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In this accessible new study, Toby Lincoln offers the first history of Chinese cities from their origins to the present. Despite being an agricultural society for thousands of years, China had an imperial urban civilization. Over the last century, this urban civilization has been transformed into the world's largest modern urban society. Throughout their long history, Chinese cities have been shaped by interactions with those around the world, and the story of urban China is a crucial part of the history of how the world has become an urban society. Exploring the global connections of Chinese cities, the urban system, urban governance, and daily life alongside introductions to major historical debates and extracts from primary sources, this is essential reading for all those interested in China and in urban history.
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Most historians and social scientists treat cities as mere settings. In fact, urban places shape our experience. There, daily life has a faster, artificial rhythm and, for good and ill, people and agencies affect each other through externalities (uncompensated effects) whose impact is inherently geographical. In economic terms, urban concentration enables efficiency and promotes innovation while raising the costs of land, housing, and labour. Socially, it can alienate or provide anonymity, while fostering new forms of community. It creates congestion and pollution, posing challenges for governance. Some effects extend beyond urban borders, creating cultural change. The character of cities varies by country and world region, but it has generic qualities, a claim best tested by comparing places that are most different. These qualities intertwine, creating built environments that endure. To fully comprehend such path dependency, we need to develop a synthetic vision that is historically and geographically informed.
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"Piąty tom serii wydawniczej Oblicza Wojny ma tak jak poprzednie charakter interdyscyplinarny, plasując się na styku badań historycznych, archeologicznych, antropologicznych, architektonicznych i muzealniczych. Znajdziemy w nim różne ujęcia metodologiczne dotyczące szerokiego spektrum zagadnień wynikających z kontekstu tematu - "Miasto i wojna". Począwszy od najdawniejszych czasów, miasta wielokrotnie odgrywały kluczową rolę w kontekście działań zbrojnych. W całym okresie dziejowym można wskazać na niejeden moment, kiedy spory o nie stawały się przyczynami poważnych lokalnych konfliktów i długotrwałych wojen. Ważne ośrodki miejskie z punktu widzenia politycznego, wojskowego czy gospodarczego stawały się celami strategicznymi podejmowanych operacji, a wielokrotnie bywały terenem orężnych zmagań. Należy także podkreślić, iż nie mniej istotną rolę odgrywały one jako miejsca stacjonowania jednostek i działalności instytucji wojskowych bądź jako ośrodki produkcyjne i zaopatrzeniowe dla armii. Na przestrzeni wieków to właśnie mieszkańcy miast w znaczącym stopniu dźwigali na swoich barkach ciężar wojen, a infrastruktura miejska nieraz dotkliwie doświadczała skutków konfliktów zbrojnych. Różnorodność metod i ujęć kluczowej roli miast na przestrzeni wieków w kontekście działań wojennych daje w efekcie publikację pogłębiającą dotychczasową wiedzę w zakresie badań nad wojskowością polską i powszechną od czasów wczesnośredniowiecznych po współczesne. Redaktorzy monografii liczą więc na to, iż stanie się ona przyczynkiem do dalszych analiz, nowatorskich prób odczytania znanych źródeł i poszukiwania nowych materiałów, a przede wszystkim okaże się wartościową i inspirującą lekturą."-- Provided by publisher.
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Refugia: The Survival of Urban Transspecies Communities encourages to us recognize the unexpected relations among species and to speculate about the possibility of their existence and development. It shows the need for care and support for multi-species urban communities by answering questions about the following: Which humans and non-humans may find refuge in the city? Under what conditions and to what extent? Are cities also becoming spaces of refuge for rare, endangered or endangered species and disappearing ecosystems? Can unwanted and underestimated life forms find refuge in the city, and how much compassion and hospitality do we have for them? Is it possible to be safe in the city without a place–home–shelter of one’s own? The book is the result of transdisciplinary research, including knowledge-producing artistic projects, whose research and communication methodology enable us to go beyond specialist circles. The book consists of two parts, the first of which, Refugia: The Transdisciplinary Practice of Curiosity, includes scientific texts focusing on various cases of interspecies relationships created in cities by human and non-human animals, plants, fungi, soil, architecture, etc. The second part of the book includes artistic statements in the form of visual documentation of projects created for the exhibition Refugia: Keep (Out of) These Places. The art presented here makes it possible to construct perspectives different from those generated in the field of humanities or sciences, but remaining in close contact with these fields.
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Se dire métropole, est-ce la faire advenir ? En quoi son seul énoncé produit-il des effets ? Comment, en tant qu'institution, peut-elle accompagner voire impulser de nouvelles relations interterritoriales ? A ces questions est apportée ici une réponse centrée sur la Métropole Rouen Normandie, qui se distingue par son équation politique singulière et un jeu d'échelles à trois dimensions entre métropole élargie, Axe Seine et région Normandie.0Les cahiers POPSU rassemblent les connaissances produites au fil des travaux de recherche-action menés par la Plateforme d'observation des projets et stratégies urbaines (POPSU) dans le cadre du programme "Métropoles".
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How should we go about collaborating with children and adolescents? Young Participation: Creativity and Conflict in Planning explores how youth participation work in practical terms, in the context of urban development processes at the municipal level in Norway. From their unique perspectives, several social scientists, artists, an architect, and a young contributor discuss experiences and dilemmas of including children, teens, and young adults as contributing stakeholders on various projects. The reader will find concrete examples of participation processes and tools developed in cooperation with young people, architects, and public employees. The chapters reveal how good intentions regarding inclusion can obscure power hierarchies, friction, and conflicts of interest. Yet they also demonstrate that the potential for creativity and innovation are great when young people are invited to contribute their input in planning and developing everything from youth community centers and school grounds to parks and other outdoor spaces in local neighborhoods. This anthology will provide inspiration to researchers, students, municipal employees, urban planners, and others working collaboratively in urban and community development. Among the topics covered are participation as co-research, social entrepreneurship and participation as part of school curricula and in socio-cultural place analyses, the power of the hand in creative practices, co-location as a trend, digital and hybrid participation processes, and power plays in planning. By introducing a new model for 'thick participation', the anthology attempts to ensure that young citizens are not just seen and heard but are also given the opportunity to become lasting resources within their local communities. The book's editors, senior researcher Aina Landsverk Hagen and research professor Bengt Andersen, are both based at the Work Research Institute (AFI), Oslo Metropolitan University.
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African cities and collaborative futures: Urban platforms and metropolitan logistics brings together scholars from across the globe to discuss the nature of African cities - the interactions of residents with infrastructure, energy, housing, safety and sustainability, seen through local narratives and theories. This groundbreaking collection, drawing on a variety of fields and extensive first-hand research, offers a fresh perspective on some of the most pressing issues confronting urban Africa in the twenty-first century. Each of the chapters, using case studies from Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania, explores how the rapid growth of African cities is reconfiguring the relationship between urban social life and its built forms. While the most visible transformations in cities today can be seen as infrastructural, these manifestations are cultural as well as material, reflecting the different ways in which the city is rationalised, economised and governed. How can we 'see like a city' in twenty-first-century Africa, understanding the urban present to shape its future? This is the central question posed throughout this volume, with a practical focus on how academics, local decision-makers and international practitioners can work together to achieve better outcomes.
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"What is the heritage of our cities? Which are the monuments, places, and spaces in which it accumulates, and by which practices is it formed, handed down, appropriated? Gerhard Vinken takes the readers to twelve cities on three continents and analyses the diverse and contradictory heritage formations that have had a lasting impact on urban life. The vitality of urban heritage, as these vivid and in-depth case studies show, lies in the dynamic and often conflictual processes of social appropriation and interpretation. Covering a diverse range of themes, the book familiarizes the reader with important questions and theories in urban research and heritage studies."
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tadsgeschiedenis is het Nederlands-Vlaamse tijdschriftvoor onderzoek, reflectie en debat over de stad en haargeschiedenis. De aanpak is interdisciplinair en gericht op eenbreed scala aan thema's. Verschijnt jaarlijks in tweeafleveringen Print ISSN: 1872-0676 Online ISSN: 2736-7762
Jaarlijkse abonnementsprijzen (print + online)*Institutioneel € 60,00 Individueel € 35,00 Student € 30,00
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