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The Development of L2 Interactional Competence : A Multimodal Study of Complaining in French Interactions
ISBN: 1003271219 103222116X 1000802027 1000802043 Year: 2022 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Routledge,

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This book presents unique insights into the development of L2 interactional competence through the lens of complaining, demonstrating how a closer study of complaining as a social activity can enhance our understanding of certain aspects of language learning with implications for future L2 research. The volume employs a multimodal, longitudinal conversation analytic (CA) approach in its analysis of data from video-recorded interactions of several elementary and advanced L2 speakers of French as they build their interactional competence, understood as the ability to accomplish social actions and activities in the L2 in context-dependent and recipient-designed ways. Skogmyr Marian calls attention to three key dimensions of complaining in these conversations - its structural organization, the interactional resources people use when they complain, and how speakers' shared interactional histories and changing social relationships affect complaint practices. The volume underscores the fundamentally multimodal, socially situated, and co-constructed nature of L2 interactional competence and the socialization processes involved in its development, indicating paths for new work on interactional competence and L2 research more broadly. This book will be of appeal to students and scholars interested in second language acquisition, social interaction, and applied linguistics.

La cultura de los Silos en los yacimientos de "El Trobal" y "La Esparragosa" (Cádiz, España)
ISBN: 9781407360171 1407360175 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford, UK : BAR Publishing,

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This book analyses the relationship between the lifestyles and stone tools of two archaeological sites: “El Trobal” in Jerez de la Frontera and “La Esparragosa” in Chiclana de la Frontera, both in the province of Cádiz. It is framed in the IV and III millennium B.C.E. through an analysis of the lithic elements (worked, polished, rounded stones, etc.) with a total of 5,088 products.The results show a continuation of the ways of life in the transition from the IV to the III millennium B.C.E. based on agriculture and livestock, without abandoning hunting or fishing, the latter of which is of great significance since they were maritime enclaves. Likewise, the use of the same raw materials in the manufacture of stone products and the appearance of new identities - such as the creation of open spaces for cultivation through deforestation, the appearance of new structures such as silos and a change in the structuring of the first social divisions that give rise to a social hierarchy based on the control of territory and property - are examined in depth.

Les transferts culturels dans les mondes normands médiévaux (VIIIe–XIIe siècle). : objets, acteurs et passeurs
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782503593661 2503593666 Year: 2022 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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The objects of cultural transfers are innumerable. Their study is particularly important to understanding the medieval Norman worlds and their multiple interconnections with the Scandinavian world, the British Isles, Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean. While examining the processes of transmission, reception, adaptation, adoption, or rejection, this book highlights how these dynamics influenced cultures between the eighth and twelfth centuries. Various examples of both material (embroidery; clothing accessories; iron artefacts; coins; manuscripts; funeral monuments; sculptures, etc.) and immaterial objects (craftsmanship; literary models; language; religious and burial practices; ideology of power; oath-taking, etc.) are studied, including some emblematic ‘monuments’ of the Norman worlds (the Bayeux Tapestry; the mosaics on the floor of Otranto Cathedral). Particular attention is given to presenting these objects in a context in which their reinterpretation in different socio-cultural environments could be better understood. The book also questions the role and the significance of the actors of cultural transfers (aristocratic elites; churchmen; merchants; craftsmen; authors; copyists; etc.), considering their status or their function, as well as their aptitude to carry transfers. It sheds light on relations and networks that have been thus far relatively unknown, and on the circulation of models that consists of a multitude of objects and productions. Finally, it contributes to the exploration of the contacts between different populations and the construction of their interactions. / Les objets des transferts culturels sont innombrables et leur étude est particulièrement importante pour comprendre les mondes normands médiévaux et leurs multiples interfaces avec le monde scandinave, les îles Britanniques, l’Europe orientale et la Méditerranée. Cet ouvrage s’intéresse aux processus de transmission et de réception, d’adaptation, d’adoption ou de rejet, en montrant comment ces dynamiques font évoluer les cultures entre le VIIIe et le XIIe siècle. Différents types d’objets sont ainsi abordés, qu’ils soient matériels (broderie ; accessoires du costume ; artefacts en fer ; monnaies ; manuscrits ; monuments funéraires ; sculptures…) ou immatériels (savoir-faire, modèles littéraires, langue, pratiques religieuses et funéraires, idéologie du pouvoir, serment…), dont quelques-uns sont des ‘monuments’ emblématiques des mondes normands (la Tapisserie de Bayeux ; les mosaïques du sol de la cathédrale d’Otrante). Une attention particulière a été attachée à la mise en contexte de ces objets permettant d’en saisir la réinterprétation dans des environnements socio-culturels différents. L’ouvrage permet également de questionner le rôle et l’implication des acteurs des transferts culturels (élites aristocratiques, hommes d’Église, marchands, artisans, lettrés, copistes …) du fait de leur statut ou leur fonction, mais aussi selon leur aptitude à promouvoir un transfert. Il met en lumière des liens et des réseaux jusque-là mal connus, la circulation des modèles qui intéresse une multitude d’objets et de productions, et il contribue ainsi à explorer des situations de contact entre des populations différentes et la construction de leurs interactions.

Face-to-face dialogue : theory, research, and applications
ISBN: 9780190913366 9780190913380 0190913398 019091338X 0190913363 Year: 2022 Publisher: New York, N.Y. Oxford University Press

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Face-to-face dialogue is our basic form of language use. It is, and always has been, the only form of language use that spans all cultures and societies. Face-to-Face Dialogue: Theory, Research, and Applications focuses on the unique combination of features that make face-to-face dialogue the fastest, most precise, and most skillful activity that ordinary individuals do together.Writing for an inter-disciplinary readership, Bavelas draws on her research program of over three decades to reveal the unique features of face-to-face dialogue. Unlike written or mediated forms, face-to-face dialogue uses both speech and co-speech gestures and also permits rapid-even simultaneous-exchanges. This book demonstrates the importance of focusing on interactions rather than individuals and on specific multi-modal acts rather than all nonverbal communication. Bavelas's mixed research methods begin inductively, leading to experiments with qualitative measures. Second-by-second microanalysis uncovers details of how a dialogue works. By focusing on communication as joint action, Face-to-Face Dialogue refocuses the conversation around the science of human communication, with realizable practical applications for researchers and professionals alike.

Klinische chemie en hematologie voor analisten
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789491764516 Year: 2022 Publisher: Utrecht Syntax Media

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Dit boek is bedoeld voor alle niveaus laboratoriummedewerkers, in opleiding voor of werkzaam op een klinisch chemisch en hematologisch laboratorium. Het boek bevat naast basiskennis ook verdiepingsstof, aangegeven in aparte, blauwe kaders. Deze verdiepingsmaterie is met name geschreven voor het HBO-onderwijs. Op basis van nieuwe ontwikkelingen binnen het vak zijn er in deze derde druk extra paragrafen toegevoegd aan de hoofdstukken 9, 15 en 18. De hoofdstukken zijn op elkaar afgestemd, maar je kunt ze ook afzonderlijk lezen.

An archive of skin, an archive of kin : disability and life-making during medical incarceration
ISBN: 9780520343856 9780520343849 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oakland, California : University of California Press,

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"What was the longest and harshest medical quarantine in modern history and how did people survive it? Beginning in 1866, men, women, and children in Hawai'i suspected of having leprosy were removed from their families. Most were sentenced over the next century to lifelong exile at an isolated settlement. Thousands of photographs taken of their skin provided forceful, if conflicting, evidence of disease and disability for colonial health agents. And yet, a competing knowledge system of kinship and collectivity emerged during this incarceration. An Archive of Skin, an Archive of Kin shows how exiled people pieced together their own intimate archives of care and companionship through unanticipated adaptations of photography"--

L’abbaye de Marchiennes milieu VIIe – début XIIIe siècle : du monastère familial à l'abbaye bénédictine d’hommes : histoire et chartes
ISBN: 9782503594729 2503594727 Year: 2022 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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L’abbaye de Marchiennes, l’un des quatre monastères bénédictins installés sur les bords de la Scarpe, aux confins de la Flandre et du Hainaut, est à l’origine un monastère familial avec une double communauté d’hommes et de femmes, fondé vers 630/640 par saint Amand et confié à Rictrude, veuve de l’aristocrate franc Adalbald. À partir de 1024/25, après l’expulsion des moniales, Marchiennes sort véritablement de l’obscurité. Essor et évolution peuvent être reconstitués grâce à une production écrite substantielle et variée (récits narratifs et hagiographiques, nécrologe, coutumier, bibliothèque, chartes et cartulaires) à laquelle se joint un souci précoce de conservation. La présente édition de 124 chartes (72% d’originaux), quatre annexes et le recours à d’autres sources servent d’appui à une introduction historique. Celle-ci permet de présenter les temps obscurs puis la vitalité de la communauté : affermissement du temporel (donations, récupérations, confirmations laïques et ecclésiastiques), développement d’un vaste réseau social (comtes de Flandre, de Hainaut, aristocratie, évêques d’Arras, Cambrai, Thérouanne, Tournai), rayonnement intellectuel et spirituel (réseau de confraternités, scriptorium actif). Au-delà des donations, des contestations et des confirmations précieuses pour l’histoire rurale et sociale, quelques chartes livrent de discrètes mais suggestives informations sur la vie de la communauté. Ce dynamisme n’est pas isolé et prend toute sa dimension en le reliant à celui des autres monastères bénédictins voisins, la toute puissante Anchin, la vénérable Saint-Amand et, dans une mesure moindre, Hasnon. L’abbaye de Marchiennes participe pleinement à la forte emprise monastique de la vallée de la Scarpe, véritable boulevard des moines.

Lucerne da Antinoupolis : scavi della necropoli nord 1965-1966 : scavi e materiali
ISBN: 9788892739970 8892739972 Year: 2022 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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The volume focuses on the study of 567 lamps, coming from the excavations of the North Necropolis of Antinoupolis carried out in the years 1965 and 1966 by the Papyrological Institute "G. Vitelli", Florence. The examined lamps (mostly in an excellent state of conservation) constitute one of the most numerous collections of this ceramic class and are placed between the 5th and 7th century AD. The specimens analyzed are mostly locally produced, for which a typology based on shape and motifs is proposed, while the rest are imported (mostly from other centers of Egypt). Although conditioned by the scarcity of data available, the study of this collection therefore constitutes an important basis for the outline of the trades active in Antinoupolis in the pre-Islamic era.

Art & histoire au temps de Charles le Téméraire : "L'ymage d'or" du duc de Bourgogne à Liège (1467-1471)
ISBN: 9782503595429 2503595421 Year: 2022 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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Le reliquaire de Charles le Téméraire est une œuvre d’art majeure du patrimoine artistique international et l’un des fleurons du Trésor rénové de la Cathédrale de Liège. La multiplicité des questions que suscite ce groupe orfévré, dans un dossier interdisciplinaire très complexe, contribue à l’engouement sans cesse croissant d’un large public pour le « siècle de Bourgogne ». L’ouvrage se veut novateur dans la problématique et apporte de nouvelles hypotheses; il ouvre aussi un vaste regard sur le mécénat des ducs de Bourgogne et le raffinement d’une des cours les plus riches du XVe siècle européen.

The Cambridge history of medieval canon law
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781107025042 9781107692572 1107025044 9781139177221 1139177222 1107692571 1009063952 1009064274 9781009063951 9781009064279 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cambridge: New York: New Delhi: Singapore: Cambridge University Press,

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Canon law touched nearly every aspect of medieval society, including many issues we now think of as purely secular. It regulated marriages, oaths, usury, sorcery, heresy, university life, penance, just war, court procedure, and Christian relations with religious minorities. Canon law also regulated the clergy and the Church, one of the most important institutions in the Middle Ages. This Cambridge History offers a comprehensive survey of canon law, both chronologically and thematically. Written by an international team of scholars, it explores, in non-technical language, how it operated in the daily life of people and in the great political events of the time. The volume demonstrates that medieval canon law holds a unique position in the legal history of Europe. Indeed, the influence of medieval canon law, which was at the forefront of introducing and defining concepts such as 'equity,' 'rationality,' 'office,' and 'positive law,' has been enormous, long-lasting, and remarkably diverse

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