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Frameworks and inequalities in healthcare : some applications
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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Background Social determinants of health (SDOH) have increasingly entered health policy conversations as a growing body of researches, reveal the direct relationship between social determinants and health outcome. In fact, the recent literature is moving from the traditional model that focus on how health affects economic status, to a new view that economic status affects health. Objectives To investigate the principal conceptual frameworks for action on social determinants of health. Another aim is to contribute on the ongoing discourse on feasible measures which could be used to alert regions to inequalities in the distribution of health. Methodology, Italian data are used as a demonstration. Quadrant charts illustrate associations between how much regions spend on health and how effectively health system functions. The relevant inequality measures are used to rank health inequalities. Main results Frameworks have been presented to help communities, health professionals and others begin to better understand and address a variety of factors that affects health. Quadrant analysis technique shows the extent to which spending more on health, translates into better health outcomes, higher quality of care and improve access to care across the Italian regions, whilst also recognition the importance of major risk factors. Conclusions The social inequalities in health and what this means for how we understand and reduce them, as not to date been compressively examined empirically. There is an urgent need to expand our knowledge with comparable data on health determinants and more refined health outcomes. Furthermore, there is a need for feasible inequality measures in the health information systems. The measures used in this study, provide a step to inform and guide the uptake of equity-sensitive policies.

Estimating the Impact of Improved Roads on Access to Health Care : Evidence from Mozambique
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, DC : World Bank Group,

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Les déserts médicaux en question(s)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2810907609 Year: 2021 Publisher: Rennes (Avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard 35000) : Presses de l’EHESP,

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Dans l'imaginaire collectif, le désert médical, c'est la campagne à perte de vue, des villages dépeuplés, sans écoles, sans services publics et quelques habitants obligés de s'exiler pour être soignés… Or, la réalité est tout autre : au-delà de territoires dépourvus d'offre sanitaire, les déserts sont partout, de la périnatalité à la dépendance, en santé mentale, dans les maladies rares… La discordance entre besoin et offre en santé est ici retenue comme l'expression d'un désert médical. Comment notre société peut-elle laisser s'installer, parfois à son insu, ces déserts médicaux?? Comment la pandémie a-t-elle pu aggraver encore la situation et quelles leçons en tirer?? Pourquoi les solutions, dont la e-santé, ont-elles tant de mal à émerger?? En 10 questions simples et directes, ce livre propose un panorama et une nouvelle vision des déserts médicaux qui intéresseront les collectivités, professionnels de santé et toute personne curieuse de la question des inégalités de santé.

Le ageing cities tra passato e futuro : strategie, metodi e proposte per migliorare l’accessibilità degli anziani ai servizi urbani
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Napoli FedOA - Federico II University Press

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The volume gathers the conclusions of a research work that constitutes the natural as well as autonomous development of the project MOBILAGE - Mobility and ageing: daily life and welfare supportive networks at the neighborhood level, funded by Fondazione Cariplo in the biennium 2018-2020 (Gant N° 2017-0942) and finished in June 2020.The ageing cities have recently taken on the connotation of an absolute emergency due to the upward trends in the elderly population in industrialized cities. The issue, extremely significant both in the scientific debate and in national and international operational practice, is one of the challenges/opportunities to rethink/redesign cities, with a view to improving the quality of life of the elderly.The research group consists of young researchers, under the guidance of Carmela Gargiulo, who belong to the TemaLab Laboratory of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the University of Naples Federico II. Il volume raccoglie le conclusioni di un lavoro di ricerca che costituisce il naturale quanto autonomo sviluppo dei risultati del progetto MOBILAGE – Mobility and ageing: daily life and welfare supportive networks at the neighborhood level, finanziato nel biennio 2018-2020 da Fondazione Cariplo (Gant N° 2017-0942) e concluso nel giugno 2020.La questione ageing cities negli ultimi tempi ha assunto la connotazione di vera e propria emergenza soprattutto in ragione dei trend di crescita della popolazione anziana nelle città industrializzate. Il tema, di estrema rilevanza sia nel dibattito scientifico che nella prassi operativa nazionale e internazionale, si configura come una delle sfide/opportunità per ripensare/ridisegnare le città migliorando la qualità di vita degli anziani.Il gruppo di ricerca impegnato in questo lavoro, sotto la guida di Carmela Gargiulo, è costituito da giovani ricercatori che afferiscono al laboratorio TeMALab del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale (DICEA) dell’Università di Napoli Federico II.

Universal Design 2021.
ISBN: 1643681915 Year: 2021 Publisher: : IOS Press, Incorporated,

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Le ageing cities tra passato e futuro : strategie, metodi e proposte per migliorare l’accessibilità degli anziani ai servizi urbani
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Napoli FedOA - Federico II University Press

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The volume gathers the conclusions of a research work that constitutes the natural as well as autonomous development of the project MOBILAGE - Mobility and ageing: daily life and welfare supportive networks at the neighborhood level, funded by Fondazione Cariplo in the biennium 2018-2020 (Gant N° 2017-0942) and finished in June 2020.The ageing cities have recently taken on the connotation of an absolute emergency due to the upward trends in the elderly population in industrialized cities. The issue, extremely significant both in the scientific debate and in national and international operational practice, is one of the challenges/opportunities to rethink/redesign cities, with a view to improving the quality of life of the elderly.The research group consists of young researchers, under the guidance of Carmela Gargiulo, who belong to the TemaLab Laboratory of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the University of Naples Federico II. Il volume raccoglie le conclusioni di un lavoro di ricerca che costituisce il naturale quanto autonomo sviluppo dei risultati del progetto MOBILAGE – Mobility and ageing: daily life and welfare supportive networks at the neighborhood level, finanziato nel biennio 2018-2020 da Fondazione Cariplo (Gant N° 2017-0942) e concluso nel giugno 2020.La questione ageing cities negli ultimi tempi ha assunto la connotazione di vera e propria emergenza soprattutto in ragione dei trend di crescita della popolazione anziana nelle città industrializzate. Il tema, di estrema rilevanza sia nel dibattito scientifico che nella prassi operativa nazionale e internazionale, si configura come una delle sfide/opportunità per ripensare/ridisegnare le città migliorando la qualità di vita degli anziani.Il gruppo di ricerca impegnato in questo lavoro, sotto la guida di Carmela Gargiulo, è costituito da giovani ricercatori che afferiscono al laboratorio TeMALab del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale (DICEA) dell’Università di Napoli Federico II.

Le ageing cities tra passato e futuro : strategie, metodi e proposte per migliorare l’accessibilità degli anziani ai servizi urbani
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Napoli FedOA - Federico II University Press

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The volume gathers the conclusions of a research work that constitutes the natural as well as autonomous development of the project MOBILAGE - Mobility and ageing: daily life and welfare supportive networks at the neighborhood level, funded by Fondazione Cariplo in the biennium 2018-2020 (Gant N° 2017-0942) and finished in June 2020.The ageing cities have recently taken on the connotation of an absolute emergency due to the upward trends in the elderly population in industrialized cities. The issue, extremely significant both in the scientific debate and in national and international operational practice, is one of the challenges/opportunities to rethink/redesign cities, with a view to improving the quality of life of the elderly.The research group consists of young researchers, under the guidance of Carmela Gargiulo, who belong to the TemaLab Laboratory of the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the University of Naples Federico II. Il volume raccoglie le conclusioni di un lavoro di ricerca che costituisce il naturale quanto autonomo sviluppo dei risultati del progetto MOBILAGE – Mobility and ageing: daily life and welfare supportive networks at the neighborhood level, finanziato nel biennio 2018-2020 da Fondazione Cariplo (Gant N° 2017-0942) e concluso nel giugno 2020.La questione ageing cities negli ultimi tempi ha assunto la connotazione di vera e propria emergenza soprattutto in ragione dei trend di crescita della popolazione anziana nelle città industrializzate. Il tema, di estrema rilevanza sia nel dibattito scientifico che nella prassi operativa nazionale e internazionale, si configura come una delle sfide/opportunità per ripensare/ridisegnare le città migliorando la qualità di vita degli anziani.Il gruppo di ricerca impegnato in questo lavoro, sotto la guida di Carmela Gargiulo, è costituito da giovani ricercatori che afferiscono al laboratorio TeMALab del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale (DICEA) dell’Università di Napoli Federico II.

La Métropole par la santé? : Coopérations dans les territoires de l'Orléanais
ISBN: 2746757419 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Autrement,

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Une métropole peut-elle agir pour corriger un déficit de l'offre de soins et, ainsi, préserver la santé de ses habitants ? L'interrogation peut paraître étonnante, les métropoles n'ayant pas été créées pour intervenir dans le champ de la santé. Pourtant, l'expérience de la jeune Orléans Métropole montre que le constat partagé d'une carence permet de faire émerger de nouvelles solidarités territoriales, pour une action commune inédite en matière sanitaire. La symbolique du statut métropolitain, les ressources qui y sont attachées, ainsi que la créativité locale y contribuent.Les cahiers POPSU rassemblent les connaissances produites au fil des travaux de recherche-action menés par la Plateforme d'observation des projets et stratégies urbaines (POPSU) dans le cadre du programme « Métropoles ».

Refugees and migrants in times of COVID-19 : mapping trends of public health and migration policies and practices
Year: 2021 Publisher: Geneva, Switzerland : World Health Organization,

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Health disparities in contemporary Korean society : Issues and subpopulations
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781793632104 1793632103 Year: 2021 Publisher: Lanham Lexington Books

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"This edited volume unveils diverse issues and factors related to health disparities in contemporary Korean Society. It illustrates how economic and social changes unequally impact different subpopulations, including employees, the elderly, children, and immigrants and describes why health policy and intervention is needed now"--

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