Kirche an. Mit Beginn und unter dem Einfluss der Wittenberger Reformation setzte jedoch ein Prozess ein, der dazu führte, dass die Mehrheit der Utraquisten sich 1575 auf Grundlage der Confessio Bohemica zur Reformation bekannte. Die vorliegende Studie wertet erstmals das einschlägige und bislang weitestgehend unübersetzte Quellenmaterial umfassend aus und rekonstruiert, wie sich der böhmische Utraquismus von einer vornehmlich rituell-liturgisch devianten Erscheinungsform des lateineuropäischen Christentums in Wechselwirkung mit der Wittenberger Reformation zu einer eigenständigen reformatorischen Konfessionsgemeinschaft entwickelte. Sie stellt damit zugleich den ganz eigenen Charakter der böhmischen Reformation heraus."

Explorations in eastern christian liturgy : selected papers of the Sixth International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Etchmiadzin, Armenia, 11-16 September 2016
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783402217740 3402217740 9783402217757 Year: 2022 Publisher: Münster: Aschendorff,

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The Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL) is an international academic society dedicated to the scholarly study of the various Eastern Christian liturgical traditions and related fields in all its aspects and phases, including allied disciplines, and its multiple methodologies. This volume brings together a selection of contributions from society members that germinated from papers delivered at the SOL congress gathered in Etchmiadzin, Armenia in September 2016. The chapters reveal new and original research on a variety of topics pertaining to Eastern liturgical rites, including, inter alia, methodological reflections on the field of liturgiology, analysis of unedited Syriac and Ge'ez liturgical texts, investigations on the development of the liturgical calendar in late antiquity, a study of medieval Byzantine hymnography, and a discussion of liturgical renewal for the Armenian Apostolic Church. These and the many other original topics explored herein show the dynamism that characterizes the study of Eastern liturgy today while also calling attention to the many questions that have yet to be explored.

Ritual, gender, and emotions : essays on the social and cultural history of the Reformation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783161613296 3161613295 3161613309 9783161613302 Year: 2022 Publisher: Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck,

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This volume presents important essays by Susan C. Karant-Nunn for the first time in collected form. The essays deal with the social and cultural change triggered by the Reformation and investigate its influence on gender relations, rituals, and emotions. Often in critical dialogue with sociological and anthropological theories, but at the same time very close to the sources, the author analyses how the religious change of the Reformation was implemented in practice, what problems arose in the process, and how the diverse early modern living environments changed as a result of the Reformation.

Les Protestants du Languedoc et la justice royale de Louis XIV à la Révolution : de l'obscurité à la lumière
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782745357229 9782745357236 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris Honoré Champion

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Dès sa prise de pouvoir, Louis XIV cible les protestants et organise leur invisibilité par le biais de la loi et de son interprétation par les juges. La révocation de l'édit de Nantes (1685) parachève ce processus. Plus de culte public, les derniers temples sont détruits, les pasteurs pourchassés, l'état-civil protestant, dont le mariage, doit disparaître, remplacé par les cérémonies catholiques. Malgré tout, pendant le siècle qui mène à la Révolution, les protestants pratiquent une forme de désobéissance civile qui leur vaut peines de galères, d'enfermement, d'amendes collectives et, parfois, d'exécutions. A partir de 1760, des avocats, des juristes et des intellectuels s'engagent à leur côté et transforment un droit d'oppression en droit de reconnaissance. Leur combat en faveur des familles Calas et Sirven, et pour la reconnaissance des mariages protestants marque l'histoire de France. Avec eux, Voltaire mène de grandes batailles contre le fanatisme et pour la tolérance. Jack Thomas analyse cette histoire vue du Languedoc et du ressort du parlement de Toulouse, où vivaient de nombreux protestants. Il esquisse une riche galerie de portraits d'hommes et de femmes pris dans l'étau d'une justice longtemps partiale et de leurs défenseurs qui dénoncent son intolérance.

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