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Guerres de l'information à l'ère numérique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2130845665 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Presses Universitaires de France,

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Depuis la révolution numérique, les conflits géopolitiques se déploient dans des espaces virtuels dont la nature est en constante évolution. Qu'ils soient démocratiques ou autoritaires, les États adaptent leur stratégie de puissance de façon à mieux maîtriser les effets de la propagation instantanée de l'information, ainsi que ses nouvelles possibilités de manipulation. Certains utilisent le cyber et les médias pour porter atteinte à la souveraineté de leurs adversaires et perturber le fonctionnement de leur société et de leurs infrastructures de défense. Cet ouvrage étudie les trois dimensions qui caractérisent les guerres de l'information. Il explore le fonctionnement technique des conflits informationnels (couches basses de l'Internet, ciblage et amplification). Il examine ensuite les stratégies de plusieurs acteurs-clef de la scène internationale (Chine, Russie, États-Unis, Grande Bretagne, France, Japon), mais aussi d'États pivots (Iran, Israël) et de pays relativement isolés (Corée du Nord, Qatar). Enfin, il s'interroge sur les réponses juridiques et institutionnelles apportées pour répondre à la désinformation et réguler ces nouveaux espaces de conflictualité.

Understanding media propaganda in the 21st century : manufacturing consent revisited and revised
ISBN: 1527574377 Year: 2021 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publisher,

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First published in 1988, Herman and Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent remains the go-to book for those interested in understanding why the mainstream media act as vehicles for power-elite propaganda. The analytical heart of Manufacturing Consent lies in what it calls 'The Propaganda Model.' According to this model, there are five filters which all newsworthy stories have to pass through before reaching the public sphere. However, a lot has changed in the subsequent thirty-something years. Consequently, a key question that needs to be addressed is whether Manufacturing Consent is still fit for purpose. The conceit underpinning Understanding Media Propaganda in the 21st Century: Manufacturing Consent Revisited and Revised is that the election of Trump in 2016 constitutes the proverbial 'year zero' for fourth estate journalism. As a result of the 'journalistic' cultural revolution that ensued, it argues that the Propaganda Model needs to be overhauled if it is to retain its epistemological bona fides. To this end, this book is a radical--in the true critical sense of the word--intervention into the propaganda/fake news debate. For students (in the broadest sense of the term) of media studies, journalism, communication studies and sociology, it provides both a compelling critique of Herman and Chomsky's Propaganda Model, while at the same time proffering a new explanatory model to understand why MSM output typically replicates the 'stenographer for power' playbook.

Making the world safe for dictatorship
ISBN: 9780197520130 0197520138 0197520154 0197520162 0197520146 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York, New York : Oxford University Press,

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Authoritarian states try to present a positive image of themselves abroad. They invest in foreign-facing media, retain public relations firms, and showcase their successes to elite and popular foreign audiences. But there is also a darker side to these efforts. Authoritarian states try to obscure or censor bad news about their governments and often discredit their critics abroad. In extreme cases, authoritarian states intimidate, physically attack, or even murder their opponents overseas. This book is about how authoritarian states manage their image abroad using both 'promotional' tactics of persuasion and 'obstructive' tactics of repression.

A world of turmoil
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1609176669 1611863929 9781609176662 9781628954258 1628954256 9781611863925 Year: 2021 Publisher: East Lansing

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"A World of Turmoil offers case studies of five critical moments: the end of World War II and the start of the Long Cold War; the almost-nuclear war over the Quemoy Islands in 1954-1955; the detente, deceptions, and denials surrounding the 1972 Shanghai Communique; the Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1995-1996; and the rise of postcolonial nationalism in contemporary Taiwan"--

Digital influence warfare in the age of social media
ISBN: 9798400640643 9798216074564 1440870101 Year: 2021 Publisher: Westport, CT : New York : Praeger, Bloomsbury Publishing (US),

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This timely book spotlights how various entities are using the Internet to shape people's perceptions and decision-making. It also describes detailed case studies as well as the tools and methods used to identify automated, fake accounts. This book brings together three important dimensions of our everyday lives. First is digital-the online ecosystem of information providers and tools, from websites, blogs, discussion forums, and targeted email campaigns to social media, video streaming, and virtual reality. Second, influence-the most effective ways people can be persuaded, in order to shape their beliefs in ways that lead them to embrace one set of beliefs and reject others. And finally, warfare-wars won by the information and disinformation providers who are able to influence behavior in ways they find beneficial to their political, social, and other goals. The book provides a wide range of specific examples that illustrate the ways people are being targeted by digital influencers. There is much more to digital influence warfare than terrorist propaganda, "fake news," or Russian efforts to manipulate elections: chapters examine post-truth narratives, fabricated "alternate facts," and brainwashing and disinformation within the context of various political, scientific, security, and societal debates. The final chapters examine how new technical tools, critical thinking, and resilience can help thwart digital influence warfare efforts.

Extremism in the Digital Era : The Media Discourse of Terrorist Groups in the Middle East
ISBN: 9783030748333 9783030748340 9783030748357 9783030748326 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This book constitutes a journey into the obscure field of sectarian-guided discourses of radical Islamist groups. It provides new insights into the ideological mechanisms utilized by such organizations to incite sectarian conflicts and recruit local and foreign guardians to their alleged cause. This book examines diverse aspects and dimensions of the discourses of Sunni-based ISIS and Shia-based al-Hashd al-Shaabi and explores manipulative and ideological discursive strategies utilized by media outlets associated with these groups. It delves into linguistic and contextual activities, implicit and explicit messages within the discourses of various media outlets operating in the heart of the Middle East. It also scrutinizes and explains aspects of politicization, religionization and sectarianization within the media discourse of terrorist groups in the digital era.

Propagande : la manipulation de masse dans le monde contemporain
ISBN: 9782081520219 2081520214 Year: 2021 Publisher: Place of publication unknown Flammarion

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La 4e de couverture indique : "Fake news", "infox", "post-vérité" : le monde contemporain ne cesse d'être confronté aux enjeux de l'information de masse. On croyait la propagande disparue avec les régimes totalitaires du XXe siècle mais, à l'ère de la révolution numérique et des réseaux sociaux, elle est plus présente et plus efficace que jamais. Chaque jour apporte ainsi son lot de désinformation, de manipulation, de rumeurs et de théories du complot. Loin de se limiter à la sphère politique et à la "fabrique du consentement", la propagande imprègne aujourd'hui tous les aspects de notre vie en société, les spécialistes du marketing, du storytelling ou les théoriciens du nudge s'efforçant d'influencer nos choix et comportements. Embrassant plus d'un siècle d'histoire et couvrant un vaste espace géographique, David Colon explique les fondements et les techniques de la persuasion de masse dans le monde contemporain. Il montre que la propagande n'a cessé de se perfectionner à mesure que les sciences sociales et les neurosciences permettaient d'améliorer l'efficacité des techniques de persuasion, d'influence ou de manipulation. Cet ouvrage percutant présente les acquis les plus récents de la recherche et permet de mieux cerner les ravages de la désinformation, hier comme aujourd'hui."

Russia today (RT) : un média d'influence au service de l'État russe
ISBN: 9782869382862 2869382863 Year: 2021 Publisher: Bry-sur-Marne: INA,

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‘ La troisième guerre mondiale pourrait advenir si le Pentagone bombarde la chaîne Russia Today [RT] ; je ne doute pas que, dans ce cas, les Russes réagiraient en détruisant CNN ‘, affirme, provocateur, le cinéaste serbe Emir Kusturica en 2015. C'est qu'on ne peut plus parler de ‘ guerre de l'information ‘ sans citer ce média russe lancé au milieu des années 2000. Fondé sur des bases modestes à l'initiative du Kremlin, d'abord pour améliorer la réputation du pays, le réseau RT est devenu, quinze ans plus tard, un emblème de son influence internationale et de ses mutations à l'ère post-soviétique. Petit à petit, le groupe tente de s'imposer comme une source globale ‘ alternative ‘ capable de concurrencer les ‘ médias mainstream ‘ occidentaux. La devise sceptique de RT, Question more, l'affiche sans détours. En réalité, son approche éditoriale n'a cessé de s'aligner sur l'action gouvernementale et de répercuter les représentations des élites du pouvoir. Depuis la crise ukrainienne et les accusations d'ingérences russes dans les élections américaine et française, la posture relativiste, corrosive et controversée de RT apparaît même souvent, aux yeux des démocraties libérales, comme une menace à endiguer. Ce livre dresse une anatomie inédite et méticuleuse du principal média transnational russe, devenu un cas d'étude incontournable pour comprendre les déclinaisons autoritaires de la diplomatie publique et de l'influence informationnelle au XXIe siècle.

Extremism in the digital era : the media discourse of terrorist groups in the Middle East
ISBN: 3030748332 9783030748333 3030748324 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book constitutes a journey into the obscure field of sectarian-guided discourses of radical Islamist groups. It provides new insights into the ideological mechanisms utilized by such organizations to incite sectarian conflicts and recruit local and foreign guardians to their alleged cause. This book examines diverse aspects and dimensions of the discourses of Sunni-based ISIS and Shia-based al-Hashd al-Shaabi and explores manipulative and ideological discursive strategies utilized by media outlets associated with these groups. It delves into linguistic and contextual activities, implicit and explicit messages within the discourses of various media outlets operating in the heart of the Middle East. It also scrutinizes and explains aspects of politicization, religionization and sectarianization within the media discourse of terrorist groups in the digital era. Dr. Adib Abdulmajid is a researcher at the University of Leuven, Belgium, specializing in discourse analysis, Middle Eastern Studies and Media Studies. He holds a PhD in Middle Eastern Studies and an MA in Management of Cultural Diversity. His research studies focus on media discourse, cultural diversity and religious extremism

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