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"Amor ipse notitia est" : l'amore come conoscenza morale in Gregorio Magno

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È il 12 maggio dell’anno 592, Basilica di san Pancrazio, Roma. Il papa Gregorio I vi convoca il popolo perché da quel luogo ricevesse testimonianza del vero amore cristiano. Viene proclamato il brano evangelico di Giovanni 15, 12-16. «Non vi chiamo più servi, perché il servo non sa quello che fa il suo padrone; ma vi ho chiamato amici, perché tutto ciò che ho udito dal Padre mio l’ho fatto conoscere a voi». È al commento di questo versetto 15 che Gregorio pronuncia le parole: «Amor ipse notitia est», «lo stesso amore diventa conoscenza» (In Eu. II, 27, 4).«La formula che intesta l’analisi e la sintesi di questo imponente lavoro di Stefano Paba sintetizza per così dire l’apporto della teologia cristiana alla riflessione antropologica “post-moderna” sulla struttura antropologica della sintesi fra habitus e actus, affezione e riconoscimento del bene. Questo apporto è cercato alle sorgenti della tradizione propriamente teologica della forma virtutum, che è la dottrina di Gregorio Magno, nell’intento di illuminare la portata sistematica della notitia amoris. L’Autore, naturalmente, è molto studiato: la letteratura a riguardo del suo pensiero, e in specie della sua teologia pastorale e della sua antropologia morale, è vastissima.L’approccio di Paba, tuttavia, riesce ad individuare un lato relativamente trascurato o poco frequentato: l’integrazione di conoscenza e amore, in Gregorio Magno, è anticipata – e in certo modo fondata – proprio sull’habitus virtuoso che la carità teologale infonde alla fede: e di qui, all’actus umano. La connessione, dunque, non va intesa anzitutto come effetto di una sintesi teorica o di una sinergia pratica del sapere, dal quale in un secondo momento risulterebbe la disposizione virtuosa dell’agire. Piuttosto, l’assimilazione di amor (come dono soprannaturale dello Spirito e forma virtutis della fede), consente di inquadrare correttamente il modo in cui amor rischiara la verità dell’essere e rende possibile la giustizia dell’agire. Esso stesso, infatti, è argomento e motivo del sapere del bene: rivelazione e sapienza esso stesso, non mera pulsione o pura emozione».

Ausonius Grammaticus
ISBN: 9781463242817 1463242816 Year: 2021 Publisher: Piscataway, NJ

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The present volume describes the rich and complex world in which Ausonius (c. 310–395) lived and worked, from his humble beginnings as a schoolteacher in Bordeaux, to the heights of his influence as quaestor to the Emperor Gratian, at a time of unsettling social and religious change. As a teacher and poet Ausonius adhered to the traditions of classical paideia, standing in contrast to the Fathers of the Church, e.g., Jerome, Augustine, and Paulinus of Nola, who were emboldened by the legalization, then the imposition, of Christianity in the course of the fourth century. For this position he was labeled by the 20th-century scholar Henri-Irénée Marrou a symbol of decadence. Guided by Marrou’s critical insights to both his own time and place and that of Ausonius, this book proposes a hermeneutic for reading Ausonius as both a fourth-century poet and a fascinating mirror for his 20th-century counterparts.

Tätige Nächstenliebe in Werk und Wirken Gregors des Großen
ISBN: 9783161563034 3161563034 9783161589508 Year: 2021 Volume: 122 122 Publisher: Tübingen Mohr Siebeck

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"Die christliche Nächstenliebe ist ein zentraler Aspekt im Werk Gregors des Großen. Durch die Analyse seines Gesamtwerks zeigt Susanne Barth, wie stark der römische Bischof sowohl sein theologisches Denken als auch sein kirchenleitendes Handeln am Nutzen für den Mitmenschen ausrichtet."

Registre des Lettres : Livres XII-XIV
ISSN: 07501978 ISBN: 9782204087353 2204041505 2204043877 9782204041508 9782204140331 2204140333 2204087351 9782204043878 9782204157544 2204157546 Year: 2021 Volume: 370-371, 520, 612 Publisher: Paris : Éditions du Cerf,

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Les lettres de Grégoire le Grand rassemblées dans les livres XII à XIV - les derniers de sa correspondance - retracent la fin de son pontificat, de septembre 601 au 12 mars 604, date de sa mort. Relations avec les souverains, successions épiscopales, enquête sur des violences physiques, cohabitations suspectes, conflits entre évêques, usurpation de siège, discipline dans les monastères, rapports avec les collaborateurs... On peut suivre ici, comme par une immersion dans les réalités de l'époque, l'activité du pape qui, bien que malade et inquiet de la présence lombarde, s'attache à remplir ses obligations. Dans ces lettres, émanant de la chancellerie pontificale, l'empreinte de Grégoire est presque toujours perceptible et, à travers ces ultimes écrits du pape, se dessine un tableau au plus près de la vie des Églises au tournant des vie et viie siècles, à la charnière de l'Antiquité tardive et du Haut Moyen Âge, par l'un des acteurs mêmes de cette histoire. Ce volume complète ceux déjà parus dans la collection des Sources Chrétiennes, à savoir les tomes I (livres I-II, SC 370-371) et II (livres III-IV, SC 520).

La Vie de Grégoire le Grand par Jean Diacre traduite par Angier : publiée d'après le manuscrit Paris, BNF, fr. 24766, unique et autographe : Texte et Glossaire
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ISBN: 9783825348243 3825348245 Year: 2021 Publisher: Heildelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter,

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"Angier a traduit du latin en francais les Dialogues de Grégoire le Grand et la Vie de ce pape, composés par Jean Diacre. Il a été, du moins, entre 1212 et 1216, chanoine affilié au prieuré de Sainte-Frideswide à Oxford. L'importance des deux oeuvres pour la philologie réside dans le fait que le manuscrit qui les transmet est communément considéré comme autographe. Il faut donc croire qu'aucun copiste, aucun secrétaire n'a normalisé ou autrement modifié les formes et les graphies que le traducteur avait choisies et couchées sur le parchemin. Les Dialogues ont connu leur première édition intégrale en 2013 (SATF). Par contre, la Vie avait déjà fait l'objet d'une publication dans la revue Romania , t. XII. C'était une version normalisée, alors que la presente édition retranscrit le texte original avec la fidélite qui lui est due. Quant au glossaire, qui traite les mots lexicaux, il entend répondre aux exigences du lecteur et de la lexicographie. Source : Google books

Charlemagne and Louis the Pious
ISBN: 0271058846 9780271058849 9780271035734 Year: 2021 Publisher: University Park, PA

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Carolingian historical texts have long stood at the base of our modern knowledge about the eighth and ninth centuries. The ninth century gave birth to a new revival of secular biography, which has come to be recognized as one of the brightest bands in the spectrum of Carolingian historical writing. This collection brings together, for the first time in one volume, the five royal/imperial biographies written during the Carolingian period. Thomas F. X. Noble’s new English translations of these five important texts—Einhard’s Life of Emperor Charles, Notker’s Deeds of Charles the Great, Ermoldus Nigellus’s Poem in Honor of Louis, Thegan’s Deeds of Emperor Louis, and the Life of Louis by “the Astronomer”—are each accompanied by a short introduction and a note on “Essential Reading.” Offering details on matters of style, sources used by the author, and the influence, if any, exerted by the text, Noble provides a context for each translation without compromising the author’s intended voice. By “reuniting” these five essential medieval texts in an English translation, this volume makes these voices accessible to scholars and non-experts alike throughout the Anglophone world.

Die Vita sancti Wilhelmi des Heinrich von Seclin : Der Wilhelmitenorden und die hagiographische Heldenepik
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ISBN: 9783777221083 3777221082 Year: 2021 Volume: 20 Publisher: Stuttgart : Anton Hiersemann,

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Der Wilhelmitenorden ist im 12. Jahrhundert von einem südfranzösischen Adligen und Einsiedler namens Wilhelm in Malavalle bei Grosseto gegründet worden. Dass die Wilhelmiten vor allem im Spätmittelalter durch die adlige Elite protegiert werden, verdanken sie nicht zuletzt einer geschickt montierten genealogischen Fiktion: Im Verlaufe des 13. Jahrhunderts entsteht nördlich der Alpen eine Legende, die den historischen Ordensgründer Wilhelm von Malavalle mit Wilhelm I. (>der Heilige<; gest. 812; Graf von Toulouse) und Wilhelm IX. (1071-1126, Herzog von Aquitanien, Graf von Poitou und Troubadour) überblendet. Durch diese unhistorische Identifizierung gelingt es den Eremiten, ihren derart nobilitierten Ahnherrn zum Ideal des ruhmreichen und zugleich frommen Ritters zu erheben, dem die spätmittelalterliche Adelswelt nacheifern kann. In der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts unternimmt es der in Gent lebende Mediziner Heinrich von Seclin, den mythischen Ordensgründer erstmals im Rahmen eines umfangreichen lateinischen Gedichts zu verherrlichen. Indem sich der Autor hierbei an der berühmten Alexandreis des hochmittelalterlichen Dichters Walter von Châtillon orientiert und den Protagonisten als zweiten Alexander darstellt, nähert er die klassische Hagiographie dem epischen Genre an. Auf diese Weise wird der Gegenstand auch einem adligen Leserkreis schmackhaft gemacht. Hier wird das Gedicht erstmals ediert und einer ausführlichen literaturgeschichtlichen Untersuchung unterzogen.

The Continuity of the Conquest
ISBN: 0271077921 9780271077925 9780271077901 0271077905 9780271074016 0271074019 Year: 2021 Publisher: University Park, PA

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"An interdisciplinary study examining the origins of Anglo-Norman views of kingship in idealized interpretations of Charlemagne's imperium. Demonstrates how the idea of "Englishness" developed in the Middle Ages as much as a consequence of the Anglo-Norman imagination and experience as a reaction against it"--Provided by publisher.

Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch literature
ISBN: 1800100566 9781800100565 1800100620 1843845830 9781843845836 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : D.S. Brewer,

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Comprehensive survey of the legend of Charlemagne in the medieval German-speaking world.

Charlemagne's Defeat in the Pyrenees
ISBN: 9048553296 9789048553297 9789463721059 9463721053 Year: 2021 Publisher: Amsterdam

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The Battle of Rencesvals is the one of the most dramatic historical event of the entire eighth century, not only in Vasconia but in Western Europe. This monograph examines the battle as more than a single military encounter, but instead as part of a complex military and political conquest that began after the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 and culminated with the creation of the Kingdom of Pamplona in 824. The battle had major (and largely underappreciated) consequences for the internal structure of the Carolingian Empire. It also enjoyed a remarkable legacy as the topic of one of the oldest European epic poems, La Chanson de Roland. The events that took place in the Pyrenean pass of Rencesvals (Errozabal) on 15 August 778 defined the development of the Carolingian world, and lie at the heart of the early medieval contribution to the later medieval period.

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