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Now with a new chapter on Inclusive Leadership adopted in thousands of courses in 89 countries and translated into 15 different languages, this market-leading text successfully combines an academically robust account of the major theories and models of leadership with an accessible style and focus on how leadership theory can inform leadership practice. The author uses a consistent structure for each chapter, allowing readers to easily compare and contrast different theories. Case studies and questionnaires provide students with practical examples and opportunities to deepen their understanding of their own leadership style.
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Les democraties sont actuellement aÌ€ un tournant, soumises aÌ€ des pressions croissantes internes et externes. Cette publication met en lumieÌ€re les grands deÌfis de gouvernance publique auxquels les pays sont confronteÌs aujourd'hui pour preÌserver et renforcer leurs deÌmocraties, notamment : lutter contre la meÌsinformation et la deÌsinformation, ameÌliorer l'ouverture des administrations, la participation des citoyens et l'inclusion, assumer des responsabiliteÌs mondiales et renforcer la reÌsilience face aÌ€ l'influence eÌtrangeÌ€re. Il examine eÌgalement deux theÌ€mes transversaux qui seront essentiels pour des deÌmocraties solides et efficaces : transformer la gouvernance publique au service de la deÌmocratie numeÌrique et preÌparer les gouvernements aÌ€ l'action face aÌ€ l'enjeu climatique et aux autres deÌfis environnementaux. Ces domaines constituent les fondements de la nouvelle initiative de l'OCDE ℗± Renforcer la deÌmocratie ℗», qui a eÌgalement donneÌ lieu aÌ€ l'eÌlaboration de plans d'action visant aÌ€ aider les gouvernements aÌ€ relever ces deÌfis.
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"This book was borne out of an idea that I had during the period in which I spent time with several young people who had approached me to assist them in different ways, including personal development, career advancement and growth, as well as growing their businesses and entrepreneurial acumen and skills. I took the challenge but felt that more could be achieved, hence this book. The chapters in this book are written by each one of these young people. They chose the topics, guided by me, and the plan was to simply convey a message from each one of them about leadership. They did not do this for fame or to sell this book to make money, but to share their ideas. The topics covered in this book will appeal to different readers, and some readers might find more lessons in one chapter or in more chapters than one. I urge each one of you who read this book to pick one or a few lessons and share it with those you wish to make a difference to. Mentorship of young people is critical, but this does not mean that the mentors will provide handouts in the form of money. People who wish to grow, are not interested in money, they are interested in a piece of your generous heart." - Mike Teke
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Nous sommes tous singuliers, chacun de nous a une énergie qui lui est propre. Un leader efficace mobilise les énergies d'une équipe, pour amener chacun à s'impliquer et à avoir envie d'offrir le meilleur de lui-même. Comment parvenir à ce résultat ? Comment stimuler ces énergies, en favoriser l'expression et maintenir leur circulation au sein du collectif ? Cultiver son énergie personnelle et se placer dans de bonnes dispositions permet d'être disponible aux autres. Comment concentrer son énergie, l'utiliser à bon escient et éviter qu'elle ne se disperse inutilement ? Comment la diffuser aux autres ? Pour le leader, la réflexion et la progression sont d'abord intérieures, et se manifestent ensuite à l'extérieur par sa posture et dans les relations qu'il crée. Dans cet ouvrage, Rémi Juët nous guide avec sagesse à travers 52 pistes de réflexion. Son conseil : « Ouvrez une page au hasard et prenez le temps de vous inspirer de ce que vous lisez, même si vous avez un sentiment de déjà su. Si vous considérez que vous avez toujours à découvrir de vous, vous cheminerez alors sur une voie qui révélera votre potentiel. ».
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Trouver du sens dans son travail est plus que jamais vécu comme essentiel. L'entreprise, l'une des organisations humaines les plus capables d'innovation, a un rôle central à jouer face aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux. Reste à déterminer quels principes peuvent guider l'action des dirigeants d'aujourd'hui ... et des dirigeants de demain. C'est ce que cet ouvrage choral propose de mettre en lumière. Loin d'opposer jeunes idéalistes et hommes d'affaires aguerris, les auteurs offrent un espace de dialogue entre des dirigeants et des étudiants. Les uns se confient sur leur parcours, le sens qu'ils trouvent à leur action ; les autres partagent leurs intuitions de l'entreprise et leurs aspirations. De cet échange inédit émerge des principes communs : la nécessité d'être authentique, solidaire avec les autres, et de s'engager pour une raison d'être, une mission. L'enjeu est considérable et traverse les générations : ce livre sera une source d'inspiration indispensable pour les responsables de demain.
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As our societal and economic structures shift in an increasingly VUCA world, it's more important than ever for businesses to modernise their ways of thinking and ways of working to match and adapt to these changes. Leadership, too, must adapt, managing the dual demands of preparing for the future while optimising for today, tapping into their people's creative energy and collective wisdom to maximise the great advantages their purpose-driven problem-solvers can add to the business._x000D__x000D_Character Insights for a Regenerative Future: 5 Leadership Superpowers to Drive Growth, Innovation and The Future of Work - argues that effective leaders are innovators powered by an operating system loaded with character strength apps. Many other leadership-operating systems run applications based on organisational hierarchies, perverse short-term financial incentives, and (increasingly) irrelevant skills. The half-life of these hierarchies and skills is rapidly falling in an increasingly VUCA world. _x000D__x000D_The good news is that overwhelming scientific evidence now demonstrates the link between character strengths and achievement. This book outlines a philosophy focused on maximising innovation effectiveness by leveraging five leadership character strengths: intellectual humility, grit, other-centredness, growth mindset and empathy. It references a rapidly growing body of scientific research and the author's personal experiences working in the corporate innovation space. It highlights that modern strategy design and innovation practices are necessary but insufficient for Better Future Building. Suppose you are a modern leader creating the regenerative future you want by elevating ingenuity, accelerating performance, and avoiding harmful outcomes. In that case, this book provides insights, inspiration and affirmations for character-powered innovation.
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"This revision of the popular guide for leaders in new roles has been updated with new chapters, including sample 100-day action plans as well as: How to build relationships and lead new remote colleagues How to get up to speed and lead your new organization's digital initiatives How to build relationships and lead in a new organization for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Whether you are joining a new organization from the outside, getting promoted from within, leading a turnaround or transformation, or merging teams following an acquisition, The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan will help you take charge, build your team, set direction, and deliver better results faster than anyone thought possible. A practical playbook, this book is complete with the tools, action plans, timelines and key milestones you need to reach along the way to accelerate your own and your team's success in your first 100 days and beyond"--
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Develop your leadership skills and find out how to become a leader people want to work with in this essential pocket guide by world leading leadership expert John Adair.
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Discover the secrets of true leadership, including stealth, self-sufficiency, even-temper, training strategies, and justice. You will learn how to lead from those who actually did.
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