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Law --- Equality --- Equality. --- Law. --- Minnesota. --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Egalitarianism --- Inequality --- Social equality --- Social inequality --- Political science --- Sociology --- Democracy --- Liberty --- Regions --- MN --- State of Minnesota --- US-MN --- Minnesota Territory
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"Autism has become an all-too-common diagnosis here in the United States. Typically diagnosed in early childhood, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is identified based on developmental delays in three areas: language, social skills, and particular behaviors. But what Americans know and think about autism is shaped by our social relationship to health, disease, and our country's medical system. The Western Disease explores the ways that Somali recent immigrants make sense of their children's diagnosis of autism. Having never heard of the disease before migrating to North America, they often determine that since autism doesn't exist in Somalia, it must be a Western disease. Many even believe it is Somalis' forced migration to North America that has rendered their children vulnerable to the development of autism. As Decoteau shows, autism--as a category, identity, and diagnosis--does not exist in Somalia because the infrastructure for its emergence is absent. When Somalis say that autism does not exist in Somalia, however, they mean that the disorder is Western in nature--that it is caused by environmental and health conditions unique to life in North America. Following Somali parents as they struggle to make sense of their children's illness and advocate for alternative care, Decoteau untangles the complicated ways immigration, race, and class affect the Somali relationship to the disease, and how this helps us understand our distinctly American approach to healthcare"--
Attitude --- Autism --- Autism. --- Autisme --- Autisme. --- Autistic Disorder --- Autistic Disorder. --- Emigrants and Immigrants. --- Immigrants --- Immigrants. --- MEDICAL / Internal Medicine. --- Public Opinion. --- Social medicine --- Social medicine. --- Somalis --- Somalis. --- Ethnology. --- Public opinion. --- Opinion publique. --- Attitudes --- Attitudes. --- Amérique du Nord. --- Minnesota --- Minnesota. --- North America. --- Ontario --- Ontario. --- Somalia.
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Educational fund raising --- Recaptació de fons --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Col·lecta de fons --- Beneficència --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Recaptació de fons. --- Estats Units d'Amèrica.
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Critical care medicine --- Law and legislation --- Intensive care --- Intensive medicine --- Medicine --- Emergency medicine --- Intensive care units --- Medicina intensiva --- Legislació --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Activitat legislativa --- Dret constitucional --- Fonts del dret --- Delegació legislativa --- Iniciativa legislativa --- Legislació educativa --- Legislació sanitària --- Llacunes legals --- Lleis --- Parlaments --- Procediment legislatiu --- Procediment parlamentari --- Recurs d'inconstitucionalitat --- Reglaments administratius --- Comentaris sobre legislació --- Dret --- Cures intensives --- Medicina crítica --- Medicina --- Cura dels malalts terminals --- Infermeria en cures intensives --- Malalts en estat crític --- Medicina intensiva en cardiologia --- Monitoratge de pacients --- Pediatria intensiva --- Medicina d'urgència --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Estats Units d'Amèrica.
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This volume advocates for justice in language rights through its explorations of bilingualism in family therapy, from the perspectives of eighteen languages identified by the authors: Black Talk/Ebonics/Slang, Farsi, Fenglish, Arabic, Italian, Cantonese Chinese, South Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Chilean Spanish, Mexican Spanish, Colombian Spanglish, Madrileño Spanish, Spanglish, Pocho Spanish, Colloquial Spanish, and English. It identifies standard English as the current language most often used across family therapy programs and services in the United States. The book discusses efforts to respond to the rapidly changing linguistic landscape and the increasingly high demand for appropriate therapy services that respond effectively to diverse families in America. It discusses recruitment and training of linguistically diverse family therapists and strategies to promote linguistic equality to support the rights of family therapists, their practices, and the communities they serve. Chapters explore ways to integrate languages in professional and personal lives, including the improvisational, self-taught translanguaging skills and practices that go beyond the lexical and grammatical rules of a language. The book describes the creative use of native or heritage languages to ensure that the juxtaposition of English therapeutic and daily-life landscapes is integrated into family therapy settings. It discusses contextual, relational, therapeutic, and training potential offered by bilingualism as well as the necessary transmutations in theory and practice. This volume is an essential resource for clinicians, therapists, and practitioners as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students in family studies, clinical psychology, and public health as well as all interrelated disciplines.
Family psychotherapy. --- Social justice. --- Family group therapy --- Family therapy --- Families --- Group psychotherapy --- Marriage counseling --- Equality --- Justice --- Health and hygiene --- Psicoteràpia familiar --- Anglès --- Lingua franca --- Llengües en contacte --- Bilingüisme --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Contacte de llengües --- Llengües mixtes --- Substrat (Lingüística) --- Interferència (Lingüística) --- Llengües comercials --- Pidgin (Llengües) --- Llengua anglesa --- Llengües germàniques --- Anglès medieval --- Anglès parlat --- Manuscrits anglesos --- Abreviatures angleses --- Filologia anglesa --- Spanglish --- Teràpia familiar --- Psicoteràpia de grup --- Psicoteràpia de la parella --- Teràpia familiar sistèmica --- Mediació familiar --- Dualitat lingüística --- Multilingüisme --- Alternança de codi (Lingüística) --- Bilingüisme en els infants --- Ensenyament bilingüe --- Llengua de treball --- Llibres bilingües --- Llengües modernes --- Minorització (Lingüística) --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica)
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This book provides scholars, educators, and legislators with a personal, classroom-level tour of daily life at a community college. Readers will accompany the author into the classroom as he goes about his work as an English teacher meeting with classes and corresponding with students on Blackboard and e-mail. Answering the call for ”student-centered scholarship,” this book blends traditional academic writing with chapters that feature a rich variety of student work, including essays, journal entries, poems, art, and responses to creative assignments. In this volume, Sullivan theorizes the modern community college as a social justice institution: by mission and mandate, the modern community college has democratized America’s system of higher education and distributed hope, equity, and opportunity more broadly across the nation. Patrick Sullivan is Professor of English at Manchester Community College, USA.
Educació superior --- Justícia social --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Igualtat --- Justícia ambiental --- Justícia distributiva --- Reparacions d'injustícies històriques --- Reivindicacions socials --- Educació universitària --- Ensenyament superior --- Ensenyament universitari --- Estudis superiors --- Estudis universitaris --- Etapes educatives --- Abandó dels estudis (Educació superior) --- Competències transversals --- Educació clàssica --- Ensenyament de la biblioteconomia --- Estudis de postgrau --- Extensió universitària --- Lectura (Educació superior) --- Orientació en l'educació superior --- Primer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Seminaris --- Tercer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Campus virtuals --- Escrits acadèmics --- Pràcticums --- Universitats --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Social justice and education --- Community college students --- Community colleges --- Education and social justice --- Education --- Education, Higher. --- Schools. --- Social justice. --- Education and state. --- Citizenship --- Literacy. --- Higher Education. --- School and Schooling. --- Social Justice. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Citizenship Education. --- Study and teaching. --- Illiteracy --- General education --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Equality --- Justice --- Public institutions --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Government policy
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Aspectes psicològics --- Prevenció del delicte --- Psicologia de l'adolescència --- Violència escolar --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Violència a l'escola --- Violència a les escoles --- Violència estudiantil --- Violència --- Mediació escolar --- Psicologia dels adolescents --- Psicologia --- Emocions en els adolescents --- Imatge del propi cos en els adolescents --- Psicologia infantil --- Youth Self-Report --- Antropologia criminal --- Delictes --- Política criminal --- Programes de prevenció --- Delators --- Educació i delinqüència --- Esterilització eugenèsica --- Mesures de seguretat (Dret penal) --- Psicologia criminal --- Serveis de seguretat privats --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- School shootings --- Shootings in schools --- Assault and battery --- School violence --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Aspectes psicològics. --- Estats Units d'Amèrica.
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Ecologia del foc --- Gestió forestal --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Administració dels boscos --- Administració forestal --- Desenvolupament forestal --- Gestió dels boscos --- Ordenació dels boscos --- Ordenació forestal --- Gestió dels ecosistemes --- Gestió de recursos naturals --- Conservació dels boscos --- Guardaboscos --- Política forestal --- Silvicultura --- Aspectes ambientals dels focs --- Aspectes ambientals dels incendis --- Ecologia dels focs --- Ecologia dels incendis forestals --- Ecosistemes dels focs --- Ecologia --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Forest fires --- Environmental aspects. --- Forest fire ecology --- Fire ecology --- Forest ecology --- Ecology --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Estats Units d'Amèrica.
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Food habits --- Families --- Food security --- Social aspects --- Food deserts --- Food insecurity --- Insecurity, Food --- Security, Food --- Human security --- Food supply --- Eating --- Food customs --- Foodways --- Human beings --- Habit --- Manners and customs --- Diet --- Nutrition --- Oral habits --- Hàbits alimentaris --- Consum d'aliments --- Alimentació infantil --- Família --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Famílies --- Institucions socials --- Acolliment familiar --- Avis --- Avis i néts --- Bessons --- Caps de família --- Clans --- Comunicació en la família --- Conciliació de la vida familiar i laboral --- Constel·lacions familiars --- Persones dependents --- Divorci --- Educació familiar --- Famílies adoptives --- Famílies amb problemes --- Famílies d'acollida --- Famílies homoparentals --- Famílies immigrants --- Famílies nombroses --- Famílies rurals --- Germans (Antropologia) --- Pares --- Pares i fills --- Relacions personal sanitari-família --- Treball social familiar --- Treballadors familiars --- Matriarcat --- Mediació familiar --- Patriarcat --- Relacions familiars --- Alimentació dels nens --- Alimentació pediàtrica --- Aliments per a infants --- Cuina per a infants --- Menús per a nens --- Nutrició dels nens --- Nutrició infantil --- Nutrició pediàtrica --- Puericultura --- Alimentació dels escolars --- Alimentació dels nodrissons --- Malnutrició en els infants --- Dietoteràpia per a infants --- Consum alimentari --- Consum (Economia) --- Aliments --- Comportament alimentari --- Conducta alimentària --- Costums alimentaris --- Hàbits alimentaris de l'home --- Patrons alimentaris --- Pràctiques alimentàries --- Hàbit --- Usos i costums --- Preferències alimentàries --- Alimentació --- Dieta --- Nutrició --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica)
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Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews on a diverse array of topics of interest to the higher education scholarly and policy communities. Each chapter provides a comprehensive review of research findings on a selected topic, critiques the research literature in terms of its conceptual and methodological rigor and sets forth an agenda for future research intended to advance knowledge on the chosen topic. The Handbook focuses on a comprehensive set of central areas of study in higher education that encompasses the salient dimensions of scholarly and policy inquiries undertaken in the international higher education community. Each annual volume contains chapters on current important issues pertaining to college students and faculty, organization and administration, curriculum and instruction, policy, diversity issues, economics and finance, history and philosophy, community colleges, advances in research methodology and other key aspects of higher education administration. The series is fortunate to have attracted annual contributions from distinguished scholars throughout the world.
Education, Higher --- Educació superior --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Educació universitària --- Ensenyament superior --- Ensenyament universitari --- Estudis superiors --- Estudis universitaris --- Etapes educatives --- Abandó dels estudis (Educació superior) --- Competències transversals --- Educació clàssica --- Ensenyament de la biblioteconomia --- Estudis de postgrau --- Extensió universitària --- Lectura (Educació superior) --- Orientació en l'educació superior --- Primer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Seminaris --- Tercer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Campus virtuals --- Escrits acadèmics --- Pràcticums --- Universitats --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Educació superior transfronterera --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Education, Higher. --- Education and state. --- School management and organization. --- School administration. --- Educational sociology. --- Education --- Higher Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Organization and Leadership. --- Sociology of Education. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Curricula. --- Core curriculum --- Courses of study --- Curricula (Courses of study) --- Curriculums (Courses of study) --- Schools --- Study, Courses of --- Instructional systems --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Administration, Educational --- Educational administration --- Inspection of schools --- Operation policies, School --- Policies, School operation --- School administration --- School inspection --- School operation policies --- School organization --- Management --- Organization --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Curricula --- Aims and objectives --- Inspection --- Management and organization --- Government policy
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