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KU Leuven (6)

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dissertation (6)


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2022 (6)

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Voting power in the Council of the EU: Theory, indices, and application
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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The aim of this thesis is to summarize key power indices, and apply certain indices to the Council of the EU. The applications emphasize the scenarios in which Ukraine joins the EU. I rely on 2021 population data from Eurostat to compute the a priori Banzhaf- and Shapley-Shubik power indices. Furthermore, I employ data from the 2019 Chapel Hill Expert Survey to calculate a posteriori power using the status quo index. I compute a posteriori power for the EU27 in three distinct policy areas: cohesion, asylum, and redistribution.


The demand for ignorance: an investigation into intentional information avoidance along demographic lines
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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Individuals have been seen to intentionally avoid costless information in order to act in their own self-interest despite making different, more pro-social choices when they are made aware of the information. This moral "wiggle room" phenomenon has previously been explored generally. The present study sets out to explore the presence of the phenomenon along various demographic lines relating to gender and education. In a comparison of a baseline and modified, hidden information dictator game, the general moral "wiggle room" phenomenon was replicated among participants, though gender and academic discipline studied among students did not appear to be indicators of the inclination to engage in moral wiggle room practices. However, education level and student status did appear to affect the willingness of participants to engage in intentional information avoidance. These findings provide insight into the demographic underpinning of intentional information avoidance.


Predicting crises
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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This paper aims to investigate macro variables movement in the window of banking, currency and default crisis between advanced and emerging economies. In addition, this dissertation evaluates the possibility of each crisis in advanced and emerging countries by employing a conditional logit model with country-fixed effects. We find that banking crises are closely linked to advanced countries' current accounts and the output gap. Meanwhile, foreign reserves, real exchange rate deviation and output gap prove to be statistically significant in emerging countries. For currency crises, we can justify the significant effects of public debt, domestic credit (relative to output), real exchange rate misalignment, and output gap for ADV, but only the current account over the output for EME. In general, an increase in the current account and foreign reserves reduces the possibility of a bank or currency recession, while a domestic credit surge would raise the likelihood of having a crisis. The results highlight that countries can reduce the frequency of financial crises by adopting prudent policies. The model estimates that higher levels of public debt to GDP predict a decreased chance of a currency crisis in ADV. The effect of output gap and real exchange rate deviation on the predictive ability of the logit model is mixed. For default crises, the model fails to find significant early warning indicators.


The demand for ignorance: an investigation into intentional information avoidance along demographic lines
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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Individuals have been seen to intentionally avoid costless information in order to act in their own self-interest despite making different, more pro-social choices when they are made aware of the information. This moral "wiggle room" phenomenon has previously been explored generally. The present study sets out to explore the presence of the phenomenon along various demographic lines relating to gender and education. In a comparison of a baseline and modified, hidden information dictator game, the general moral "wiggle room" phenomenon was replicated among participants, though gender and academic discipline studied among students did not appear to be indicators of the inclination to engage in moral wiggle room practices. However, education level and student status did appear to affect the willingness of participants to engage in intentional information avoidance. These findings provide insight into the demographic underpinning of intentional information avoidance.


Bayesian persuasion: obedience and trust
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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This study aims to better understand the relationship between an individual (Sender) trying to influence decisions made by another individual (Receiver) who must make choices that directly influence the Sender's state. This study takes the form of an experiment with 45 Taiwanese and European students. We first show that the obedience principle mentioned Bayesian persuasion literature - "If the Receiver is indifferent between some actions at a given belief, we assume she takes an action that maximizes Sender's expected utility" - is not verified empirically. Next, we find that age has a significant impact on disobedience. On the other hand, we find that gender, nationality and the level of quantitative training do not have a significant impact on the degree to which participants will follow our advice. We then propose to look at the Sender/Receiver relationship from the perspective of trust and from the hypothesis that the more similar the two individuals are, the higher the level of follow. Although we do not find significant results to confirm this, we do find that the group that follows the Sender's advice the least is the group that is furthest from the Sender in terms of gender and nationality. We also find that age positively and significantly predicts the risk-averse strategy played by some participants.


"Kartelopsporing aan de hand van behavioral screens: een case study over het Europees vrachtwagenkartel" & "De evolutie van het Europees clementiebeleid en het effect op kartelvorming"
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

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n deze tweedelige thesis wordt er onderzoek verricht naar de opsporing en bestrijding van kartels. Enerzijds worden de behavioral screens onderzocht die trachten kartels vroegtijdig op te sporen en worden deze toegepast op het Europees vrachtwagenkartel. Anderzijds wordt de evolutie van het Europees clementiebeleid en de impact ervan op kartelvorming geanalyseerd. We stellen vast dat het clementiebeleid een belangrijke rol speelt bij kartelbestrijding in Europa, maar dat dit beleid nog steeds gekenmerkt wordt door beperkingen die de effectiviteit ervan ondermijnen. Dit geeft aan dat er nog ruimte voor verbetering is. Behavioral screens proberen daarentegen kartels vroegtijdig op te sporen door het gedrag van ondernemingen te analyseren, zonder dat er op een klokkenluider moet worden gewacht. Deze benadering staat dus in contrast met het clementiebeleid dat inspeelt op uitlokken van verklikkingen door de kartelleden.


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