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In this comprehensive handbook, Ragin and Keenan present an all-encompassing analysis of the variety of different methods used in health psychology research. Featuring interdisciplinary collaborations from leading academics, this meticulously written volume is a guide to conducting cutting-edge research using tested and vetted best practices. It explains important research techniques, why they are selected and how they are conducted. The book critically examines both cutting-edge methods, such as those used in NextGen genetics, nudge theory, and the brain's vulnerability to addiction, as well as the classic methods, including cortisol measurement, survey, and environmental study. The topics of the book span the gamut of health psychology field, from neuroimaging and statistical analysis to socioeconomic issues such as the policies used to address diseases in Africa, anti-vaxers, and the disproportionate impact of climate change on impoverished people. With each section featuring examples of best research practices, recommendations for study samples, accurate use of instrumentation, analytical techniques, and advanced-level data analysis, this book will be an essential text for both emerging student researchers and experts in the field and an indispensable resource in health psychology programs.
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"The positive benefits of physical activity for physical and mental health are now widely acknowledged, yet levels of physical inactivity continue to be a major concern throughout the world. Understanding the psychology of physical activity has therefore become an important issue for scientists, health professionals and policy-makers alike as they address the challenge of behaviour change. Psychology of Physical Activity provides comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of exercise psychology, from mental health, to theories of motivation and adherence, and to the design of successful interventions for increasing participation. Now publishing in a fully revised, updated and expanded fourth edition, Psychology of Physical Activity is still the only textbook to offer a full survey of the evidence-base for theory and practice in exercise psychology, and the only textbook that explains how to interpret the quality of the research evidence. As the field continues to grow rapidly, the new edition expands the behavioural science content of numerous important topics, including physical activity and cognitive functioning, automatic and affective frameworks for understanding physical activity involvement, new interventions designed in increase physical activity (including use of new technologies), and sedentary behaviour. A full companion website offers useful features to help students and lecturers get the most out of the book during their course, including multiple-choice revision questions, PowerPoint slides and a test bank of additional learning activities. Psychology of Physical Activity is the most authoritative, engaging and up-to-date book on exercise psychology currently available. It is essential reading for all students working in behavioural medicine, as well as the exercise and health sciences"--
Exercise --- Clinical health psychology --- Health promotion
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Die derzeitige Arbeitswelt lässt sich als VUCA (komplex, mehrdeutig, unsicher und volatil) beschreiben. In diesem Umfeld stellen Selbstführung und Stressbewältigungs-Kompetenzen wesentliche Grundlagen für Karriere und unternehmerischen Erfolg dar – auch um unerwarteten Zusatzbelastungen wie beispielsweise einer Corona-Pandemie souverän gegenübertreten zu können. Dieser Essential gibt daher Einblicke in ausgewählte Stressmanagement-Methoden (instrumentell, kognitiv, palliativ-regenerativ). Es werden Ansätze zur Selbstbeobachtung und damit zur Verhaltensoptimierung dargestellt mit dem Ziel, Impulse und Anregungen für Praxis und Selbstreflexion zu bieten. Der Inhalt Ausgewählte Methoden der multimodalen Stressbewältigung Ansätze zur Selbstbeobachtung als Fundament der Selbstführung Die Zielgruppen Fach- und Führungskräfte, Unternehmer*innen, Studierende Praktiker*innen aus Bildung, Lehre und Coaching Die Autorin Karin Meyer ist Professorin und staatlich anerkannte Lehrkraft (Sek. II) für Betriebswirtschaftslehre sowie selbstständige Beraterin/Trainerin und Dozentin. .
Psychology, Industrial. --- Employee health promotion. --- Personal coaching. --- Clinical health psychology. --- Sports --- Medicine, Preventive. --- Health promotion. --- Work and Organizational Psychology. --- Employee Health and Wellbeing. --- Coaching. --- Health Psychology. --- Sport Psychology. --- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. --- Psychological aspects.
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Das Projekt «Soziale Arbeit in der Suchtprävention und Suchthilfe der Deutschsprachigen Schweiz» hat die Professionalisierung der Sozialen Arbeit in der Suchtarbeit zum Ziel. In einem ersten Schritt soll mittels dieser Open Access Fachpublikation eine Bestandsaufnahme zur Sozialen Arbeit in den Arbeitsfeldern der Suchtprävention und Suchthilfe gemacht werden. Darauf aufbauend wird in einem nächsten Schritt eine Tagung organisiert und die Resultate zur Diskussion gestellt und erste Empfehlungen formuliert. Anschliessend sollen weitere (forschungsbasierte) Entwicklungsschritte zum Thema lanciert werden. In diesem Buch werden die Arbeitsfelder der Sozialen Arbeit sowohl im ambulanten, aufsuchenden wie auch stationären Setting der Suchthilfe und der Suchtprävention in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz dargestellt und diskutiert Die Herausgeber Marcel Krebs Soziologe & Sozialarbeiter, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit und bei Infodrog, Schweizerische Koordinations- und Fachstelle Sucht, Redaktionsleiter SuchtMagazin und Infoset. Roger Mäder Sozialarbeiter, Geschäftsleiter Forum Suchtmedizin Ostschweiz FOSUMOS, Koordinator Praxis Suchtmedizin Schweiz. Tanya Mezzera ist Sozialarbeiterin FH, Geschäftsleitungsmitglied der Suchthilfe ags und Bereichsleiterin der Suchtberatung ags, Lenzburg & Wohlen (Kanton Aargau, Schweiz).
Social sciences. --- Social work. --- Health promotion. --- Health psychology. --- Education. --- Social Sciences, general. --- Social Work. --- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. --- Health Psychology. --- Education, general. --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Health psychology --- Health psychology, Clinical --- Psychology, Clinical health --- Psychology, Health --- Salutogenesis --- Clinical psychology --- Medicine and psychology --- Health promotion programs --- Health promotion services --- Promotion of health --- Wellness programs --- Preventive health services --- Health education --- Benevolent institutions --- Philanthropy --- Relief stations (for the poor) --- Social service agencies --- Social welfare --- Social work --- Human services --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Education --- Social Sciences, general --- Social Work --- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention --- Health Psychology --- Education, general --- Sociology --- Social Work Consulting --- Soziale Arbeit --- Suchthilfe --- Suchtprävention --- Suchttherapie --- Schadensminderung --- Suchtberatung --- Open Access --- Society & Social Sciences --- Public health & preventive medicine --- Social service. --- Clinical health psychology. --- Soziale Arbeit in der Suchtprävention und Suchthilfe der Deutschsprachigen Schweiz (project)
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Clinical health psychology. --- Behavior therapy. --- Health services administration. --- Health administration --- Health care administration --- Health care management --- Health sciences administration --- Health services management --- Medical care --- Health planning --- Public health administration --- Behavioral therapy --- Behavior modification --- Psychotherapy --- Health psychology --- Health psychology, Clinical --- Psychology, Clinical health --- Psychology, Health --- Salutogenesis --- Clinical psychology --- Medicine and psychology --- Administration --- Management --- Anàlisi de conducta --- Psicodiagnòstic --- Intervenció psicològica --- Teràpia de la conducta --- Teràpia conductual --- Terapia de conducta --- Modificació de la conducta --- Psicoteràpia --- Teràpia d'acceptació i compromís --- Teràpia de la conducta per a infants --- Intervencions psicològiques --- Plans d'intervenció psicològica --- Programes d'intervenció (Psicologia) --- Programes d'intervenció psicosocial --- Psicologia clínica --- Assessorament psicològic --- Intervenció educativa --- Avaluació psicològica --- Diagnòstic psicològic --- Exàmen psicològic --- Avaluació de la personalitat --- Diagnòstic psiquiàtric --- Escales d'avaluació psiquiàtrica --- Formulació clínica --- Diagnòstic pedagògic --- Grafologia --- Tests psicològics --- Youth Self-Report --- Anàlisi conductual --- Anàlisi de la conducta --- Avaluació de la conducta
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of universal health coverage in India. It starts by setting the historical context and politics of the debates around universal health coverage (UHC) in India and proceeds to analyze the present crisis of public health in the country. The book examines the present policies on the pharmaceutical industry, missing links in universalizing health, and the importance of social determinants of health. It is divided into five sections, and some of the topics covered include the difference between comprehensive primary health care and universal health care, public health and medical care, health service, and health system. The chapters are contributed by scholars and practitioners based on historical, interdisciplinary, empirical, and policy research. The book is insightful to academics, public health administrators, policymakers, practitioners, and students interested in health care and organization, looking to transform theory into policy and practice.
Medical policy --- Health care reform --- Health care reform. --- Health reform --- Health system reform --- Healthcare reform --- Medical care reform --- Reform of health care delivery --- Reform of medical care delivery --- Health insurance --- Salut pública --- Índia --- Clinical health psychology. --- Public health. --- Medical care. --- Public health administration. --- Health Psychology. --- Public Health. --- Health Care. --- Health Administration. --- Health administration --- Health care administration --- Health sciences administration --- Medical care --- Public health --- Health services administration --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Community health --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Health psychology --- Health psychology, Clinical --- Psychology, Clinical health --- Psychology, Health --- Salutogenesis --- Clinical psychology --- Medicine and psychology --- Administration --- Salut pública. --- Índia.
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“This book is an invaluable resource for psychology students that puts cultural safety at the forefront of physical and mental health and facilitates thinking beyond the biomedical model.” — Dr. Mary Cwik, Center for American Indian Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, USA “This is a landmark publication that provides the necessary introduction to cultural safety for health care in the United States.” — Prof. Nathaniel Mohatt, School of Medicine, University of Colorado, USA This book applies the concept of cultural safety to the field of health psychology in a US context as a means to achieve health equity. First developed in New Zealand by Māori midwives, cultural safety can be understood as both a philosophy and a way of working within a social model of health as an alternative approach to understanding health and illness. Health, social, and human service professionals are at the forefront of interactions with a range of people who often experience disparities in health and social outcomes. In thirteen chapters, the authors explore the social determinants of health; the practices and pitfalls of intercultural communication; and community capacity, resilience, and strengths as correctives to discourses of deficiency. The book concludes with a comparative look at cultural safety in different national contexts, and a discussion of the value of critical reflective practice. Complete with chapter objectives, scenarios, suggested readings and films, and questions for critical thinking, this book is an invaluable resource for students and practitioners alike in health psychology and related fields, and a vital contribution to the literature on cultural safety. Pauline B. Thompson is Professor of Psychology at Pennsylvania State University, USA. Kerry Taylor is Associate Professor at the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University in South Australia. .
Psicologia mèdica --- Multiculturalisme --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Diferències culturals --- Diversitat cultural --- Interculturalisme --- Política de diversitat cultural --- Política de diversitat ètnica --- Política de pluralisme cultural --- Política governamental vers el multiculturalisme --- Política social --- Multiculturalisme en l'art --- Etnicitat --- Globalització cultural --- Pluralisme cultural --- Transnacionalisme --- Medicina i psicologia --- Model biopsicosocial (Medicina) --- Psicologia de la salut --- Psicologia i medicina --- Psicologia clínica --- Hàbits sanitaris --- Medicina psicosomàtica --- Psicologia dels malalts --- Medicina --- Psicopatologia --- Psiquiatria --- E.U.A. --- EE.UU. --- EUA --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estats Units --- U.S.A. --- United States --- United States of America --- USA --- Amèrica del Nord --- Alabama --- Alaska --- Arizona --- Arkansas --- Califòrnia --- Carolina del Nord --- Carolina del Sud --- Colorado --- Connecticut --- Dakota del Nord --- Dakota del Sud --- Delaware --- Florida --- Geòrgia --- Guadalupe Mountains (Estats Units d'Amèrica : Serralada) --- Hawaii --- Idaho --- Illinois --- Indiana --- Iowa --- Kansas --- Kentucky --- Louisiana --- Maine --- Maryland --- Massachusetts --- Michigan --- Minnesota --- Mississipí --- Missouri --- Montana --- Nebraska --- Nevada --- Nou Hampshire --- Nou Mèxic --- Nova Jersey --- Nova York (Estat) --- Oest (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ohio --- Oklahoma --- Oregon --- Pennsilvània --- Rhode Island --- Tennessee --- Texas --- Utah --- Vermont --- Virgínia --- Virgínia de l'Oest --- Washington (Districte de Colúmbia) --- Washington (Estat) --- Wisconsin --- Wyoming --- Yellowstone National Park --- Clinical health psychology. --- Health psychology --- Health psychology, Clinical --- Psychology, Clinical health --- Psychology, Health --- Salutogenesis --- Clinical psychology --- Medicine and psychology --- Est (Estats Units d'Amèrica) --- Ethnopsychology. --- Medical sciences. --- Health Psychology. --- Cross-Cultural Psychology. --- Health Sciences. --- Basic medical sciences --- Basic sciences, Medical --- Biomedical sciences --- Health sciences --- Preclinical sciences --- Sciences, Medical --- Life sciences --- Medicine --- Cross-cultural psychology --- Ethnic groups --- Ethnic psychology --- Folk-psychology --- Indigenous peoples --- National psychology --- Psychological anthropology --- Psychology, Cross-cultural --- Psychology, Ethnic --- Psychology, National --- Psychology, Racial --- Race psychology --- Psychology --- National characteristics
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