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Tragic dilemmas in Christian ethics
ISBN: 9781647122669 9781647122676 164712266X 1647122678 Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington, D.C. Georgetown University Press

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This book argues that Christian ethics urgently needs the category of tragic dilemmas. The author argues for a definition of tragic dilemmas that responds to philosophical concerns in a Christian context, using insights from the Protestant and Roman Catholic traditions, and in light of psychological evidence of moral injury after combat. Jackson-Meyer suggests that in a tragic dilemma an agent deliberates on, with sufficient knowledge, an issue that involves non-negotiable moral requirements in line with Christian obligations to protect human life and the vulnerable. The agent is morally responsible for the harm caused and/or the obligation not acted upon. However, culpability is mitigated due to the constraints of the situation as long as the agent acts with, what Aquinas calls, "repugnance of the will." Tragic dilemmas are often the result of sin, a reality to which the Augustinian tradition is keenly attuned. When involvement in a tragic dilemma produces emotional harm, this has the power to undermine character because passions and the moral life are inextricably related. In turn, the agent's life is marred. In light of this harm, it is incumbent on Christian communities to offer opportunities for moral healing after tragic dilemmas.

FIRE : hoe op jonge leeftijd stoppen met werken
ISBN: 9789463930703 Year: 2022 Publisher: Gent Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

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Een goede financiële planning zorgt voor financiële vrijheid. De lage rentes op ons spaargeld, de hoge inflatie, de onzekerheid over ons pensioen en de ratrace waarin we ons bevinden, maken dat belangrijker dan ooit. Voor de doorsnee Vlaming is geld nog een taboe, waardoor men weinig kennis en vaak een verkeerde mindset over geld heeft. Toch is het net een goede financiële achtergrond die de hoogste return on investment heeft. Financiële gezondheid is immers even belangrijk als fysieke of mentale gezondheid, ongeacht jouw budget of inkomen. In FIRE legt Charlotte aan de hand van haar eigen verhaal uit hoe je de weg naar financiële vrijheid plant. ?FIRE? staat voor Financial Independence, Retire Early. Dankzij dit boek zal jouw relatie met geld verbeteren: je leert een slim financieel plan uitstippelen en succesvol beleggen, sparen en investeren. Hierdoor word je financieel onafhankelijk en kan je, met wat geluk, vroeger dan voorzien met pensioen.Bron:

Saint Augustin. La Correspondance avec Nebridius (Lettres 3–14). Texte latin et traduction française avec un commentaire par Emmanuel Bermon
ISBN: 9789004512504 9789004513532 9004512500 9004513531 Year: 2022 Publisher: Leiden ;Boston Brill

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"Written between 386 and 390 during the excitement of his discovery of Neoplatonism, Augustine's correspondence with his friend Nebridius is a distillation of Platonic questions concerning the infinite, the distinction between sensible and intelligible phenomena, the imagination and recollection, inspired dreams, assimilation to God, the "vehicle" of the soul, interiority, and individuality. In addition, the exchange contains major theological insights concerning the Incarnation and the Trinity. Thanks to these letters, which, as Nebridius himself says, make "Christ, Plato, and Plotinus heard," we can better understand this incandescent moment in Augustine's life when he converted to both philosophy and Christianity, as the Confessions will later testify."--

How Persistent are Climate-Related Price Shocks? Implications for Monetary Policy
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Climate change is likely to lead to more frequent and more severe supply and demand shocks that will present a challenge to monetary policy formulation. The main objective of the paper is to investigate how climate shocks affect consumer prices in a broad range of countries over a long period using local projection methods. It finds that the impact of climate shocks on inflation depends on the type and intensity of shocks, country income level, and monetary policy regime. Specifically, droughts tend to have the highest overall positive impact on inflation, reflecting rising food prices. Interestingly, floods tend to have a dampening impact on inflation, pointing to the predominance of demand shocks in this case. Over the long run, the dominant monetary policy paradigm of flexible inflation targeting faced with supply-induced climate shocks may become increasingly ineffective, especially in LIDCs. More research is needed to find viable alternative monetary policy frameworks.

How Persistent are Climate-Related Price Shocks? Implications for Monetary Policy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9798400224768 Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Climate change is likely to lead to more frequent and more severe supply and demand shocks that will present a challenge to monetary policy formulation. The main objective of the paper is to investigate how climate shocks affect consumer prices in a broad range of countries over a long period using local projection methods. It finds that the impact of climate shocks on inflation depends on the type and intensity of shocks, country income level, and monetary policy regime. Specifically, droughts tend to have the highest overall positive impact on inflation, reflecting rising food prices. Interestingly, floods tend to have a dampening impact on inflation, pointing to the predominance of demand shocks in this case. Over the long run, the dominant monetary policy paradigm of flexible inflation targeting faced with supply-induced climate shocks may become increasingly ineffective, especially in LIDCs. More research is needed to find viable alternative monetary policy frameworks.

Investeren in de derde helft van je leven : hoe je (comfortabel) van je pensioen geniet en tegelijk je (klein)kinderen op weg helpt
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789401484718 Year: 2022 Publisher: Lannoo

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Je bent (binnenkort) met pensioen, en je hebt een (flink) appeltje voor de dorst bij elkaar gespaard. Maar wat kost oud(er) worden (precies)? Heeft het nog zin om (actief) te beleggen? Mag je (blijven) bijklussen? Hoe bescherm je je (nieuwe) partner, of schenk je (alles) aan je (klein)kinderen? En wat doe je met je huis, ruil je dat (beter) in voor een (service)flat?Nadat ze je leerden investeren in de eerste en tweede helft van je leven, begeleiden Ewald Pironet en Michaël Van Droogenbroeck je nu ook vakkundig richting derde leeftijd. Ze tonen wat je met je geld kunt doen om maximaal van je pensioen te genieten. Daarbij wordt het nut van vermogensplanning op een heldere en menselijke manier uiteengezet, met concrete cijfers en praktische voorbeelden. Een onmisbaar boek als je de zestig voorbij bent.Bron:


Financieel management --- Economie --- Geld --- Geldwezen --- Investering --- Pensioen (financiën) --- Sparen --- Beurs (financiewezen) --- Geldbeheer --- Toekomstvisie --- 430 Financiën --- investeren --- 465 Economische conjunctuur --- Money market. Capital market --- Financial management --- pensioenregeling --- spaartegoed --- kosten van levensonderhoud --- erfenis --- palikimas --- наследство --- arv --- trashëgimi --- eredità --- oidhreacht --- herança --- ostavina --- perintö --- pärand --- wirt --- mantošana --- succesiuni --- наследување --- dediščina --- dědictví --- herencia --- dziedziczenie --- héritage --- pozostalosť --- κληρονομιά --- Erbschaft --- öröklés --- inheritance --- dědění --- opvolging --- hagyaték --- successie --- will --- successione testamentaria --- tiesību un pienākumu pārņemšana --- arvföljd --- sucessão --- successione ereditaria --- διαδοχή --- perimys --- testaments --- dědický díl --- Vermächtnis --- mantojums --- testamentum --- pärandvara --- κληρονομική διαδοχή --- оставинска маса --- testamentas --- végrendelet --- pēdējā griba --- nalatenschap --- Testament --- testamentti --- végrendelkezés --- testamento --- testament --- sucesión --- dedičstvo --- оставина --- örökség --- transmissão de bens --- testamente --- oporuka --- право на наследство --- succession --- paveldėjimas --- право на нужен дел --- διαθήκη --- jogutódlás --- nasljedstvo --- издръжка на живота --- κόστος ζωής --- coste de la vida --- custo de vida --- životné náklady --- costas maireachtála --- Lebenshaltungskosten --- troškovi života --- трошоци на живот --- kosto e jetesës --- coût de la vie --- leveomkostninger --- elinkustannukset --- dzīves dārdzība --- levnadskostnader --- costo della vita --- costul vieții --- трошкови живота --- megélhetési költségek --- cost of living --- koszty utrzymania --- elukallidus --- življenjski stroški --- għoli tal-ħajja --- pragyvenimo išlaidos --- životní náklady --- a megélhetési költségek indexe --- index životných nákladov --- indeks troškova života --- dzīves dārdzības indekss --- levnadskostnadsindex --- elinkustannusindeksi --- elukalliduse indeks --- потрошувачка кошница --- indice al costului vieții --- índice do custo de vida --- indice du coût de la vie --- index van de kosten van levensonderhoud --- indice del costo della vita --- index životních nákladů --- Verbraucherpreisindex --- índice del coste de la vida --- Index der Lebenshaltungskosten --- konsumentprisindex --- indeks i kostos së jetesës --- VPI --- pragyvenimo indeksas --- cost of living index --- δείκτης κόστους ζωής --- pristal --- fogyasztói árindex --- carovita --- ahorro --- säästud --- megtakarítások --- épargne --- заштеда --- ietaupījumi --- savings --- sparmedel --- tfaddil --- úspory --- santaupos --- спестявания --- coigilteas --- Ersparnis --- poupança --- oszczędności --- opsparing --- economisire --- säästöt --- αποταμίευση --- risparmio --- kursime --- štednja --- штедња --- prihranki --- risparmio finanziario --- tesaurizzazione --- investimento del risparmio --- заштедени средства --- propensione al risparmio --- eläkejärjestelmä --- pensionsordning --- regime pensionistico --- program emerytalny --- Altersversorgungssystem --- пензиони систем --- skema e pensioneve --- pensionssystem --- scéim pinsin --- nyugdíjrendszer --- pensiju shēma --- régime de retraite --- důchodový plán --- mirovinski sustav --- pension scheme --- skema ta’ pensjoni --- συνταξιοδοτικό σύστημα --- pokojninski načrt --- пенсионна схема --- dôchodkový plán --- plano de pensões --- plan de pensiones --- senatvės pensijų sistema --- пензиски систем --- sistem de pensii --- pensionisüsteem --- mirovina --- assicurazione per la vecchiaia --- occupational pension --- skema tal-pensjonijiet --- subsidio de vejez --- foglalkozási nyugdíj --- piano pensionistico --- dávkový plán --- ouderdomspensioen --- vecuma pensija --- pension --- magánnyugdíj --- schéma dôchodkového zabezpečenia --- σχέδιο συνταξιοδότησης --- régime de pension --- allocation vieillesse --- συνταξιοδότηση --- penzijní pojištění --- darbavietas pensija --- Rentenversicherung --- retraite --- väljateenitud pension --- vanaduspension --- seguro de vejez --- Altersruhegeld --- σύνταξη γήρατος --- alderdomspension --- Ruhegehaltsregelung --- pensionikindlustus --- alderdomsydelse --- senatvės pensija --- Altersversicherung --- Ruhegehalt --- mokslininko pensija --- State pension --- pjan pensjonali --- eläke --- пенсионнен план --- pensione di anzianità --- pensijų sistema --- emerytura --- työeläke --- пенсия за старост --- pensionsförsäkring --- regime de pensões --- старосна пензија --- pension i moshës --- pensione sociale --- důchodový program --- amžiaus pensija --- ouderdomsuitkering --- pensão de reforma --- starosna mirovina --- senatvės draudimo sistema --- pinsean scoir --- ametipension --- kansaneläke --- sochar scoir --- vanhuuseläke --- dôchodok --- starobný dôchodok --- vanaduskindlustus --- valstybinė pensija --- assegno di vecchiaia --- pension profesional --- profesinė pensija --- sistem pokojninskega zavarovanja --- nyugdíjprogram --- pinsean gairme --- subsídio de velhice --- pensione di vecchiaia --- pensionsplan --- pensión de vejez --- pension de vieillesse --- pension plan --- penzijní plán --- државна пензија --- pinsean ceirde --- pensiju plāns --- old age pension --- pensión de jubilación --- důchodové pojištění --- důchod --- öregségi nyugdíj --- Ruhegeld --- retirement pension --- seguro de velhice --- åldersförsäkring --- ασφάλεια γήρατος --- pensão de velhice --- állami nyugdíj --- folkepension --- pension de retraite --- prijevremena starosna mirovina --- riiklik pension --- pirmojo laipsnio valstybinė pensija --- plan de pensii --- pensioniskeem --- assurance vieillesse --- alderdomsforsikring --- pension shtetëror --- pensione per raggiunti limiti d'età --- štátny dôchodok --- επίδομα γήρατος --- pensie de bătrânețe --- ouderdomsverzekering --- dôchodok zo zamestnania --- indennità di vecchiaia --- pensie --- valsts pensija

Openbare financiën : theorie en praktijk in België
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789400015029 940001502X Year: 2022 Publisher: Intersentia

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Het vakgebied Openbare financiën, dat de financiën van overheden bestudeert, is veelzijdig en multidisciplinair. In dit boek hebben de auteurs dan ook aandacht voor economische, juridische, politieke, beleidsmatige en bestuurskundige aspecten. In het eerste deel belichten ze de rol van de overheid in de economie, met onderwerpen als publieke besluitvorming en begrotingsprocedures, belastingheffing, overheidsuitgaven, begrotingssaldi en schuld. In het tweede deel lichten ze het institutionele en wettelijke kader van de begrotingen op de diverse niveaus ? Europees, federaal, regionaal en lokaal ? grondig door.Bron: www.larcier-intersentia.comWebshop:


BPB9999 --- overheidsfinanciën --- economie --- markteconomie --- herverdeling van het inkomen --- belastingbeleid --- begrotingsbeleid --- sociale zekerheid --- gemeenschapsbelasting --- Community tax --- imposto comunitário --- Kopienas nodoklis --- taxxa Komunitarja --- daň Společenství --- skat til Fællesskaberne --- gemenskapsskatt --- данок на Заедницата --- imposta comunitaria --- Gemeinschaftsteuer --- данък на Общността --- porez EU-a --- podatek wspólnotowy --- impuesto comunitario --- κοινοτικός φόρος --- daň Spoločenstva --- taksë e Komunitetit --- impozit pe salariu al angajaților instituțiilor comunitare --- Bendrijos mokestis --- порез Заједнице --- közösségi adó --- yhteisön vero --- ühenduse maks --- cáin an Chomhphobail --- impôt communautaire --- davek Skupnosti --- tatime (BE) --- porez Zajednice --- tax (EU) --- seguridad social --- sigurtà soċjali --- socialna varnost --- securitate socială --- slándáil shóisialta --- sotsiaalkindlustus --- κοινωνική ασφάλιση --- социјална сигурност --- sécurité sociale --- socialinė apsauga --- social security --- sicurezza sociale --- sosiaaliturva --- sociālā nodrošinātība --- социјално осигурање --- socijalna sigurnost --- sociálne zabezpečenie --- segurança social --- sociální zabezpečení --- soziale Sicherheit --- ubezpieczenie społeczne --- sigurime shoqërore --- social sikring --- social trygghet --- szociális biztonság --- социална сигурност --- Sozialversicherung --- stelsel van sociale zekerheid --- protezione sociale --- sociale bescherming --- regime de segurança social --- κοινωνική πρόνοια --- valsts sociālā apdrošināšana --- sozialer Schutz --- Sozialvorsorge --- sociální pojištění --- forsorgsordning --- szociális védelem --- sociale verzekeringen --- socialforsikret person --- mbrojtje sociale --- regime di sicurezza sociale --- socialförsäkring --- social protection --- national insurance --- previdenza sociale --- систем на социјална заштита --- Vorsorgesystem --- hoolekandesüsteem --- sociálne poistenie --- assicurazioni sociali --- sistema de previdência --- social beskyttelse --- assicurato sociale --- sociální podpora --- System der sozialen Sicherheit --- seguro social --- társadalombiztosítás --- socialforsikring --- sociaal verzekerde --- système de prévoyance --- socijalna zaštita --- socialförsäkringssystem --- sociale zorg --- sotsiaalne kaitse --- социјално осигурување --- σύστημα κοινωνικής ασφάλισης --- sistema de previsión social --- κοινωνική προστασία --- proteção social --- Versorgungssystem --- sociálna ochrana --- social sikringsordning --- sociální ochrana --- κοινωνική αρωγή --- protecție socială --- régime de sécurité sociale --- prévoyance sociale --- protección social --- previsión social --- sociala trygghetssystem --- previdência social --- assurances sociales --- socialt skydd --- protection sociale --- régimen de seguridad social --- sigurim kombëtar --- yleinen sairausvakuutus --- regime previdenziale --- sistema previdenziale --- sotsiaalne turvalisus --- κοινωνική αντίληψη --- sotsiaalkindlustussüsteem --- systeem van sociale zorg --- rozpočtová politika --- politique budgétaire --- politică bugetară --- budžeta politika --- δημοσιονομική πολιτική --- política presupuestaria --- politica di bilancio --- politikë buxhetore --- буџетска политика --- бюджетна политика --- política orçamental --- politika baġitarja --- proračunska politika --- polityka budżetowa --- budget policy --- budjettipolitiikka --- eelarvepoliitika --- biudžeto politika --- Haushaltspolitik --- beartas buiséid --- budgetpolitik --- költségvetési politika --- rozpočtová reforma --- budgetreform --- αρχή της ετήσιας βάσης του προϋπολογισμού --- étårige budgetter --- riktlinjer för budgeten --- eelarvedistsipliin --- éves költségvetés --- Budgetreform --- annalité du budget --- disciplina orçamental --- jaarlijkse opstelling van de begroting --- költségvetési fegyelem --- haushaltspolitische Leitlinien --- biudžeto drausmė --- reforma rozpočtu --- vuosittainen talousarvio --- reforma presupuestaria --- δημοσιονομική μεταρρύθμιση --- reformë buxhetore --- rozpočtová rezerva --- eenjarigheid van de begroting --- προσανατολισμός δημοσιονομικής πολιτικής --- Haushaltsreform --- orientação de política orçamental --- frekuenca vjetore e buxhetit --- Haushaltsdisziplin --- rozpočtová disciplína --- natyra vjetore e buxhetit --- reforma orçamental --- Jährlichkeit des Haushalts --- κατευθύνσεις δημοσιονομικής πολιτικής --- ročné rozpočtové obdobie --- budgetary discipline --- begrotingshervorming --- a költségvetés évenkéntisége --- årsbudget --- eelarvereform --- metinis biudžeto pobūdis --- orientering af budgetpolitik --- orientation de politique budgétaire --- budgettets étårighed --- költségvetési reform --- bepaling van het begrotingsbeleid --- anualidad del presupuesto --- iga-aastane eelarve --- orientamento della politica di bilancio --- budgetary reform --- budjettikuri --- disciplină bugetară --- budžeta reforma --- το ενιαύσιο του προϋπολογισμού --- ročná povaha rozpočtu --- réforme budgétaire --- budžeta disciplīna --- annuality of the budget --- annualità del bilancio --- biudžeto reforma --- budjettiuudistus --- annualité du budget --- disiplinë buxhetore --- orientación de la política presupuestaria --- yearly nature of the budget --- Budgetpolitik --- godišnji proračun --- politique fiscale --- politikë fiskale --- fiskális politika --- фискална политика --- politika zdaňovania --- fiskální politika --- fiskālā politika --- skattepolitik --- politica fiscale --- porezna politika --- φορολογική πολιτική --- politika fiskali --- fiscal policy --- veropolitiikka --- fiskalna politika --- política fiscal --- polityka podatkowa --- fiskalinė politika --- beartas fioscach --- politică fiscală --- Steuerpolitik --- fiskaalpoliitika --- nodokļu politika --- maksupoliitika --- експанзивна фискална политика --- reforma zdaňovania --- politica taxelor --- iždo politika --- adópolitika --- политика на владина потрошувачка --- politikë për tatim-taksat --- taxation policy --- tax policy --- политика на оданочување --- politikë tatimore --- mokesčių politika --- fiscaal beleid --- контрактивна фискална политика --- maksustamispoliitika --- daňová politika --- fiškálna politika --- přerozdělování příjmů --- prerozdeľovanie príjmov --- ienākumu pārdale --- прераспределба на доход --- Einkommensumverteilung --- ridistribuzzjoni tal-introjtu --- tulojen uudelleenjako --- preraspodjela prihoda --- tulude ümberjaotamine --- athdháileadh ioncaim --- jövedelem-újraelosztás --- redistribuirea veniturilor --- redystrybucja dochodu --- omfordeling af indkomst --- redistribution of income --- преразпределение на доход --- redistribution du revenu --- omfördelning av inkomst --- ridistribuzione del reddito --- redistribuição do rendimento --- redistribución de la renta --- pajamų perskirstymas --- прерасподела дохотка --- αναδιανομή του εισοδήματος --- rishpërndarje e të ardhurave --- prerazporeditev dohodka --- přerozdělení příjmů --- přerozdělování výnosů --- redistribuce výnosů --- přerozdělování důchodů --- redistribuce důchodů --- ekonomija tas-suq --- economia de mercado --- market economy --- marknadsekonomi --- пазарна икономика --- Marktwirtschaft --- тржишна привреда --- markedsøkonomi --- piacgazdaság --- economía de mercado --- пазарна економија --- rinkos ekonomika --- économie de marché --- markkinatalous --- economie de piață --- tržno gospodarstvo --- geilleagar margaidh --- tržní ekonomika --- gospodarka rynkowa --- οικονομία της αγοράς --- tirgus ekonomika --- turumajandus --- trhová ekonomika --- tržišna ekonomija --- economia di mercato --- ekonomi e tregut --- tržní hospodářství --- капиталистичка економија --- economía social de mercado --- kapitālisma ekonomika --- kapitālisms --- tržišna privreda --- princip trhu --- kapitalisme --- kapitalistische economie --- capitalisme --- капитализам --- freie Marktwirtschaft --- kapitalistické hospodářství --- kapitalismus --- sociálně tržní hospodářství --- capitalism --- tržišno gospodarstvo --- economía capitalista --- economia capitalista --- kapitalistische Wirtschaft --- kapitalismi --- kapitalizam --- capitalismo --- soziale Marktwirtschaft --- capitalist economy --- kapitalista gazdaság --- kapitalistinen talousjärjestelmä --- kapitalistická ekonomika --- kapitalizmas --- szociális piacgazdaság --- kapitalizmus --- καπιταλισμός --- kapitalistlik majandus --- economie capitalistă --- szabad piacgazdaság --- kapitalistinis ūkis --- καπιταλιστική οικονομία --- economia capitalistica --- kapitalizëm --- Kapitalismus --- ελεύθερη οικονομία --- kapitalism --- kapitalistička ekonomija --- ekonomi kapitaliste --- économie capitaliste --- капиталистички економски систем --- kapitalistisk ekonomi --- systém svobodného podnikání --- volné tržní hospodářství --- markedsdirigeret økonomi --- пазарно стопанство --- kapitalistisk økonomi --- hospodářství --- économie --- икономика --- talous --- gospodarka --- geilleagar --- economia --- majandus --- hospodárstvo --- ekonomika --- economy --- Wirtschaft --- gazdaság --- økonomi --- οικονομία --- привреда --- gospodarstvo --- економија --- ekonomija --- ekonomi --- economía --- ekonomikos mokslas --- gazdálkodás --- стопанство --- държавни финанси --- financat publike --- public finance --- finanțe publice --- finanzi pubbliċi --- javne finance --- öffentliche Finanzen --- offentlige finanser --- finanze pubbliche --- finanse publiczne --- δημόσια οικονομικά --- riigirahandus --- finances publiques --- valsts finanses --- airgeadas poiblí --- verejné financie --- finanças públicas --- julkistalous --- államháztartás --- valstybės finansai --- јавни финансии --- hacienda pública --- javne financije --- veřejné finance --- offentliga finanser --- јавне финансије --- Staatsfinanzen --- közpénzügyek --- finanzas públicas --- ūkis --- overheidsfinanciën --- BPB2301 --- Finances publiques Overheidsfinanciën --- 430.1 Openbare financiën --- Belgique --- Overheidsfinanciën --- Financieel beleid --- Geldwezen --- Politieke economie --- Belasting (fiscaal) --- Begroting --- Bestuurskunde --- Public finance --- Administrative law --- Belgium

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