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Ceramic perspectives on ancient Egyptian society
ISBN: 1108881483 1108895573 1108898211 1108744133 9781108881487 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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This Element demonstrates how ceramics, a dataset that is more typically identified with chronology than social analysis, can forward the study of Egyptian society writ large. This Element argues that the sheer mass of ceramic material indicates the importance of pottery to Egyptian life. Ceramics form a crucial dataset with which Egyptology must critically engage, and which necessitate working with the Egyptian past using a more fluid theoretical toolkit. This Element will demonstrate how ceramics may be employed in social analyses through a focus on four broad areas of inquiry: regionalism; ties between province and state, elite and non-elite; domestic life; and the relationship of political change to social change. While the case studies largely come from the Old through Middle Kingdoms, the methods and questions may be applied to any period of Egyptian history.

Quaderni del Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Italia, 2 : Le kotylai corinzie figurate a Gela.
ISBN: 8882650456 Year: 2021 Publisher: Rome : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider,

Lampes céramiques signées : Définition critique d’ateliers du Haut Empire
ISBN: 2735102483 2735125629 9782735102488 Year: 2021 Volume: 13 Publisher: Paris : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme,

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Résumé d’une thèse de troisième cycle, cet ouvrage propose une étude originale de lampes romaines du Haut Empire. L’auteur a en effet appliqué à celles-ci une méthode réservée le plus souvent aux vases sigillés, fondée sur l’analyse systématique des associations signature/forme/décor. Le but poursuivi était de vérifier une hypothèse - l’existence de répertoires liés régulièrement, voire de façon spécifique, à chaque signature - et de donner corps, du même coup, à une réalité artisanale : l’atelier. Les résultats obtenus sont très encourageants : des relations privilégiées sont apparues entre divers potiers et l’usage insuffisamment critique que beaucoup font encore des chronologies typologiques a pu être remis en cause. Ce travail appelle la constitution progressive de corpus de référence (marques et poinçons décoratifs) et de répertoires de formes particularisées qui donneront à la lampe sa pleine signification de témoin archéologique et feront sortir de l’obscurité un nouvel artisanat. This work, which summarises the author’s doctoral dissertation, presents an original approach to the study of lamps from the Early Roman Empire. Using a method more often applied to the study of samian pottery, the author has carried out a systematic analysis of the associations of signature, form and decoration. The purpose of the study was to verify a hypothesis, that characteristic types could be associated with a spécifie potter’s signature, and, at the same time, to identify actual workshops. The research is successful not only in demonstrating the existence of significant connections between several potters, but also in questioning the uncritical use, still frequently made, of chronoiogical typologies. The author argues for setting up reference corpora of makers stamps and decorative marks and for cataloguing characteristic forms, thus enabling the lamp to play a significant rôle in the archaeological evidence, as well as bringing to light a new craft.

Les ateliers médiévaux de poterie grise en Uzège et dans le Bas-Rhône : Premières recherches de terrain
ISBN: 273510186X 2735125645 9782735101863 Year: 2021 Volume: 7 Publisher: Paris : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme,

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Jacques Thiriot, chargé de recherche au CNRS, présente dans cet ouvrage les résultats de l’étude de terrain menée de 1972 à 1979 sur les ateliers médiévaux de poterie grise de l’Uzège et du Bas-Rhône, en particulier sur les sites de Saint-Victor-des-Oules dans le Gard (XIIe - XIIIe s.) et de Bollène dans le Vaucluse (XIIIe s.). Cette étude a permis la mise au point d’une méthodologie adaptée à la fouille et à l’interprétation de ces vestiges (fours et bâtiments) grâce à une analyse technique rigoureuse, ainsi que l’acquisition d’une connaissance exceptionnelle des structures de production de l’une des plus grandes officines médiévales du Sud-Est. Elle vient également compléter très utilement les données typologiques qu’ont fournies les poteries grises découvertes en fouille dans les centres utilisateurs, aussi bien en Languedoc qu’en Provence. Outre son thème peu traité pour la période médiévale, son originalité réside dans le recours systématique aux prospections géophysiques et aux méthodes scientifiques de datation, et dans l’utilisation d’une démarche ethno-archéologique permettant de mieux appréhender les traces de l’activité potière médiévale dans larégion. In this publication, Jacques Thiriot, a research worker with the CNRS, presents the results of the fieldwork carried out between 1972 and 1979 on the mediaeval grey pottery workshops of the Uzege and the Lower Rhone, in particular at Saint-Victor-des-Oules in the Gard (XIIth and XIIIth cent.) and Bollene in the Vaucluse (XIIIth cent.). During this work, a methodology adapted to the excavation and interpretation of the remains (ovens and buildings) was perfected, thanks to a rigorous technical analysis. It provided an exceptional insight into production methods in one of the largest mediaeval potter’s workshops in south-east France. It has also completed typological data based on pottery found during excavations in user centres, not only in Provence but also in Languedoc. Apart from the subject, rarely…

L’habitat gaulois de Feurs (Loire) : Fouilles récentes (1978-1981)
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2735102505 273512567X 9782735102501 Year: 2021 Volume: 14 Publisher: Paris : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme,

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Cette publication est l’aboutis­sement d’une série de fouilles de sauve­tage effectuées à Feurs (Loire) de 1978 à 1981.0 les ont révélé la présence, antérieure à la ville antique, d’une agglomé­ration gauloise dont l’apogée se situe à La Téne finale. Son existence était jusqu’alors totalement méconnue, la fon­dation augustéenne de la capitale de la cité ségusiave. Forum Segusiavorum, étant considérée comme une création impériale ex nihilo. Ce travail, fondé sur l’étude systématique d’abondantes séries de mobiliers, permet d’esquisser les modalités de l’évolution de l’habitat gaulois sous ses divers aspects durant tout le siècle qui précède la conquête césarienne. Replacé dans le contexte de la Gaule interne, le site de Feurs apparaît comme un élément important dans notre connaissance de la civilisation gauloise à la fin de l’âge du Fer. This work is the result of rescue archaeology carried out at Feurs (Loire) from 1978 to 1981. A series of excava­tions on the site of the Roman town revealed an earlier Gaulish settlement at its height during the late La Tène period. The discovery of evidence of pre-Roman occupation was completely unexpected since the cantonal capital of the Segusiavi, Forum Segusiavorum, was founded by Augustus and its origins were assumed to date from this period. Based upon the systematic analysis of a large number of finds series, the author’s study outlines how the different aspects of the Gaulish settlement of the site developed during the century preceding Caesar’s conquest. Seen within the context of inner Gaul, Feurs is of funda­mental importance to our understanding of Gaulish civilisation at the end of the Iron Age.

"Los animales enseñaron el camino..."
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781789698602 9781789698596 178969860X Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford

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Los animales enseñaron el camino?" La fauna de la Sierra Gorda queretana a través de sus representaciones cerámicas arqueológicas by María Teresa Muñoz Espinosa and José Carlos Castañeda Reyes La Sierra Gorda queretana fue declarada ?Reserva de la Biosfera? el 19 de mayo de 1997, por decreto presidencial. Como área natural así protegida, son casi 400 000 hectáreas de gran biodiversidad, en las que habitan al menos 15 tipos y subtipos de vegetación diferente, más de 1800 especies de plantas, 124 de hongos y 550 especies de vertebrados, entre otros elementos que comprueban la riqueza natural de la región. Como parte del desarrollo del ?Proyecto Arqueológico del Norte del Estado de Querétaro, México? (PANQ), hemos localizado diversos testimonios que muestran ejemplos de la fauna del pasado, que además forma parte de algunas tradiciones orales que conservan los habitantes de la región hasta nuestros días. En el libro analizamos algunos de estos rasgos culturales mesoamericanos, si bien nos interesa resaltar primordialmente los testimonios arqueológicos que se han recuperado por el proyecto que desde 1990 viene desarrollándose en esta región, todavía poco conocida, del México antiguo.

Woody Biomass for Bioenergy Production
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Woody biomass is most widely used for energy production. In the United States, roughly 2% of the energy consumed annually is generated from wood and wood-derived fuels. Woody biomass needs to be preprocessed and pretreated before it is used for energy production. Preprocessing and pretreatments improve the physical, chemical, and rheological properties, making them more suitable for feeding, handling, storage transportation, and conversion. Mechanical preprocessing technologies such as size reduction and densification, help improve particle size distribution and density. Thermal pretreatment can reduce grinding energy and torrefied ground biomass has improved sphericity, particle surface area, and particle size distribution. This book focuses on several specific topics, such as understanding how forest biomass for biofuels impacts greenhouse gas emissions; mechanical preprocessing, such as densification of forest residue biomass, to improve physical properties such as size, shape, and density; the impact of thermal pretreatment temperatures on woody biomass chemical composition, physical properties, and microstructure for thermochemical conversions such as pyrolysis and gasification; the grindability of torrefied pellets; use of wood for gasification and as a filter for tar removal; and understanding the pyrolysis kinetics of biomass using thermogravimetric analyzers.

P38 Signaling Pathway
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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p38 Mitogen activated protein kinases (p38MAPK) are a group of evolutionary conserved protein kinases which are central for cell adaptation to environmental changes as well as for immune response, inflammation, tissue regeneration and tumour formation. The interest in this group of protein kinases has grown continually since their discovery. Recent studies using new genetic and pharmacological tools are providing helpful information on the function of these stress-activated protein kinases and show that they have an acute impact on the development of prevalent diseases related to inflammation, diabetes, neurodegeneration, and cancer. In this Special Issue we present novel advances and review the knowledge on the identification of p38MAPK substrates, functions, and regulation; mechanisms underlying the role of p38MAPK in malignant transformation and other pathologies; and therapeutic opportunities associated with regulation of p38MAPK activity.

Woody Biomass for Bioenergy Production
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Woody biomass is most widely used for energy production. In the United States, roughly 2% of the energy consumed annually is generated from wood and wood-derived fuels. Woody biomass needs to be preprocessed and pretreated before it is used for energy production. Preprocessing and pretreatments improve the physical, chemical, and rheological properties, making them more suitable for feeding, handling, storage transportation, and conversion. Mechanical preprocessing technologies such as size reduction and densification, help improve particle size distribution and density. Thermal pretreatment can reduce grinding energy and torrefied ground biomass has improved sphericity, particle surface area, and particle size distribution. This book focuses on several specific topics, such as understanding how forest biomass for biofuels impacts greenhouse gas emissions; mechanical preprocessing, such as densification of forest residue biomass, to improve physical properties such as size, shape, and density; the impact of thermal pretreatment temperatures on woody biomass chemical composition, physical properties, and microstructure for thermochemical conversions such as pyrolysis and gasification; the grindability of torrefied pellets; use of wood for gasification and as a filter for tar removal; and understanding the pyrolysis kinetics of biomass using thermogravimetric analyzers.

P38 Signaling Pathway
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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p38 Mitogen activated protein kinases (p38MAPK) are a group of evolutionary conserved protein kinases which are central for cell adaptation to environmental changes as well as for immune response, inflammation, tissue regeneration and tumour formation. The interest in this group of protein kinases has grown continually since their discovery. Recent studies using new genetic and pharmacological tools are providing helpful information on the function of these stress-activated protein kinases and show that they have an acute impact on the development of prevalent diseases related to inflammation, diabetes, neurodegeneration, and cancer. In this Special Issue we present novel advances and review the knowledge on the identification of p38MAPK substrates, functions, and regulation; mechanisms underlying the role of p38MAPK in malignant transformation and other pathologies; and therapeutic opportunities associated with regulation of p38MAPK activity.


Research & information: general --- arginine methylation --- erythroid differentiation --- MKK3 --- phosphorylation, PRMT1 --- p38 MAPK --- cocaine --- conditioned place preference --- reward --- stress --- anxiety --- depression --- nucleus accumbens --- social interaction --- k opioid receptors --- p38α --- Rab5 --- endosome --- Alzheimer's --- Lewy Bodies --- amyloid-β --- tau --- α-synuclein --- p38-MAPK α inhibitor --- Alzheimer's disease --- synaptic plasticity --- neuroinflammation --- β-amyloid --- Tau --- Kv4.2 --- seizure --- temporal lobe epilepsy --- hippocampus --- neuronal firing and excitability --- p38MAPK --- nuclear translocation --- β-like importins --- inflammation --- cancer --- skeletal muscle --- energy metabolism --- signal transduction --- exercise --- type 2 diabetes --- p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase --- bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis --- idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis --- RNA sequencing --- alveolar epithelial type II cells --- MAPK --- p38 --- physiology --- metabolism --- signaling --- hypoxia --- arrhythmia --- MAPK11 --- p38β --- arginine methylation --- erythroid differentiation --- MKK3 --- phosphorylation, PRMT1 --- p38 MAPK --- cocaine --- conditioned place preference --- reward --- stress --- anxiety --- depression --- nucleus accumbens --- social interaction --- k opioid receptors --- p38α --- Rab5 --- endosome --- Alzheimer's --- Lewy Bodies --- amyloid-β --- tau --- α-synuclein --- p38-MAPK α inhibitor --- Alzheimer's disease --- synaptic plasticity --- neuroinflammation --- β-amyloid --- Tau --- Kv4.2 --- seizure --- temporal lobe epilepsy --- hippocampus --- neuronal firing and excitability --- p38MAPK --- nuclear translocation --- β-like importins --- inflammation --- cancer --- skeletal muscle --- energy metabolism --- signal transduction --- exercise --- type 2 diabetes --- p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase --- bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis --- idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis --- RNA sequencing --- alveolar epithelial type II cells --- MAPK --- p38 --- physiology --- metabolism --- signaling --- hypoxia --- arrhythmia --- MAPK11 --- p38β

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