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Recent years have seen a growing interest in animal wellbeing. People tend to care more and more with the wellbeing of their companions. For many, a cat or a dog deserves to live well, and it would be a shame not to give them the best care possible. That passion now extends to others animals, previously considered as farm animals such as rabbits, guinea pig or even hens. This work focuses on the last, the hens, previously reduced to farm animals to provide eggs and eat the household leftovers. Hens are now, in many households, part of their pet family. People now keep hens not only for their eggs, but also for the life they bring to the garden. As such, they care about their health and their wellbeing. Meanwhile, people aspire to less mental load, less things to care. Nevertheless, a hen is a vulnerable animal and demands a strict daily workload. One needs to check if it is securely in the chicken coop for the night and close it so that it is sheltered from predators. Recent years have seen huge technological advances in the digital world. With everybody carrying a smartphone, staying connected has become an habit . The long-awaited smart houses are now a reality, with many people controlling their lights, door locking system, alarms, home appliances, etc. Anything with electrical power can now technically be controlled or monitored from a smartphone. This thesis aims to explore the possibly to build a business around the warranty of hens wellbeing and protection without adding mental load for their holders.
Business Model Canvas --- Lean Startup --- IoT --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Stratégie & innovation
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Long description: Ideen, Inspirationen und Erkenntnisse aus dem traditionellen Storytelling für next-level UX-Design Erfolgreich Methoden, Werkzeuge und Techniken des Storytelling auf Produktdesign anwenden Mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen und praxisnahen Übungen Ohne abgelutschte Vergleiche und mit dem nötigen Tiefgang Angesichts der Vielfalt der heutigen Geräte, Schnittstellen und Kanäle haben Sie immer weniger Kontrolle darüber, wie Nutzer*innen Ihre sorgfältig konzipierten Produkte erleben. Trotzdem ist es für Sie sehr wichtig zu verstehen, an welchen Punkten der User Journey Ihre Kunden sich befinden, damit Sie die passenden Inhalte und interaktiven Elemente zur richtigen Zeit und auf dem richtigen Gerät bereitstellen können. Mit diesem praktischen Leitfaden lernen Sie, welchen positiven Einfluss Storytelling auf Ihr Produktdesign haben kann und wie es Ihnen dabei hilft, die UX Ihrer Produkte entscheidend zu verbessern. Anna Dahlström zeigt Ihnen anhand zahlreicher spannender Beispiele, wie Sie Storytelling einsetzen und bewährte Prinzipien aus Film und Literatur wie Heldenreise und Storyboards anwenden, um großartige Produkterfahrungen zu erzeugen. - Erfahren Sie, wie die Anatomie einer guten Geschichte Ihr Produktdesign maßgeblich verbessern kann. - Entdecken Sie, wie sich traditionelle Prinzipien, Werkzeuge und Techniken des Storytellings auf wichtige Faktoren des Produktdesigns auswirken. - Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit zielgerichtetem Storytelling die richtige Geschichte erzählen und Menschen zum Handeln motivieren. - Nutzen Sie die Regeln des Storytellings, um Ihre Produkte vorzustellen, zu präsentieren und zu verkaufen. Biographical note: Anna Dahlström ist eine schwedische UX-Designerin mit Sitz in London und die Gründerin von UX Fika. Seit 2001 arbeitet sie für Kund*innen, Agenturen und Start-ups an einer Vielzahl von Marken und Projekten, von Websites und Apps bis hin zu Bots und TV-Interfaces.
Marketing --- Handbuch --- Produktdesign --- Design --- Product Owner --- User Interface --- Erzähltheorie --- User Experience --- UX --- Startup --- Persona --- Grafikdesign --- UI --- App-Design --- Web-Design --- User Journey --- Requirement Engeneering --- Erzählstrukturen
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This open access book focuses on explaining differences amongst organizations regarding various attributes, forms, and outcomes. By focusing on the how of new venture creation and management to produce well-established organizations, the authors aim to increase our understanding of the antecedents of most management research assumptions. New ventures are the source of most newly created jobs generated in an economy, new industries and markets, innovative products and services, and new solutions to economic, social, and environmental problems. However, most management research assumes a well-established organization as the starting point of their theorizing. Building on the notion of guided attention, it details how entrepreneurs can allocate their transient attention to identify potential opportunities from environmental change and how entrepreneurs allocate their sustained attention to form beliefs about radical and incremental opportunities requiring entrepreneurial action.
Business planning. --- Entrepreneurship. --- Strategic planning. --- Goal setting (Strategic planning) --- Planning, Strategic --- Strategic intent (Strategic planning) --- Strategic management --- Planning --- Business planning --- Entrepreneur --- Intrapreneur --- Capitalism --- Business incubators --- Business enterprises --- Business plans --- Corporate planning --- Corporate strategy --- Corporations --- Strategy, Corporate --- Strategic planning --- Entrepreneurship --- New Ventures --- New Venture Creation --- Startup --- Lean Startup --- Opportunity Co-Construction --- Scaling --- entrepreneur --- opportunity --- founder --- entrepreneurial team --- entrepreneurial cognition
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Long description: Sie skalieren ein Start-up, haben aber nur eine dunkle Ahnung, wie man das am besten macht? Dann geht es Ihnen wie den meisten Führungskräften in Wachstumsunternehmen – auch die haben keine Zeit, unzählige Bücher und Blogs zu lesen, Hunderte Podcasts zu hören und das ganze Wissen dann auch noch für die Praxis zuzuschneiden. Darum haben Martin Schilling und Thomas Klugkist das übernommen: Ausgehend von 40 Jahren kombinierter Erfahrung beim Aufbau von Unternehmen, haben sie Interviews mit rund 100 führenden Scale-up-Experten aus weltweit erfolgreichen Technologieunternehmen geführt – darunter Airbnb, Pinterest, N26, Zalando, Salesforce, Wayfair, AWS, GetYourGuide, Klarna und Hubspot. Aus diesem konzentrierten Know-how entstand dieses Handbuch für Start-up-Teams und -Führungskräfte, (zukünftige) Gründer und Gründerinnen, Investoren und Investorinnen sowie Innovationsabteilungen großer Unternehmen. Dabei geht es nicht darum, ein kleines Unternehmen von Zero to One oder eine Einhornfirma an die Börse zu bringen. Der Builder's Guide zielt auf die kritische Scale-up-Phase in der Mitte – in der sich ein Piratenschiff zu einem Raumschiff transformiert. Das Buch umfasst 99 Praxismodule zu den Themen Nordstern, AAA-Team, funktionale Exzellenz und Wachstumskapital. Wer hier gezielt sucht, findet in wenigen Minuten, was er schon am nächsten Montag anders macht.Für jeden Unternehmensbereich:Exemplarische OrganigrammeZiele und Schlüsselergebnisse (OKRs)Werkzeuge, Benchmarks und WachstumsformelnVertiefende digitale Inhalte als Augmented-Reality: Videos, Templates u.a.Außerdem: Vorworte von Thomas Heilmann, Christian Miele, Kulraj Smagh, Klaus Hommels und Joel Kaczmarek.Mit der kostenlosen App smARt Haufe" wird Ihr Buch interaktiv:Augmented-Reality-App für Smartphones und Tablets (iOS und Android)App "smARt Haufe" kostenlos downloaden, Buchseiten mit dem Smartphone scannen und Zusatzfunktionen nutzenDigitale Zusatzinhalte: VideosStimmen aus der Start-up-Szene:"Der Builder's Guide wird für Gründer und Gründerinnen, die sich auf der Reise der schnellen Skalierung befinden, unverzichtbar sein. Die hier zusammengetragenen, sofort umsetzbaren Maßnahmen werden der nächsten Generation von Start-ups helfen, globale Ambitionen zu erfüllen und eine Praxis der ständigen Entdeckung zu etablieren, durch die sie heute und vor allem morgen an der Spitze des Feldes bleiben werden."Kulraj Smagh, CEO bei Ciklum"Der Builder's Guide überführt das bei erfolgreichen Gründern schlummernde Erfahrungswissen in ein Framework. Wo Software-Unternehmens-Gründungen Skaleneffekte wie nie zuvor ermöglichen, ist ein solches Instrumentarium ungemein wichtig geworden."Joël Kaczmarek, Geschäftsführer digital kompakt Biographical note: Martin Schilling Dr. Martin Schilling war COO des FinTechs N26, zuvor Berater bei McKinsey, gründete und skalierte mehrere erfolgreiche Ventures (darunter eine Stiftung in Argentinien, ein öffentliches Unternehmen in Saudi-Arabien, ein Startup in Berlin, das McKinsey-Tochterunternehmen Orphoz) und ist Autor und Keynote Speaker mit Fokus auf Tech-Startups und Scale-ups. Thomas Klugkist Dr. Thomas Klugkist ist erfahrener Medien-, Kommunikations- und Change-Manager sowie Berater (Klett-Gruppe, Kirch-Gruppe, KPN/ Planet Internet, Schott Music, N26), ehemaliger Geschäftsführer eines Gründerverbandes (JCI Germany) und Autor mehrerer erfolgreicher Bücher.
Investition --- Geschäftsmodell --- Business --- Wachstum --- Unternehmer --- Unternehmensgründung --- Gründer --- Finanzierung --- Profit --- Kapital --- Handbuch --- Börsengang --- Investor --- Start-up --- Entrepreneurship --- Leitfaden --- Investoren --- Wachstumsrate --- Startup --- Toolkit --- Scale-Up --- Entrepreneur --- unternehmensgründer --- Wachstumsstrategie --- Skalierung --- OKR --- Unicorn --- Einhornfirma --- scaleup --- Martin Schilling --- Thomas Klugkist --- Wachstumsphase --- Marktbewertung --- Unicorn Firma --- Scaling
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Long description: Mit der richtigen Strategie Zeit und Geld sparen und Kunden überzeugen Das Buch verbindet UX-Design mit Geschäftsstrategie. Übersetzung der zweiten englischen Auflage mit topaktuellen Beispielen und Techniken, inkl. Online-Nutzerforschung Voller Praxisbezug und einem kostenlosen Toolkit zum Herunterladen und Loslegen User-Experience-Strategie schließt die Wissenslücke zwischen Geschäftsstrategie und UX-Design, aber bis jetzt gab es kein einfach anzuwendendes Framework für die Umsetzung. Dieser praktische Leitfaden stellt leicht verständliche Strategie-Tools und -Techniken vor, die Ihnen und Ihrem Team helfen, innovative Multi-Device-Produkte zu entwickeln, die von den Nutzern gerne verwendet werden. Die erfolgreiche UX-Strategin Jaime Levy zeigt UX/UI-Designer*innen, Produktmanager*innen und angehenden Strateg*innen einfache bis fortgeschrittene Methoden, die sofort angewendet werden können. Durch Business Cases und anschauliche Praxisbeispiele erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke und ein topaktuelles Kapitel über die Durchführung qualitativer Online-Nutzerforschung rundet das Buch ab. - Definieren Sie Wertversprechen und validieren Sie Zielkunden durch provisorische Personas und Techniken zur Kundenfindung - Erkunden Sie Marktchancen durch die Durchführung von Wettbewerbsforschung und -analyse - Entwerfen Sie Experimente mit schnellen Prototypen, die auf das Geschäftsmodell ausgerichtet sind - Führen Sie Online-Nutzerforschung durch, um schnell und mit jedem Budget wertvolle Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen - Testen Sie Geschäftsideen und validieren Sie Marketingkanäle, indem Sie Online-Werbung und Landing-Page-Kampagnen durchführen Biographical note: Jaime Levy ist Produktstrategin, Autorin, Professorin und öffentliche Rednerin mit Sitz in Los Angeles und Berlin. Sie berät Führungskräfte und interne Teams bei der Umsetzung ihrer Produktvisionen in innovative digitale Lösungen, die von Kunden gewünscht werden. Jaime bietet Inhouse-Schulungen an, leitet öffentliche/private Workshops und spricht auf Design- und Innovationskonferenzen weltweit. Sie unterrichtete Produktdesign- und Strategiekurse und hielt Vorträge an Universitäten. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren ist Jaime eine Pionierin bei der Entwicklung von bahnbrechenden digitalen Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Sie hat für Fortune 500-Unternehmen und preisgekrönte Agenturen gearbeitet und die UX bei Projekten in den Bereichen Unterhaltung, Gesundheitswesen, Finanzen und Technologie geleitet.
Innovation --- Lean --- Konkurrenzanalyse --- Produktdesign --- Product management --- Product Owner --- Leitfaden --- User Experience --- Prototyping --- Startup --- Personas --- online research --- Geschäftsstrategie --- UI --- Nutzererfahrung --- Nutzerforschung --- User Research --- UX-Design --- Produktstrategie --- Designstrategie --- Wertinnovation --- Growth Hacking
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The demand for computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based numerical techniques is increasing rapidly with the development of the computing power system. These advanced CFD techniques are applicable to various issues in the industrial engineering fields and especially contribute to the design of fluid machinery and fluid devices, which have very complicated unsteady flow phenomena and physics. In other words, to aid the rapid development of CFD techniques, the performances of fluid machinery and fluid devices with complicated unsteady flows have been enhanced significantly. In addition, many persistently troublesome problems of fluid machinery and fluid devices such as flow instability, rotor–stator interaction, surging, cavitation, vibration, and noise are solved clearly using advanced CFD techniques.This Special Issue on “CFD-Based Research and Applications for Fluid Machinery and Fluid Devices” aims to present recent novel research trends based on advanced CFD techniques for fluid machinery and fluid devices. The following topics, among others, are included in this issue:- CFD techniques and applications in fluid machinery and fluid devices;- Unsteady and transient phenomena in fluid machinery and fluid devices;- Pumps, fans, compressors, hydraulic turbines, pump turbines, valves, etc.
Technology: general issues --- centrifugal fan --- noise characteristics --- power consumption --- negative pressure --- sound pressure --- mechanical seal --- dynamic characteristics --- extrusion fault --- numerical simulation --- sealing performance --- fluent --- inducer --- step casing --- varying pitch --- cavitating flow and instabilities --- partial similarity principle --- flow similarity --- stability improvement --- multi-condition optimization --- cavitation performance --- artificial neural networks (ANN) --- net positive suction head (NPSH) --- double suction --- cascade --- aerodynamic --- parameterization --- plane cascade design --- incidence angle --- PSO-MVFSA --- optimization --- two-vane pump --- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) --- Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) --- machine learning --- energy recovery --- pump as turbine --- vortex --- hydraulic losses --- pressure fluctuation --- transient characteristics --- centrifugal pump --- startup period --- solar air heater --- ribs --- Nusselt number --- friction factor --- Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations --- thrust coefficient --- power coefficient --- figure of merit --- frozen rotor --- UAV --- octorotor SUAV --- aerodynamic performance --- rotor spacing --- hover --- CFD --- vortices distribution --- shape optimization --- Francis turbine --- fixed flow passage --- flow uniformity --- blade outlet angle --- Sirocco fan --- URANS --- volute tongue radius --- internal flow --- noise --- film cooling --- large eddy simulation --- triple holes --- blowing ratio --- adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness --- proper orthogonal decomposition --- axial compressor --- tip clearance --- flow field --- clearance --- flow function --- gas turbine --- leakage --- pressure ratio --- stepped labyrinth seal --- axial-flow pump --- root clearance radius --- computational fluid dynamics --- entropy production --- energy dissipation --- vortex pump --- lateral cavity --- open-design --- spiral flow --- reactor coolant pump (RCP) --- waviness --- leakage rate --- liquid film --- axial fan --- reversible --- jet --- design --- thrust --- energy characteristics --- mixing --- pitched blade turbine --- impeller --- inverse design method --- matching optimization --- diffuser --- small hydropower --- tubular turbine --- fish farm --- performance test --- design factors --- optimum model --- the mixed free-surface-pressurized flow --- characteristic implicit method --- relative roughness --- vent holes --- optimization control --- microchannel heat sink --- wavy microchannel --- groove --- heat transfer performance --- laminar flow --- multi-objective optimization --- LHS --- full factorial methods --- pump-turbine --- dynamic stress --- start-up process --- vortex generator (VG) --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- cell-set model --- RANS --- LES --- multistage centrifugal pump --- double-suction impeller --- twin-volute --- inducer-type guide vane --- trailing edge flap (TEF) --- trailing edge flap with Micro-Tab --- deflection angle of the flap (αF) --- n/a --- Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations
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The demand for computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based numerical techniques is increasing rapidly with the development of the computing power system. These advanced CFD techniques are applicable to various issues in the industrial engineering fields and especially contribute to the design of fluid machinery and fluid devices, which have very complicated unsteady flow phenomena and physics. In other words, to aid the rapid development of CFD techniques, the performances of fluid machinery and fluid devices with complicated unsteady flows have been enhanced significantly. In addition, many persistently troublesome problems of fluid machinery and fluid devices such as flow instability, rotor–stator interaction, surging, cavitation, vibration, and noise are solved clearly using advanced CFD techniques.This Special Issue on “CFD-Based Research and Applications for Fluid Machinery and Fluid Devices” aims to present recent novel research trends based on advanced CFD techniques for fluid machinery and fluid devices. The following topics, among others, are included in this issue:- CFD techniques and applications in fluid machinery and fluid devices;- Unsteady and transient phenomena in fluid machinery and fluid devices;- Pumps, fans, compressors, hydraulic turbines, pump turbines, valves, etc.
centrifugal fan --- noise characteristics --- power consumption --- negative pressure --- sound pressure --- mechanical seal --- dynamic characteristics --- extrusion fault --- numerical simulation --- sealing performance --- fluent --- inducer --- step casing --- varying pitch --- cavitating flow and instabilities --- partial similarity principle --- flow similarity --- stability improvement --- multi-condition optimization --- cavitation performance --- artificial neural networks (ANN) --- net positive suction head (NPSH) --- double suction --- cascade --- aerodynamic --- parameterization --- plane cascade design --- incidence angle --- PSO-MVFSA --- optimization --- two-vane pump --- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) --- Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) --- machine learning --- energy recovery --- pump as turbine --- vortex --- hydraulic losses --- pressure fluctuation --- transient characteristics --- centrifugal pump --- startup period --- solar air heater --- ribs --- Nusselt number --- friction factor --- Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations --- thrust coefficient --- power coefficient --- figure of merit --- frozen rotor --- UAV --- octorotor SUAV --- aerodynamic performance --- rotor spacing --- hover --- CFD --- vortices distribution --- shape optimization --- Francis turbine --- fixed flow passage --- flow uniformity --- blade outlet angle --- Sirocco fan --- URANS --- volute tongue radius --- internal flow --- noise --- film cooling --- large eddy simulation --- triple holes --- blowing ratio --- adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness --- proper orthogonal decomposition --- axial compressor --- tip clearance --- flow field --- clearance --- flow function --- gas turbine --- leakage --- pressure ratio --- stepped labyrinth seal --- axial-flow pump --- root clearance radius --- computational fluid dynamics --- entropy production --- energy dissipation --- vortex pump --- lateral cavity --- open-design --- spiral flow --- reactor coolant pump (RCP) --- waviness --- leakage rate --- liquid film --- axial fan --- reversible --- jet --- design --- thrust --- energy characteristics --- mixing --- pitched blade turbine --- impeller --- inverse design method --- matching optimization --- diffuser --- small hydropower --- tubular turbine --- fish farm --- performance test --- design factors --- optimum model --- the mixed free-surface-pressurized flow --- characteristic implicit method --- relative roughness --- vent holes --- optimization control --- microchannel heat sink --- wavy microchannel --- groove --- heat transfer performance --- laminar flow --- multi-objective optimization --- LHS --- full factorial methods --- pump-turbine --- dynamic stress --- start-up process --- vortex generator (VG) --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- cell-set model --- RANS --- LES --- multistage centrifugal pump --- double-suction impeller --- twin-volute --- inducer-type guide vane --- trailing edge flap (TEF) --- trailing edge flap with Micro-Tab --- deflection angle of the flap (αF) --- n/a --- Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations
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The demand for computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based numerical techniques is increasing rapidly with the development of the computing power system. These advanced CFD techniques are applicable to various issues in the industrial engineering fields and especially contribute to the design of fluid machinery and fluid devices, which have very complicated unsteady flow phenomena and physics. In other words, to aid the rapid development of CFD techniques, the performances of fluid machinery and fluid devices with complicated unsteady flows have been enhanced significantly. In addition, many persistently troublesome problems of fluid machinery and fluid devices such as flow instability, rotor–stator interaction, surging, cavitation, vibration, and noise are solved clearly using advanced CFD techniques.This Special Issue on “CFD-Based Research and Applications for Fluid Machinery and Fluid Devices” aims to present recent novel research trends based on advanced CFD techniques for fluid machinery and fluid devices. The following topics, among others, are included in this issue:- CFD techniques and applications in fluid machinery and fluid devices;- Unsteady and transient phenomena in fluid machinery and fluid devices;- Pumps, fans, compressors, hydraulic turbines, pump turbines, valves, etc.
Technology: general issues --- centrifugal fan --- noise characteristics --- power consumption --- negative pressure --- sound pressure --- mechanical seal --- dynamic characteristics --- extrusion fault --- numerical simulation --- sealing performance --- fluent --- inducer --- step casing --- varying pitch --- cavitating flow and instabilities --- partial similarity principle --- flow similarity --- stability improvement --- multi-condition optimization --- cavitation performance --- artificial neural networks (ANN) --- net positive suction head (NPSH) --- double suction --- cascade --- aerodynamic --- parameterization --- plane cascade design --- incidence angle --- PSO-MVFSA --- optimization --- two-vane pump --- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) --- Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) --- machine learning --- energy recovery --- pump as turbine --- vortex --- hydraulic losses --- pressure fluctuation --- transient characteristics --- centrifugal pump --- startup period --- solar air heater --- ribs --- Nusselt number --- friction factor --- Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations --- thrust coefficient --- power coefficient --- figure of merit --- frozen rotor --- UAV --- octorotor SUAV --- aerodynamic performance --- rotor spacing --- hover --- CFD --- vortices distribution --- shape optimization --- Francis turbine --- fixed flow passage --- flow uniformity --- blade outlet angle --- Sirocco fan --- URANS --- volute tongue radius --- internal flow --- noise --- film cooling --- large eddy simulation --- triple holes --- blowing ratio --- adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness --- proper orthogonal decomposition --- axial compressor --- tip clearance --- flow field --- clearance --- flow function --- gas turbine --- leakage --- pressure ratio --- stepped labyrinth seal --- axial-flow pump --- root clearance radius --- computational fluid dynamics --- entropy production --- energy dissipation --- vortex pump --- lateral cavity --- open-design --- spiral flow --- reactor coolant pump (RCP) --- waviness --- leakage rate --- liquid film --- axial fan --- reversible --- jet --- design --- thrust --- energy characteristics --- mixing --- pitched blade turbine --- impeller --- inverse design method --- matching optimization --- diffuser --- small hydropower --- tubular turbine --- fish farm --- performance test --- design factors --- optimum model --- the mixed free-surface-pressurized flow --- characteristic implicit method --- relative roughness --- vent holes --- optimization control --- microchannel heat sink --- wavy microchannel --- groove --- heat transfer performance --- laminar flow --- multi-objective optimization --- LHS --- full factorial methods --- pump-turbine --- dynamic stress --- start-up process --- vortex generator (VG) --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- cell-set model --- RANS --- LES --- multistage centrifugal pump --- double-suction impeller --- twin-volute --- inducer-type guide vane --- trailing edge flap (TEF) --- trailing edge flap with Micro-Tab --- deflection angle of the flap (αF)
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