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Authentic writing
ISBN: 082294670X 0822988151 9780822988151 9780822946700 Year: 2021 Publisher: Pittsburgh, Pa.

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"In typical academic circles, texts must be critiqued, mined for the obfuscated meanings they hide, and shown to reveal larger, broader meanings than what are initially evident. To engage in this type of writing is to perform an authentic version of scholarship. But what if a scholar chooses instead to write without critique? What if they write about travelling, their children, food, grocery shopping, frozen garlic bread, sandwiches, condiments, falafel, yoga, and moments that normally wouldn't be considered scholarly? Can the writing still be scholarly? Can scholarly writing be authentic if its topics comprise the everyday? In Authentic Writing, Jeff Rice uses this question to trace a position regarding critique, the role of the scholar, the role of the personal in scholarship, the banal as subject matter, and the idea of authenticity. He explores authenticity as a writing issue, a rhetorical issue, a consumption issue, a culture issue, and an ideological issue. Rather than arguing for a more authentic state or practice, Rice examines the rhetorical features of authenticity in order to expand the focus of scholarship"--

Existentialism, authenticity, solidarity
ISBN: 0367608103 9780367608101 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York (Ny): Routledge,

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"What makes individuals what they are? How should they judge their social and political interaction with the world? What makes them authentic or inauthentic? This original and provocative study explores the concept of "authenticity" and its relevance for radical politics. Weaving together close readings of three 20th century thinkers: Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspers and Jean-Paul Sartre with the concept of authenticity, Stephen Eric Bronner illuminates the phenomenological foundations for self-awareness that underpin our sense of identity and solidarity. He claims that different expressions of the existential tradition compete with one another in determining how authenticity might be experienced, but all of them ultimately rest on self-referential judgments. The author's own new framework for a political ethic at once serves as a corrective and an alternative. Wonderfully rich, insightful, and nuanced, Stephen Eric Bronner has produced another bookshelf staple that speaks to crucial issues in politics, philosophy, psychology, and sociology. Existentialism, Authenticity, Solidarity will appeal to scholars, students and readers from the general public alike"--

Le temps de l'ironie : comment internet a réinventé l'authenticité
ISBN: 9782815940597 2815940590 2815940590 9782815940597 Year: 2021 Publisher: 58-Clamecy: La Tour d'Aigues: Impr. Laballery, Éditions de l'Aube,

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Des vêtements que l'on porte aux chansons que l'on écoute, l'esthétique du second degré a envahi notre quotidien. L'ironie est présente à la télévision, dans les séries, dans la bouche des responsables politiques, dans celle des journalistes et des écrivains qui cultivent le «cool». Sur internet, l'ironie est devenue le paramètre par défaut de la plupart de nos interactions sociales, à grand renfort d'emojis et de mèmes qui dédoublent notre langage. En sondant les formes actuelles de l'ironie, cet essai interroge, au fond, notre ­rapport renouvelé à la sincérité. Comment ­l'ironie s'oppose-t-elle au besoin, ­réaffirmé aujourd'hui, d'«authenticité»? Est-elle véritablement le signe d'une époque qui cherche à dévaluer sans cesse la vérité?

The Middle Ages in modern culture : history and authenticity in contemporary medievalism
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : Bloomsbury Academic,

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"This book is open access and available on It is funded by Knowledge Unlatched. Bringing together an international team of experts, The Middle Ages in Modern Culture considers the use of medieval models across a variety of contemporary media - ranging from television and film to architecture - and the significance of deploying an authentic medieval world to these representations. Rooted in this question of authenticity, this interdisciplinary study addresses three connected themes. Firstly, how does historical accuracy relate to authenticity, and whose version of authenticity is accepted? Secondly, how are the middle ages presented in modern media and why do inaccuracies emerge and persist in these works? Thirdly, how do creators of modern content attempt to produce authentic medieval environments, and what are the benefits and pitfalls of accurate portrayals? The result is nuanced study of medieval culture which sheds new light on the use (and misuse) of medieval history in modern media"--

Le sacre de l'authenticité
ISBN: 2072958741 Year: 2021 Publisher: Gallimard

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The Middle Ages in modern culture : history and authenticity in contemporary medievalism
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : Bloomsbury Academic,

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"This book is open access and available on It is funded by Knowledge Unlatched. Bringing together an international team of experts, The Middle Ages in Modern Culture considers the use of medieval models across a variety of contemporary media - ranging from television and film to architecture - and the significance of deploying an authentic medieval world to these representations. Rooted in this question of authenticity, this interdisciplinary study addresses three connected themes. Firstly, how does historical accuracy relate to authenticity, and whose version of authenticity is accepted? Secondly, how are the middle ages presented in modern media and why do inaccuracies emerge and persist in these works? Thirdly, how do creators of modern content attempt to produce authentic medieval environments, and what are the benefits and pitfalls of accurate portrayals? The result is nuanced study of medieval culture which sheds new light on the use (and misuse) of medieval history in modern media"--

Translating trans identity : (re)writing undecidable texts and bodies
ISBN: 0367369974 9780367369972 9781000365429 1000365425 9781000365436 1000365433 9780367369965 9780367744748 0367369966 0367744740 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York : Routledge,

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"This book explores the ways in which translation deals with sexual and textual undecidability, adopting an interdisciplinary approach bridging translation, transgender studies, and queer studies in analyzing the translations of six texts in English, French, and Spanish labelled as 'trans.' Rose draws on experimental translation methods, such as the use of the palimpsest, and builds on theory from areas such as philosophy, linguistics, queer studies, and transgender studies and the work of such thinkers as Derrida and Deleuze, to encourage critical thinking around how all texts and trans texts specifically work to be queer and how queerness in translation might be celebrated. These texts illustrate the ways in which their authors play language games and how such games can be translated between languages that use gender in different ways and the subsequent implications for our understanding of the act of translation and how we present our gender identity or identities. In showing what translation and transgender identity can learn from one another, Rose lays the foundation for future directions for research into the translation of trans identity, making this book key reading for scholars in translation studies, transgender studies, and queer studies"-- Provided by publisher.

Pacific possessions : the pursuit of authenticity in nineteenth-century Oceanian travel accounts
ISBN: 0817393587 0817320946 Year: 2021 Publisher: Tuscaloosa, Alabama : The University of Alabama Press,

The texture of images : the relic book in late-medieval religiosity and early modern aesthetics
ISBN: 9789004404489 9789004440128 9004404481 Year: 2021 Volume: 85 66 Publisher: Leiden Brill

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This study is the first fundamental analysis and synopsis of the printed relic-book genre. Printed relic-books represent, both by image and text, precious reliquaries, which were presented to the faithful audience during special liturgical feasts, the display of relics. This study brings into focus the specific aesthetics of these relic books and explores the immense influence that patrons had on figuration as well as on the forms of these books. The analysis focuses on the interaction of image and text as manifestation of authenticity. This book then contributes to clarifying the complex medial role of printing with movable types in its early period and it offers a novel interpretation of the cultural significance of artefacts in the renaissance.

Le sacre de l'authenticité
ISBN: 9782072958700 2072958709 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Editions Gallimard,

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Le droit d'être soi s'est affirmé, depuis les années 1970, comme une idée-force majeure, un puissant transformateur anthropologique. Il a bouleversé le rapport des individus à eux-mêmes, au genre, à la sexualité et à la famille, au travail et à l'art, à la politique et à la religion. Il a remodelé de fond en comble la façon d'être soi et de vivre en société, façonné une nouvelle condition subjective, enfanté une nouvelle phase de la civilisation des individus. Il a contribué à l'avènement du stade hypermoderne de l'état social démocratique-individualiste : il nous a fait changer de monde. Nous voici au moment où cet idéal est parvenu au zénith de son rayonnement social. Il s'agit désormais d'être soi dans la consommation courante, dans l'alimentation, les voyages, le vêtir, la décoration du chez-soi, les manières de communiquer. Plus aucun secteur n'échappe au fétichisme de l'authentique. Partout nous voulons du sens, du vrai, de la transparence, du naturel, de la sincérité, de la fidélité à soi-même. Nous vivons la phase de parachèvement historique de la culture d'authenticité. Est-elle capable de relever tous les défis de notre siècle anxieux ? Rien n'est moins sûr. (éditeur)


Authenticity (Philosophy) --- Identity (Philosophical concept) --- Social change --- Social evolution --- Social aspects. --- History --- Évolution sociale. --- Identité (philosophie) --- Authentification. --- Social aspects --- personnalité --- pluralisme culturel --- democratie --- δημοκρατία --- demokrácia --- demokrātija --- democracia --- demokraatia --- democrazia --- demokracija --- démocratie --- demokratija --- daonlathas --- democrație --- democracy --- demokratia --- demokracie --- demokracja --- demokrati --- demokraci --- demokracia --- Demokratie --- demokrazija --- демокрация --- демократија --- politický pluralizmus --- pluralizm polityczny --- πολιτικός πλουραλισμός --- folkstyre --- folkestyre --- politiek pluralisme --- politischer Pluralismus --- politiskais plurālisms --- demokrātiska vienlīdzība --- politikai pluralizmus --- égalité démocratique --- politický pluralismus --- ugwaljanza demokratika --- pluraliżmu politiku --- barazi demokratike --- pluralismo político --- politinis pliuralizmas --- politisk jämlikhet --- демократична равнопоставеност --- igualdad democrática --- democratische gelijkheid --- demokratische Gleichheit --- δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα --- demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus --- poliittinen pluralismi --- demokratična enakost --- democratic equality --- demokratikus egyenlőség --- pluralisme politique --- politisk mångfald --- demokraatlik võrdsus --- igualdade democrática --- politisk pluralism --- ludowładztwo --- политически плурализъм --- politisk pluralisme --- pluralism politic --- pluralismo politico --- pluralizëm politik --- demokratická rovnost --- politički pluralizam --- uguaglianza democratica --- politični pluralizem --- egalitate democratică --- demokratická rovnosť --- political pluralism --- poliitiline pluralism --- demokratinė lygybė --- политички плурализам --- kulturell mångfald --- kulturní pluralismus --- kultūru daudzveidīgums --- culturele verscheidenheid --- културен плурализъм --- kultuuride paljusus --- kulttuurin monimuotoisuus --- pluralism cultural --- pluralizëm kulturor --- културни плурализам --- wielokulturowość --- cultural pluralism --- kulturni pluralizem --- iolrachas cultúrtha --- kultūrinis pliuralizmas --- pluralismo cultural --- kultúrny pluralizmus --- pluralismo culturale --- multikulturalnost --- πολιτιστικός πλουραλισμός --- kulturelle Vielfalt --- културен плурализам --- kulturális pluralizmus --- pluraliżmu kulturali --- kulturel pluralisme --- multikulturāla sabiedrība --- mångkulturalism --- diversitate culturală --- diversidade cultural --- dvojkultúra --- monikulttuurisuus --- kultūrų pliuralizmas --- kulturális sokszínűség --- kultúrna rozmanitosť --- kulturel mangfoldighed --- diversité culturelle --- културна разноличност --- kaksikulttuurisuus --- diversità kulturali --- shoqëri multikulturore --- културна разноврсност --- multikulturalizmus --- pluralita kultur --- bikulturalizëm --- kultuuriline mitmekesisus --- pluralitatea culturilor --- dubbele cultuur --- cultureel pluralisme --- kulturna raznolikost --- culturele diversiteit --- biculturalismo --- societate multiculturală --- πολιτιστική πολυφωνία --- multicultural society --- plurality of cultures --- kulttuurinen moninaisuus --- kultūrinė įvairovė --- mitmekultuuriline ühiskond --- bikulturālisms --- kultūru daudzveidība --- kulturní rozmanitost --- priklausymas dviem kultūroms --- multiculturalismo --- rozmanitosť kultúr --- multikulturalisme --- multikulturális társadalom --- sameksistens mellem to kulturer --- mnohokultúrna spoločnosť --- daugiakultūrė visuomenė --- diversità culturale --- мултикултурно друштво --- diversidad cultural --- mångkulturalitet --- mitmekultuurilisus --- společnost mnoha kultur --- мултикултурализам --- cultural diversity --- dvojí kultura --- multiculturalisme --- biculturalism --- културно многообразие --- kulturni pluralizam --- Kulturpluralismus --- bikulturalizmus --- multiculturaliteit --- πολιτισμική πολυμορφία --- różnorodność kulturowa --- културна разноликост --- biculturalisme --- мултикултурно општество --- πολιτιστική συνύπαρξη --- shumësi e kulturave --- rozmanitost kultur --- културна различност --- osebnost --- personality --- личност --- személyiség --- personība --- personlighed --- personalità --- isiksus --- Persönlichkeit --- personalitate --- personaje --- asmenybė --- persoonallisuus --- persoonlijkheid --- προσωπικότητα --- pearsantacht --- osobowość --- osobnosť --- osobnost --- personalitet --- personlighet --- personalidade --- conduct --- личностна идентичност --- характер (личност) --- карактерна особеност --- cecha osobowości --- karakteregenskab --- identidade pessoal --- yksilöllisyys --- osebna identiteta --- individualitet --- личен идентитет --- karakter --- karattru (personalità) --- karatteristika tal-personalità --- temperamentti --- iseloom --- správanie --- käyttäytyminen --- identité personnelle --- individuelle Identität --- identidade individual --- Persönlichkeitszug --- identité individuelle --- individuaalsus --- raksturs (personība) --- Verhalten --- chování --- συμπεριφορά --- izturēšanās --- egyéniség --- osobnostná identita --- charakter (osobowość) --- caractère --- identità individwali --- individuaalne identiteet --- rasgo personal --- karaktär --- charakter (osobnosti) --- identitate individuală --- identità personali --- individual identity --- charakter (osobnosť) --- individuální identita --- traço de personalidade --- personale Identität --- character (personality) --- χαρακτήρας (προσωπικότητα) --- individualitate --- carácter --- temperament --- individualidade --- tempérament --- individualitāte --- identidad individual --- comportamiento --- поведение --- elgsena --- identitet personal --- personības iezīme --- προσωπική ταυτότητα --- osobnostní identita --- persoonlijke identiteit --- ταμπεραμέντο --- temperaments --- карактер --- beteende --- личностна черта --- charakteris --- comportament --- индивидуална идентичност --- trait de la personnalité --- gedrag --- adfærd --- individwalità --- individuality --- ličnost --- ατομικότητα --- individualiteit --- behaviour --- individualidad --- individuálna identita --- osobnostní rys --- henkilökohtainen identiteetti --- asmeninės savybės --- osobine ličnosti --- osobni identitet --- identiteet --- individualita --- individualità --- identità individuale --- tożsamość osobista --- personal identity --- personality trait --- Temperament --- identità personale --- ατομική ταυτότητα --- identitate personală --- identiteetti --- ponašanje --- indywidualność --- personlig identitet --- trăsătură a personalității --- темперамент --- Individualität --- käitumine --- imġiba --- tipar i personalitetit --- značaj --- tratti della personalità --- luonteenpiirteet --- sjellje --- caráter (personalidade) --- temperamento --- carattere --- индивидуалност --- karakter (personalitet) --- vedenje --- črty osobnosti --- identitet individual --- osebnostna poteza --- zachowanie --- χαρακτηριστικό της προσωπικότητας --- temperamentas --- egenskaper --- personalidad --- personīgā identitāte --- comportamento --- Charakter (Persönlichkeit) --- caracter (personalitate) --- Authenticity (Philosophy) - Social aspects --- Identity (Philosophical concept) - Social aspects --- Social change - History - 21st century --- Social evolution - History - 21st century --- personnalité

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