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Hidden hands : the lives of manuscripts and their makers
ISBN: 9781529400939 1529400937 9781529400946 Year: 2021 Publisher: London : riverrun,

Scribes and the presentation of texts (from Antiquity to c. 1550) : proceedings of the 20th Colloquium of the Comité international de paléographie latine : Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University (New Haven, September 6-8, 2017)
Authors: ---
ISSN: 13759566 ISBN: 9782503595160 9782503595627 2503595162 Year: 2021 Volume: 65 Publisher: Turnhout : Brepols,

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Scribes played complex, often overlooked roles in the production of hand-written texts across Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Some scribes simply copied the exemplar; other scribes participated with authors and decorators in establishing the mise-en-page and overall appearance of a text. Many decisions needed to be made regarding the selection of text script; the style of rubrication, display scripts, and initials; the placement and execution of potentially elaborate illuminated images. What was the role of the scribe in contributing to the decision-making process or in determining the final format and material appearance of a document, scroll or codex?This volume explores many of the choices that a single scribe or groups of scribes would need to make when writing and presenting a text, whether in a monastic, cathedral or lay setting. The articles in the volume range from case studies of a single artifact to the analysis of multiple copies and versions of a particular text.The authors include eminent specialists in the field of manuscript studies as well as mid- and early career scholars.

Les manuscrits d’Onésandros
ISBN: 2251915443 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Les Belles Lettres,

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Von Frauenhand : Mittelalterliche Handschriften aus Kölner Sammlungen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783777437743 3777437743 Year: 2021 Publisher: München Hirmer

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25 kostbare Bücher und Einzelblätter aus der Zeit um 800, des späten 13. bis zum frühen 16. Jahrhundert offenbaren die beachtliche Produktivität von Skriptorien mittelalterlicher Frauenklöster. Von Ordensfrauen in Nordfrankreich, Niedersachsen, Köln und Nürnberg für den Eigenbedarf oder externe Auftraggeber geschaffen, sind sie den zeitgleich entstandenen Handschriften aus Männerhand ebenbürtig. Prinzipien des Layouts, Veränderungen der Buchmalerei und Elemente einer spezifisch weiblichen Gestaltung treten zutage – ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Erforschung bislang zu wenig gewürdigter Kunst von Frauen. --Hirmer Verlag

Imago librorum : mille anni di forme del libro in Europa : atti del convegno di Rovereto-Trento 24-26 maggio 2017
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9788822267733 8822267737 Year: 2021 Publisher: Firenze Leo S. Olschki editore

La papessa Giovanna : i testi della leggenda, 1250-1500
ISBN: 9788892901308 8892901303 Year: 2021 Publisher: Firenze : Sismel-Edizioni del Galluzzo,

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L'opera raccoglie per la prima volta l'intera tradizione letteraria che riguarda la leggenda della Papessa Giovanna e quella della verifica della mascolinità, alla quale avrebbe dovuto sottostare ogni pontefice dopo la sua elezione, dalla più antica notizia sulla Papessa, del domenicano Giovanni di Mailly (1250-1254), fino al 1500. Si tratta di centonove testimonianze letterarie, centouno delle quali dipendono, direttamente o indirettamente, dalla notizia sulla Papessa tràdita dal Chronicon pontificum et imperatorum del domenicano Martino Polono: tra queste anche la biografia che Giovanni Boccaccio ha dedicato alla Papessa nel suo celebre De mulieribus claris. I testi sono qui presentati in originale (latino, greco, lingue vernacolari medievali [catalano, francese, italiano, medio-tedesco, medio-neerlandese] e in traduzione italiana e sono accompagnati da un ampio commento codicologico-letterario. L'antologia è preceduta dai due testi (Anonimo Salernitano, lettera Pax in terra di Leone IX) che trattano della leggenda del patriarca donna di Costantinopoli, e termina con la discussione delle notizie apocrife sulla Papessa che troviamo inserite in edizioni cinquecentesche di opere cronachistiche dei secoli XI-XII (Sigeberto di Gembloux, Ottone di Frisinga, Goffredo da Viterbo, Gervasio di Tilbury ecc.). Un ampio studio introduttivo riassume i risultati ottenuti nei singoli commenti e suggerisce nuove interpretazioni sull'origine e l'evoluzione di ambedue queste celebri leggende, i cui dati sono presentati sinteticamente in (23) tabelle testuali e numeriche. Il ricco corredo di 124 illustrazioni a colori permette di osservare come la storia di questo straordinario «nuovo» pontificato è stata scritta nei codici, come la Papessa è stata rappresentata visivamente, con un suo ritratto o mentre partorisce, e con quali modalità la sua biografia è stata oggetto di interventi censorî da parte di lettori di incunaboli o di antiche edizioni a stampa

Impagination - Layout and Materiality of Writing and Publication
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783110698756 9783110698466 3110698757 9783110698855 3110698463 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin Boston

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This volume is the first comparative history that studies the practice of impagination across different ages and civilizations. By impagination we mean the act of placing and arranging spatially textual and other information onto a material bearer that could be made of a variety of materials (papyrus, bamboo slips, palm leaf, parchment, paper, and the computer screen). This volume investigates three levels of impagination: what is the page or other unit of the material bearer, what is written or printed on it, and how is writing or print placed on it. It also examines the interrelations of two or all three of these levels. Collectively it examines the material and materiality of the page, the variety of imprints, cultural and historical conventions for impagination, interlinguistic encounters, the control of editors, scribes, publishers and readers over the page, inheritance, borrowing and innovation, economics, aesthetics and socialities of imprints and impagination, and the relationship of impagination to philology. This volume supplements studies on mise en page and layout – an important subject of codicology – first by including non-codex writings, second by taking a closer look at the page or other unit than at the codex (or book), and third by its aspiration to adopt a globally comparative approach. This volume brings together for comparison vast geographical realms of learning, including Europe, China, Tibet, Korea, Japan and the Near Eastern and European communities in which the Hebrew Bible was transmitted. This comparison is significant, for Europe, China, and India all developed great traditions of learning which came into intensive contact. The contributions to this volume are firmly rooted in local cultures and together address global, comparative themes that are significant for multiple disciplines, such as intellectual and cultural history of knowledge (both humanistic and scientific), global history, literary and media studies, aesthetics, and studies of material culture, among other fields.


E-books --- 091.14 --- 091.14:655.26 --- 655.26 --- <0.02> --- 091.141 --- 676 <09> --- 09 <08> --- 09 <08> Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen--Boekwetenschap. Sociale aspecten van het boek. Boek en media. Toekomst van het boek --- Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen--Boekwetenschap. Sociale aspecten van het boek. Boek en media. Toekomst van het boek --- 676 <09> Pulp, paper and board industry--Geschiedenis van ... --- Pulp, paper and board industry--Geschiedenis van ... --- 091.141 Papyri --- Papyri --- <0.02> Documenten naar hun fysieke vorm en uiterlijk --- Documenten naar hun fysieke vorm en uiterlijk --- 655.26 Soorten zetwerk. Lay-out. Typografische vormgeving --- 655.26 Typography. Graphic design. Kinds of text (material to be set) --- Soorten zetwerk. Lay-out. Typografische vormgeving --- Typography. Graphic design. Kinds of text (material to be set) --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria-:-Typografie. Grafisch ontwerp en lay-out --- 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria --- codicology. --- materiality. --- mise en page. --- the page. --- Imagination. --- Manuscript design. --- Layout (Printing) --- Imagery, Mental --- Images, Mental --- Mental imagery --- Mental images --- Educational psychology --- Intellect --- Psychology --- Reproduction (Psychology) --- Printing --- Graphic design (Typography) --- Design of manuscripts --- Layout (Manuscripts) --- Manuscripts --- Writing --- Book design --- Stichometry --- Design --- Layout --- Book history --- Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- manuscripts [documents] --- papyri [manuscripts] --- codicology --- book history --- Mise en page. --- script and type signs --- Imagination --- Manuscript design --- Layout (Printing). --- Dummies (Bookselling). --- Maquettes (Industries graphiques). --- Manuscrits --- dummies (printed matter). --- Mise en pages.

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