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Chemical kinetics : from molecular structure to chemical reactivity
ISBN: 0444640398 9780444640390 9780444640406 0444640401 Year: 2021 Publisher: Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier,

Reaction kinetics : an introduction
ISBN: 3030685748 303068573X Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This book covers all basic topics of reaction kinetics, thus students do not need to refer to other resources to prepare for an undergraduate exam. It leads the reader into the topic starting from molecular level concepts and working towards the more macroscopic descriptions of kinetics, introducing the subject according to the state-of-the-art 21st century chemistry. A thorough treatment of formal kinetics of both elementary and complex reactions is based on actual practice, omitting many obsolete treatments of the subject. Mathematical operations are explained in enough detail so that even students that are less trained in calculus can easily follow and understand. Data treatment and statistical inference include modern - mostly numerical - methods widely used in applications. Experimental methods are described using basic technical details, however as techniques quickly change sophisticated devices are not the focus of this book. The emphasis lies on providing the basic concepts which are important for students to understand. This book is suitable as essential reading for courses in bachelor and master chemistry programs and is also valuable as a reference or textbook for students of physics, biochemistry and environmental science.

ISSN: 26737167 Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI,

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Devoted to research in physical chemistry and chemical physics.


theoretical and computational chemistry --- experimental and computational spectroscopy --- physical organic chemistry --- mathematical physics and chemistry --- kinetics and thermodynamics --- application of lasers to physical chemistry --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical --- Catalysis --- Photochemistry --- Nanoscience --- Electrochemistry --- Thermochemistry --- Chemical kinetics --- Lasers in chemistry --- Artificial intelligence --- Machine learning --- Thermodynamics --- Heat --- Nano science --- Nanoscale science --- Nanosciences --- Science --- Light --- Photolysis (Chemistry) --- Activation (Chemistry) --- Surface chemistry --- Chemistry, Theoretical --- Physical chemistry --- Theoretical chemistry --- Chemistry --- Learning, Machine --- Machine theory --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Chemical apparatus --- Chemical reaction, Kinetics of --- Chemical reaction rate --- Chemical reaction, Rate of --- Chemical reaction velocity --- Chemical reaction, Velocity of --- Kinetics, Chemical --- Rate of chemical reaction --- Reaction rate (Chemistry) --- Velocity of chemical reaction --- Chemical affinity --- Reactivity (Chemistry) --- Chemical action

Stochastic chemical reaction systems in biology
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030862526 3030862518 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Cinètica química --- Bioquímica --- Reaccions químiques --- Química --- Ciclització (Química) --- Condensació aldòlica --- Condensació de Darzens --- Explosions --- Fosforilació --- Hidroformilació --- Hidrogenació --- Isomerització --- Metàtesi (Química) --- Nitració --- Oxidació --- Ozonització --- Piròlisi --- Polimerització --- Reacció aldòlica --- Reacció d'oxidació-reducció --- Reacció de Diels-Alder --- Reacció de Maillard --- Reaccions d'addició --- Reaccions d'eliminació --- Reaccions d'intercanvi --- Reaccions de radicals lliures --- Reaccions de substitució --- Reaccions unimoleculars --- Reactors químics --- Reducció química --- Sulfonació --- Intermediaris (Química) --- Processos químics --- Química biològica --- Química fisiològica --- Biologia --- Medicina --- Absorció (Fisiologia) --- Anàlisi enzimàtica --- Biodegradació --- Biodisponibilitat --- Bioelectroquímica --- Bioenergètica --- Biogeoquímica --- Biologia molecular --- Bioquímica analítica --- Bioquímica clínica --- Bioquímica física --- Bioquímica quàntica --- Biosíntesi --- Centres actius (Bioquímica) --- Citoquímica --- Composició del cos humà --- Cromatografia --- Digestió --- Enginyeria bioquímica --- Enzimologia --- Equilibri àcid-base --- Fitoquímica --- Fixació de proteïnes --- Genètica bioquímica --- Immunoquímica --- Interfícies biològiques --- Lípids --- Lligands (Bioquímica) --- Marcadors bioquímics --- Metabolisme --- Minerals en l'organisme --- Neuroquímica --- Oxidació fisiològica --- Pigments (Biologia) --- Química biorgànica --- Química clínica --- Química microbiològica --- Quimiotaxi --- Quimiotaxonomia --- Toxicologia bioquímica --- Xenobiòtics --- Histoquímica --- Velocitat de reacció (Química) --- Afinitat química --- Reactivitat (Química) --- Cinètica enzimàtica --- Farmacocinètica --- Chemical kinetics. --- Chemical reaction, Kinetics of --- Chemical reaction, Rate of --- Chemical reaction, Velocity of --- Chemical reaction rate --- Chemical reaction velocity --- Kinetics, Chemical --- Rate of chemical reaction --- Reaction rate (Chemistry) --- Velocity of chemical reaction --- Chemical affinity --- Reactivity (Chemistry)

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